My experience/views on black people... am I a racist?

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... I doubt ... you would toss me around. ...
View attachment 354060

Have you ever invited sealybobo to give it a try? I mean in real life.
Oh yeah, that sounds like a smart use of time and money. Travel halfway across the country to spend 5 to 10 seconds humiliating some big mouth from the Internet. Maybe not.
He let it be known he was a much more accomplished wrestler but I was tougher than guys who could beat me at wrestling.

plus I’m pretty sure he’s a lightweight

I'm pretty good at either. The last guy who thought he wanted me was the son of a professional wrestler. He is half my age and had both height and size on me... not to mention his bravado was slinging a belt around my neck and trying to choke me out. He ended up with his wrist broken in two places and his arm being fractured. I walked away with a bruise on my right bicep. Those days are not going to last at my age, but it showed me what the average male is made of these days. Hell, this kid even studied karate to boot... and he couldn't whip an old man even he started out with the advantage of almost choking me out. Unkotare strikes me as the same caliber of guy - he'd tire himself out just trying to beat his meat. The good news is, he won't have any offspring with that low testosterone and wasting his youth picking Internet fights.
There is no such thing as pro wrestling. I did wrestle and to call that carnival bullshit wrestling is an insult to all who stepped on a real mat.

You're like that other fairy on this thread. You talk about how badass you are; you even spew fighting words, but fail to follow through when you make veiled threats. A lot of people have you on ignore because you have ZERO credibility with those with any common sense. They have a word for you: chickenshit.
For me personally, it's quite simple. I try to adhere to King's vision of judging a person by the content of their character and NOT the color of their skin. IOW, I could give a rat's ass what your skin color is, I am quite comfy around POC and it doesn't bother me in the least. However, people that harp on that 24/7/365 are going to get some pretty harsh criticism because you are being an asshole on the issue. If anyone ever saw the original 1971 "Dirty Harry", Frank DiGeorgio explained Inspector Callihan's philosophy quite well: "That's one thing about our Harry, plays no favorites. Harry hates everybody; Limeys, Hebes, Micks, Fat Dagos, *******, Honkies, Chinks, you name it..."
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia

I didn't ask for an explanation, I simply asked if it is not a contract.

Yeah, we know the point you're trying to make, cabron. You just didn't like the answer because it was honest. You want to make life look like only the blacks know suffering, slavery, and pain. Well, surprise, you don't have a monopoly on it. What makes you racist is you want whites to be held accountable because it was slavery after all... What about the black POS that sold your ancestors into slavery (presupposing you can trace your lineage back to slavery - which is probably not likely)????
You know for an attorney, you're not very bright.

My question required a simple yes or no that thus far you have danced around by bringing up a lot of other information that on it's face looks as if it's relevent to the topic when it's not and/or supports the point you're trying to make when it doesn't. It's like when someone is taking a test and they don't know the answer to one of the questions and instead of leaving it blank or answering it incorrectly they write in circles hoping that somewhere in their word salad, they might happen upon something that is close enough to the correct answer that they'll receive at least partial credit.

And you really should know better as an attorney to think that by abstracting a comment you can avoid being held liable for your remarks. I am not an asshole but I damn sure know HOW to be one so I'd appreciate it if you would refrain in the future from calling me by anything other than my moniker used here. Or simply refrain from engaging in the nasty comments with/to/about me period. Either will work for me.

So again, I will ask you since you claim to have a law degree and are familiar with contract law, if indentured servitude is not a contract. I'm not asking if it's an enforceable contract, or one that was null and void at the point of it's execution because one or more or all of the parties to it had no intentions of ever honoring it's terms, simply is it a contract or not. YES or NO?

Don't hurt him like that Newsvine. You know the boy can't get right. He can't hep himself. He's been preaching that racist bullshit to other white racists for so long that he thinks he can run it on you and that you'll simply genuflect in amazement at the superior mind of the white man.

