My good job Boo Hoo

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What's not to hate about Scrub, and what the GOP has become?

Bush isnt the president and it's pretty obvious conservatives dont like what the GOP has become...but at least we're trying to change it so I guess you're half right,which is better than your usual.

There is nothing "Conservative" about the circular firing squad which is the current GOP.....nothing commendable about its Teabagging and Yahoo wings....

And what are the "changes" you are promoting?

They sound indistinguishable from the sales pitch which induced you to vote for Scrub nearly 16 years ago.

Somehow you missed the midterms....

The 2014 midterms? I think it was a great year for establishment Republicans.

See here's the thing.....conservative Americans put conservatives in office in record numbers with the expectation of them doing what they promised. They didnt.
That was the catalyst for the change you're seeing today,and both sides are getting into it,not just conservatives.
Progressivism is dead,and you can thank the RINOs in a round about way.
And the current crop of RINOs is dead right along with them.
I see it as a win,win.

What was that promise, exactly?

Fight the Fuliginy?
The 2014 midterms? I think it was a great year for establishment Republicans.

See here's the thing.....conservative Americans put conservatives in office in record numbers with the expectation of them doing what they promised. They didnt.
That was the catalyst for the change you're seeing today,and both sides are getting into it,not just conservatives.
Progressivism is dead,and you can thank the RINOs in a round about way.
And the current crop of RINOs is dead right along with them.
I see it as a win,win.

Are you sure? What are your down ballot choices?

I dont see that as relevant to the conversation.
It's the reaction of Americans of all stripes that is telling.

You're going on about some sort of change happening today in politics but you don't care about down ballot races?

Why do progressives always play stupid?
Who are the front runners for the republicans and do you see them as establishment politicians?

Well, the top guy has the least likely chance of winning a general election and the other one is currently being decimated by that front runner. The next wingnut on the list is Carson and we're not even sure if he's awake.

The problem here is, if Trump doesn't win the nomination then what happens to this"change" of yours? I would imagine most of you nutters will just vote for Rubio and you lose for another 4 years regardless of which party wins the general election. No movement, you guys haven't even talked about down ballot participation in the Trump vein of conservatism. Where are the senators, governors and Representatives that represent this so called change? Your tongue is so far up the cult of personality that you're confusing it for "change".

I might add, to a lesser extent, Obama represented the same type of change however he didn't divide his party, he convinced them. He had pie in the sky dreams but then again, we have the ACA, gay marriage is legal and at least for the moment we've suspended the move forward in a right wing masturbatory war with Iran. He needed consensus and his own party for that and he got it. Trump so far isn't bringing anyone with him.
See here's the thing.....conservative Americans put conservatives in office in record numbers with the expectation of them doing what they promised. They didnt.
That was the catalyst for the change you're seeing today,and both sides are getting into it,not just conservatives.
Progressivism is dead,and you can thank the RINOs in a round about way.
And the current crop of RINOs is dead right along with them.
I see it as a win,win.

Are you sure? What are your down ballot choices?

I dont see that as relevant to the conversation.
It's the reaction of Americans of all stripes that is telling.

You're going on about some sort of change happening today in politics but you don't care about down ballot races?

Why do progressives always play stupid?
Who are the front runners for the republicans and do you see them as establishment politicians?

Well, the top guy has the least likely chance of winning a general election and the other one is currently being decimated by that front runner. The next wingnut on the list is Carson and we're not even sure if he's awake.

The problem here is, if Trump doesn't win the nomination then what happens to this"change" of yours? I would imagine most of you nutters will just vote for Rubio and you lose for another 4 years regardless of which party wins the general election. No movement, you guys haven't even talked about down ballot participation in the Trump vein of conservatism. Where are the senators, governors and Representatives that represent this so called change? Your tongue is so far up the cult of personality that your confusing it for "change".

I might add, to a lesser extent, Obama represented the same type of change however he didn't divide his party, he convinced them. He had pie in the sky dreams but then again, we have the ACA, gay marriage is legal and at least for the moment we've suspended the move forward in a right wing masturbatory war with Iran. He needed consensus and his own party for that and he got it. Trump so far isn't bringing anyone with him.

