CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

What if the piece of shit car thief broke the window and hot wired the car?

Again, it depends on the degree of your negligence. I don't know about criminal charges but I do know that your insurance premium goes up.

Insurance premiums have nothing to do with criminal negligence.

If a person parked his car and locked it is he or is he not criminally liable if some piece of shit steals that car and uses in in a crime ?
Exactly the point. Teachers can go crazy the same as students and anyone else

So you'll roll the dice with everyone's safety, hoping that the armed teacher isn't like the one in GA who snapped yesterday, or isn't like the one in Utah who shot herself last week. Not a good strategy on your part.

You say we should arm armed teacher goes nuts...and this doesn't make you second-guess your position? Why do you want blood in our schools?

If that happens who is going to effectively protect students and other teachers? The idea of requiring unarmed people to protect children from armed felons is-and has always been-idiotic.

IT'S NOT A TEACHER'S JOB TO PROTECT CHILDREN. It's their job to educate them.
Insurance premiums have nothing to do with criminal negligence.


I never said they did you fucking imbecile.

If your car gets stolen and you file a claim with your insurer, what happens to your insurance premium?


If a person parked his car and locked is he or is he not criminally liable if some piece of shit steals that car and uses in in a crime ?

Again, it depends.
Exactly the point. Teachers can go crazy the same as students and anyone else

So you'll roll the dice with everyone's safety, hoping that the armed teacher isn't like the one in GA who snapped yesterday, or isn't like the one in Utah who shot herself last week. Not a good strategy on your part.

You say we should arm armed teacher goes nuts...and this doesn't make you second-guess your position? Why do you want blood in our schools?

If that happens who is going to effectively protect students and other teachers? The idea of requiring unarmed people to protect children from armed felons is-and has always been-idiotic.

IT'S NOT A TEACHER'S JOB TO PROTECT CHILDREN. It's their job to educate them.

So basically you don't trust teachers, but you send your kids to be babysat by them all day long. If a teacher or anyone else wants to go on a shooting rampage, no "gun free zone" is going to stop them from doing so. The only thing that will stop a lunatic with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Insurance premiums have nothing to do with criminal negligence.


I never said they did you fucking imbecile.

If your car gets stolen and you file a claim with your insurer, what happens to your insurance premium?


If a person parked his car and locked is he or is he not criminally liable if some piece of shit steals that car and uses in in a crime ?

Again, it depends.

Depends on what?

and if my guns get stolen my homeowners insurance will go up but you are saying that people should be held criminally liable if their property gets stolen and is used in a crime

So I'll ask again

If a person parked his car and locked it is he or is he not criminally liable if some piece of shit steals that car and uses in in a crime ?

If you think gun owners should be held criminally liable if someone breaks into their homes and steals guns why not be consistent and hold everyone to the same standard for all property that is stolen?
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

Where in the Constitution does it say that your child has the right to go to school safely?
It depends on what?

If you left your car unlocked, the keys inside, or left it in an area known for car thefts. You could be liable due to your reckless behavior.

And FYI anytime anyone with insurance files a claim their premiums go up


Could be or would be?

If a gun owner should be held criminally liable if someone steals his guns than everyone who has any property stolen should be held criminally liable
If it is used in a crime, sure, and if the weapons were not properly stored and secured, sure.

If some guy steals your Louisville Slugger out of your back yard and caves in the skull of some poor bastard with it then you are criminally liable right?

I imagine a real good attorney could sue the shit out of you, just as if you left your car unlocked and someone stole it and ran over someone.
It depends on what?

If you left your car unlocked, the keys inside, or left it in an area known for car thefts. You could be liable due to your reckless behavior.

And FYI anytime anyone with insurance files a claim their premiums go up


Could be or would be?

If a gun owner should be held criminally liable if someone steals his guns than everyone who has any property stolen should be held criminally liable
If it is used in a crime, sure, and if the weapons were not properly stored and secured, sure.

If some guy steals your Louisville Slugger out of your back yard and caves in the skull of some poor bastard with it then you are criminally liable right?

I imagine a real good attorney could sue the shit out of you, just as if you left your car unlocked and someone stole it and ran over someone.

What if the car is locked and someone steals it runs someone over?

What if the house is locked and somebody breaks in and steals a gun and kills someone?

What if the house is locked and someone breaks in and steals a baseball bat then kills someone with it?
Depends on what?

For the fifth time: ON THE DEGREE OF NEGLIGENCE.

Why are you so determined to have a circular discussion? Or is it that you're so old and senile, you can't remember what is said post-to-post?

and if my guns get stolen my homeowners insurance will go up but you are saying that people should be held criminally liable if their property gets stolen and is used in a crime

Not property, just guns.

So I'll ask againIf a person parked his car and locked it is he or is he not criminally liable if some piece of shit steals that car and uses in in a crime ?

IT DEPENDS ON THE DEGREE OF NEGLIGENCE, like I've said each fucking time you ask this question. Are you illiterate? Do you just not understand the words that appear on your screen?

f you think gun owners should be held criminally liable if someone breaks into their homes and steals guns why not be consistent and hold everyone to the same standard for all property that is stolen?

If guns are not going to be insured by mandate, then there must be accountability and responsibility for the owners. Criminal negligence is the only thing that can act as a substitute for accountability and responsibility. Unless you're now saying that you don't think gun owners should be responsible or accountable for their guns. Is that what you're now saying?
If you left your car unlocked, the keys inside, or left it in an area known for car thefts. You could be liable due to your reckless behavior.


Could be or would be?

If a gun owner should be held criminally liable if someone steals his guns than everyone who has any property stolen should be held criminally liable
If it is used in a crime, sure, and if the weapons were not properly stored and secured, sure.