Says the coward that is little more than the Klan with a tan. Your deflections to hide your black supremacist activity don't fool anyone.
Lol! Klan in a tan my ass. What black supremacist activity am I doing? Rockwell, you talk shit about somebody being a coward. That's easy to do knowing we probably won't meet. So I can only laugh.
For me personally, it's quite simple. I try to adhere to King's vision of judging a person by the content of their character and NOT the color of their skin. IOW, I could give a rat's ass what your skin color is, I am quite comfy around POC and it doesn't bother me in the least. However, people that harp on that 24/7/365 are going to get some pretty harsh criticism because you are being an asshole on the issue. If anyone ever saw the original 1971 "Dirty Harry", Frank DiGeorgio explained Inspector Callihan's philosophy quite well: "That's one thing about our Harry, plays no favorites. Harry hates everybody; Limeys, Hebes, Micks, Fat Dagos, *******, Honkies, Chinks, you name it..."
Lol! I am glad you remember 2 sentences from a speech that King made as he battled white racism.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia

I didn't ask for an explanation, I simply asked if it is not a contract.

Yeah, we know the point you're trying to make, cabron. You just didn't like the answer because it was honest. You want to make life look like only the blacks know suffering, slavery, and pain. Well, surprise, you don't have a monopoly on it. What makes you racist is you want whites to be held accountable because it was slavery after all... What about the black POS that sold your ancestors into slavery (presupposing you can trace your lineage back to slavery - which is probably not likely)????
You know for an attorney, you're not very bright.

My question required a simple yes or no that thus far you have danced around by bringing up a lot of other information that on it's face looks as if it's relevent to the topic when it's not and/or supports the point you're trying to make when it doesn't. It's like when someone is taking a test and they don't know the answer to one of the questions and instead of leaving it blank or answering it incorrectly they write in circles hoping that somewhere in their word salad, they might happen upon something that is close enough to the correct answer that they'll receive at least partial credit.

And you really should know better as an attorney to think that by abstracting a comment you can avoid being held liable for your remarks. I am not an asshole but I damn sure know HOW to be one so I'd appreciate it if you would refrain in the future from calling me by anything other than my moniker used here. Or simply refrain from engaging in the nasty comments with/to/about me period. Either will work for me.

So again, I will ask you since you claim to have a law degree and are familiar with contract law, if indentured servitude is not a contract. I'm not asking if it's an enforceable contract, or one that was null and void at the point of it's execution because one or more or all of the parties to it had no intentions of ever honoring it's terms, simply is it a contract or not. YES or NO?

Don't hurt him like that Newsvine. You know the boy can't get right. He can't hep himself. He's been preaching that racist bullshit to other white racists for so long that he thinks he can run it on you and that you'll simply genuflect in amazement at the superior mind of the white man.
LOL lol.

But SERIOUSLY, you know what I'm saying is true and he does too. He's exactly the type of person I was telling you all that I have to deal with, the flim-flam, talk-all-around-the-subject, tie it up in knots, introduce a similar sounding or similar topic and then argue that instead of the actual topic to the point that nobody even remembers the point that is being argued and since I'm black and poor I must be the one in the wrong because certainly the white person can't be wrong.

And do you see how wound up he is? He's losing his shit because Blues Man disagreed with something he said (that slavery and indentured servitude are the same thing essentially) and he's about 4 or 5 pages in, arguing this point while refusing to answer the simple question with a yes or no about whether indentured servitude is a contract. He's even dragged the United Nations into the argument instead of simply replying "Yes it's a contract HOWEVER in 19?? the United Nations DETERMINED blah blah blah" yet he couldn't even do that because for some reason he simply can't admit that he made a mistake.

What is the meaning of contract in law?

Definition. An agreement between private parties creating mutual obligations enforceable by law.

The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.
When did the slaves agree to be slaves? What were the obligations of the slave holders? (Hint: NONE!)
And how can you claim that an act is "legal" if those same acts were they done to a white person, then the offender in all likelihood would be killed on the spot? And where was the mutual assent? Being told and made to do something at gunpoint is acting under duress and that in itself is grounds to invalide the "contract".

I have to sleep now so that I can rent out my brain when I wake up. See you later IM2 and thanks for everything.