There are so many errors in this post I find it hard to believe it's not intentional.
...and you add to my view of Democrats as the party of haters eddiew. Whatever will we do to change that?
What's not to hate about Scrub, and what the GOP has become?
That fact that they upset you proves they are doing a good job.


If they are "doing a good job", why are their JARs in the shitter?
Let's see, they own most of the governorships and hold congress by a wide margin and many state legislative seats. But you gots you some numbers that make you feels good?
...and you add to my view of Democrats as the party of haters eddiew. Whatever will we do to change that?
What's not to hate about Scrub, and what the GOP has become?
That fact that they upset you proves they are doing a good job.


If they are "doing a good job", why are their JARs in the shitter?
Let's see, they own most of the governorships and hold congress by a wide margin and many state legislative seats. But you gots you some numbers that make you feels good?


You didn't answer the question.....Congress' Job Approval stands at roughly 25% of that of the man whose aims they were, apparently, elected to thwart...

How does this translate to " good job"?
Are you sure? What are your down ballot choices?

I dont see that as relevant to the conversation.
It's the reaction of Americans of all stripes that is telling.

You're going on about some sort of change happening today in politics but you don't care about down ballot races?

Why do progressives always play stupid?
Who are the front runners for the republicans and do you see them as establishment politicians?

Well, the top guy has the least likely chance of winning a general election and the other one is currently being decimated by that front runner. The next wingnut on the list is Carson and we're not even sure if he's awake.

The problem here is, if Trump doesn't win the nomination then what happens to this"change" of yours? I would imagine most of you nutters will just vote for Rubio and you lose for another 4 years regardless of which party wins the general election. No movement, you guys haven't even talked about down ballot participation in the Trump vein of conservatism. Where are the senators, governors and Representatives that represent this so called change? Your tongue is so far up the cult of personality that your confusing it for "change".

I might add, to a lesser extent, Obama represented the same type of change however he didn't divide his party, he convinced them. He had pie in the sky dreams but then again, we have the ACA, gay marriage is legal and at least for the moment we've suspended the move forward in a right wing masturbatory war with Iran. He needed consensus and his own party for that and he got it. Trump so far isn't bringing anyone with him.

There are so many errors in this post I find it hard to believe it's not intentional.

So, the points being made by me:

1. Trump is the least likely to win a general election
2. Cruz isn't going to either because Trump will make sure he never has the opportunity, Carson is dead in the waters
3. Where is Trump's support in government for this sea change you are talking about? Who does he partner with to get his agenda through in Congress as well as working with state governors
4. Obama's candidacy also depended on his personality, however he didn't sacrifice the Democratic party for it.
5. Obama worked within his own party to get shit done, not everything, but quite a few big ticket items

Please, point out the errors, rather than do what you usually do and pretend you have a point to make and then post nothing like you just did.
Hillary is still handing over evidence that was requested years ago. So she should be asked why is she costing tax payers millions.

How many hearings that found nothing do you require ? Are they in double figures yet ? Keep on throwing shit up against the wall and see how far you get election day
A couple weeks ago she handed over more emails that were conserdered classified. So why didn't she hand it over when it was requested? She did this same thing in the 90's. She won't get away with it this time. Also she is the one dragging this out.
Hillary is still handing over evidence that was requested years ago. So she should be asked why is she costing tax payers millions.

How many hearings that found nothing do you require ? Are they in double figures yet ? Keep on throwing shit up against the wall and see how far you get election day
A couple weeks ago she handed over more emails that were conserdered classified. So why didn't she hand it over when it was requested? She did this same thing in the 90's. She won't get away with it this time. Also she is the one dragging this out.

Is this finally going to be your lucky charm?
Hillary is still handing over evidence that was requested years ago. So she should be asked why is she costing tax payers millions.