If some guy steals your Louisville Slugger out of your back yard and caves in the skull of some poor bastard with it then you are criminally liable right?

I imagine a real good attorney could sue the shit out of you, just as if you left your car unlocked and someone stole it and ran over someone.

What if the car is locked and someone steals it runs someone over?

What if the house is locked and somebody breaks in and steals a gun and kills someone?

What if the house is locked and someone breaks in and steals a baseball bat then kills someone with it?

Did I not say unlocked? Your baseball bat was originally in your backyard not in a locked house.

What if you weapons are not properly stored and you have guests over with a kid that goes wondering in your house and finds one of your weapons and whoops there is an accident I doubt you have enough liability on your homeowner's at the moment to cover a fraction of the lawsuit. Better yet your showing your gun to a friend and thought it was unloaded and bam, whoops another lawsuit. I really don't care if you have liability or not and extra policy for your gun not for theft it's your liability you have to worry about. Hell, some people who have their house paid off in different parts of the country self insure for fire, wind and theft, but what about a large liability claim?
How exactly does insuring something make that object safer?

I never said it did, but what insurance does is establish personal accountability and responsibility. Those two things will lead to safer gun ownership because with mandatory gun insurance, suddenly the gun owner is now responsible and liable for the damage their gun will do.

It's why if you drive recklessly or your car gets stolen, your insurance premiums increase. So to stop that from happening, you act responsibly with your car. Same case works for guns.

Didn't say that only a gun can do that but if you think an unarmed man is a good match for armed intruders I have to say that I'm very pleased to meet you Mr. Chuck Norris. SIR!

If they do, it's usually because they didn't know someone was there. By advertising your gun ownership (with an NRA bumper sticker), you are telling thieves that one of the three things they look for (guns, cash, electronics) are in your house. So when the thieves wait for you to leave and then break in, they're looking for your gun. A gun that they will then either sell to other criminals or use themselves.

You are also more likely to have your gun stolen than you ever will be likely to use it to defend yourself from home invaders.

Not only bullspit but ridiculous bullspit!
Insurance companies exist for one-and only one-purpose: to make money for the insurance company.

"First of all, thieves don't break into homes when people are there."

Again bullspit. Thieves may or may not know or care if someone is home. More importantly some home intruders deliberately break in when someone is there because their purpose is rape and/or murder.
Insurance companies exist for one-and only one-purpose: to make money for the insurance company.

Obviously you're still a child who hasn't yet reached adulthood to understand the concept of insurance.

Again bullspit. Thieves may or may not know or care if someone is home. More importantly some home intruders deliberately break in when someone is there because their purpose is rape and/or murder.

LOL! Of course a thief wants to break into a home when no one's there. Duh! Wow. What do you think "casing" means?

You're an idiot.
Insurance companies exist for one-and only one-purpose: to make money for the insurance company.

Obviously you're still a child who hasn't yet reached adulthood to understand the concept of insurance.

Again bullspit. Thieves may or may not know or care if someone is home. More importantly some home intruders deliberately break in when someone is there because their purpose is rape and/or murder.

LOL! Of course a thief wants to break into a home when no one's there. Duh! Wow. What do you think "casing" means?

You're an idiot.

There are PLENTY of instances when people break into homes while people are there! Do you live under a rock or something?
Skull still mistakes a baseball bat as a category of degree instead of difference of kind. Oh, well.

bodecea, the general welfare clause covers safety in public schools.

debbiedowner fully understands that neglect to reckless and willfullness can be grounds for suit if you don’t lock up your weapons. Skull seems to think even if the car is locked, he can be sued. I don’t think so.
What some posters are having trouble with is that change is coming and they will have to abide.
Exactly the point. Teachers can go crazy the same as students and anyone else

So you'll roll the dice with everyone's safety, hoping that the armed teacher isn't like the one in GA who snapped yesterday, or isn't like the one in Utah who shot herself last week. Not a good strategy on your part.

You say we should arm armed teacher goes nuts...and this doesn't make you second-guess your position? Why do you want blood in our schools?

If that happens who is going to effectively protect students and other teachers? The idea of requiring unarmed people to protect children from armed felons is-and has always been-idiotic.

IT'S NOT A TEACHER'S JOB TO PROTECT CHILDREN. It's their job to educate them.

"So you'll roll the dice with everyone's safety, hoping that the armed teacher isn't like the one in GA who snapped yesterday, or isn't like the one in Utah who shot herself last week"

Absolutely. The dice are already rolling when it comes to mass and school shooters. The only question is whether we leave protection of the innocent to the helpless or someone trained and equipped to do so. When was the last time a teacher began randomly shooting school children? Ever?
My children attended schools that had an armed police officer in attendance. They survived There is no reason an armed teacher couldn't or shouldn't be held to the same standards.

IT'S NOT A TEACHER'S JOB TO PROTECT CHILDREN. It's their job to educate them

BULLSPIT!!!! Total rancid slimey smelly hip deep Bullspit!!! And wrong on moral ethical legal and every other level!

The term in loco parentis, Latin for "in the place of a parent" refers to the legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. Originally derived from English common law, it is applied in two separate areas of the law.
In loco parentis - Wikipedia
In loco parentis - Wikipedia
4. Pro freedom.

What does this even mean? Are you "pro sun" too?

5. Anti illegal immigration.

No one is in favor of illegal immigration; what we're in favor of is solving the issue by reforming our immigration system along the lines of what Obama had proposed back in his first term that Conservatives rejected because Conservatives made obstruction their primary goal.

So you're anti-illegal immigration. Great. That means nothing.

Not surprising that you wouldn't understand what pro freedom means.

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