CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

Skull still mistakes a baseball bat as a category of degree instead of difference of kind. Oh, well.

bodecea, the general welfare clause covers safety in public schools.

debbiedowner fully understands that neglect to reckless and willfullness can be grounds for suit if you don’t lock up your weapons. Skull seems to think even if the car is locked, he can be sued. I don’t think so.

You have obviously missed much of the conversation.

Derp has been stating that people who get their property stolen and that property that was stolen was used in a crime then the owner who was the victim of the theft is criminally responsible

If you people want to be consistent and your answers prove that you don't but if you did want to at least be intellectually honest and not the hypocrites you all are then the standard for criminal negligence should be the same for all stolen property
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Trained and equipped or not teachers (whose fault is that?) are responsible for the safety of children. I happen to think trained is better but apparently you don't and any legally armed teacher would have passed the background checks required to own the weapon and have had the training required to carry a weapon in public aside from other training.

No! Teachers are not responsible for the safety of your kids. This is just something you pulled out of your ass but exists nowhere else. You're imagining all these responsibilities for teachers that simply aren't there. It's not a teacher's job to take a bullet for their kids. It's not a teacher's job to provide security in the school. It's the principal's job to do that. A teacher's job is to teach. That is literally the reason they are called "teachers". I asked you to think bigger, not dumber.

Actually that is totally unrelated to my actual argument. What part of "...randomly shooting school children" do you not understand?

This is an argument about arming teachers. An armed teacher yesterday fired his gun in the school after going nuts and barricading himself in a classroom. That's what "arming teachers" looks like. Or, the example from last week of the armed Utah teacher who shot herself in the bathroom when her gun accidentally went off. How many examples do you need before you admit this idea of yours is absolute trash? You know what there aren't examples of? Armed teachers actually saving kids or stopping a gunman.

Again, unrelated. I said nothing about Parkland. There are also many documented cases where the presence of a firearm made positive difference. In any case the armed officials at Parkland failed to engage due to cowardice; not due to any weapon issues.

You are the one who wanted to have a conversation of security in schools, we can't have that conversation without mentioning the fact that school security was powerless to stop what happened in Parkland. Why? Because they were outgunned because you think people should be allowed to buy killing machines like the AR-15.

Who said their job isn't to educate kids?

You did! Apparently to you, a teacher's job also entails being a policeman, a security guard, and a principal all rolled into one. Which is weird because you people have blamed teachers for every ill in the education system. You blame them for low test scores. You blame them for dropouts. You refuse to pay them more money. You cut their funding. You make them buy supplies for their students, then you remove the tax break for them so you could lower Trump's personal taxes. You're a fucking leech and a fraud. And you know it.

Do you claim that teaching and keeping kids safe are mutually exclusive tasks?

It's not a teacher's job to make sure the kids are safe in the school. THAT'S THE PRINCIPAL'S JOB. That's the job of the Superintendent. That's the job of administrators. Teachers are hired to teach, not provide security because you want to allow every nutcase, terrorist, and wife beater to get a killing machine like the AR-15.

In fact between teaching and keeping children safe, their safety is by far the more important responsibility. Since you keep bringing up insurance, I have to wonder what a few wrongful death suits are going to do to do teachers' insurance rates.. Probably the same as what it has done to Drs.' , nurses' and general health insurance

Part of being a Conservative means making up standards on the spot, then having to walk those standards back once you realize how fucking idiotic you are.

It is not a teacher's responsibility to provide security for children at school. Not their fucking job. And you seem to want to make it their job after blaming them for everything wrong with the education system. So square that circle for me.
Trained and equipped or not teachers (whose fault is that?) are responsible for the safety of children. I happen to think trained is better but apparently you don't and any legally armed teacher would have passed the background checks required to own the weapon and have had the training required to carry a weapon in public aside from other training.

No! Teachers are not responsible for the safety of your kids. This is just something you pulled out of your ass but exists nowhere else. You're imagining all these responsibilities for teachers that simply aren't there. It's not a teacher's job to take a bullet for their kids. It's not a teacher's job to provide security in the school. It's the principal's job to do that. A teacher's job is to teach. That is literally the reason they are called "teachers". I asked you to think bigger, not dumber.

Actually that is totally unrelated to my actual argument. What part of "...randomly shooting school children" do you not understand?