How many hearings that found nothing do you require ? Are they in double figures yet ? Keep on throwing shit up against the wall and see how far you get election day
A couple weeks ago she handed over more emails that were conserdered classified. So why didn't she hand it over when it was requested? She did this same thing in the 90's. She won't get away with it this time. Also she is the one dragging this out.

Is this finally going to be your lucky charm?
No the evidence has told the truth, but liberals stick together. That's why liberals would vote for a rapist. As long as a d is beside their name.
Hillary is still handing over evidence that was requested years ago. So she should be asked why is she costing tax payers millions.

How many hearings that found nothing do you require ? Are they in double figures yet ? Keep on throwing shit up against the wall and see how far you get election day
A couple weeks ago she handed over more emails that were conserdered classified. So why didn't she hand it over when it was requested? She did this same thing in the 90's. She won't get away with it this time. Also she is the one dragging this out.

Is this finally going to be your lucky charm?
No the evidence has told the truth, but liberals stick together. That's why liberals would vote for a rapist. As long as a d is beside their name.

Can you post the content of these new emails?
Hillary is still handing over evidence that was requested years ago. So she should be asked why is she costing tax payers millions.

How many hearings that found nothing do you require ? Are they in double figures yet ? Keep on throwing shit up against the wall and see how far you get election day
A couple weeks ago she handed over more emails that were conserdered classified. So why didn't she hand it over when it was requested? She did this same thing in the 90's. She won't get away with it this time. Also she is the one dragging this out.

Is this finally going to be your lucky charm?
No the evidence has told the truth, but liberals stick together. That's why liberals would vote for a rapist. As long as a d is beside their name.

Can you post the content of these new emails?
It really doesn't matter Hillary could tell you to your face she is guilty, and you still wouldn't believe she did it. That's why liberalism is a mental disease.
How many hearings that found nothing do you require ? Are they in double figures yet ? Keep on throwing shit up against the wall and see how far you get election day
A couple weeks ago she handed over more emails that were conserdered classified. So why didn't she hand it over when it was requested? She did this same thing in the 90's. She won't get away with it this time. Also she is the one dragging this out.

Is this finally going to be your lucky charm?
No the evidence has told the truth, but liberals stick together. That's why liberals would vote for a rapist. As long as a d is beside their name.

Can you post the content of these new emails?
It really doesn't matter Hillary could tell you to your face she is guilty, and you still wouldn't believe she did it. That's why liberalism is a mental disease.

It's a cute way of saying you don't have any evidence.
I dont see that as relevant to the conversation.
It's the reaction of Americans of all stripes that is telling.

You're going on about some sort of change happening today in politics but you don't care about down ballot races?

Why do progressives always play stupid?
Who are the front runners for the republicans and do you see them as establishment politicians?

Well, the top guy has the least likely chance of winning a general election and the other one is currently being decimated by that front runner. The next wingnut on the list is Carson and we're not even sure if he's awake.

The problem here is, if Trump doesn't win the nomination then what happens to this"change" of yours? I would imagine most of you nutters will just vote for Rubio and you lose for another 4 years regardless of which party wins the general election. No movement, you guys haven't even talked about down ballot participation in the Trump vein of conservatism. Where are the senators, governors and Representatives that represent this so called change? Your tongue is so far up the cult of personality that your confusing it for "change".

I might add, to a lesser extent, Obama represented the same type of change however he didn't divide his party, he convinced them. He had pie in the sky dreams but then again, we have the ACA, gay marriage is legal and at least for the moment we've suspended the move forward in a right wing masturbatory war with Iran. He needed consensus and his own party for that and he got it. Trump so far isn't bringing anyone with him.

There are so many errors in this post I find it hard to believe it's not intentional.

So, the points being made by me:

1. Trump is the least likely to win a general election
2. Cruz isn't going to either because Trump will make sure he never has the opportunity, Carson is dead in the waters
3. Where is Trump's support in government for this sea change you are talking about? Who does he partner with to get his agenda through in Congress as well as working with state governors
4. Obama's candidacy also depended on his personality, however he didn't sacrifice the Democratic party for it.
5. Obama worked within his own party to get shit done, not everything, but quite a few big ticket items

Please, point out the errors, rather than do what you usually do and pretend you have a point to make and then post nothing like you just did.

