My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

It's funny that the gun nuts want laws requiring teachers to be armed,

but with any gun related law they don't like, they say, oh, well, the criminals will just find a way around the law...
It should be a choice, and no progressives do not know what’s best for teachers and the kids…

it will never get passed local law enforcement ... ever.

And local law enforcement is going to stop passage of laws how?
It's funny that the gun nuts want laws requiring teachers to be armed,

but with any gun related law they don't like, they say, oh, well, the criminals will just find a way around the law...

Stop listening to the voices in your head.

You're denying that the gun rights extremists say that? Jesus Christ they say it here all the time.

No,we're consistent when pointing out the only way to stop a shooter is with another shooter.
But really, you're helpless. Helpless. The greatest country in the world can't protect its own school children from recurring massacres because it's powerless to do so. That's what the gun fanciers on this thread are saying, even though other weak as shit countries manage it reasonably well.

Well, we could lock up dangerously crazy people.

Except that civil rights lawyers stop US.

Should the FBI have been able to confiscate this guy's guns?

I wouldnt have a problem with that after seeing the crap the loony was posting online.
Everyone notice school shootings don't happen regularly in the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Australia, Denmark... you know, countries with strong gun control.

Yeah, except that mass spree killings DO happen in other countries. They just don't quite get the media attention that ours do, for some mysterious reason.

The most deadly shooting spree killing in history happened in Oslo (that's in Norway, in case you didn't know). 69 people dead, most of them children.

13 students, 2 teachers, and a cop murdered in Germany.

And that's not counting the fact that people in those countries commit mass killings with weapons other than guns. It's almost like humans cause violence, rather than the weapons causing it.
But really, you're helpless. Helpless. The greatest country in the world can't protect its own school children from recurring massacres because it's powerless to do so. That's what the gun fanciers on this thread are saying, even though other weak as shit countries manage it reasonably well.

Well, we could lock up dangerously crazy people.

Except that civil rights lawyers stop US.

Should the FBI have been able to confiscate this guy's guns?

I wouldnt have a problem with that after seeing the crap the loony was posting online.

So you're parting ways with the vast majority of the gun rights faction, who rant about 'confiscation' all the time...?
Leave it unlocked? :290968001256257790-final:
When you close it it locks automatically dumbass.
And unless the kid brought a cutting torch to school they wont be getting into the safe.
And no an AR-15 is not a machine gun.

You call an AR-15 a machine gun and you post a vid of an M-16......pure genius.

awwwwwwww ... because that's what's relevant to the discussion, right?

hint: most people don't spend all their time drooling over Guns and Ammo.

If "most people" can't be bothered to know something about the subject, then "most people" should shut their flapping cakeholes.

only because "some people" think they know what they don't know, but are instead uneducated vile ignorant lowlife scum.


now be a good girl and run along.

You're right; some people DO think they know what they don't know . . . like leftists babbling on about weapons while proudly declaring that they're above actually learning about them.

Although I think it's a little harsh of you to describe yourself as vile ignorant lowlife scum . . . no, wait, I can't see that any of those words is actually wrong.

Now be a good asshole and run along.
But really, you're helpless. Helpless. The greatest country in the world can't protect its own school children from recurring massacres because it's powerless to do so. That's what the gun fanciers on this thread are saying, even though other weak as shit countries manage it reasonably well.

Well, we could lock up dangerously crazy people.

Except that civil rights lawyers stop US.

Should the FBI have been able to confiscate this guy's guns?

I wouldnt have a problem with that after seeing the crap the loony was posting online.

So you're parting ways with the vast majority of the gun rights faction, who rant about 'confiscation' all the time...?

If they can prove he's nuts I dont have a problem with it.
But on the same note maybe we should disarm the feds since they have to be just as loony for not stopping the well known nut case.
Here is the thing, they don't want to hear reasonable solutions and ideas, they want a gun ban. Nothing more and nothing less will satisfy them

Giving an overworked, overstressed teacher with a class of 30 unruly teenagers a gun is a "reasonable solution" to you, Fat Irish Sow?

Not that there is any good reason for civilians to own guns, but I'd be happy with a system of gun control like Germany has. You can own a gun, once they've done a thorough background check on you to make sure you aren't the kind of nut who'd shoot up a school.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

We're supposed to trust them with our children, but we can't trust them with a firearm to protect our children?

Yeah, that makes sense.

I know if I had kids in school I'd want the teacher to fiercely protect my kids. If that means arming and training them so be it.

Again, if I can't trust them to handle a gun safely and responsibly, I'm certainly not going to give them my children to take care of. Leftists need to make up their damned minds. Either teachers are underappreciated saints who know far better what's good for our children, in which case they can certainly be trusted to be armed so as to protect those children, or they're a bunch of crazed loose cannons who can't handle a slingshot without hitting their own feet, in which case they certainly don't need to be working in schools. Pick one.
So in other words ... You think you would have a better chance of surviving an armed assault begging for mercy.
You think that someone will be able to save you from your ignorance

No, I've just explained it to you.

A gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household than a bad guy.

This has been proven. It's like guarding against burglars by having poisonous snakes crawling around your house.

I mean it is certainly not the first time a Progressive has suggested that depending on the kindness of others for survival is the most beneficial form of security.

Not counting on kindness.

I'm counting on taking guns away from the nuts, not giving guns to other nuts and hoping it works out.
Again, if I can't trust them to handle a gun safely and responsibly, I'm certainly not going to give them my children to take care of. Leftists need to make up their damned minds. Either teachers are underappreciated saints who know far better what's good for our children, in which case they can certainly be trusted to be armed so as to protect those children, or they're a bunch of crazed loose cannons who can't handle a slingshot without hitting their own feet, in which case they certainly don't need to be working in schools. Pick one.

