My Gratitude and Apologies For All The Brave Men and Women Who Fought For Our Country

Inflation, higher gas prices, indoctrinating children, child abuse/rape,... There are WAY too many problems in our country today that are the fault of the Democrats to list and obviously you aren't aware of any of it. Or at least you don't seem to be bothered by it.

All those things happened under other presidents way before Biden. Inflation happened under other presidents, and Jr. managed to get record high gas prices under his admin, even though he was an oil man. Child abuse and rape? Hate to tell you, but that crap has been going on for many years. Matter of fact, those are subjects I was subjected to as a kid. Ever been beat with a bullwhip at the tender age of 6? I have. Also managed through no fault of my own to find out what sexual abuse of a child was, as I was on the receiving end of it. Indoctrination of children? Really? Indoctrinated for what? And how many kids do you know of that are being indoctrinated? All I see you doing is politicizing everything you can because you hate Biden. And, I'm not really sure that I appreciate your politicization of the military, but hey, free speech is protected under the Constitution, and I swore an oath to protect it, so have at your bullshittery, but also realize, free speech means you can say anything you want, but anyone else is free to respond to what you say, which is why I say you're full of crap if you think this country is no longer free. Always has been since I've been around for the past 50 something years, and I think it will continue to be a free country longer than you or I will be around.
All those things happened under other presidents way before Biden. Inflation happened under other presidents, and Jr. managed to get record high gas prices under his admin, even though he was an oil man. Child abuse and rape? Hate to tell you, but that crap has been going on for many years. Matter of fact, those are subjects I was subjected to as a kid. Ever been beat with a bullwhip at the tender age of 6? I have. Also managed through no fault of my own to find out what sexual abuse of a child was, as I was on the receiving end of it. Indoctrination of children? Really? Indoctrinated for what? And how many kids do you know of that are being indoctrinated? All I see you doing is politicizing everything you can because you hate Biden. And, I'm not really sure that I appreciate your politicization of the military, but hey, free speech is protected under the Constitution, and I swore an oath to protect it, so have at your bullshittery, but also realize, free speech means you can say anything you want, but anyone else is free to respond to what you say, which is why I say you're full of crap if you think this country is no longer free. Always has been since I've been around for the past 50 something years, and I think it will continue to be a free country longer than you or I will be around.

Sorry to hear about your abuse, and yes that stuff has always been around to an extent, but not to the extent of what's all going on underneath the Biden/Harris Administration or why parents are constantly yanking their children out of public school because they have fallen subject to Drag Queen story hour and such.
Way to politicize the military in support of your own political views. I served over 20 years in the U.S. Navy and was in 4 different conflict zones, and never have I felt that my service or the service of others was in vain, either then, nor now.

Yeah, but your conflict zones were getting the CO's zipper down so you could service him! :abgg2q.jpg:
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I guess what I'm trying to say is what use is there fighting for our freedom when we don't have any? Not saying that we should just give up and not continue to fight for it, I'm just saying what I told Batcat earlier today. What use is there for it anymore? What does it accomplish?
We started to lose our freedom after the 9/11 attack.

Sorry to hear about your abuse, and yes that stuff has always been around to an extent, but not to the extent of what's all going on underneath the Biden/Harris Administration or why parents are constantly yanking their children out of public school because they have fallen subject to Drag Queen story hour and such.

Just out of curiosity, how many Drag Queen story hours happen in your area? You can Google it to find out how many there are. Around my area? None. The nearest one that I've been able to locate (yes, I checked, wanted to see if they were as prevalent as some seem to think) is over 60 miles away in Greenville SC. And, it's apparently only done during Pride Week. Additionally, DQ story hour seems to only occur in public libraries, not in schools. Have yet to see one held in a school, maybe you have a link? Blaming Biden for this by the way is kind of a non starter as well, since DQ story hour was started in San Francisco all the way back in 2015. Nope, I don't see large numbers of kids being indoctrinated by DQ story hours as some of you pearl clutching conservatives seem to think.
Yeah, just not as bad as now.

