Zone1 my black ancestors sold slaves to white slavers but I blame the white slavers.

Name these Black nation states.
Already did in my opening post there is a link to the 10 states that sold slaves to the white slavers, perhaps next time read the thread before replying?
This is about the first black slaves in America.

Who were these alleged first slaves purchased from?

The thread premise is that Africans were selling their own people. Blacks were selling blacks. The history of black slaves in America originates with the blacks who sold them in the first place.
Nope European slavers didn't go into the interior.

Of course not. They didn't speak the languages, and they weren't familiar with the terrain, the people, and the dangers associated with that part of the world.
Who were these alleged first slaves purchased from?

The thread premise is that Africans were selling their own people. Blacks were selling blacks. The history of black slaves in America originates with the blacks who sold them in the first place.

The sugar plantations in Recif Brazil were buying labor.
The sugar plantations in Recif Brazil were buying labor.
Who were the alleged first black slaves that you referred to purchased from?

and they would have had NO BLACK slaves if Africans hadnt sold them to the slave ships.
Lefties are allowed to steer threads away from thread topics. He will NEVER acknowledge that the thread premise is that Africans were selling their own people, and that blacks were selling blacks. The history of black slaves in America originates with the blacks who sold them in the first place.
They precipitated the institution of slavery as an enterprise, because they had been practicing slavery for centuries.

Do you think the taking of slaves was like that depicted in Roots, or something? Where a bunch of white men parked a ship off the shore of Africa and went out with guns to capture natives?

Just stop already.
Centuries? nope---more like MILLENIA. An
interesting factoid-----the ruling ethnic groups in
Somalia and North Sudan self ID as ARABS.
These lands were invaded and colonized by
ISHMAELITES historically and were used extensively
in the black african slave trade
Thanks .I've posted these facts several times as well. Slavery was the norm in human history until about 200 years ago. It's interesting how the New Woke Order wants to reach back 400 years and recreate their version of America with the 1619 project but conveniently ignores the Black slave trade that was run by Muslims and heavily supported by recruiting Africans. There is your "Incovenient Truth".
That's because these elitist pieces of shit want to enslave all mankind and turn the earth into a vacuous ant colony.
It is absolutely AMAZING how lefties cannot acknowledge the thread premise. Even though the usmb rules forbid derailing threads, not one lefty here has even demonstrated having read and understanding the thread premise. Not even the mod who is actively censoring this thread cares about the actual premise of the thread. For all you lefties who are evading the thread topic, here it is:

The thread premise is that Africans were selling their own people. Blacks were selling blacks. The history of black slaves in America originates with the blacks who sold them in the first place.
Lefties are allowed to steer threads away from thread topics. He will NEVER acknowledge that the thread premise is that Africans were selling their own people, and that blacks were selling blacks. The history of black slaves in America originates with the blacks who sold them in the first place.
Don't forget that people used to get kidnapped in Seattle Wa. and sold into slavery off the west coast.

In the underground places of the city they found rooms full of shoes and dungeons where the floors were covered in glass shards to keep people contained until they could be loaded onto ships bound for Shanghai.

Bed wetters also want to pretend that ONLY black were ever subjected to slavery, and that the US was the only place it ever existed.

Then again bed wetters are the dumbest fucks of all fucks.

It is absolutely AMAZING how lefties cannot acknowledge the thread premise. Even though the usmb rules forbid derailing threads, not one lefty here has even demonstrated having read and understanding the thread premise. Not even the mod who is actively censoring this thread cares about the actual premise of the thread. For all you lefties who are evading the thread topic, here it is:

The thread premise is that Africans were selling their own people. Blacks were selling blacks. The history of black slaves in America originates with the blacks who sold them in the first place.
I reported Mac and Surada for derailing the thread but I seriously doubt anything is done about it.
This is a valiant effort to minimize the history of shipping slaves from Africa to North America.
Actually very few slaves were shipped to North America. Most went to Central America, South America, the Caribbean and North Africa. The death toll in those other places was far higher than in North America.
I reported Mac and Surada for derailing the thread but I seriously doubt anything is done about it.
I've tried reporting thread derailers too, but there does not seem to be any expectation for them to comply with that usmb rule. The problem here is that lefties cannot differentiate posts that derail threads from posts that support their political bias. There is absolutely zero expectation on this site for members to reply with something that demonstrates having read and understood the post that they are replying to, even though the site rules forbid derailing threads.

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