Teachers aren't armed security guards, and that isn't their job.

If we had sane gun laws in this country, that wouldn't be their job.
Leave it unlocked? :290968001256257790-final:
When you close it it locks automatically dumbass.
And unless the kid brought a cutting torch to school they wont be getting into the safe.
And no an AR-15 is not a machine gun.

You call an AR-15 a machine gun and you post a vid of an M-16......pure genius.

awwwwwwww ... because that's what's relevant to the discussion, right?

hint: most people don't spend all their time drooling over Guns and Ammo.

If "most people" can't be bothered to know something about the subject, then "most people" should shut their flapping cakeholes.

only because "some people" think they know what they don't know, but are instead uneducated vile ignorant lowlife scum.


now be a good girl and run along.

We call those people "Democrats."
But really, you're helpless. Helpless. The greatest country in the world can't protect its own school children from recurring massacres because it's powerless to do so. That's what the gun fanciers on this thread are saying, even though other weak as shit countries manage it reasonably well.

Well, we could lock up dangerously crazy people.

Except that civil rights lawyers stop US.

Should the FBI have been able to confiscate this guy's guns?

If he was in a mental institution where he belonged, what was in his house would have been moot.

I support having people who appear to be dangerously insane to be examined and if found to be dangerously insane to be institutionalized to protect themselves and society.
As a teacher, of 30 years, I completely disagree with her, and I think most teachers would. Teachers can't control all students at all times: there is far too much chance of a student getting his/her hands on a teacher's gun.

So how would the student get in to a biometric gun safe?
1) You are going to pay for it? 2) If the teacher and his/her students are under fire, does he/she have time to get the gun free in order to protect them? and 3) how many parents are going to have a say in if the school teachers are armed and how many do you think would vote for it? Not most. I know. Parents don't want non-police professionals armed and guns floating around the school.

You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

Oooookay, so gun safes etc are dandy ideas when you're trying to force private owners to have them in their homes, but when it comes to protecting schools, they're suddenly completely inadequate.

I don't suppose you've noticed that there are NO guns in gun safes in schools, and yet children are still at risk for being shot. Methinks your prioritizing is a bit skewed.
I don't think people should have guns in their homes. Where did you get the idea I think that? In fact you think I am forcing them to do so. Where the hell did you get that idea?
Here is the thing, they don't want to hear reasonable solutions and ideas, they want a gun ban. Nothing more and nothing less will satisfy them

Giving an overworked, overstressed teacher with a class of 30 unruly teenagers a gun is a "reasonable solution" to you, Fat Irish Sow?

Not that there is any good reason for civilians to own guns, but I'd be happy with a system of gun control like Germany has. You can own a gun, once they've done a thorough background check on you to make sure you aren't the kind of nut who'd shoot up a school.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

We're supposed to trust them with our children, but we can't trust them with a firearm to protect our children?

Yeah, that makes sense.

I know if I had kids in school I'd want the teacher to fiercely protect my kids. If that means arming and training them so be it.

Again, if I can't trust them to handle a gun safely and responsibly, I'm certainly not going to give them my children to take care of. Leftists need to make up their damned minds. Either teachers are underappreciated saints who know far better what's good for our children, in which case they can certainly be trusted to be armed so as to protect those children, or they're a bunch of crazed loose cannons who can't handle a slingshot without hitting their own feet, in which case they certainly don't need to be working in schools. Pick one.

With all the teachers screwing little johnny these days I'm not sure if they can be trusted to do whats best for our children.
You really dont know shit about guns or gun safes do you?
That doesn't matter. If a teacher can get to the gun, so can a wiley student. Arming teachers is an intensely stupid idea. More guns in our country does not mean more safety.

You'll have to explain to me how a kid is going to bypass a biometric lock.
And you may be right in one case kinda...we shouldnt let the female teachers have access to the firearms.

You'll have to show me how a teacher once the shooting begins tries to calm kids or get them to safety and tries to open the safe in all the chaos.
These people, they don't know anything about schools or teaching or managing 25-30 kids in the middle of an emergency.

And you do?
Yes, I do. I am a retired teacher. I taught for 30 years. I've been through countless fire and lockdown drills and have managed real earthquake emergencies.
Giving an overworked, overstressed teacher with a class of 30 unruly teenagers a gun is a "reasonable solution" to you, Fat Irish Sow?

Not that there is any good reason for civilians to own guns, but I'd be happy with a system of gun control like Germany has. You can own a gun, once they've done a thorough background check on you to make sure you aren't the kind of nut who'd shoot up a school.

Are you saying our teachers are mentally unstable and they might shoot their own students?

We're supposed to trust them with our children, but we can't trust them with a firearm to protect our children?

Yeah, that makes sense.

I know if I had kids in school I'd want the teacher to fiercely protect my kids. If that means arming and training them so be it.

Again, if I can't trust them to handle a gun safely and responsibly, I'm certainly not going to give them my children to take care of. Leftists need to make up their damned minds. Either teachers are underappreciated saints who know far better what's good for our children, in which case they can certainly be trusted to be armed so as to protect those children, or they're a bunch of crazed loose cannons who can't handle a slingshot without hitting their own feet, in which case they certainly don't need to be working in schools. Pick one.

With all the teachers screwing little johnny these days I'm not sure if they can be trusted to do whats best for our children.

Yeah that shit is an epidemic
There are safes that lock automatically when closed. Use that kind.

Yeah, sure.... that'll be awesome when the teacher forgets how to open it, or leaves her password/combination in a note on her desk because she can't remember that.

Why do you think all teachers are morons?

And password? Combination? Do you or do you not understand the concept of a BIOMETRIC safe?

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