My Gratitude and Apologies For All The Brave Men and Women Who Fought For Our Country

Actually, he did. Post 34 has a link to the Military Times article where it states that he was told that because of the weather, a helicopter ride wasn't suggested, but, if he wanted, they would drive him to the service. Trump declined and didn't attend. When asked about it later, he said it was because the helo couldn't fly there, but he left out the part where he could have taken a motorcade to the service.
You cannot read.

Trump also reiterated the White House explanation of why he didn’t visit the cemetery. “The helicopter could not fly,” he said, because of the rain and fog. “The Secret Service told me you can’t do it. ... They would never have been able to get the police and everybody else in line to have a president go through a very crowded, very congested area.”
You cannot read.

Trump also reiterated the White House explanation of why he didn’t visit the cemetery. “The helicopter could not fly,” he said, because of the rain and fog. “The Secret Service told me you can’t do it. ... They would never have been able to get the police and everybody else in line to have a president go through a very crowded, very congested area.”

That is what Trump told people. However, the staff said that they could get him there if he wanted.

From the same article, and from what the staff said, not what Trump told everyone...................

Staffers from the National Security Council and the Secret Service told Trump that rainy weather made helicopter travel to the cemetery risky, but they could drive there. Trump responded by saying he didn’t want to visit the cemetery because it was “filled with losers,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss it publicly.

I'm pretty sure that if Trump wanted to go, they would have gotten him there safely and without too much trouble. They said the helo ride was risky, but they COULD drive him there.
That is what Trump told people. However, the staff said that they could get him there if he wanted.

From the same article, and from what the staff said, not what Trump told everyone...................

Staffers from the National Security Council and the Secret Service told Trump that rainy weather made helicopter travel to the cemetery risky, but they could drive there. Trump responded by saying he didn’t want to visit the cemetery because it was “filled with losers,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to discuss it publicly.

I'm pretty sure that if Trump wanted to go, they would have gotten him there safely and without too much trouble. They said the helo ride was risky, but they COULD drive him there.
Really? Who said it? You seem to forget that the liberal media will make shit up to make Trump appear like an asshole, when nothing could be further from the truth.

So, who said it?
Really? Who said it? You seem to forget that the liberal media will make shit up to make Trump appear like an asshole, when nothing could be further from the truth.

So, who said it?

Nobody that had anything negative to say about Trump wanted to put their name out there for fear of retribution, that is why it was identified as an anonymous staffer. But, I understand, your blind support of Trump dictates that you must denounce it as "fake news" because you can't believe he would do anything wrong. Interesting double standard you have, denying that anonymous sources that say anything bad about Trump can't be believed, but if it's an anonymous source that says bad things about Biden, it's gotta be true.
, which is why I say you're full of crap if you think this country is no longer free. Always has been since I've been around for the past 50 something years, and I think it will continue to be a free country longer than you or I will be around.
Before the Rulers Could Stab Us in the Back, They First Had to Take Away Our Backbone

Pro-war draftdodgers owe Vietnam veterans 60,000 lives. Free us from that entitled class and this nightmare will be over.
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Nobody that had anything negative to say about Trump wanted to put their name out there for fear of retribution, that is why it was identified as an anonymous staffer. But, I understand, your blind support of Trump dictates that you must denounce it as "fake news" because you can't believe he would do anything wrong. Interesting double standard you have, denying that anonymous sources that say anything bad about Trump can't be believed, but if it's an anonymous source that says bad things about Biden, it's gotta be true.
I'm sorry, but these anonymous sources turn out to be wrong more than right. I don't support anonymous a accusation against anyone, Biden included.

If you can't put your info out there to be quoted and assigned to you, that tis merely talking behind their back. If Trump said it and you have multiple people who heard him say it, put your money where you mouth is and speak out! If others won't support you, it was probably a lie to start out with!
Where the HELL have you lived? I'm from the souteast U.S. and we have more young people under arms than any other location in the country. There's a REASON they come from mostly Red States. You should probably remember that, if your party ever tries to talk you in to fighting "insurrectionists". Chances are really good, you people aren't up to the job.

Yours didn't get the message since your orange deity tried to get them to do his bidding to overthrow the democracy.

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