What freedoms have you personally lost under the Biden presidency? I can't think of a single thing that I did 10 years ago that I can't do now. Matter of fact, I can't really think of any freedoms or rights that I've lost since I became an adult in the early 80's. A lot of them were curtailed while I was active duty Navy, but have been reinstated since I retired. Perhaps you can provide examples of freedoms and rights that have been lost? I can still go just about anywhere I want that is open to the public, as well as some that aren't due to my status as a retired military person, can cross state lines at will, and tell people what I really think without fear of being put in jail. Please...........tell me what freedoms have been taken away, because I'd like to know in case I'm breaking the law.
Yeah, but your conflict zones were getting the CO's zipper down so you could service him! :abgg2q.jpg:

My LES's that are annotated with the various pay benefits for being in an active combat zone would say different. But, glad to see you're back to your old self of trying to troll me. When you were agreeing with me just a little while ago, I was concerned, as I thought you might be seriously ill.
He did not skip a service. Why do all libtards lie at every opportunity?

Actually, he did. Post 34 has a link to the Military Times article where it states that he was told that because of the weather, a helicopter ride wasn't suggested, but, if he wanted, they would drive him to the service. Trump declined and didn't attend. When asked about it later, he said it was because the helo couldn't fly there, but he left out the part where he could have taken a motorcade to the service.
Actually, he did. Post 34 has a link to the Military Times article where it states that he was told that because of the weather, a helicopter ride wasn't suggested, but, if he wanted, they would drive him to the service. Trump declined and didn't attend. When asked about it later, he said it was because the helo couldn't fly there, but he left out the part where he could have taken a motorcade to the service.
The motor cade would have been a serious security risk as it had mot been planned in advance, over rainy unfamiliar territory. The SS is the party who screwed up!
Just out of curiosity, how many Drag Queen story hours happen in your area? You can Google it to find out how many there are. Around my area? None. The nearest one that I've been able to locate (yes, I checked, wanted to see if they were as prevalent as some seem to think) is over 60 miles away in Greenville SC. And, it's apparently only done during Pride Week. Additionally, DQ story hour seems to only occur in public libraries, not in schools. Have yet to see one held in a school, maybe you have a link? Blaming Biden for this by the way is kind of a non starter as well, since DQ story hour was started in San Francisco all the way back in 2015. Nope, I don't see large numbers of kids being indoctrinated by DQ story hours as some of you pearl clutching conservatives seem to think.
It is fools like yourself that we need to fear. In your last sentence, you show your true pansy colors. According to you, it is alright if a small number of kids are being indoctrinated by a sick part of our population.
Just out of curiosity, how many Drag Queen story hours happen in your area? You can Google it to find out how many there are. Around my area? None. The nearest one that I've been able to locate (yes, I checked, wanted to see if they were as prevalent as some seem to think) is over 60 miles away in Greenville SC. And, it's apparently only done during Pride Week. Additionally, DQ story hour seems to only occur in public libraries, not in schools. Have yet to see one held in a school, maybe you have a link? Blaming Biden for this by the way is kind of a non starter as well, since DQ story hour was started in San Francisco all the way back in 2015. Nope, I don't see large numbers of kids being indoctrinated by DQ story hours as some of you pearl clutching conservatives seem to think.

I don't care if it was one or two kids affected by Drag Queen story hour!!! Little kids are supposed to be learning their ABC's, not their LGBTQIA's.

What freedoms have you personally lost under the Biden presidency? I can't think of a single thing that I did 10 years ago that I can't do now. Matter of fact, I can't really think of any freedoms or rights that I've lost since I became an adult in the early 80's. A lot of them were curtailed while I was active duty Navy, but have been reinstated since I retired. Perhaps you can provide examples of freedoms and rights that have been lost? I can still go just about anywhere I want that is open to the public, as well as some that aren't due to my status as a retired military person, can cross state lines at will, and tell people what I really think without fear of being put in jail. Please...........tell me what freedoms have been taken away, because I'd like to know in case I'm breaking the law.

