Zone1 my black ancestors sold slaves to white slavers but I blame the white slavers.

The black slavery originated with blacks selling blacks into slavery. All other exploitation of black slaves came AFTER blacks sold blacks into slavery. Slave breeding came AFTER blacks sold blacks into slavery. Whatever whites, Europeans, Americans, blacks or whoever bought or sold black slaved did to them, they did it AFTER blacks sold blacks into slavery. It all begins with blacks selling blacks into slavery.
No that's not how it happened. Again, if there is no purchase, there is none of what you claim. Whites were not forced to buy slaves in Africa and whites chose not to give blacks the option of being indentured servants like they did with whites.
Not exactly how it happened no matter how many times you repeat it. And whites did not have to buy them.
Be honest for a change; Blacks were seen as a cash crop by other Blacks. that's a fact!!! Does NOT excuse anyone buying slaves but without a product there ain't no buyers!!!


Yes, Africans Did Sell Africans Into Slavery

A beloved talking point that ignores how White people reshaped slavery in Africa

“Blacks sold Blacks into slavery.”

This smug proclamation is often used by people who wish to silence discussions of slavery and sooth White fragility. On the surface, it is a easy phrase to repeat. It seeks to derail any White responsibility for slavery and put Black people in the driver seat of causing their own suffering. After all, the slaves wouldn’t have ended up on those ships if not for the African hunters who pulled them out of the jungle, right?

This phrase is sexy. It requires the person saying it to learn very little about historical context and simply know that Africans did take part in the slave trade. Wrapped in a bow, it is the perfect zinger in their mind to shut other people up. While there is truth behind the statement, it broadly ignores context and role of White people in the Atlantic slave trade.

“Africans Were Part of the Slave Trade…”

Slavery did exist in Africa before the arrival of White Europeans; as it did in many parts of the world. In truth, the practice of taking someone’s freedom and making them work for you with little to no pay or benefits is a simple idea. It is not as if White Europeans thought it up. However, White Europeans did craft a system that spanned continents and created an international economic system built on it. This new system of enslavement changed Africa, as observed by historian Marcus Rediker in his book The Slave Ship: A Human History: “The number of slaves held and the importance of slavery as an institution in African societies expanded with the Atlantic slave trade.”

Slavery looked different in Africa before the arrival of White Europeans, and we have historical records to prove it. As author Adaboi Tricia Nwaubani recalled in an article about her great-grandfather, an African slave trader:

“Long before Europeans arrived, Igbos enslaved other Igbos as punishment for crimes, for the payment of debts, and as prisoners of war. The practice differed from slavery in the Americas: slaves were permitted to move freely in their communities and to own property, but they were also sometimes sacrificed in religious ceremonies or buried alive with their masters to serve them in the next life. When the transatlantic trade began, in the fifteenth century, the demand for slaves spiked. Igbo traders began kidnapping people from distant villages.”

Nwaubani’s story is essential because it highlights a part of history that is rarely discussed within the narrative Sof “Blacks sold Blacks”. It shows that the Igbo people responded to the changes in the economic system (the selling/purchasing of humans). What Nwaubani’s narrative does not do is say that life was more humane prior to European arrival. Slavery within itself is a traumatic experience. However, as Nwaubani notes, prior to the arrival of the Europeans, slavery was focused on personal disputes, war, and punishment. The Europeans turned it into a formal system that relied on supply and demand.

When someone utters the phrase “Blacks sold Blacks into slavery”, it is a scripted response. Rarely, do the people who use it know the specifics surrounding that experience of Africans selling other Africans. They only know that the phrase feels good to say because it blames Black people for their slavery experience. It removes responsibility for the legacies of slavery from White ancestors, hoping to preserve the flags, monuments, and revisionist history that is soothing to White fragility.

So again, we see that the OP's simplistic claim is not so simple. Things simply did not happen as he wants to describe.

