Zone1 my black ancestors sold slaves to white slavers but I blame the white slavers.

I think this argument is wrong. The fact that Africans sent other Africans to the New World to be enslaved is besides the point. If we look at the numbers, it's pretty inconsequential as to who was sent where by whom. Overall, something like 400,000 (fewer if you consider what is today the U.S.) people were sent to North America. That is pretty insignificant compared to the 12 million plus overall sent to the West. What is more important is that those 400,00 were turned into a population of millions of slaves.
Thanks IM2 for sticking to thread premise and providing links.
The thread premise is disingenuous and if you're talking about black Americans then the fact that Africans did not make American law, nor did the majority of slaves in America come from Africa, then such things are part of the discussion.

Africans were responsible for 389,000 slaves. By the civil war there were 4 million. This was due to white people breeding blacks like animals. Since 9 times more slaves were bred by whites forcing african women to have 10-15 children, the claim of Africans selling our ancestiors is really a load of crap.
The point is to show that White, European Christians were innocent little angels in the sordid business of buying and selling other human beings.
Yep, Africans were standing on the shores waiting for the slave ships.
Yep, Africans were standing on the shores waiting for the slave ships.
Not only that, when the slave ships landed the Africans would twist the captain's arm and say: "Buy these slaves... or else!"
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All slavery is BAD, EVIL and despicable, ALL SLAVERS are the same. Just because blacks happened to be the last slaves in the new world does not forgive the black slavers that sold them to white slavers, NO ONE FORCED the black slavers to sell black slaves to white slavers.
At least he stuck to the thread premise AND provided Links.
He did do that, but he screwed up by providing the source of the material and the publishing house. That source is no more objective or reasonable than something written by the leader of the KKK.
IM2 and the liberals in this thread are trying to claim black slavers are not as bad as white slavers that slavery of blacks every where else outside the new world was less evil and easier. They are apologists for black slavers.
You're doing so with this thread.

And again, the way you are trying to tell the story is not how it happened.
You still haven’t explained how twenty five or thirty white sailing ship crewmen who didn’t know the local geography managed to capture and enslave between a hundred and two hundred local natives who knew every inch of the local area and were armed to boot each trip. And do it over and over again to the tune of over four and a half million enslaved black natives. Remember over four million black slaves went to the Caribbean or Latin America and less than a half million went to North America. You keep saying it happened that way, how about sharing some of your ideas on how it was done.
Slavery is NOT an institution, is a economic condition that has plagued mankind since the invention of civilization.

Trying to blame modern white European descendants for slavery, exclusively, is like crediting them with the invention of marriage, it is ludicrous insanity.

It would be akin to saying only the Germans are responsible for genocide, only they are capable of such horrors. This is such a dumb thread.

If anything? Folks should THANK European philosophy for the Enlightenment principals that make us recoil at the horrors of slavery. And remind us all, that it still exists, not only in Africa, but throughout the world. And Americans and Europeans, STILL have much work to do, before our brothers and sisters are truly free.

Africa’s (Modern) Slavery Problem​


Slavery Today: Countries With the Highest Prevalence of Modern Slaves​

Not only that, when the slave ships landed the Africans would twist the captain's arm and say: "Buy these slaves... or else!"
Exactly. Europeans had guns and cannons but the Africans with spears and bows intimidated them so much they were forced to buy their war captives under duress.
You still haven’t explained how twenty five or thirty white sailing ship crewmen who didn’t know the local geography managed to capture and enslave between a hundred and two hundred local natives who knew every inch of the local area and were armed to boot each trip. And do it over and over again to the tune of over four and a half million enslaved black natives. Remember over four million black slaves went to the Caribbean or Latin America and less than a half million went to North America. You keep saying it happened that way, how about sharing some of your ideas on how it was done.
You have been shown that your opinion is inaccurate. You automatically accept the version pushed out by tright-wing extremists and white nationalists or white historians trying to excuse what whites have done. The whitewashing of the entire process of slavery is illustrated by this example:

“Salem Poor was born into slavery in 1747 on a farm in Andover, Massachusetts owned by John Poor and his son John Poor Jr. Many New England families treated their slaves as live-in servants and near family members, which may have been the case in the Poor family. Salem Poor purchased his freedom on July 10, 1769, from John Poor Jr. for 27 pounds, a year’s salary for an average working man at the time.”

This is a white historian trying to normalize or soften what slavery was. As was written by the African you dismissed, whites had military stationed in Africa. Things were not as simple as you racists want to make them. 25-30 white men on ships were not all this involved. The fact is Europeans used the same divide and conquer methods that were employed during colonization. They picked favorites, armed them and did so in return for war captives. As written, there were African Kings who sold slaves who ended up being captured by whites and made slaves. So again, things did not go as you want to make them.
the claim of Africans selling our ancestiors is really a load of crap.
The black slavery originated with blacks selling blacks into slavery. All other exploitation of black slaves came AFTER blacks sold blacks into slavery. Slave breeding came AFTER blacks sold blacks into slavery. Whatever whites, Europeans, Americans, blacks or whoever bought or sold black slaved did to them, they did it AFTER blacks sold blacks into slavery. It all begins with blacks selling blacks into slavery.

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