My meager "defense" of Roy Moore.....

McConnell has the votes to refuse to seat Moore if he so wishes. The Gov will just appoint another Republcian, probably Luther Strange.
McConnell doesn't have that power, nor can the Senate refuse to seat Moore (if he wins). What they can do is after the Congress is seated is vote for expulsion with a 2/3rds vote. See Powell v. McCormack. Powell v. McCormack - Wikipedia >>>>>
Thanks for agreeing with me. McConnell has the votes to send Moore packing.
One person is too many. The 16 and 17 year olds were under the age of consent back then as well.

This is a perv who chased under age women.

This is the man who was twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people.

He is a fan of Russia.

He is a homophobe.

He is not fit to be a US Senator.

There you go lying again, there was never a vote to remove him from the bench, that was done by the establishment. He was reelected after the first time..
"twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people" says nothing about a vote. He was removed twice because a perv should not be on the bench.

There are three examples of the 10 commandments in the Supreme Court, why shouldn't AL have one. The federal courts in this country are really fucked up and hypocritical. Moore stood on principal, the people of AL backed him, Alabamans didn't remove him.

OK, this is not a trial with a required set of criminal laws to be followed.

This is about an incident that happened along time ago.

So reputation and others' comments about a person's behavior are relevant here.

He is a creep, and you are defending a creep.

We have a shit load of creeps in congress of one stripe or another, so what's your point?.
So you love the creeps and pervs in Congress? Hmmm.

Nope, just pointing out a fact.

One person is too many. The 16 and 17 year olds were under the age of consent back then as well.

This is a perv who chased under age women.

This is the man who was twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people.

He is a fan of Russia.

He is a homophobe.

He is not fit to be a US Senator.

There you go lying again, there was never a vote to remove him from the bench, that was done by the establishment. He was reelected after the first time..
"twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people" says nothing about a vote. He was removed twice because a perv should not be on the bench.

There are three examples of the 10 commandments in the Supreme Court, why shouldn't AL have one. The federal courts in this country are really fucked up and hypocritical. Moore stood on principal, the people of AL backed him, Alabamans didn't remove him..
Who cares what far right evangelicals think about the Constitution? SCOTUS is very clear about the law. Moore could abide or step down. No, he defied the law and was removed twice. He believes in the Rule of Man, not the Rule of Law. He can't be in DC as a Senator. Thank you for backing down.
One person is too many. The 16 and 17 year olds were under the age of consent back then as well.

This is a perv who chased under age women.

This is the man who was twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people.

He is a fan of Russia.

He is a homophobe.

He is not fit to be a US Senator.

There you go lying again, there was never a vote to remove him from the bench, that was done by the establishment. He was reelected after the first time..
"twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people" says nothing about a vote. He was removed twice because a perv should not be on the bench.

There are three examples of the 10 commandments in the Supreme Court, why shouldn't AL have one. The federal courts in this country are really fucked up and hypocritical. Moore stood on principal, the people of AL backed him, Alabamans didn't remove him..
Who cares what far right evangelicals think about the Constitution? SCOTUS is very clear about the law. Moore could abide or step down. No, he defied the law and was removed twice. He believes in the Rule of Man, not the Rule of Law. He can't be in DC as a Senator. Thank you for backing down.

Law made up by 9 unelected judges, not the Constitution. The Constitution just says congress shall make no law establishing a federal religion, it's not binding on anyone but congress. Judges can't alter that language only the States have that power.

McConnell doesn't have that power, nor can the Senate refuse to seat Moore (if he wins).

What they can do is after the Congress is seated is vote for expulsion with a 2/3rds vote.

See Powell v. McCormack.

I stand corrected......Nonetheless, McConnell would have the responsibility to begin the expulsion process, don't you think?
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

That' not a defense. Thats just a imainary time line that says molesters are molester if only the victim came foreward within a specific amount of time.

What amount of time does a molestation accusation have in order to be valid?