This is an argument about arming teachers. An armed teacher yesterday fired his gun in the school after going nuts and barricading himself in a classroom. That's what "arming teachers" looks like. Or, the example from last week of the armed Utah teacher who shot herself in the bathroom when her gun accidentally went off. How many examples do you need before you admit this idea of yours is absolute trash? You know what there aren't examples of? Armed teachers actually saving kids or stopping a gunman.

Again, unrelated. I said nothing about Parkland. There are also many documented cases where the presence of a firearm made positive difference. In any case the armed officials at Parkland failed to engage due to cowardice; not due to any weapon issues.

You are the one who wanted to have a conversation of security in schools, we can't have that conversation without mentioning the fact that school security was powerless to stop what happened in Parkland. Why? Because they were outgunned because you think people should be allowed to buy killing machines like the AR-15.

Who said their job isn't to educate kids?

You did! Apparently to you, a teacher's job also entails being a policeman, a security guard, and a principal all rolled into one. Which is weird because you people have blamed teachers for every ill in the education system. You blame them for low test scores. You blame them for dropouts. You refuse to pay them more money. You cut their funding. You make them buy supplies for their students, then you remove the tax break for them so you could lower Trump's personal taxes. You're a fucking leech and a fraud. And you know it.

Do you claim that teaching and keeping kids safe are mutually exclusive tasks?

It's not a teacher's job to make sure the kids are safe in the school. THAT'S THE PRINCIPAL'S JOB. That's the job of the Superintendent. That's the job of administrators. Teachers are hired to teach, not provide security because you want to allow every nutcase, terrorist, and wife beater to get a killing machine like the AR-15.

In fact between teaching and keeping children safe, their safety is by far the more important responsibility. Since you keep bringing up insurance, I have to wonder what a few wrongful death suits are going to do to do teachers' insurance rates.. Probably the same as what it has done to Drs.' , nurses' and general health insurance

Part of being a Conservative means making up standards on the spot, then having to walk those standards back once you realize how fucking idiotic you are.

It is not a teacher's responsibility to provide security for children at school. Not their fucking job. And you seem to want to make it their job after blaming them for everything wrong with the education system. So square that circle for me.
The law in every State is clear it holds teachers to be responsible for the safety welfare and well being of the students in their charge. They can and are charged with a crime if they fail to do those things.
FYI if you own guns they are covered under a homeowner's policy just like any other property.

Only if you list them, though. What about if you don't list them, or mention them?

But at least now you are aware of your ridiculous bias against people who own guns.

Gun owners are the most irresponsible people in this country; selfishly putting themselves above the welfare of others. You people can drop fucking dead for all I care. You wouldn't be missed.

You don't give a shit if a baseball bat is stolen and used to cave some poor bastard's skull in or if a car is stolen and used to run someone over because YOU probably own those things and you are obviously of the opinion that you are far more responsible than anyone else in the fucking world it's also where you get the idea that you have the right to tell other people how they should live their lives

When someone can kill 58 people and wound 900 with a baseball bat in 60 seconds, then I'll happily talk about bat control and bat insurance. Until that time comes, congrats on making the world's shittiest, stupidest point.
Trained and equipped or not teachers (whose fault is that?) are responsible for the safety of children. I happen to think trained is better but apparently you don't and any legally armed teacher would have passed the background checks required to own the weapon and have had the training required to carry a weapon in public aside from other training.

No! Teachers are not responsible for the safety of your kids. This is just something you pulled out of your ass but exists nowhere else. You're imagining all these responsibilities for teachers that simply aren't there. It's not a teacher's job to take a bullet for their kids. It's not a teacher's job to provide security in the school. It's the principal's job to do that. A teacher's job is to teach. That is literally the reason they are called "teachers". I asked you to think bigger, not dumber.

Actually that is totally unrelated to my actual argument. What part of "...randomly shooting school children" do you not understand?

This is an argument about arming teachers. An armed teacher yesterday fired his gun in the school after going nuts and barricading himself in a classroom. That's what "arming teachers" looks like. Or, the example from last week of the armed Utah teacher who shot herself in the bathroom when her gun accidentally went off. How many examples do you need before you admit this idea of yours is absolute trash? You know what there aren't examples of? Armed teachers actually saving kids or stopping a gunman.

Again, unrelated. I said nothing about Parkland. There are also many documented cases where the presence of a firearm made positive difference. In any case the armed officials at Parkland failed to engage due to cowardice; not due to any weapon issues.

