My fellow Conservatives...please read this.

As a Former GOP member, I'd just like to say that you lost me and at least half a dozen other posters on these boards because you went too far right. Anecdotal - not scientific - evidence, yes.

But many of us have noticed a disconnect between what you are and what you say you are.

You say you are a party of smaller government and less government intrusion.
But you try to tell women when to give birth and when not to give birth.
That is false. Be responsible. Birth control is cheap and legal, as are IUD's. Stop using the murder of the unborn as a contraceptive measure.
And you try to tell people who they are allowed to marry and who they are not allowed to marry.
I have no problem with who or what someone marries. Just stop trying to force my church to 'accept' it

You say you are the party of "opportunity for all"
but you filibuster equal pay for women initiative and tell Latinos to go "home."
Overturning Court decisions is a job for the Courts, not the Legislature, even if the motives are pure. No one is telling Latinos to 'go home', 50 million of them ALREADY ARE home. We're telling criminal illegal aliens to go home. See the difference?

The list goes on, but in sum I'd just suggest that you match your actions to your words.

just mho.
Now that those are dealt with, bring on the list...
Okay, onto the next question since you brought up prayer in school..

What 'far right' group calls for public recognition of Christianity over other faiths? How are they calling for it? Give some examples of what you're speaking of here in regards to legistation?
Santa Fe ISD comes to mind. SCOTUS ruled correctly.

That was in 2000 (i.e. almost 13 years ago) and has nothing to do with the any stance the GOP had then, let alone today. And isn't 'prayer' allowed in any religion, is it strictly a Christian cincept? This is pretty weak. Any legislation they're putting forward today? So you side with the democrat party again on this one? Unless you have some other example to back this up?

So far your republican value is that you're against abortion except for incest, rape, or mother's life. The other topics you side more with the democrat party.
Onto the next question.

What does 'Randain libertarianism' mean to you? Give some specific examples of where you see this being promoted by the republican party.
(And I've read Atlas Shrugged.. ;)) So, when you give the example, explain why you disagree with it, and how your stance on it could be considered a 'republican' value.
That is false. Be responsible. Birth control is cheap and legal, as are IUD's. Stop using the murder of the unborn as a contraceptive measure.
I agree 100%. But most American women do not.
They resent the intrusion into their womb and they are not going to vote for you - especially when you official party platform says no abortion under any circumstance. Having a few poster-child level dimwits who make offensive statements doesn't help. But the problem is that the platform plank itself is out of touch with 77% of Americans.
I have no problem with who or what someone marries. Just stop trying to force my church to 'accept' it

Gays and lesbians don't give a rat's ass what your church accepts or doesn't accept. They care whether they are allowed to define their own family. The GOP position is that THEY will define what is and what is not a family for them.

That's unpopular with many and they won't vote for you.
That is false. Be responsible. Birth control is cheap and legal, as are IUD's. Stop using the murder of the unborn as a contraceptive measure.
I agree 100%. But most American women do not.
They resent the intrusion into their womb and they are not going to vote for you - especially when you official party platform says no abortion under any circumstance. Having a few poster-child level dimwits who make offensive statements doesn't help. But the problem is that the platform plank itself is out of touch with 77% of Americans.

Yes, that battle is lost, young women have been indoctrinated into the concept that it's 'okay' to kill your unborn child, and that it is your 'right'. Not sure what the polls say anymore, there used to be a time when the majority was against abotrion, but then again, everyone says they're 'against' it and would never do it themselves, yet we have millions of abortions every year. Pretty funny.
If republicans become more progressive, republicans will never win another election. Guaranteed. They won't get the votes of former republicans. The best they can hope for is to split the democratic vote.

There might be formation of a weak third party who votes as a protest against the progressive democrats and republicans but that's about all. The US will become pretty much just like mexico.
Overturning Court decisions is a job for the Courts, not the Legislature, even if the motives are pure. No one is telling Latinos to 'go home', 50 million of them ALREADY ARE home. We're telling criminal illegal aliens to go home. See the difference?

Blocking the will of the majority by filibustering a bill providing an avenue for restitution for women who are victims of pay discrimination isn't real popular with women.

"Self Deport" tells Latinos "we don't want you here" and they aren't going to vote for you.

Wander around the delusionary rhetoric tree all you want. It's NOT dealing with the issues and it's NOT winning you voters.
I have no problem with who or what someone marries. Just stop trying to force my church to 'accept' it

Gays and lesbians don't give a rat's ass what your church accepts or doesn't accept. They care whether they are allowed to define their own family. The GOP position is that THEY will define what is and what is not a family for them.

That's unpopular with many and they won't vote for you.

Again, indoctrination of the youngest generation has been successful in that as well. Sex with whoever, however, whenever, etc.. is accepted in society now. Just do whatever makes you feel good, ties in closely with abortion statistics doesn't it. We saw that whenever Clinton could get a blow job in the whitehouse from a young intern and is still seen as a political hero in the democratic party. At it's base, it's representative of a society moving towards a more ammoral existence, which typically leads to that society's downfall when looked at historically. It's easy to demoralize a society, that's human nature, it's much more difficult to stand for morals. The dems have realized this and are using it to their benefit to gain and keep power. If it follows the expected path, it won't end well for the lemmings that are following the democratic piper.
If republicans become more progressive, republicans will never win another election. Guaranteed. They won't get the votes of former republicans. The best they can hope for is to split the democratic vote.

There might be formation of a weak third party who votes as a protest against the progressive democrats and republicans but that's about all. The US will become pretty much just like mexico.