Because I don' give a shit how long ago it was. Why didn' the women come about sooner about Weinstein?

Just like now, fear of retaliaion. Unless were going to clear Weinstein and Spacey according to this new timeline.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

Here's the deal - mainstream GOP vetted this clown, Bannon did not. They know there's a lot more shoes to drop and they're trying to get rid of him before the Dems have a field day.

The GOP brands themselves the party of "family values" -- Moore is a train wreck of hypocrisy.
One person is too many. The 16 and 17 year olds were under the age of consent back then as well.

This is a perv who chased under age women.

This is the man who was twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people.

He is a fan of Russia.

He is a homophobe.

He is not fit to be a US Senator.

There you go lying again, there was never a vote to remove him from the bench, that was done by the establishment. He was reelected after the first time..
"twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people" says nothing about a vote. He was removed twice because a perv should not be on the bench.

There are three examples of the 10 commandments in the Supreme Court, why shouldn't AL have one. The federal courts in this country are really fucked up and hypocritical. Moore stood on principal, the people of AL backed him, Alabamans didn't remove him..
Who cares what far right evangelicals think about the Constitution? SCOTUS is very clear about the law. Moore could abide or step down. No, he defied the law and was removed twice. He believes in the Rule of Man, not the Rule of Law. He can't be in DC as a Senator. Thank you for backing down.
Law made up by 9 unelected judges, not the Constitution. The Constitution just says congress shall make no law establishing a federal religion, it's not binding on anyone but congress. Judges can't alter that language only the States have that power..
You can't alter what the judges have done. End of story.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

That' not a defense. Thats just a imainary time line that says molesters are molester if only the victim came foreward within a specific amount of time.

What amount of time does a molestation accusation have in order to be valid?

Because I don' give a shit how long ago it was. Why didn' the women come about sooner about Weinstein?

Just like now, fear of retaliaion. Unless were going to clear Weinstein and Spacey according to this new timeline.

I can see your point, but I still stand by mine.

I want Moore defeated because he is scum personified for plenty of other reasons, but I don't want to sink to the levels of right wing hypocrisy to have this low-life thrown under the proverbial bus.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

That' not a defense. Thats just a imainary time line that says molesters are molester if only the victim came foreward within a specific amount of time.

What amount of time does a molestation accusation have in order to be valid?

Because I don' give a shit how long ago it was. Why didn' the women come about sooner about Weinstein?

Just like now, fear of retaliaion. Unless were going to clear Weinstein and Spacey according to this new timeline.

I can see your point, but I still stand by mine.

I want Moore defeated because he is scum personified for plenty of other reasons, but I don't want to sink to the levels of right wing hypocrisy to have this low-life thrown under the proverbial bus.

His actions throw him under said bus. On Hannity when asked directly if he "dated" aka child predatored girls that age he didn't deny it

If he tells people he likes young girls. And that person who hears it repeats it. How is repeating it "throwing him under the bus"?

I can' seem to find a positive spin on a 34 year old trying to fuck a 14 year old.
There you go lying again, there was never a vote to remove him from the bench, that was done by the establishment. He was reelected after the first time..
"twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people" says nothing about a vote. He was removed twice because a perv should not be on the bench.

There are three examples of the 10 commandments in the Supreme Court, why shouldn't AL have one. The federal courts in this country are really fucked up and hypocritical. Moore stood on principal, the people of AL backed him, Alabamans didn't remove him..
Who cares what far right evangelicals think about the Constitution? SCOTUS is very clear about the law. Moore could abide or step down. No, he defied the law and was removed twice. He believes in the Rule of Man, not the Rule of Law. He can't be in DC as a Senator. Thank you for backing down.
Law made up by 9 unelected judges, not the Constitution. The Constitution just says congress shall make no law establishing a federal religion, it's not binding on anyone but congress. Judges can't alter that language only the States have that power..
You can't alter what the judges have done. End of story.

Only thing written in stone at the supreme court is on the walls, another set of judges can change any damn thing they want. Unfortunately the States have the power but not the balls to set the supremes straight with an amendment.

