My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat

My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat
Just a friendly suggestion and warning between friends

Keep your gun registration with you at all times & again as a friend, the FBI has put you on their watch list
Why would the FBI be watching me? When I’m watching the feds
Locked and loaded! Every vote will count on my watch
By the way, what would cause you to...

... draw your weapon?

... shoot someone?
I just had to stop somebody at the front door because they had some political Names on the shirt which is not allowed in this county. I had to turn them back.. i’m just demonstrating my second amendment right. My show of strength is asking for peace
Could you answer my questions?
My observation as a poll watcher for Donald Trump and I’m packing heat
Just a friendly suggestion and warning between friends

Keep your gun registration with you at all times & again as a friend, the FBI has put you on their watch list
Why would the FBI be watching me? When I’m watching the feds
No, you are not! You are watching the state conduct an election. Are you seriously that ignorant? Go home!
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right
As a poll watcher you should probably be calling this out to someone in charge...This is supposed to be a secret ballot.
It is secret .. You go check your address off you let them know if you’re Republican or Democrat you receive your ballot you go into your booth and you’re told to drop it off on the left-hand side
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right
What happend to secret ballots? I thought that kinda crap went out years ago. In fact I've never seen it done that way in my entire lifetime, not anywhere I've ever lived anyway.
Locked and loaded! Every vote will count on my watch
By the way, what would cause you to...

... draw your weapon?

... shoot someone?
I just had to stop somebody at the front door because they had some political Names on the shirt which is not allowed in this county. I had to turn them back.. i’m just demonstrating my second amendment right. My show of strength is asking for peace
Could you answer my questions?
Let’s just hope it doesn’t have to get anywhere near there
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right
As a poll watcher you should probably be calling this out to someone in charge...This is supposed to be a secret ballot.
It is secret .. You go check your address off you let them know if you’re Republican or Democrat you receive your ballot you go into your booth and you’re told to drop it off on the left-hand side
It's no secret if they're telling you which box to drop it in...Jeezuz....You're talking like a poster boy for IQ tests to vote.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
So your state has seperate lines? Something does not sound right.

In my state we all line up in the same line. You you can’t tell who is Dem, Pub, Indee. can YOU tell who is who and how they are supposedly cheating?
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right
What happend to secret ballots? I thought that kinda crap went out years ago. In fact I've never seen it done that way in my entire lifetime, not anywhere I've ever lived anyway.
It is a secret you can still check on Biden‘s name. They just want the registered Republicans to drop it off in the left and the Democrats to the right
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right

That doesn't seem right. Why doesn't everyone just drop their ballots in the same place? If someone wanted to cheat and throw away a lot of Trump votes, it would be rather easy there. Just pitch the drum with all the republican ballots in it.
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right
As a poll watcher you should probably be calling this out to someone in charge...This is supposed to be a secret ballot.
It is secret .. You go check your address off you let them know if you’re Republican or Democrat you receive your ballot you go into your booth and you’re told to drop it off on the left-hand side
That is illegal. Why have you not reported this? Republicans, Democrats of third parties get the same ballot ! Some poll watcher you are! Could you screw up any worse?
In my state, most of the polling places are schools where it is illegal to pack heat.
As it should be...that would be intimidation. Polls are not the place for that.
How do you know who is queuing up to vote for whom?
Republicans are asked to drop ballots on the left, democrats on the right

I find that one impossible to believe, since American elections are done on the basis of a "secret ballot". It's one of the founding principles of the Republic.

Also, it's illegal to hang around the polling station, packing heat or otherwise. The crime is called "voter intimmidation". There are "scrutineers" from both sides at the polls. I've been a scrutineer for elections here. Our job was to sit and make sure that voters were struck off the list when they voted, and to watch the count to ensure no shennanigans and a clean count. We had offical badges identifying us as poll workers.

No one is allowed to just hang around a polling station unless they are there to vote, or are official poll workers.
I’m down here at our early voting state observing the polls making sure Democrats don’t cheat. And of course I’m packing some serious heat.. but one thing I see in this blue state is the line to vote for Republicans is longer than the line to vote for Democrat. Could be interesting .. Just sharing my observation
So your state has seperate lines? Something does not sound right.

In my state we all line up in the same line. You you can’t tell who is Dem, Pub, Indee. can YOU tell who is who and how they are supposedly cheating?
Again when you walk up to check off your address they ask you if you’re registered Republican or Democrat. They hand you a ballot and they say drop it off on the left-hand side after you’re done filling it out you could still check off Biden‘s name.

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