My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

beagle9 makes a post whining about that we are all forgetting about our white euroAmerican background, I properly correct his whininess, and he whines more.

Look forward, beagle9, we are a different country than when we were born: is what it is.
Why are you trying to paint me as a racist ?? Does this somehow help you or your rep by trying to do this ? I challenge anyone to go back through everything I have ever written here, and bring forth one racist comment or anything that pegs me as a racist on this forum, it can't be done and you know why it can't be ? It is because I am no racist, but I can see a racist from a mile away, whether it be a black racist or a white racist etc. What goes on on this forum I noticed, is there is a time slot where someone can make a charge against another, and then there is the time it takes for others to read the charge, and then the one who levy's the charge hopes that the thread will move so fast, and the attention span goes so fast that it will change so rapidly here, that no one will do their homework on the person that the charge had been levied against, so the charge will stand for the moment or just long enough is the thinking by the perp in hopes that the charge will quickly hurt the victims rep by such a charge upon the forum, before the person charged can clear oneself of the charge in the relm of these fast and furious accusations, in which turn out to be found as lies, but the perp got away with it or so he or she thinks, and that is all that matters to the perp who operates in these ways as they do upon these forums.. Pure snakes is what they are, serpents who are loosed upon this earth in these latter times in which we all have to deal with now.

just ignore jakey, everyone else does. He'll do that shit all day long. He's just a little piglet, with no value or purpose.
Yes, but isn't this a trait of the democrat party right now in this nation, and people should wake up to these types quickly, because they are duping Americans into becoming as complete fools in the site of the world when they get away with this kind of stuff.
I hope you are not a conscious racist, but, yes, you are one if you think only white Euro-American people made this country great. As long as you keep tying American exceptionalism (inaccurately) to white Euro-American influence here (ignoring or downplaying Native American, Hispanics, Californios, Nuevo Mexicanos, the Asians, and all the others who suffered for this country) as long as you ignore the slavery, the genocide, the segregation, the dehumanizing other races and languages and religions here in America, then, yes, you are off balance.

You are a serpent if you are guilty of this, and you are when you say we are evolving somehow wrongly beyond the Euro-American influence and ignoring all the rest.

Shame on you.
Ok, now for all you who are here and do read these accusations, do you know them to be true? Now if they are as Jakey says they are these accusations, then I ask, no I beg any of you to prove them to be true, and this goes for you to Jakey boy.
Buddy... He's a troll... A rather intelligent one really.

Right now your reputation is on the line here, because either you are a liar or you are not, and right now you are a complete liar within this you have levied against me, but hey some of you here are used to this sort of thing, so I know that it won't bother you who are in this way at the very least by what these types of posters are in their character, but what I want is for everyone else who is not this way to know you to be this way, just as you have proven to be, and then to take you afterwards with a grain of salt, for your lies are bitter and evil, but as I said you undoubtedly are used to this sort of character and bad personality trait (as a lefty) that is held within yourself, so if you can live with it, then I'm sure everyone else can try and live with it also, but know this Jakey boy, everyone knows you and you are fooling no one here, not unless they are total fools maybe.
Damn... Got that all out in one breath.

If you want to persist on showing everyone what kind of man he is... I suggest doing it without the block text and seriously long sentences. The majority of people that you likely want to show it to won't read it.
beagle9 is melting down. He is upset that America is changing from its Euro-American background and influences while trying to deny his problem with race and ethnicity. So far religion and women have not come up yet, but I suspect it will.

His (or her) real issue of course involves moving forward into the 21st century instead of looking at the past.
beagle9 is melting down. He is upset that America is changing from its Euro-American background and influences while trying to deny his problem with race and ethnicity. So far religion and women have not come up yet, but I suspect it will.

His (or her) real issue of course involves moving forward into the 21st century instead of looking at the past.
Keep making a fool of yourself, because as I am reading, people know about you, and that is good that they do. This nation may not be as lost as one may think that it is...
beagle9 is melting down. He is upset that America is changing from its Euro-American background and influences while trying to deny his problem with race and ethnicity. So far religion and women have not come up yet, but I suspect it will.

His (or her) real issue of course involves moving forward into the 21st century instead of looking at the past.
Keep making a fool of yourself, because as I am reading, people know about you, and that is good that they do. This nation may not be as lost as one may think that it is...

Fake Malarkey is indeed a troll, and the ONLY USMB member I have on 'ignore'.

Even Mr. Shaman is preferable to that little pissant.
Shelzin is a troll as well.

Jake is not quite as intelligent as my dog Mylo. Mylo's pretty smart; but she has reached the top rung of her intelligence ladder...she will never learn not to run into fences, and she will never be able to keep herself from chasing after airplanes.
Beagle9 and GuyPinestra are part of what Governor Bobby Jindall calls "the stupid party." The gov says change or be irrelevant: Jindal: End 'dumbed-down conservatism'. That means we go forward not back to 1950. He means you guys change not America.
Yes, she does, and she is talking about the exceptions that prove the rule of the inhumanity of slavery. If she is actively preaching the "positive good of slavery" than her message is as foul as those who preached it in the 1850s.

You sir, are an idiot. I simply stated that the blacks in this country were awesome people and were making contributions, even as slaves.

Instead of considering the statement, you want to convict me of a hate crime that I did not committ. I have no interest in sustaining slavery of any kind (which is why I am against the gov't making "pets" of citizens: you know giving them food, shelter, medical care, just like the slave owners of old).

But by all means, pretend that the blacks brought to this country as slaves were kept as stupid animals that had to be yoked to a plow and whipped, that they were not intelligent enough to contribute, meaningfully. Who is the bigot, and the racist?
I hope you are not a conscious racist, but, yes, you are one if you think only white Euro-American people made this country great. As long as you keep tying American exceptionalism (inaccurately) to white Euro-American influence here (ignoring or downplaying Native American, Hispanics, Californios, Nuevo Mexicanos, the Asians, and all the others who suffered for this country) as long as you ignore the slavery, the genocide, the segregation, the dehumanizing other races and languages and religions here in America, then, yes, you are off balance.

You are a serpent if you are guilty of this, and you are when you say we are evolving somehow wrongly beyond the Euro-American influence and ignoring all the rest.

Shame on you.

He did not say that, you did.

"American" exceptionalism is amazing because all the above (white Europeans, Mexicans, American Natives, Asians, Africans, etc) all joined together (not always a smooth fit), and pursued liberty for all Americans above a ruling class that would dictate laws and moods. All of them contributed, including "Christian" Europeans. They should not be marginalized or ignored, because another "group" is popular at the moment. Each contribution (that would be "individual"ly) should stand on its own. If you have to pretend a group didn't count to make another group's contribution seem important, maybe it wasn't that great of a contribution.
logical4u deliberately mischaracterizes the horror and tragedy of North American Negro chattel slavery.

Many were "kept as stupid animals." She better look up what growing sugar involved in terms of the slave population. She better go look at the auction blocks, the execution blocks and gallows, the shackles and whips and brands.

Many, despite all of this, did contribute meaningfully IN SPITE OF SLAVERY.

I suspect logical4u was brain damaged. I know she is morally damaged.
logical, nobody bothers arguing with Jake. He doesn't even read your posts, he just types uncomprehendable sentence fragments over and over and over
My language is clear and to the point. The reponsible GOP is having no part of your pathology any more on that far right. No sickos need speak for the GOP, because they will get kicked square in the face.

LL, don't like it. Go start your party.

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