CDZ My child's right to a safe school versus your right to guns

While every death is a tragedy the actual annual percentage of children that get killed in school is minuscule. I forget the exact number but it is like .0001%. Hardly enough of a problem in this country to suspend a portion of the Bill of Rights.

If we want to stop the deaths of children we can start with abortion. That kills a million American children each year and that is significant.

If we want to talk about the trade off between a child's life and the "Constitutional" right of a mother to kill it then the right of a child to live is greater than the right of a mother to kill the child on demand for the sake of convenience. That is a no brainer.

As somebody said earlier the right to keep and bear arms and the security of our children are not mutually exclusive. We can have both at the same time.

In the case of the shooter here in Florida if the FBI or the Parkland police would have done their job properly then there would have been no danger to the kids.

So you bring abortion into this? Go look at each child that was murdered.. they are not just a statistic...Gezzzz


The killing of a million American children each year on demand for the sake of convenience is not trivial either. In fact it is state sanctioned infanticide that our country needs to be very ashamed of.

We all know how despicable abortion on demand is. The purposeful killing of a child for the sake of convenience.

However, the reason I brought it up is to contrast the right of a child to live verses the so called Constitutional right of a mother to kill the child so she doesn't have to be bothered with it.

A much more valid discussion than the minuscule percentage of lives that would be saved if we are forced to give up our Constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms that our Founding Fathers fought so hard to secure and that is the guarantor of a free state..

I will repeat what I said earlier. If the FBI and the Parkland police had done their job and if the Democrats had not voted down the Grassley Cruz bill to improve the background checks on the mentally disturbed then the tragedy would have been prevented without anybody having to give up any Constitutional rights.
While every death is a tragedy the actual annual percentage of children that get killed in school is minuscule. I forget the exact number but it is like .0001%. Hardly enough of a problem in this country to suspend a portion of the Bill of Rights.

If we want to stop the deaths of children we can start with abortion. That kills a million American children each year and that is significant.

If we want to talk about the trade off between a child's life and the "Constitutional" right of a mother to kill it then the right of a child to live is greater than the right of a mother to kill the child on demand for the sake of convenience. That is a no brainer.

As somebody said earlier the right to keep and bear arms and the security of our children are not mutually exclusive. We can have both at the same time.

In the case of the shooter here in Florida if the FBI or the Parkland police would have done their job properly then there would have been no danger to the kids.
If we want to stop the deaths of children we can start with abortion. That kills a million American children each year and that is significant.

What were their names ?

That question is too silly to respond to. Do you have a question with substance?
This shooter was identified to the FBI....this shooter had 39 previous contacts with local police over domestic issues relating to mental tell do you actually get law enforcement to do their job?
C'mon - you know how the law works. You actually have to COMMIT a crime in order to be arrested/restricted.
Why did the FBI slow walk the reports on this guy?
He took his rifle to school in a soft case to that school using Uber.
Is that a NORMAL Uber run?
He posted an open threat 6 months ago and no mental health check?

How many people missed this despite the complaints of friends, teachers and staff?

You're absolutely right --- they had all this information.

The question is, though - what do you do about it? They can't arrest a person until AFTER he commits a crime. Thinking about doing it isn't illegal. We can't force him to mental health care - we can't put him in a facility. (The ACLU took care of that - remember sanitariums?)

Everybody knew it - everybody reported to the authorities? But, what tools have we given authorities to respond?
But he HAD committed a crime!
Assault is the THREAT to do harm.
Battery is the ACT of doing harm!
He was guilty of assault by posting the comment.

These kids at the school had so many that failed them.. very sad..

Americans love their guns more than their kids.

Wrong...I have mine to protect our children
And what do other American use their guns for ?
Since less than a percent of a percent ot a percent of firearms are used in crime the VAST majority use them for legal peaceful things.
My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

Have your government put more resource officers in schools. One at every door if need be.
C'mon - you know how the law works. You actually have to COMMIT a crime in order to be arrested/restricted.
You're absolutely right --- they had all this information.

The question is, though - what do you do about it? They can't arrest a person until AFTER he commits a crime. Thinking about doing it isn't illegal. We can't force him to mental health care - we can't put him in a facility. (The ACLU took care of that - remember sanitariums?)

Everybody knew it - everybody reported to the authorities? But, what tools have we given authorities to respond?
But he HAD committed a crime!
Assault is the THREAT to do harm.
Battery is the ACT of doing harm!
He was guilty of assault by posting the comment.

These kids at the school had so many that failed them.. very sad..

Americans love their guns more than their kids.

Wrong...I have mine to protect our children
And what do other American use their guns for ?
Since less than a percent of a percent ot a percent of firearms are used in crime the VAST majority use them for legal peaceful things.
So Parkland isnt a problem ?
While every death is a tragedy the actual annual percentage of children that get killed in school is minuscule. I forget the exact number but it is like .0001%. Hardly enough of a problem in this country to suspend a portion of the Bill of Rights.

If we want to stop the deaths of children we can start with abortion. That kills a million American children each year and that is significant.

If we want to talk about the trade off between a child's life and the "Constitutional" right of a mother to kill it then the right of a child to live is greater than the right of a mother to kill the child on demand for the sake of convenience. That is a no brainer.

As somebody said earlier the right to keep and bear arms and the security of our children are not mutually exclusive. We can have both at the same time.

In the case of the shooter here in Florida if the FBI or the Parkland police would have done their job properly then there would have been no danger to the kids.
If we want to stop the deaths of children we can start with abortion. That kills a million American children each year and that is significant.

What were their names ?

