My meager "defense" of Roy Moore.....

Only a perv in his thirties dates girls who are 14, 16, and 17.

You may not like it, but it wasn't illegal.

Dating a 14 year old girl may be fine with you- but Moore undressing that 14 year old girl and putting her hand on his cock- yeah that is illegal.

Of course you have proof of that, other than a statement of a woman


Well lets see.
The woman's mother confirmed that
a) the girl met the judge at the courthouse exactly as she said
b) and that about 10 years later she told her mom about what happened.
c) And her teenage friend confirmed that she told her about it- naming Moore- at the time.
d) And another teen friend confirmed that she was told her that she was dating an older man.
e) And the judge worked at the courthouse at the time the woman said she met him there.
f) And one of the judge's colleagues has confirmed it was well known that the judge liked to date teenage girls then.

Proof? No- but it is an actual confirmation.

But remember- you said that wasn't illegal. Now you say 'but if it was illegal I don't believe it'.

Not that you would care if Moore had- as you said 'but it wasn't illegal'
What court of law?
She is dealing in the court of public opinion

This is what Creepy Roy is really like

So you claim to know him personally? How do you go about proving or disproving something almost 40 years later when there is no hard evidence?

She does

Now....who do I believe?
Who do I believe?

An innocent victim or Creepy Roy?

Innocent victim, hardly, she's known for making at least three false allegations even tried to sue one of them, you call that innocent?


If she is speaking the truth- she was the innocent victim at 14.

But hey- we get it- the Trumpsters will cheer on Roy Moore even if he is found in bed with a live girl or a dead boy.

Riiiiiiggghhhhtttt, IF. Considering her past, I wouldn't put money on it.


Always predictable that the Contards will go for the slut shaming.
The far and alt right are always about power, particularly the power of victimizing the victim.
What is going on with the accusations against Trump by the 12 (or more women who came out against him)...fueled by the tape that was played of him showing him (in his own words) to be an incredible sexist ?

what do you think SHOULD be going on with them?

One of the women is suing Trump in court.

Trump’s Female Accusers Feel Forgotten. A Lawsuit May Change That.

the problem is, there is no clear precedent that a sitting president can be sued in state court on a civil matter. (Paula Jones' farce of a case was a federal case).
Simple allegations are not evidence in a court of law, in fact at this late date the law is irrelevant. At this point it's nothing but political BS, there is nothing to be done legally. Why do I call it political BS? The post held the story till Moore couldn't be replaced on the ballot. True or not, it's a political hit job.

You guys were dumb enough to nominate him to start with. It seems his thing for teen girls was an open secret in the state, and no one on your side brought it up.
If proven the 14-year-old child was a distant relative of Moore, by Alabama law, sexual contact is legal. Even if Moore thought or suspected she was related makes sexual diddling OK in Alabama.
If proven the 14-year-old child was a distant relative of Moore, by Alabama law, sexual contact is legal. Even if Moore thought or suspected she was related makes sexual diddling OK in Alabama.
they're all related to each other in Alabama
Only a perv in his thirties dates girls who are 14, 16, and 17.

You may not like it, but it wasn't illegal.

Dating a 14 year old girl may be fine with you- but Moore undressing that 14 year old girl and putting her hand on his cock- yeah that is illegal.

Of course you have proof of that, other than a statement of a woman that has made at least 3 false allegations and is in deep financial problems, right? How do you know this isn't the 4th to extort money like she did before? As they say on law and order, you don't have a credible witness.


There are 30 people who were sourced vs Moore who went on Hannity and said he did "typically date girls in their teens".

I'd go with 30 people with no axe to grind and didn't seek the paper out AND Moore who didn't deny "dating" teens while in his fucking 30's
Only a perv in his thirties dates girls who are 14, 16, and 17.

You may not like it, but it wasn't illegal.

Dating a 14 year old girl may be fine with you- but Moore undressing that 14 year old girl and putting her hand on his cock- yeah that is illegal.

Of course you have proof of that, other than a statement of a woman that has made at least 3 false allegations and is in deep financial problems, right? How do you know this isn't the 4th to extort money like she did before? As they say on law and order, you don't have a credible witness.