You are the one who wanted to have a conversation of security in schools, we can't have that conversation without mentioning the fact that school security was powerless to stop what happened in Parkland. Why? Because they were outgunned because you think people should be allowed to buy killing machines like the AR-15.

Who said their job isn't to educate kids?

You did! Apparently to you, a teacher's job also entails being a policeman, a security guard, and a principal all rolled into one. Which is weird because you people have blamed teachers for every ill in the education system. You blame them for low test scores. You blame them for dropouts. You refuse to pay them more money. You cut their funding. You make them buy supplies for their students, then you remove the tax break for them so you could lower Trump's personal taxes. You're a fucking leech and a fraud. And you know it.

Do you claim that teaching and keeping kids safe are mutually exclusive tasks?

It's not a teacher's job to make sure the kids are safe in the school. THAT'S THE PRINCIPAL'S JOB. That's the job of the Superintendent. That's the job of administrators. Teachers are hired to teach, not provide security because you want to allow every nutcase, terrorist, and wife beater to get a killing machine like the AR-15.

In fact between teaching and keeping children safe, their safety is by far the more important responsibility. Since you keep bringing up insurance, I have to wonder what a few wrongful death suits are going to do to do teachers' insurance rates.. Probably the same as what it has done to Drs.' , nurses' and general health insurance

Part of being a Conservative means making up standards on the spot, then having to walk those standards back once you realize how fucking idiotic you are.

It is not a teacher's responsibility to provide security for children at school. Not their fucking job. And you seem to want to make it their job after blaming them for everything wrong with the education system. So square that circle for me.
Principles are responsible for overall operation of a school the fact is that the teacher is the employee charged with immediate safety and security of the students they are entrusted with.

That is absolute fact and you are wrong.

There is nothing insane about arming teachers it is in fact the best idea for protecting students from armed shooters.

Which you have failed to challenge.
The law in every State is clear it holds teachers to be responsible for the safety welfare and well being of the students in their charge. They can and are charged with a crime if they fail to do those things.

Really? What law?
Absolutely. The dice are already rolling when it comes to mass and school shooters.

Yeah, because you made it easy for them to get weapons that they can use to kill so many people in such a short period of time. So you create the risk, then propose more risk to mitigate the risk that you created.

dumb. And circular.

The only question is whether we leave protection of the innocent to the helpless or someone trained and equipped to do so. When was the last time a teacher began randomly shooting school children? Ever?

Teachers aren't trained and equipped to provide security. They're trained and equipped to teach. So think bigger.

Well, a teacher randomly shot in the school yesterday in Georgia. So the example from 24 hours ago undercuts your argument entirely.

My children attended schools that had an armed police officer in attendance. They survived There is no reason an armed teacher couldn't or shouldn't be held to the same standards.

Parkland had an armed officer; didn't make a difference. Even when three more officers showed up, it didn't make a difference. The police were outgunned, and any "armed teachers" would be outgunned too.

"More guns" is the solution to gun violence like more drunk driving is the solution to drunk driving.

IT'S NOT A TEACHER'S JOB TO PROTECT CHILDREN. It's their job to educate them
BULLSPIT!!!! Total rancid slimey smelly hip deep Bullspit!!! And wrong on moral ethical legal and every other level!

If their job isn't to educate kids, then they wouldn't be called "teachers". Now kindly screw off, NRA shill.

"Yeah, because you made it easy for them to get weapons..."

Doesn't matter. I cannot be held criminally libel for a crime you commit.
And it's pretty idiotic to believe anyone is going to deliberately make a multi hundred dollar investment easy to steal.

"So you create the risk, then propose more risk to mitigate the risk that you created."

"Gun free" zones is what attracts crazies to start with. Ending them ends that unnecessary risk.
Principles are responsible for overall operation of a school the fact is that the teacher is the employee charged with immediate safety and security of the students they are entrusted with.

No, they're not. This is something you're making up. It's not a standard that exists anywhere other than your feeble little mind. You imagine these things because your lizard brain is underdeveloped. So you charge teachers with a responsibility they don't have because you're too fucking lazy and cowardly to think of a better solution.

There is nothing insane about arming teachers it is in fact the best idea for protecting students from armed shooters.

Yesterday, an armed teacher in GA went nuts and fired his gun in the school. Last week, an armed teacher in Utah accidentally discharged her weapon while in the fucking bathroom. That is what arming teachers looks like. So we have two examples from the last week of armed teachers firing their weapons in schools. Only the biggest fucking idiot on the planet would think adding more guns to this would make anything or anyone safer. So are you the biggest fucking idiot on the planet, or do you just play one on these boards?
Doesn't matter.

