Muslims in Europe


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
I keep hoping that one of the European nations will drop out of the EU, form an anti-Islamic government and forcibly remove Muslims from their country and then other nations following that action.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.
It doesn't need westerners to demonize Islam and Sharia; Sharia demonizes itself with its laws. Let's just look at Sharia, shall we:
Theft: Punishment...amputation of right hand.
Criticizing any part of the Quran: Punishment...death.
Criticizing that a**hole Muhammad: Punishment...death.
Denying Muhammad was a prophet: Punishment...death.
Muslims who leave Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslims who lead Muslims away from Islam: Punishment...death.
Non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman: Punishment...death.
Men can marry infant girls and consummate the marriage when she reaches age 9 (pedophilia).
Men can beat their wives for insubordination.
Must have four "male" witnesses to verify rape (as if some fool will rape a woman in front of witnesses).
Women cannot testify in court against their rapist.
Women can only testify in property cases and their testimony is worth half that of a male's.
Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.
I think those in themselves are enough to demonize not only Sharia, but also Islam, the Quran and Muhammad.
Isn't it interesting that Muslims should use Taqiyya to essentially protect their religion. If there were a god, which I personally doubt, it would be the absolute supreme being and thus incapable of losing and therefore would not need you Muslims to lie for it. Another being, were it to exist, say....Satan, could lose and would need its followers to lie to protect it.
Enough said.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.

In what way do you imagine that MDiver is ignorant as to "what Sharia actually
is" ?????

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.

What actually is "it"?

All I know is: they get interest free loans. But the rest of us don't.
One thing to consider. The Muslims in France are a consequence of the overseas colonies.

The UK has a similar scenario.

neither France nor England HAD TO GRANT citizenship to former colony dwellers---they made a mistake
One thing to consider. The Muslims in France are a consequence of the overseas colonies.

The UK has a similar scenario.

neither France nor England HAD TO GRANT citizenship to former colony dwellers---they made a mistake

But they did. And we have to suffer the consequences.

yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims
One thing to consider. The Muslims in France are a consequence of the overseas colonies.

The UK has a similar scenario.

neither France nor England HAD TO GRANT citizenship to former colony dwellers---they made a mistake

But they did. And we have to suffer the consequences.

yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

No you didn't suggest it.

Point being, there is no radicalism amongst that group.

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.

Do you even know yourself what sharia law is, and would you accept sharia law in place of the laws you are governed by already

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.

What actually is "it"?

All I know is: they get interest free loans. But the rest of us don't.

Not quite the rules are complex but it means they get preferential interest rates that are not usury. So while we would pay 10% interest on a mortgage the muslims pay 3%. It also means that they only receive 2% interest on any savings which they must have before they can apply for a loan. Read the koran and you will see the "laws" as they stand
One thing to consider. The Muslims in France are a consequence of the overseas colonies.

The UK has a similar scenario.

It was all down to cheap labour forcing down wages so the bosses could make more money. This has now backfired on them and we have Islamic violence simmering just under the surface. Because of stupid laws we cant take away their citizenship as we would make them all stateless persons, but we can ban their religion and its practises
One thing to consider. The Muslims in France are a consequence of the overseas colonies.

The UK has a similar scenario.

neither France nor England HAD TO GRANT citizenship to former colony dwellers---they made a mistake

But they did. And we have to suffer the consequences.

yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

In the UK we have very little in the way of problems with the Sikhs and Hindus who integrate and mix all the time. They invite us to their family homes and parties and mix their culture with ours. They will give charity willingly to collectors, and help the needy every day. I know this for a fact due to my work and charity work over the years.
neither France nor England HAD TO GRANT citizenship to former colony dwellers---they made a mistake

But they did. And we have to suffer the consequences.

yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

No you didn't suggest it.

Point being, there is no radicalism amongst that group.

There is, but it is soon put down by the rest of the community
But they did. And we have to suffer the consequences.

yes---its a real mess

Sikhs and Hindu's were never a problem.

did I, (godforbid) ever suggest that they were??? HOWEVER prejudice
against them is just as OR EVEN more rampant. They tend to be more visible
than muslims

No you didn't suggest it.

Point being, there is no radicalism amongst that group.

There is, but it is soon put down by the rest of the community

What kind of radicalism? Something decreed in their holy books?

Reading the article comes up with the most disturbing claim of all – More recently (as of December 7th), huge percentages of Muslims believe that Sharia law should trump (no pun intended) the laws of their own countries of residence.

And, even less surprising is that 70% of Muslims here in the USA identify with the Democrat Party.

Thank God they're still a very small minority of voters. Read more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: 5 Facts About Muslims In Europe
What's disturbing is the fear-mongering common to you and most others on the right, your bigoted attempts to demonize Muslims and Islam, and your comprehensive ignorance as to what 'Sharia' actually is.

What actually is "it"?

All I know is: they get interest free loans. But the rest of us don't.

Not quite the rules are complex but it means they get preferential interest rates that are not usury. So while we would pay 10% interest on a mortgage the muslims pay 3%. It also means that they only receive 2% interest on any savings which they must have before they can apply for a loan. Read the koran and you will see the "laws" as they stand

Germany's first interest-free Islamic bank opens in Frankfurt

I've read the Koran.

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