There are 30 people who were sourced vs Moore who went on Hannity and said he did "typically date girls in their teens".

I'd go with 30 people with no axe to grind and didn't seek the paper out AND Moore who didn't deny "dating" teens while in his fucking 30's
Seems to me Trump and Moore have a lot in common besides both being ah's and degenerate liars
Only a perv in his thirties dates girls who are 14, 16, and 17.

You may not like it, but it wasn't illegal.


Think again. The bolded portion is exactly what the victim described.

"The legal age of consent in Alabama, then and now, is 16. Under Alabama law in 1979, and today, a person who is at least 19 years old who has sexual contact with someone between 12 and 16 years old has committed sexual abuse in the second degree. Sexual contact is defined as touching of sexual or intimate parts. The crime is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail.

The law then and now also includes a section on enticing a child younger than 16 to enter a home with the purpose of proposing sexual intercourse or fondling of sexual and genital parts. That is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison."

Roy Moore accused of sexual encounter with teen in 1979
The behavior toward the 14 year old was very much illegal: he sexually touched her. The behavior toward all three girls was certainly immoral and not worthy of a man to be US Senator.

First there is no 14 year old in this story, she's a mature woman with three proven false allegations, and a butt load of money problems. There's no way she would be believed in a court of law, of course it will never be heard in a court, will it? Now it's just sleazy politics.

What court of law?
She is dealing in the court of public opinion

This is what Creepy Roy is really like

So you claim to know him personally? How do you go about proving or disproving something almost 40 years later when there is no hard evidence?

She does

Now....who do I believe?
Who do I believe?

An innocent victim or Creepy Roy?

Innocent victim, hardly, she's known for making at least three false allegations even tried to sue one of them, you call that innocent?

Oh yes

Looks like the rightwing smear the victim machine is in full force

Creepy Roy Moore must be saved
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

I disagree with the idea that the allegations should be discounted because they are 40 years old. The question of why these women (and all women in all of the current instances of allegations, men reporting sexual assault and harassment too) didn't speak out earlier has been answered over and over and over again, ad infinitum. They were afraid: afraid they wouldn't be believed, afraid they would be vilified, afraid their lives would be ruined, afraid their families and children would be hurt by public scandal, afraid of losing their jobs, afraid their careers would be ruined, etc.

Why don't you people get it? Here you are discounting their testimony, disparaging them, doing just what they were afraid of. The reason there is such a barrage of accusations recently, the reason the dam has broken is because of a site that was set up called #MeToo ( It has caused those who were afraid to report what happened to them to be emboldened because others were reporting.

This type of sexual harassment and assault has gone on since the beginning of civilization; it's nothing new. But we haven’t talked about it. It's time to talk about it and not continue to sweep it under the rug.

It’s like child abuse. People didn’t talk about it. Children were afraid to report. We didn’t want to believe it. We didn’t trust what the children said. These people reporting sexual assault and harassment are not doing it to get back at someone or for political purposes, or if so it’s very, very few. They are doing it to free themselves of the self imposed guilt, shame and secretiveness, to open this issue up for our society to discuss it honestly.

It's a similar situation with reporting rape: "...out of 1000 rapes, 994 perpetrators will walk free. ...Only 344 out of every 1,000 sexual assaults are reported to police."
The Criminal Justice System: Statistics | RAINN

Stop maligning and denigrating these reporters because they didn’t report it at the time, because they waited years, even decades to report it—understand why they waited and understand why they are reporting now.

What Moore did was illegal; they were reprehensible acts against children. People in public office should be the best of us, not the worst of us. That is why he shouldn’t be re-elected.

They were afraid: afraid they wouldn't be believed, afraid they would be vilified, afraid their lives would be ruined, afraid their families and children would be hurt by public scandal, afraid of losing their jobs, afraid their careers would be ruined, etc.

Thank you for this post. It's so true.

All of those reasons were only compounded by the fact that Moore was an assistant DA at the time and has been either a prosecutor or judge since.

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