So don't think ease of access has anything to do with school shootings. What a willful ignoramus you are. This, even after we learned how easy it was for Cruz to get his weapon.

I cannot be held criminally libel for a crime you commit.

You can if your negligent acts are what lead to that crime being committed. Leaving your guns vulnerable to theft would be a negligent act for which you'd be held liable in civil court.

And it's pretty idiotic to believe anyone is going to deliberately make a multi hundred dollar investment easy to steal.

234,000 guns are stolen every year. Only 86% of those stolen guns are even reported to the police. So you guys can't even get an "A" when it comes to your collective responsibility for your guns. So since you can't even achieve that, what the fuck makes you think you can responsibly manage your firearms? FFS. Nearly 100% of car thefts are reported to police, yet only 86% of gun thefts are? That's not indicative of a group of responsible people. That's indicative of a bunch of lazy, good for nothing slobs.

"Gun free" zones is what attracts crazies to start with. Ending them ends that unnecessary risk.


Of the 156 mass shootings between 2006-2015, only 10% were in "gun free zones". The rest of them all occurred in private homes or in public where people are allowed to carry weapons. ,And that statistic is generous to you because they are spotting you 4 dead bodies before they consider it a mass shooting. I'd say more than one dead body would be a mass shooting, but I didn't run that study.
Doesn't matter.

So don't think ease of access has anything to do with school shootings. What a willful ignoramus you are. This, even after we learned how easy it was for Cruz to get his weapon.

I cannot be held criminally libel for a crime you commit.

You can if your negligent acts are what lead to that crime being committed. Leaving your guns vulnerable to theft would be a negligent act for which you'd be held liable in civil court.

And it's pretty idiotic to believe anyone is going to deliberately make a multi hundred dollar investment easy to steal.

234,000 guns are stolen every year. Only 86% of those stolen guns are even reported to the police. So you guys can't even get an "A" when it comes to your collective responsibility for your guns. So since you can't even achieve that, what the fuck makes you think you can responsibly manage your firearms? FFS. Nearly 100% of car thefts are reported to police, yet only 86% of gun thefts are? That's not indicative of a group of responsible people. That's indicative of a bunch of lazy, good for nothing slobs.

"Gun free" zones is what attracts crazies to start with. Ending them ends that unnecessary risk.


Of the 156 mass shootings between 2006-2015, only 10% were in "gun free zones". The rest of them all occurred in private homes or in public where people are allowed to carry weapons. ,And that statistic is generous to you because they are spotting you 4 dead bodies before they consider it a mass shooting. I'd say more than one dead body would be a mass shooting, but I didn't run that study.

Easy? Did he not pass the background checks that you liberals promised would reduce school shootings? Hmm. Keep your hands off my rights and go after the bad guys who abuse their rights. Simple.
Doesn't matter.

So don't think ease of access has anything to do with school shootings. What a willful ignoramus you are. This, even after we learned how easy it was for Cruz to get his weapon.

I cannot be held criminally libel for a crime you commit.

You can if your negligent acts are what lead to that crime being committed. Leaving your guns vulnerable to theft would be a negligent act for which you'd be held liable in civil court.

And it's pretty idiotic to believe anyone is going to deliberately make a multi hundred dollar investment easy to steal.

234,000 guns are stolen every year. Only 86% of those stolen guns are even reported to the police. So you guys can't even get an "A" when it comes to your collective responsibility for your guns. So since you can't even achieve that, what the fuck makes you think you can responsibly manage your firearms? FFS. Nearly 100% of car thefts are reported to police, yet only 86% of gun thefts are? That's not indicative of a group of responsible people. That's indicative of a bunch of lazy, good for nothing slobs.

"Gun free" zones is what attracts crazies to start with. Ending them ends that unnecessary risk.


Of the 156 mass shootings between 2006-2015, only 10% were in "gun free zones". The rest of them all occurred in private homes or in public where people are allowed to carry weapons. ,And that statistic is generous to you because they are spotting you 4 dead bodies before they consider it a mass shooting. I'd say more than one dead body would be a mass shooting, but I didn't run that study.
If no one reports a firearms theft how do you know how many were stolen?
Schools have been busy setting up the killing fields for years, now they are surprised it has arrived.
Not the schools per-se, but rather it's the left with its radicals who had been given the schools to run and control since the 60's.