You can't come to grips with reality. So, blacks didn't agree to become slaves. Throughout history, neither did the whites. The difference is, the whites went into places with little more than the shirt on their backs and built their own civilization... a feat never accomplished by the black race. You act like you need the white man's validation in order to exist. The fact is your own black brethren sold your ancestors into slavery. Start there, then get back to us.
You are delusional. Whites came here and the Virginia company gave them free land. It was ccalled headrights. The fact is that many slaves were kidnapped and whites would arm one tribe with weapons so they could take out rival tribes. Unfortunately for your lie Africa had builts civilaztions we were taken from. The term African was made up by whites what you call Africa was:

The Ajuran Empire, D'mt, Adal Sultanate, Alodia, Warsangali Sultanate, Kingdom of Nri, Nok culture, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, Benin Empire, Oyo Empire, Kingdom of Lunda (Punu-yaka), Ashanti Empire, Ghana Empire, Mossi Kingdoms, Mutapa Empire, Kingdom of Mapungubwe, Kingdom of Sine, Kingdom of Sennar, Kingdom of Saloum, Kingdom of Baol, Kingdom of Cayor, Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Kingdom of Kongo, Empire of Kaabu, Kingdom of Ile Ife, Ancient Carthage, Numidia, Mauretania, and the Aksumite Empire.

Prior to European colonialism, it is estimated that Africa had up to 10,000 different states or nations each with its own distinct languages and customs. The comment that Africans sold each other into slavery is disingenuous because these nations did not consider themselves Africans, they were citizens in their specific kingdoms. No different than the French, the Spanish, the Germans and the Norwegians.

Africans did not make slavery legal in America nor did Africans make laws and policies to deny blacks of equal opportunity. So we'll start here and you will accept it.

This nation was built with the free labor of our ancestors bitch. Whites did not come over here with nothing and build shit. Everything you have the government gave you. You've lived a lie your entire life. Delusions of grandeur is your friend.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia

I didn't ask for an explanation, I simply asked if it is not a contract.

Yeah, we know the point you're trying to make, cabron. You just didn't like the answer because it was honest. You want to make life look like only the blacks know suffering, slavery, and pain. Well, surprise, you don't have a monopoly on it. What makes you racist is you want whites to be held accountable because it was slavery after all... What about the black POS that sold your ancestors into slavery (presupposing you can trace your lineage back to slavery - which is probably not likely)????
You know for an attorney, you're not very bright.

My question required a simple yes or no that thus far you have danced around by bringing up a lot of other information that on it's face looks as if it's relevent to the topic when it's not and/or supports the point you're trying to make when it doesn't. It's like when someone is taking a test and they don't know the answer to one of the questions and instead of leaving it blank or answering it incorrectly they write in circles hoping that somewhere in their word salad, they might happen upon something that is close enough to the correct answer that they'll receive at least partial credit.

And you really should know better as an attorney to think that by abstracting a comment you can avoid being held liable for your remarks. I am not an asshole but I damn sure know HOW to be one so I'd appreciate it if you would refrain in the future from calling me by anything other than my moniker used here. Or simply refrain from engaging in the nasty comments with/to/about me period. Either will work for me.

So again, I will ask you since you claim to have a law degree and are familiar with contract law, if indentured servitude is not a contract. I'm not asking if it's an enforceable contract, or one that was null and void at the point of it's execution because one or more or all of the parties to it had no intentions of ever honoring it's terms, simply is it a contract or not. YES or NO?

Don't hurt him like that Newsvine. You know the boy can't get right. He can't hep himself. He's been preaching that racist bullshit to other white racists for so long that he thinks he can run it on you and that you'll simply genuflect in amazement at the superior mind of the white man.

Says the coward that is little more than the Klan with a tan. Your deflections to hide your black supremacist activity don't fool anyone.
Lol! Klan in a tan my ass. What black supremacist activity am I doing? Rockwell, you talk shit about somebody being a coward. That's easy to do knowing we probably won't meet. So I can only laugh.

If we never meet, that was by YOUR choice. So, now that we know you are a black supremacist, adding liar to the list is proven equally factual. You're gutless, spineless and all you do is post the woe is me, the white man is evil to the point that most people put your dumb ass on ignore. Unlike you I'm not the one posting false allegations and not willing to be held accountable. That's you homeboy and we both know the truth.
Well, I did go to school, study law, graduated, and done several decades working in it. I have written a couple of contracts that could not be broken when challenged in court. So, my answer would be, I know a little about it.
Isn't indentured servitude a contract?

Irrelevant counselor. All this was asked and answered.

