My Heart Goes Out To The Little Girl In The Wheelchair.


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2012
Go here for the story. After getting such a horrifying finger flipping in her face by a member of her own family, she may only wonder what kind of treatment will be in store for her from the rest of the planet.

God bless you and the precious angel and her mom always!!!


P.S. To me, if the bride isn't going to show any considerateness for anyone else other than herself, expecting any considerateness out of anyone else in return will only make her a hypocrite. May the Lord have in mind a special plan for her kind. With her possessing such a selfish and heinous attitude towards a disabled child that she is related to of all people, to me, the little word that I can't say is owed absolutely nothing.
Both sisters appear to have not been as thoughtful and tactful as they could have been . But what is wrong with this family?

Surely among 35 guests five could be found to pay around $22 each -- maybe less if some bargaining is carried out
But ask other family members , starting with Mum and Dad if they are still around , and including other siblings ( if any) and Uncles and Aunts .

Even position it as a long term loan with both sisters sharing the full outlay as a last resort .
All seems incredibly petty .
A bullshit story disguised as a current event. Nothing to see here.
But yet you felt the need to respond to it anyway. If what you say here was really true, a message from you of any form wouldn't have gone up ever and so thank you for your help in keeping this new chat about people and their selfishness alive and kicking because that is what makes any matter a hot subject. :) :) :)

God bless you and the little girl and her mom always!!!


P.S. If the old saying, "It takes a village..." is true, the bride may as well have said to that little girl, "People like you are not welcome in my world." If the bride were standing in front of me, I would simply say to her in return, "You can lead a brain to Standford, but making it study is a whole other story."

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