Their ideology has come home to roost in our children's lives now, and in the nation . Once the leftist allowed freely the ideology that (everyone deserves a trophy - no child regardless of their mental state of mind or character is left behind - no bullying of the bullies - the exceptance of deplorable things etc.), is when the wolf has been allowed to gain access freely to the chicken house. Now once the house has been breeched, and because of the mental brainwashing caused by the LEFTIST, the police are scared to death to react without a full assessment of the situation first, because they fear that if they make a mistake that they will be put on death row by the left for whom they would have also been charged to save. The left has created hesitation where hesitation is not acceptable, but look at how the left in this country has since shackled the police, and if possible will frame the police as the bad guy no matter what the police thought was right in the event.

Look at how the police have been forced to back off their patrolling of volital areas in need of their assistance... The left have been instrumental in dismantling the security apparatuses within this country. Then the leftist idiotic talking points are "well if we arm the teachers, and the police rush in, then they might kill a teacher", so which is it leftist, either run in and kill the wrong people or assess the situation in which leftist ideology created as so not to make mistakes when entering into these situations ?? It's the same in bad neighborhoods, where the leftist don't want the cops to run in blasting, but instead to precisely come in to take the bad guy's out, yet in a case where the cop doesn't come in blasting, then the cops are made the bad guy'sby the left ?? The left is bipolar is all I can say.reaping what it has sewn over the years or is rather reaping what we have sewn by giving it all up to that which is evil these day's ?? Hmmmm.

The civil rights act, and the enforcement of it in ways that was driven ( in large part) by emotions has set the nation up to fail as it has been seen over and over again lately..... It had allowed a crack in the doorway of our national security to form over time (not good). Now you might say now how can this beeee right ?? It's because the evil one uses weaknesses to break down and destroy any institution and/or individual that was believed to be trustworthy on Christian doctrine and/or beliefs. You might say we'll wait a minute here,. Uhh black people are Christian's also right ( yes you would be right), and it's absolutely not the blacks fault for what has now transpired in America.

The problem has arisen from the exploitation of a situation that has made it ripe for those who are evil in their intent, to then slip through the cracks taking advantage of the situation or act....They (the bad guy's) stay "undetected" as long as possible until they strike..... It's a tragedy. .....

By way of the governments boot being on the people's necks, the evil one's were studying and surveying the situation in order to use the CRA (civil Rights act) or any other act for that matter, to then force (by way of attachment to the act or acts), it's long term strategy and/or agenda's upon the nation...The evil one's then reek havoc upon this nation by every means nessesary, and they are doing it through the open door policies it was then given (with protections), in order to then very precisely attack this nation in every way possible by way of our own policies we had enacted over time.

The blacks and whites need to unite now more than ever in this country, and they must do this in order to expose the evil one's who are attempting to exploit our great achievements or policies for nefarious and/or evil purposes.
Principles are responsible for overall operation of a school the fact is that the teacher is the employee charged with immediate safety and security of the students they are entrusted with.

No, they're not. This is something you're making up. It's not a standard that exists anywhere other than your feeble little mind. You imagine these things because your lizard brain is underdeveloped. So you charge teachers with a responsibility they don't have because you're too fucking lazy and cowardly to think of a better solution.

There is nothing insane about arming teachers it is in fact the best idea for protecting students from armed shooters.

Yesterday, an armed teacher in GA went nuts and fired his gun in the school. Last week, an armed teacher in Utah accidentally discharged her weapon while in the fucking bathroom. That is what arming teachers looks like. So we have two examples from the last week of armed teachers firing their weapons in schools. Only the biggest fucking idiot on the planet would think adding more guns to this would make anything or anyone safer. So are you the biggest fucking idiot on the planet, or do you just play one on these boards?
You are wrong and merely an poorly educated fool making up\ crap.

Sorry little boy but it is fact teachers are legally and professionally and morally accountable for the safety and security of the students they are entrusted with.

Read a book grow the hell up and accept the correction kiddoe.

You have two anecdotes where no one died.

None of which alters the fact that allowing teachers to be armed is the best defense against insane mass shooters.
I would posit that the very fact that the teachers and other school employees are walking around with guns would very likely deter a would-be shooter in the 1st place.
Skull still mistakes a baseball bat as a category of degree instead of difference of kind. Oh, well.

bodecea, the general welfare clause covers safety in public schools.

debbiedowner fully understands that neglect to reckless and willfullness can be grounds for suit if you don’t lock up your weapons. Skull seems to think even if the car is locked, he can be sued. I don’t think so.
What "general welfare" clause? You mean the preamble? Doesn't count as a Bill of Rights thing.
Doesn't matter.