"An indentured servant or indentured laborer is an employee (indenturee) within a system of unfree labor who is bound by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work without pay for the owner of the indenture for a period of time. The contract often lets the employer sell the labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an indenture for a specific payment or other benefit (such as transportation to a new place), or to meet a legal obligation, such as debt bondage. On completion of the contract, indentured servants were given their freedom, and occasionally plots of land. Indentured servitude was often brutal, with a high percentage[vague] of servants dying prior to the expiration of their indentures. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been outlawed, and are banned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery ."

Indentured servitude - Wikipedia

I didn't ask for an explanation, I simply asked if it is not a contract.

Yeah, we know the point you're trying to make, cabron. You just didn't like the answer because it was honest. You want to make life look like only the blacks know suffering, slavery, and pain. Well, surprise, you don't have a monopoly on it. What makes you racist is you want whites to be held accountable because it was slavery after all... What about the black POS that sold your ancestors into slavery (presupposing you can trace your lineage back to slavery - which is probably not likely)????
You know for an attorney, you're not very bright.

My question required a simple yes or no that thus far you have danced around by bringing up a lot of other information that on it's face looks as if it's relevent to the topic when it's not and/or supports the point you're trying to make when it doesn't. It's like when someone is taking a test and they don't know the answer to one of the questions and instead of leaving it blank or answering it incorrectly they write in circles hoping that somewhere in their word salad, they might happen upon something that is close enough to the correct answer that they'll receive at least partial credit.

And you really should know better as an attorney to think that by abstracting a comment you can avoid being held liable for your remarks. I am not an asshole but I damn sure know HOW to be one so I'd appreciate it if you would refrain in the future from calling me by anything other than my moniker used here. Or simply refrain from engaging in the nasty comments with/to/about me period. Either will work for me.

So again, I will ask you since you claim to have a law degree and are familiar with contract law, if indentured servitude is not a contract. I'm not asking if it's an enforceable contract, or one that was null and void at the point of it's execution because one or more or all of the parties to it had no intentions of ever honoring it's terms, simply is it a contract or not. YES or NO?

Don't hurt him like that Newsvine. You know the boy can't get right. He can't hep himself. He's been preaching that racist bullshit to other white racists for so long that he thinks he can run it on you and that you'll simply genuflect in amazement at the superior mind of the white man.
LOL lol.

But SERIOUSLY, you know what I'm saying is true and he does too. He's exactly the type of person I was telling you all that I have to deal with, the flim-flam, talk-all-around-the-subject, tie it up in knots, introduce a similar sounding or similar topic and then argue that instead of the actual topic to the point that nobody even remembers the point that is being argued and since I'm black and poor I must be the one in the wrong because certainly the white person can't be wrong.

And do you see how wound up he is? He's losing his shit because Blues Man disagreed with something he said (that slavery and indentured servitude are the same thing essentially) and he's about 4 or 5 pages in, arguing this point while refusing to answer the simple question with a yes or no about whether indentured servitude is a contract. He's even dragged the United Nations into the argument instead of simply replying "Yes it's a contract HOWEVER in 19?? the United Nations DETERMINED blah blah blah" yet he couldn't even do that because for some reason he simply can't admit that he made a mistake.

What is the meaning of contract in law?

Definition. An agreement between private parties creating mutual obligations enforceable by law.

The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.
When did the slaves agree to be slaves? What were the obligations of the slave holders? (Hint: NONE!)
And how can you claim that an act is "legal" if those same acts were they done to a white person, then the offender in all likelihood would be killed on the spot? And where was the mutual assent? Being told and made to do something at gunpoint is acting under duress and that in itself is grounds to invalide the "contract".

I have to sleep now so that I can rent out my brain when I wake up. See you later IM2 and thanks for everything.

You can't come to grips with reality. So, blacks didn't agree to become slaves. Throughout history, neither did the whites. The difference is, the whites went into places with little more than the shirt on their backs and built their own civilization... a feat never accomplished by the black race. You act like you need the white man's validation in order to exist. The fact is your own black brethren sold your ancestors into slavery. Start there, then get back to us.
You are delusional. Whites came here and the Virginia company gave them free land. It was ccalled headrights. The fact is that many slaves were kidnapped and whites would arm one tribe with weapons so they could take out rival tribes. Unfortunately for your lie Africa had builts civilaztions we were taken from. The term African was made up by whites what you call Africa was:

The Ajuran Empire, D'mt, Adal Sultanate, Alodia, Warsangali Sultanate, Kingdom of Nri, Nok culture, Mali Empire, Songhai Empire, Benin Empire, Oyo Empire, Kingdom of Lunda (Punu-yaka), Ashanti Empire, Ghana Empire, Mossi Kingdoms, Mutapa Empire, Kingdom of Mapungubwe, Kingdom of Sine, Kingdom of Sennar, Kingdom of Saloum, Kingdom of Baol, Kingdom of Cayor, Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Kingdom of Kongo, Empire of Kaabu, Kingdom of Ile Ife, Ancient Carthage, Numidia, Mauretania, and the Aksumite Empire.