"twice removed from the bench by Alabamans of all people" says nothing about a vote. He was removed twice because a perv should not be on the bench.

There are three examples of the 10 commandments in the Supreme Court, why shouldn't AL have one. The federal courts in this country are really fucked up and hypocritical. Moore stood on principal, the people of AL backed him, Alabamans didn't remove him..
Who cares what far right evangelicals think about the Constitution? SCOTUS is very clear about the law. Moore could abide or step down. No, he defied the law and was removed twice. He believes in the Rule of Man, not the Rule of Law. He can't be in DC as a Senator. Thank you for backing down.
Law made up by 9 unelected judges, not the Constitution. The Constitution just says congress shall make no law establishing a federal religion, it's not binding on anyone but congress. Judges can't alter that language only the States have that power..
You can't alter what the judges have done. End of story.

Only thing written in stone at the supreme court is on the walls, another set of judges can change any damn thing they want. Unfortunately the States have the power but not the balls to set the supremes straight with an amendment..
You can't do a thing.
The behavior toward the 14 year old was very much illegal: he sexually touched her. The behavior toward all three girls was certainly immoral and not worthy of a man to be US Senator.

First there is no 14 year old in this story, she's a mature woman with three proven false allegations, and a butt load of money problems. There's no way she would be believed in a court of law, of course it will never be heard in a court, will it? Now it's just sleazy politics.

What court of law?
She is dealing in the court of public opinion

This is what Creepy Roy is really like

So you claim to know him personally? How do you go about proving or disproving something almost 40 years later when there is no hard evidence?

She does

Now....who do I believe?
Who do I believe?

An innocent victim or Creepy Roy?

Innocent victim, hardly, she's known for making at least three false allegations even tried to sue one of them, you call that innocent?


If she is speaking the truth- she was the innocent victim at 14.

But hey- we get it- the Trumpsters will cheer on Roy Moore even if he is found in bed with a live girl or a dead boy.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

That' not a defense. Thats just a imainary time line that says molesters are molester if only the victim came foreward within a specific amount of time.

What amount of time does a molestation accusation have in order to be valid?

Because I don' give a shit how long ago it was. Why didn' the women come about sooner about Weinstein?

Just like now, fear of retaliaion. Unless were going to clear Weinstein and Spacey according to this new timeline.

I can see your point, but I still stand by mine.

I want Moore defeated because he is scum personified for plenty of other reasons, but I don't want to sink to the levels of right wing hypocrisy to have this low-life thrown under the proverbial bus.

Because it doesn't matter to you whether the accusations are true or not. ......
Only a perv in his thirties dates girls who are 14, 16, and 17.

You may not like it, but it wasn't illegal.

Dating a 14 year old girl may be fine with you- but Moore undressing that 14 year old girl and putting her hand on his cock- yeah that is illegal.

Of course you have proof of that, other than a statement of a woman that has made at least 3 false allegations and is in deep financial problems, right? How do you know this isn't the 4th to extort money like she did before? As they say on law and order, you don't have a credible witness.

First there is no 14 year old in this story, she's a mature woman with three proven false allegations, and a butt load of money problems. There's no way she would be believed in a court of law, of course it will never be heard in a court, will it? Now it's just sleazy politics.

What court of law?
She is dealing in the court of public opinion

This is what Creepy Roy is really like

So you claim to know him personally? How do you go about proving or disproving something almost 40 years later when there is no hard evidence?

She does

Now....who do I believe?
Who do I believe?

An innocent victim or Creepy Roy?

Innocent victim, hardly, she's known for making at least three false allegations even tried to sue one of them, you call that innocent?


If she is speaking the truth- she was the innocent victim at 14.

But hey- we get it- the Trumpsters will cheer on Roy Moore even if he is found in bed with a live girl or a dead boy.

Riiiiiiggghhhhtttt, IF. Considering her past, I wouldn't put money on it.


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