So don't think ease of access has anything to do with school shootings. What a willful ignoramus you are. This, even after we learned how easy it was for Cruz to get his weapon.

I cannot be held criminally libel for a crime you commit.

You can if your negligent acts are what lead to that crime being committed. Leaving your guns vulnerable to theft would be a negligent act for which you'd be held liable in civil court.

And it's pretty idiotic to believe anyone is going to deliberately make a multi hundred dollar investment easy to steal.

234,000 guns are stolen every year. Only 86% of those stolen guns are even reported to the police. So you guys can't even get an "A" when it comes to your collective responsibility for your guns. So since you can't even achieve that, what the fuck makes you think you can responsibly manage your firearms? FFS. Nearly 100% of car thefts are reported to police, yet only 86% of gun thefts are? That's not indicative of a group of responsible people. That's indicative of a bunch of lazy, good for nothing slobs.

"Gun free" zones is what attracts crazies to start with. Ending them ends that unnecessary risk.


Of the 156 mass shootings between 2006-2015, only 10% were in "gun free zones". The rest of them all occurred in private homes or in public where people are allowed to carry weapons. ,And that statistic is generous to you because they are spotting you 4 dead bodies before they consider it a mass shooting. I'd say more than one dead body would be a mass shooting, but I didn't run that study.

So don't think ease of access has anything to do with school shootings. What a willful ignoramus you are. This, even after we learned how easy it was for Cruz to get his weapon.

Like I said. Doesn't matter. Not my fault.

You can if your negligent acts are what lead to that crime being committed. Leaving your guns vulnerable to theft would be a negligent act for which you'd be held liable in civil court.

No. Civil courts do not hear criminal cases.

234,000 guns are stolen every year. Only 86% of those stolen guns are even reported to the police. So you guys can't even get an "A" when it comes to your collective responsibility for your guns. So since you can't even achieve that, what the fuck makes you think you can responsibly manage your firearms? FFS. Nearly 100% of car thefts are reported to police, yet only 86% of gun thefts are? That's not indicative of a group of responsible people. That's indicative of a bunch of lazy, good for nothing slobs.

Again, how many cars are stolen? Are car owners all lazy good-for-nothing slobs too? If I have a gun or a car stolen it is neither a crime nor any of your business.

Of the 156 mass shootings between 2006-2015, only 10% were in "gun free zones". The rest of them all occurred in private homes or in public where people are allowed to carry weapons. ,And that statistic is generous to you because they are spotting you 4 dead bodies before they consider it a mass shooting. I'd say more than one dead body would be a mass shooting, but I didn't run that study.

Again, beside the point. School shootings was the subject and 100% of school shootings occurred on school grounds
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Skull still mistakes a baseball bat as a category of degree instead of difference of kind. Oh, well.

bodecea, the general welfare clause covers safety in public schools.

debbiedowner fully understands that neglect to reckless and willfullness can be grounds for suit if you don’t lock up your weapons. Skull seems to think even if the car is locked, he can be sued. I don’t think so.
What "general welfare" clause? You mean the preamble? Doesn't count as a Bill of Rights thing.
It counts as a charter mandate, yes.
You keep saying you want paid security guards to secure the schools.

When did I ever say that? Never. So this is you doing that thing again where you construct straw men and then argue the straw men because your argument is garbage.

Obviously, the kids could have used some help in the form of an armed security presence INSIDE the school.

So, you keep moving the bar. Inside/ doesn't really matter because there was an armed security officer on campus. That security officer was so afraid that he cowered behind his car. Then three more showed up and did the same thing. Too afraid to confront an AR-15 wielding killer with their pistols.

As for this teacher, you're making an extremely sweeping generality about ALL teachers based on the actions of ONE. I would wager a few of the students unable to raise their voices now because they're dead would have appreciated an armed teacher, even if you insist they should not have had one.

You're the idiots who said we should arm teachers. Then, an armed teacher goes and shoots his gun in school. Then you say that we can't judge teachers based on the actions of one armed one, even though you all say we should arm more teachers.

Now you're calling stuff up again. I specifically did NOT say we should arm teachers. That's just you making up crap again.

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