Muslims hate gays, liberals love muslims

Muslims hate gays

RW hates gays

Therefore, RW are muslims???

Is the RW killing gays? A rw Christian CEO of a fast food chain comes out against gay marriage and a family run bakery refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Did the rw Christian threaten or carry out a violent act against gays? The same people shitting themselves over wedding cakes are wagging their fingers at US to be more tolerant of those whose culture physically torture and kill gays. Before you or anyone else retort with " not all Muslims" where are the peaceful Muslims or so called moderate Muslims calling for tolerance of gays? They are not because they either agree with the radicals or are afraid of the radicals. Why should fear be a factor? I am not afraid of rw Christians and will call them out.

So you want a concession that RW Christian hatred of gays is generally non-violent? Okay, lol.

You want people to believe that non violent hate is a greater concern than violent hate. Neither are equal. For the record, I support gay marriage and rights for gays. Why aren't you people calling on Muslims to be more tolerant of Gays? Where are the protests against those nations that tolerate torture of gays and killing of gays? The reality is you hate rw Christians more and it is easier to appease Muslim views on gays.

HATE in general is a big concern to humanity.

Because violent or non-violent, it will grow to harm us all, at the end of the day...
. One has to eventually take a stand against those who wish to squash ones religion, beliefs and nation. Now the stand should be to win back the strong holds in which have been lost over time, and those strong holds were seats in our government, and in Hollywood.
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Google and gang are now stumbling along.

Stumbling along? You ignore every paragraph, post some simplistic rubbish or video, and then make laughable insults. It is exactly how you approach politics and current events.
Is the RW killing gays? A rw Christian CEO of a fast food chain comes out against gay marriage and a family run bakery refuses to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Did the rw Christian threaten or carry out a violent act against gays? The same people shitting themselves over wedding cakes are wagging their fingers at US to be more tolerant of those whose culture physically torture and kill gays. Before you or anyone else retort with " not all Muslims" where are the peaceful Muslims or so called moderate Muslims calling for tolerance of gays? They are not because they either agree with the radicals or are afraid of the radicals. Why should fear be a factor? I am not afraid of rw Christians and will call them out.

So you want a concession that RW Christian hatred of gays is generally non-violent? Okay, lol.

You want people to believe that non violent hate is a greater concern than violent hate. Neither are equal. For the record, I support gay marriage and rights for gays. Why aren't you people calling on Muslims to be more tolerant of Gays? Where are the protests against those nations that tolerate torture of gays and killing of gays? The reality is you hate rw Christians more and it is easier to appease Muslim views on gays.

HATE in general is a big concern to humanity.

Because violent or non-violent, it will grow to harm us all, at the end of the day...

You are literally face to face with two people who hate you. One is proven to be violent and the other is proven to be non violent. Are you going to be giving yourself that "hate in general" concern speech or are you going to be more concerned about the proven violent hater?

There are variety of ways to deal with hate.

Dealing with islamists and the RWs gonna require different measures.

For the good people of this country, the struggle never ends...

There are smart ways and dumb ways.
Google embraces all of the dumb ways: one of the most insignificant posters here in the last five years.
In order for the wrongheaded conservative ‘argument’ that Islam is somehow ‘responsible’ as a religion for acts of terror to be valid and have merit, they must also perceive Christianity as likewise ‘responsible’ for acts of terror.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

When Christians commit acts of terror, then Christianity as a religion is to blame.

Of course both positions are equally idiotic; individuals alone are responsible for their actions, not their religions – Christian or Muslim.

What don't you understand about the Islamic world? You think it is idiotic to assign blame to the religion that not only dominates its culture, but its government as well. Homosexuality is punishable by death in many of these Islamic countries, criminal in all.