That question is too silly to respond to. Do you have a question with substance?
Pro life nut.
Does not matter how many or how few firearms are used to kill.

Does not matter what you think your rights may be with guns.

A child's right to go to school without gun hassle out weighs your rights.

Doubt this, don't do right by refusing to educate people properly or refusing to turn people in the LEO if they are right, then don't be surprised down the line when your rights are constitutionally ended.

This on you, solely, gun owners, to control the crazies. You know who they are: turn them in.
We can thank the NRA for teaching this kid to shoot so well:

Shooting suspect was on school rifle team that got NRA grant

That's weak. The NRA promotes gun safety

I'm sure that they did a good job. As far as i know, the kid they taught didn't miss a single target he was aiming at.

Grow up already, tool

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the kid had been taught so well that he was able to bring down small moving animals, which he bragged about.
We can thank the NRA for teaching this kid to shoot so well:

Shooting suspect was on school rifle team that got NRA grant

That's weak. The NRA promotes gun safety

I'm sure that they did a good job. As far as i know, the kid they taught didn't miss a single target he was aiming at.

Grow up already, tool

Not to put too fine a point on it, but the kid had been taught so well that he was able to bring down small moving animals, which he bragged about.

I'm sure literally thousands of people can. Moron. You're on the bodies of the dead to bash the NRA and score political points.

Nothing more...nothing less
This shooter was identified to the FBI....this shooter had 39 previous contacts with local police over domestic issues relating to mental tell do you actually get law enforcement to do their job?
C'mon - you know how the law works. You actually have to COMMIT a crime in order to be arrested/restricted.
Why did the FBI slow walk the reports on this guy?
He took his rifle to school in a soft case to that school using Uber.
Is that a NORMAL Uber run?
He posted an open threat 6 months ago and no mental health check?

How many people missed this despite the complaints of friends, teachers and staff?

You're absolutely right --- they had all this information.

The question is, though - what do you do about it? They can't arrest a person until AFTER he commits a crime. Thinking about doing it isn't illegal. We can't force him to mental health care - we can't put him in a facility. (The ACLU took care of that - remember sanitariums?)

Everybody knew it - everybody reported to the authorities? But, what tools have we given authorities to respond?
But he HAD committed a crime!
Assault is the THREAT to do harm.
Battery is the ACT of doing harm!
He was guilty of assault by posting the comment.

These kids at the school had so many that failed them.. very sad..

Americans love their guns more than their kids.

Wrong...I have mine to protect our children
And what do other American use their guns for ?

Americans use their guns to stop criminals, for hunting, for target shooting, for collecting, and for competition.......

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent of the reasons our crime rate is going down....the crime rate in Britain, and the gun crime going up...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Then you have competition...

But he HAD committed a crime!
Assault is the THREAT to do harm.
Battery is the ACT of doing harm!
He was guilty of assault by posting the comment.

These kids at the school had so many that failed them.. very sad..

Americans love their guns more than their kids.

Wrong...I have mine to protect our children
And what do other American use their guns for ?
Since less than a percent of a percent ot a percent of firearms are used in crime the VAST majority use them for legal peaceful things.
So Parkland isnt a problem ?

Actually, knives are more of a problem than mass public shootings....a lot more of a problem....

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total murders by mass public shooters...1982-2017


knife murders.....2009-2013.....

My child has a constitutional right to go to school safely. I believe that outweighs a nut case's right to own and bear guns.

We need to find a way to break that access link between a nut and a gun.

We need to identify the first problem, which is

The problem is a sick, permissive culture. Failed education since the inception of the Dept. of Education. Addiction to social media and excessive violent imagery. Lack of respect of authority...should I keep going?
Turning schools into a locked prison should be ringing alarm bells about the mentality of society for the last 40 years.
The OP has zero intention of debate by demonizing law abiding citizens and the NRA.
How sadly typical.
Does not matter how many or how few firearms are used to kill.

Does not matter what you think your rights may be with guns.

A child's right to go to school without gun hassle out weighs your rights.

Doubt this, don't do right by refusing to educate people properly or refusing to turn people in the LEO if they are right, then don't be surprised down the line when your rights are constitutionally ended.

This on you, solely, gun owners, to control the crazies. You know who they are: turn them in.

Baloney. For a supposed "rightie" you sure parrot left loon talking points
Does not matter how many or how few firearms are used to kill.

Does not matter what you think your rights may be with guns.

A child's right to go to school without gun hassle out weighs your rights.

Doubt this, don't do right by refusing to educate people properly or refusing to turn people in the LEO if they are right, then don't be surprised down the line when your rights are constitutionally ended.

This on you, solely, gun owners, to control the crazies. You know who they are: turn them in.

Asswipe......two people tried to turn this guy in....and the FBI ignored them........the local police were at the guys house 39 times....someone called on this guy....and they ignored isn't gun owners that is the is your "god" government that has failed to stop mass shooter after mass shooter.....
"The OP has zero intention of debate by demonizing law abiding citizens and the NRA" is a stupid ass comment by a poster who has trouble thinking through what I said. How sadly typical of many of the gun nuts.

How to break the access between guns and crazy people is the OP.

Every time a mainstream American tries to come up with solutions a far right nut gets in the way.

How do we do that?
"The OP has zero intention of debate by demonizing law abiding citizens and the NRA" is a stupid ass comment by a poster who has trouble thinking through what I said. How sadly typical of many of the gun nuts.

How to break the access between guns and crazy people is the OP.

How do we do that?

Easy...when someone calls the FBI, twice, and tells them...."Hey, this guy we know is going to shoot up a school...." You know what, the FBI goes and checks it about we start with the obvious ones?

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