My most anticipated movie so far this year.

Rodger Ebert even gave it an 88/100

I'd never anticipate a horror movie... kind of boring.

I enjoy movies that require a bit of effort from the viewers imagination. That is a true escape rather than simply sitting through a story where someone leads you from point A to point B without requiring any thought on your part.
The movie I'm waiting for is Chappaquiddick!

The bloom finally seems to be coming off the Kennedy rose as some of the entertainment world folks stray from the Camelot script in this one, clearly noting I've read how Teddy left poor Mary Jo to die of suffocation, not drowning.

This on the heels of the still running Kennedy series surprise on, of all places, CNN! They've really taken the gloves off and pound away nicely at much of the Kennedy contrived family lore.
Henry Ford is dead but he's still making cars.

Not sure what it is with people like you who can't stay focused on an actual topic but look for ANY avenue to pick an argument.
Nobody seems to care about your movie
And back to ignore you go.
Won’t make anyone care about your movie

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