Prior to European colonialism, it is estimated that Africa had up to 10,000 different states or nations each with its own distinct languages and customs. The comment that Africans sold each other into slavery is disingenuous because these nations did not consider themselves Africans, they were citizens in their specific kingdoms. No different than the French, the Spanish, the Germans and the Norwegians.

Africans did not make slavery legal in America nor did Africans make laws and policies to deny blacks of equal opportunity. So we'll start here and you will accept it.

This nation was built with the free labor of our ancestors bitch. Whites did not come over here with nothing and build shit. Everything you have the government gave you. You've lived a lie your entire life. Delusions of grandeur is your friend.

You are a stupid ass. America never legalized slavery. The piece of real estate you call the United States was governed by Great Britain until the War of Independence. When the Constitution of the United States was ratified, it set a date for the importation of slaves to be halted. By that time more than half of the states had already outlawed slavery and slavery was not a federal issue. It was under state jurisdiction.

Everything I have, I earned by the sweat of my own brow. I can tell you what it's like to work 14 hour days six to seven days a week. The government hasn't given me shit. Governments cannot give anybody anything until they first take it from someone. I paid into Socialist Security for years and now the government cannot guarantee me that I will even get the principal amount back. That is how it works. If anybody lives in a world of delusion, it would be you.

I work; I produce; the government exists because of people like me that create wealth. The people who live on the government dole like you may be beholden to the government thinking that is how the rest of us get to live, but let me tell you a secret zoquete, I've poured concrete, shoveled dirt with a shovel, and carried loads my own body weight and more over the course of many years while working my way through school. Your lazy ass would have collapsed in a day doing the kinds of work I had to do. Not all of us are Democrats.
For me personally, it's quite simple. I try to adhere to King's vision of judging a person by the content of their character and NOT the color of their skin. IOW, I could give a rat's ass what your skin color is, I am quite comfy around POC and it doesn't bother me in the least. However, people that harp on that 24/7/365 are going to get some pretty harsh criticism because you are being an asshole on the issue. If anyone ever saw the original 1971 "Dirty Harry", Frank DiGeorgio explained Inspector Callihan's philosophy quite well: "That's one thing about our Harry, plays no favorites. Harry hates everybody; Limeys, Hebes, Micks, Fat Dagos, *******, Honkies, Chinks, you name it..."
Lol! I am glad you remember 2 sentences from a speech that King made as he battled white racism.
See my thread on this please. You seem to want confrontation. but it doesn't help. Racism is racism. doesn't matter where it comes from. It is still sin against God and against man and the ONLY solution is at the Cross.
... I doubt ... you would toss me around. ...
View attachment 354060

Have you ever invited sealybobo to give it a try? I mean in real life.
Oh yeah, that sounds like a smart use of time and money. Travel halfway across the country to spend 5 to 10 seconds humiliating some big mouth from the Internet. Maybe not.

It's a waste of bandwidth to use fighting words only to wimp out and not actually call someone out. You're probably a teen and don't understand the way men (when men were men) used to be. Way back then, if you said some of the things you say, it was tantamount to throwing down the gauntlet and issuing a challenge. Today, it's cowards hiding behind a keyboard, trying to provoke other posters and doing everything save of calling them out. If I posted some of the things you post it would be to provoke
someone and then take the lead if they accepted the challenge. But, the younger generation is not real men any longer; they are pussies hiding behind keyboards. I think that if you were going to call sealybobo out, you should have followed through.

Since you made it a point to get all up in my business, I am just returning the favor. Hope you appreciate it.
What is does is try to provoke me to say something against the rules and then he tells and I get banned for 30 days. He's a total dick.

I gave him the nickname Dennis. He knows why.
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