Zone1 my black ancestors sold slaves to white slavers but I blame the white slavers.

The African tribal chiefs weren't Christians.
Nope, but they were truly awful people. All of them were, from their leaders down. Slavery was super cool in their eyes. They were pissed when we banned it. White people had to take ships to stop Africa from continuing their international slave trade. England spent what would be equal to trillions of dollars today, on fighting the slave trade in Africa and South America.

The only reason Brazil isnt still buying African slaves today is because of white people. YOURE WELCOME!
My family owned slaves. And to this day, with few exceptions… Almost everyone I come across who has my last name is black. And, I still don’t give a shit…
What does that weird ass link have to do with my post? If you cant debate your points, kick rocks. This place isnt suitable for amateurs.

Take a look at the religious justification for enslaving Blacks.

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