This is emblematic of the logic of the left on this issue. Poll after poll show large percentages of Muslims in Britain and America holding abbohorrent beliefs about Jews, gays, atheists, women--and let's ignore it all.
. The struggle here is willing to forgive it all, just as long as it achieves it's goals with the use of them in the struggle they claim they have here. Like I say, there would be many willing converts if the Muslims were to win over this nation through the controlling of commerce and their violence used on any given day.
I'm amazed the left is even acknowledging that the shooter was a muslim. 'Liberals' are kind of in a bind on this because they are forced to choose who to hate more because if they hate on the shooter then they are hating on muslims but if they show sympathy for the shooter then they are hating on the gays. It would be so much easier for them if the shooter was a white christian male or a Timothy McVeigh type. They would then know who the enemy is and blame it on conservatives and Donald Trump.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong.

Liberals have no issue with acknowledging the alleged shooter was Muslim.

Unlike you and other ignorant rightwing bigots, however, liberals correctly understand that the alleged shooter is not ‘representative’ of all Muslims, that this tragedy in no way ‘justifies’ conservative anti-Muslim hate and bigotry, and that conservatives are once again wrong in their advocacy that Muslim Americans be ‘registered’ with the government, that mosques be ‘investigated,’ and that Muslims be ‘kept out of the country.’
How do you know this murdering scum is not representative of mainstream Muslims?
To date, there has been not one attempt by the American Muslim community to collectively and unequivocally condemn all acts of terror committed by Islamist extremists.
I'm Running Out of Ways to Defend Islam
And if Muslims are condemning these attacks, it is the main stream media that is not reporting the statements.
Now, I have read several articles in the last 20 minutes which counter my claims that mainstream American Muslims do not speak out. So be it. The issue then is why are the mainstream news outlets not reporting this?
Another issue...Muslims are well documented to be a insular and close knit community. One that for various reasons refuses to reach out to its; non Muslim neighbors.
That is the Muslim community creating their own problem and along the way, drawing the ire and suspicion of non Muslims.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
Screwy syllogism above, bub.

Conservatives hate gays, jihadists hate gays, therefore the two are comrades.
Says the left wing infiltrator.
You're no better than a mafia informant....a rat.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
Screwy syllogism above, bub.

Conservatives hate gays, jihadists hate gays, therefore the two are comrades.
Says the left wing infiltrator.
You're no better than a mafia informant....a rat.
A true republican repudiates far right filth like you.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.
Screwy syllogism above, bub.

Conservatives hate gays, jihadists hate gays, therefore the two are comrades.
Says the left wing infiltrator.
You're no better than a mafia informant....a rat.
A true republican repudiates far right filth like you.

Kennedy and Truman would be republicans today. The filth is occupying the dem party from top to bottom.
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

HUH--when you had 3 GOP Presidential candidates (Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz & Bobby Jindal) attend a gay hate rally, where one was calling for the execution of Gays--I think your statement of liberals hate gays, is directed at the wrong people.

Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States

I never said that ALL muslims are terrorists, but its true the almost all terrorists are muslims. Haven't heard of any hindus, bhuddists, shintos, jews, or Christians blowing themselves up, have you. The gay hate that this guy heard was coming from his mosque. You need to deal with reality
Therefore, liberals hate gays. The Orlando shooting was done by a gay hating radical muslim who had threatened violence against gays previously. Why was the guy still on the streets? Political correctness is the accomplice to this crime. PC is destroying this country. We need to start calling things what they are or more innocents will die.

yeah- you want to call all Muslims terrorists- because that is what all Muslims are to you.

I don't hate Muslims- or Christians. I believe both Muslims and Christians have the right to worship peacefully.

This sick motherfucker had just listened to the vile 'hate the gays' rhetoric too common here in the United States

I never said that ALL muslims are terrorists, but its true the almost all terrorists are muslims. Haven't heard of any hindus, bhuddists, shintos, jews, or Christians blowing themselves up, have you. The gay hate that this guy heard was coming from his mosque. You need to deal with reality

The reality is that you just want to label Muslims as terrorists.

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