My glib theory about recent gun control


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
I think we all agree there is nothing unusual about seeing attacks on the Constitution when ever a Democrat becomes President, but i think this recent gun control effort is something new.

Obama has hired the top Commie-Nazis, Cheif Kelly(ny) and Cheif Bratton(la) to start looking into ways to ignore the Second Amendment.

Cheif Bratton has stated, before the meeting, that gun control support from the public is only about 30%, the lowest it's been in ages. Bratton has stated that he doesn't think anything serious will pass through government.

...but have we forgotten who we are dealing with?
Obama pushed the health-care bill through which was a highly unconstitutional piece of legislation that forces the public to buy services from private companies.
the fact is , our government has failed, ...all three branches of government failed to protect our rights.

Why would we think the government is going to respect gun rights?

I predict gun control laws will pass, and it's the beginning of many that will come over the next decade.

My theory is , the government is motivated because it knows our economy is not coming back.
America's missing economy is now known as the Chinese middle class.
How is that going to come back?
You can listen to economists in suits tell you stories about how The Wizard will release the flying monkeys, and they're going to bring back gold bars from down the yellow brick road ...all you want, but to me , their words mean nothing.

The fact is, our current policy means disastar.
This started, at least , back in the 80's when Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Vlocker said "the standard of living for Americans must decline" ( ...and he was re appointed by Reagan)

As the country continues to decline, people are going to want to get violent, and the government is going to want more people disarmed.


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