All wrong.
And have no fear...the pen and the phone are now legit ways to pass any damn thing you want.
Another brainless OP and another pointless, partisan troll thread.
You're going on about some sort of change happening today in politics but you don't care about down ballot races?

Why do progressives always play stupid?
Who are the front runners for the republicans and do you see them as establishment politicians?

Well, the top guy has the least likely chance of winning a general election and the other one is currently being decimated by that front runner. The next wingnut on the list is Carson and we're not even sure if he's awake.

The problem here is, if Trump doesn't win the nomination then what happens to this"change" of yours? I would imagine most of you nutters will just vote for Rubio and you lose for another 4 years regardless of which party wins the general election. No movement, you guys haven't even talked about down ballot participation in the Trump vein of conservatism. Where are the senators, governors and Representatives that represent this so called change? Your tongue is so far up the cult of personality that your confusing it for "change".

I might add, to a lesser extent, Obama represented the same type of change however he didn't divide his party, he convinced them. He had pie in the sky dreams but then again, we have the ACA, gay marriage is legal and at least for the moment we've suspended the move forward in a right wing masturbatory war with Iran. He needed consensus and his own party for that and he got it. Trump so far isn't bringing anyone with him.

There are so many errors in this post I find it hard to believe it's not intentional.

So, the points being made by me:

1. Trump is the least likely to win a general election
2. Cruz isn't going to either because Trump will make sure he never has the opportunity, Carson is dead in the waters
3. Where is Trump's support in government for this sea change you are talking about? Who does he partner with to get his agenda through in Congress as well as working with state governors
4. Obama's candidacy also depended on his personality, however he didn't sacrifice the Democratic party for it.
5. Obama worked within his own party to get shit done, not everything, but quite a few big ticket items

Please, point out the errors, rather than do what you usually do and pretend you have a point to make and then post nothing like you just did.

All wrong.
And have no fear...the pen and the phone are now legit ways to pass any damn thing you want.

The pen and the phone? Hey, how about if you actually reply to my post?
Given your meme comes from Occupy Democrats reveals much about you.

I am a Democrat now I've despised Republicans ever since I was one and voted for the moron bush in 2000 ..The worst vote of my people like you show me I made no error

the RW idiots around here have great resolve. They're absolutely dedicated to showcasing their partisan ignorance, and personal stupidity.
Given your meme comes from Occupy Democrats reveals much about you.

I am a Democrat now I've despised Republicans ever since I was one and voted for the moron bush in 2000 ..The worst vote of my people like you show me I made no error

the RW idiots around here have great resolve. They're absolutely dedicated to showcasing their partisan ignorance, and personal stupidity.

That's actually not irony.
Are you sure? What are your down ballot choices?

I dont see that as relevant to the conversation.
It's the reaction of Americans of all stripes that is telling.

You're going on about some sort of change happening today in politics but you don't care about down ballot races?

Why do progressives always play stupid?
Who are the front runners for the republicans and do you see them as establishment politicians?

Well, the top guy has the least likely chance of winning a general election and the other one is currently being decimated by that front runner. The next wingnut on the list is Carson and we're not even sure if he's awake.

The problem here is, if Trump doesn't win the nomination then what happens to this"change" of yours? I would imagine most of you nutters will just vote for Rubio and you lose for another 4 years regardless of which party wins the general election. No movement, you guys haven't even talked about down ballot participation in the Trump vein of conservatism. Where are the senators, governors and Representatives that represent this so called change? Your tongue is so far up the cult of personality that your confusing it for "change".

I might add, to a lesser extent, Obama represented the same type of change however he didn't divide his party, he convinced them. He had pie in the sky dreams but then again, we have the ACA, gay marriage is legal and at least for the moment we've suspended the move forward in a right wing masturbatory war with Iran. He needed consensus and his own party for that and he got it. Trump so far isn't bringing anyone with him.

There are so many errors in this post I find it hard to believe it's not intentional.

It's quite disheartening.
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