There's way too many to name so I'm just going to say the freedom of speech, to bear arms, and most of all the right to a safe and secure country isn't something you realize you're losing until it's eventually lost altogether.
I don't care if it was one or two kids affected by Drag Queen story hour!!! Little kids are supposed to be learning their ABC's, not their LGBTQIA's.

There's way too many to name so I'm just going to say the freedom of speech, to bear arms, and most of all the right to a safe and secure country isn't something you realize you're losing until it's eventually lost altogether.

So.....................because something has happened far away from you and happens only infrequently, you're gonna be scared of it because it MAY impact a child, but you don't know. Got it.

As far as rights? Too many to list, so you're just gonna go with the right wing talking points? I'm pretty sure that if any of your rights were being taken away, you'd be able to list at least ONE, but you haven't lost anything, so you can't.

As far as the right to freedom of speech? I've yet to hear of anyone being arrested for expressing their opinion, maybe you have links for that? Twitter still exists, right wing blog sites still exist, and both of them are free to express whatever opinions they want without government interference. If you are talking about some of those PRIVATE concerns saying what they will and won't allow on their site, hey.........that's their choice and their right, they aren't the government, they're privately owned and can decide what they will and won't allow. USMB has rules about what can be posted, does that mean they are curtailing free speech?

The right to bear arms? I've been in several stores over the past week and have seen guns for sale in them. Sportsman's Warehouse, Wal Mart, a couple of gun shops, just to name a few, and they are still selling handguns, shotguns and pistols. Oh yeah, there have also been several gun shows in this area (Columbia SC) over the past few months, and yes, you can go in there and buy damn near anything you want without the red tape associated with buying it in a store. So no, your right to bear arms hasn't been taken away either.

Right to a safe and secure country? Got anything you can quote from the founding documents that grants that right? And, hate to tell you, but the USA is still one of the safer countries in the world, even if we do have idiots who go out and commit mass shootings.

So tell me....................what rights have you lost under the Biden administration? I'm guessing none, just more fear mongering from your side because your side hates that Biden won and the idiot Trump lost.
The motor cade would have been a serious security risk as it had mot been planned in advance, over rainy unfamiliar territory. The SS is the party who screwed up!

Doesn't change the fact that he was invited to attend a service for military dead who were buried in France but chose not to go. And, I'm pretty sure that if he had been willing to go, the motorcade would have been secure. But, blame Trump's refusal and incompetence on the SS, as we all know that none of you Trumpists can bear to say that he did anything wrong. No, the SS didn't screw up, they don't control the weather, and yes, if he'd wanted to go, they would have gotten him there and back, safe and secure.
Doesn't change the fact that he was invited to attend a service for military dead who were buried in France but chose not to go. And, I'm pretty sure that if he had been willing to go, the motorcade would have been secure. But, blame Trump's refusal and incompetence on the SS, as we all know that none of you Trumpists can bear to say that he did anything wrong. No, the SS didn't screw up, they don't control the weather, and yes, if he'd wanted to go, they would have gotten him there and back, safe and secure.
Wow! I think that is a personal new record for you! Posting lies bout Trump is you normal mode of operation. I see you haven't fixed your problem yet!
Wow! I think that is a personal new record for you! Posting lies bout Trump is you normal mode of operation. I see you haven't fixed your problem yet!

What lie? He was invited to attend, but chose not to because he couldn't get there in a helicopter due to the weather. SS offered to drive him via motorcade, but he again refused, and later when he was asked why he didn't attend he said it was because they couldn't fly the 'copter due to weather, leaving out the part about being offered a motorcade. I told you where the link was in this thread (post 34), which was written in Military Times.

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