I don't think actually becoming the party you profess to be: a party of minimal government intrusion and smaller government (ie. getting out of the abortion, gay marriage, debate) and supporting immigration reform is becoming "more progressive."
Overturning Court decisions is a job for the Courts, not the Legislature, even if the motives are pure. No one is telling Latinos to 'go home', 50 million of them ALREADY ARE home. We're telling criminal illegal aliens to go home. See the difference?

Blocking the will of the majority by filibustering a bill providing an avenue for restitution for women who are victims of pay discrimination isn't real popular with women.

"Self Deport" tells Latinos "we don't want you here" and they aren't going to vote for you.

Wander around the delusionary rhetoric tree all you want. It's NOT dealing with the issues and it's NOT winning you voters.

Yes, another losing battle, when one party is telling them to go ahead and break our laws, it's cool, we'll just give you amnesty and all kind of free shit, who do you think they're going to side with? The question is why is this popular with any Americans at all? Do they just follow blindly along because they're a 'democrat' and have to support anything their party does?
If republicans become more progressive, republicans will never win another election. Guaranteed. They won't get the votes of former republicans. The best they can hope for is to split the democratic vote.

There might be formation of a weak third party who votes as a protest against the progressive democrats and republicans but that's about all. The US will become pretty much just like mexico.

I don't think actually becoming the party you profess to be: a party of minimal government intrusion and smaller government (ie. getting out of the abortion, gay marriage, debate) and supporting immigration reform is becoming "more progressive."

The better question is what do the democrats support? And if it's not reform, why do those who call themselves democrats accept what the leaders in their party are doing? Which is basically supporting illegal behavior, granting amnesty, and promising handouts for votes? Why does any American accept this position?
I have no problem with who or what someone marries. Just stop trying to force my church to 'accept' it

Gays and lesbians don't give a rat's ass what your church accepts or doesn't accept. They care whether they are allowed to define their own family. The GOP position is that THEY will define what is and what is not a family for them.

That's unpopular with many and they won't vote for you.

Again, indoctrination of the youngest generation has been successful in that as well. Sex with whoever, however, whenever, etc.. is accepted in society now. Just do whatever makes you feel good, ties in closely with abortion statistics doesn't it. We saw that whenever Clinton could get a blow job in the whitehouse from a young intern and is still seen as a political hero in the democratic party. At it's base, it's representative of a society moving towards a more ammoral existence, which typically leads to that society's downfall when looked at historically. It's easy to demoralize a society, that's human nature, it's much more difficult to stand for morals. The dems have realized this and are using it to their benefit to gain and keep power. If it follows the expected path, it won't end well for the lemmings that are following the democratic piper.

That's the core element. Most Americans don't want Christian morals shoved down their throats. Even Jesus didn't advocate that approach (remember "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's"?).

If you want to create a more Christian society, you don't do it at the ballot box - you do it one heart, one conversion - one person - at a time. And screaming "MURDERER" in a young woman's face, or bombing an abortion clinic, or pointing a boney finger at gays, isn't going to do the trick. If you want to minister to someone - you have to love them. If you want to love them - you're going to have to listen to them without judgement.
Overturning Court decisions is a job for the Courts, not the Legislature, even if the motives are pure. No one is telling Latinos to 'go home', 50 million of them ALREADY ARE home. We're telling criminal illegal aliens to go home. See the difference?

Blocking the will of the majority by filibustering a bill providing an avenue for restitution for women who are victims of pay discrimination isn't real popular with women.

"Self Deport" tells Latinos "we don't want you here" and they aren't going to vote for you.

Wander around the delusionary rhetoric tree all you want. It's NOT dealing with the issues and it's NOT winning you voters.

The fact is that it's the responsibility of the Courts, not the Legislature. PERIOD. That's how the LAW works.

'Self deport' ONLY applies to those who are SUBJECT to deportation. If you are here ILLEGALLY, that means YOU. Nobody else, just YOU.
Courts interpret laws - legislatures pass laws that give the courts guidance. If a courts are interpreting a law in a way that doesn't reflect the intent of the legislation or the will of the majority - then the legislature passes NEW legislation that clarifies the intent.
Gays and lesbians don't give a rat's ass what your church accepts or doesn't accept. They care whether they are allowed to define their own family. The GOP position is that THEY will define what is and what is not a family for them.

That's unpopular with many and they won't vote for you.

Again, indoctrination of the youngest generation has been successful in that as well. Sex with whoever, however, whenever, etc.. is accepted in society now. Just do whatever makes you feel good, ties in closely with abortion statistics doesn't it. We saw that whenever Clinton could get a blow job in the whitehouse from a young intern and is still seen as a political hero in the democratic party. At it's base, it's representative of a society moving towards a more ammoral existence, which typically leads to that society's downfall when looked at historically. It's easy to demoralize a society, that's human nature, it's much more difficult to stand for morals. The dems have realized this and are using it to their benefit to gain and keep power. If it follows the expected path, it won't end well for the lemmings that are following the democratic piper.

That's the core element. Most Americans don't want Christian morals shoved down their throats. Even Jesus didn't advocate that approach (remember "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's"?).

If you want to create a more Christian society, you don't do it at the ballot box - you do it one heart, one conversion - one person - at a time. And screaming "MURDERER" in a young woman's face, or bombing an abortion clinic, or pointing a boney finger at gays, isn't going to do the trick. If you want to minister to someone - you have to love them. If you want to love them - you're going to have to listen to them without judgement.

Is not killing your child only a 'christian moral'? They don't want any morals shoved down their throats at all. The party that let's them denegrate in immorality will be the popular party, no doubt. When you're a kid, which parent do you like best? The one that let's you do whatever you want, or the one that holds you to standards? We're going down the path where we hold ourselves to no standards, just go look at what's going on in the headlines today. The problem is that the democratic party, once they feel they have enough leverage, are going to turn into the parents from hell when it's too late for anyone to do anything about it.

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