Why are you so bent on protecting the original people who sold blacks into slavery from being recognized for their wrongs? Do you have something against the black slaves who suffered all those years?
Why are you so bent on protecting the original people who sold blacks into slavery from being recognized for their wrongs? Do you have something against the black slaves who suffered all those years?
Why are you so hell bent on protecting the original people who decided to but people to make them slaves for life when they paid for passage of whites in return for 7 years of work and gave them land when they were finished?
Be honest for a change; Blacks were seen as a cash crop by other Blacks. that's a fact!!! Does NOT excuse anyone buying slaves but without a product there ain't no buyers!!!

IM2 hates blacks so much that he is trying to protect the people who sold blacks into slavery in the first place. He is strongly defending the people who sold blacks into slavery, so he must be thankful to those who sold them into slavery in the first place.
IM2 hates blacks so much that he is trying to protect the people who sold blacks into slavery in the first place. He is strongly defending the people who sold blacks into slavery, so he must be thankful to those who sold them into slavery in the first place.
Wrong. But you hate blacks so much that you defend people who bought humans who were black as slaves for life, while paying the passage of whites to come here for short term indentured labor.
Why are you so hell bent on protecting the original people ...

Nice try, but I'm shining a big spotlight on who sold blacks into slavery in the first place. It all started with blacks selling blacks into slavery. Now, you will shield the people who sold blacks into slavery by attempting to blame it on people who were NOT the ones who originally sold blacks into slavery.
Nice try, but I'm shining a big spotlight on who sold blacks into slavery in the first place. It all started with blacks selling blacks into slavery. Now, you will shield the people who sold blacks into slavery by attempting to blame it on people who were NOT the ones who originally sold blacks into slavery.
Without a purchase, there is no sale.
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You have been shown that your opinion is inaccurate. You automatically accept the version pushed out by tright-wing extremists and white nationalists or white historians trying to excuse what whites have done. The whitewashing of the entire process of slavery is illustrated by this example:

“Salem Poor was born into slavery in 1747 on a farm in Andover, Massachusetts owned by John Poor and his son John Poor Jr. Many New England families treated their slaves as live-in servants and near family members, which may have been the case in the Poor family. Salem Poor purchased his freedom on July 10, 1769, from John Poor Jr. for 27 pounds, a year’s salary for an average working man at the time.”

This is a white historian trying to normalize or soften what slavery was. As was written by the African you dismissed, whites had military stationed in Africa. Things were not as simple as you racists want to make them. 25-30 white men on ships were not all this involved. The fact is Europeans used the same divide and conquer methods that were employed during colonization. They picked favorites, armed them and did so in return for war captives. As written, there were African Kings who sold slaves who ended up being captured by whites and made slaves. So again, things did not go as you want to make them.
So, you DO agree that black Africans sold other black Africans into slavery. The Whites didn't run around capturing and enslaving them.
Not exactly how it happened no matter how many times you repeat it. And whites did not have to buy them.
So the Black Chiefs and kings just gave the black slave away to the Europeans. Riiiight. That makes a lot of sense.
Wrong. But you hate blacks so much that you defend people who bought humans who were black as slaves for life, while paying the passage of whites to come here for short term indentured labor.
That "short term" was often seven to ten years. I had an ancestor than came over on an indenture before the revolutionary war. Indentured servants were less valuable than slaves and were often treated worse.
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defending black slavers is as bad as defending white slavers.
IM2 is defending the people who sold blacks into slavery in the first place. I think he would Ike to give the people who sold blacks into slavery an award, considering how he desperately shields them from being recognized for doing such a horrible thing.
IM2 is defending the people who sold blacks into slavery in the first place. I think he would Ike to give the people who sold blacks into slavery an award, considering how he desperately shields them from being recognized for doing such a horrible thing.
What was horrible was that White, European Christians had a religious teacher who explicitly told them not to do that sort of thing. That's what bugs a lot of people. Which is worse? To not have any moral code at all, or to have one and ignore it?

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