My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President
My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President

RUSH: By the way, folks, over the Christmas break, I’m gonna be sitting down with Republican leaders and drawing up articles of impeachment for the next Democrat president.

I don’t know who it is, and I don’t know when that’s gonna be, but we’re gonna start working on articles of impeachment for the next Democrat. Well, that’s what the Democrats have done here. Believe me, that’s what they’ve done here. That’s all they’ve done. I predicted it two days after the election.

I gotta do something here.


RUSH: Let me give you a list of some things. I’ll give you a preview of my articles of impeachment, okay? Show you how easy this is to do. The Democrats protested Trump’s victory. The Democrats tried to get the Electoral College to change their votes. Democrats demanded recounts illegally in several states. The Democrats objected to Trump’s election being certified. The Democrats spied on his transition.

They boycotted his inauguration. They started calling for his impeachment before he was even inaugurated. They falsely accused Trump of treason for colluding with the Russians. When they failed, they accused him of treason for colluding with Ukraine. Despite all of this, Trump is still winning. And this just scratches the surface of what the Democrats have been trying to do to Trump since before he was even inaugurated.

READ MORE > My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President

ME: Rush is great. I am watching the Dittocam right now. Read the whole thing.
The next Dim president who believes in sanctuary cities and states and softens ICE's immigration enforcement, needs to be immediately impeached.
It is a foregone conclusion that the next Democrat President will somehow:
1) Abuse Power
2) Obstruct Congress

Bananas for everyone! :banana:
Obama should have been impeached for Fast and Furious, not enforcing our border, starting 3 wars, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, corresponding with HIllary on an unsecured email server, spying on every American, spying on the AP, spying on James Rosen, drone striking thousands of brown people, spying on a political opponent?

That’s good enough for me.
Obama should have been impeached for Fast and Furious, not enforcing our border, starting 3 wars, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, corresponding with HIllary on an unsecured email server, spying on every American, spying on the AP, spying on James Rosen, drone striking thousands of brown people, spying on a political opponent?

That’s good enough for me.

Trump used his position to shakedown Ukraine for personal gain (dirt on his political rival , targeting his rivals kid) . How does anything obama did even compare ?
My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President
My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President

RUSH: By the way, folks, over the Christmas break, I’m gonna be sitting down with Republican leaders and drawing up articles of impeachment for the next Democrat president.

I don’t know who it is, and I don’t know when that’s gonna be, but we’re gonna start working on articles of impeachment for the next Democrat. Well, that’s what the Democrats have done here. Believe me, that’s what they’ve done here. That’s all they’ve done. I predicted it two days after the election.

I gotta do something here.


RUSH: Let me give you a list of some things. I’ll give you a preview of my articles of impeachment, okay? Show you how easy this is to do. The Democrats protested Trump’s victory. The Democrats tried to get the Electoral College to change their votes. Democrats demanded recounts illegally in several states. The Democrats objected to Trump’s election being certified. The Democrats spied on his transition.

They boycotted his inauguration. They started calling for his impeachment before he was even inaugurated. They falsely accused Trump of treason for colluding with the Russians. When they failed, they accused him of treason for colluding with Ukraine. Despite all of this, Trump is still winning. And this just scratches the surface of what the Democrats have been trying to do to Trump since before he was even inaugurated.

READ MORE > My Articles of Impeachment for the Next Democrat President

ME: Rush is great. I am watching the Dittocam right now. Read the whole thing.
Obama should have been impeached for Fast and Furious, not enforcing our border, starting 3 wars, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, corresponding with HIllary on an unsecured email server, spying on every American, spying on the AP, spying on James Rosen, drone striking thousands of brown people, spying on a political opponent?

That’s good enough for me.

Trump used his position to shakedown Ukraine for personal gain (dirt on his political rival , targeting his rivals kid) . How does anything obama did even compare ?

Why are you so disparaging about Pocahontas's chances to win the nomination? Sounds rather discriminatory to me.
For years Republicans fantasized of impeaching Obama. They didn’t. They won’t impeach the next Democratic president either.

Because at the end of the day, no Republican has as big of balls as Nancy Pelosi.
Obama should have been impeached for Fast and Furious, not enforcing our border, starting 3 wars, delivering pallets of cash to Iran, corresponding with HIllary on an unsecured email server, spying on every American, spying on the AP, spying on James Rosen, drone striking thousands of brown people, spying on a political opponent?

That’s good enough for me.

Fast and Furious started under the Bush administration. Obama enforced your border laws a whole lot better than Donald Trump, who metered refugees to force them to cross illegally. Trump hasn't deported anywhere near the number of illegals that Obama did, and yet he's spent billions on dollars driving up illegal border crossings.

Obama started ZERO wars. And the cash he returned to the Iranians, was their own money, as ordered by a US court.

Hillary's email server was not "unsecured". It was set up for a former President of the United States and one with Top Secret clearance. Unlike other government computers, there is no evidence that the Clinton server was ever hacked.

While I disagreed with Obama spying on reporters, it's hardly an impeachable offense.

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