My older daughter, a teacher, called me last night...

Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

We will never remove guns from America, it is to tied into the Constitution and culture.

We need to focus on training on teachers catching behaviors, we need parent involved with their children and not coddling them but helping them to become responsible for their lives and where they are at in life.

These countries have not removed all guns. We can have guns, but do we need guns for mass killing? Do we need AR15's with 30 round magazines? Have you noticed that mass killings have increased now that high capacity magazines are everywhere?
Quit lying you pussy, it’s all about total firearm confiscation. It always has been, anybody can see right through progressives on this matter...

Yes that is one of the boogymen you use while our children are actually being killed.

The countries I speak of all have legal gun ownership. They are not however flooded with guns for mass killing.

We were flooded with guns 30 years ago, but we didn't have the mass shootings. Your theory was just obliterated. That's the problem with single cause fallacies, they are simpleton theories spoken by simpletons.

And there goes brain (sic) crashing to the tarp on the first jab ...
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No..dummy. I already told you that I gave no particular forethought to the word. The fucking thread is about teachers...who work in classrooms, which are in schools, being armed

Bingo! You narrowed it to just teachers and students which you admit is narrow. The shootings happen at the schools, most of the shootings are not in classrooms. But you recognize that the word narrows it to the more emotional students and teachers rather than the full institution which includes everyone else. And everyone else are part of the people shot

The word was used three times in this thread before I posted. Were those people using the word to illicit greater emotion?

I didn't say you made up the word classroom, I said you picked it because you liked the emotional factor. I just mentioned it because I was responding to our post anyway and the feathers flew because you knew I was right

What kind of weirdo thinks the way you do?

It's how leftists argue all the time

You could man up, Nancy, and retract your accusation. But you won't. You haven't got the integrity.

I won't retract it because I was right. You won't be honest that when you saw "classrooms," you liked it, and for the reason I said


Now YOU are lying.

Ask around. See if anyone agrees with you. You are being very weird.

You're going to have to show me that quote. I believe I only said you chose that word for a reason. Your choosing it does not mean others did not choose the same word. I agreed actually that appeal to emotion is a common leftist tactic

OK, you're right then. I did say that. I should have said no one I saw, but I didn't. My bad
I'll never understand NRA shills who think the answer to gun violence is more guns.

I never understand you hyper-partisans who would rather attack the other tribe instead of attack the problem, myself.

You orthodox leftists dumb down your arguments to a single variable, and simplistic solutions are never the answer to complex problems.
Well you must know Silly Jilly is nothing if not simplistic.

and inconsistent.

I don't recall any of the hive mind suggesting that mass casualties involving vehicles needs to be addressed from the standpoint of the vehicle rather than the motivations of the user.

......setting aside the fact that the majority of the leftists here defend the ideology of those who inflict mass casualties through the use of such.
How we coming along with that retraction, kaz ? Any time now, huh?


Already provided it. You were right, I did say that.

This is the second time that you demanded that I respond faster to a post without checking whether I was posting at all. I had not posted anything either time. I even told you the second time I was going out for the afternoon.

Stop being a dick. Check if I'm posting at all before you demand I respond
Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
"Where is your soul?"

Exactly. Where is the soul of the pro-gun person? Children are massacred in school and they just don't care. They are sick, soulless people.

We wanted honest citizens to be allowed to defend themselves. They followed your rules. There were no guns anywhere other than the shooter. Not one honest citizen could shoot back.

We followed YOUR rules, and you ask where our soul is, you dumb ho? I hope you're hot, the only living you're earning is on your back
OK, good. At least a start. Now tell me why your single cause leads to that result in all those countries, they have fewer shootings because they have more gun laws.

Don't forget to include why we didn't have those shootings either other than the last 20-30 years and we had the same number of guns

Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

Why did the shooter in Parkland stop shooting people when he did?

As I understand it, he got rid of his guns and ran out with fleeing students to try to get away. It would have worked except a cop coming to the shooting recognized him from the description of his clothing. Why do you ask?

BTW, leftists all claim to be gun owners. That's how they know guns emanate an aura of evil and only the government should be able to have them

You don't believe that I am a CC permit holder who owns a firearm? Is that what you are claiming?

Yes. CCs are to arm yourself for self defense. They serve no other purpose. That you oppose allowing guns for self defense directly contradicts that
kaz ....why did the shooter stop shooting and killing people when he did?

Just answered that question. I'm not a genie, you can't rub my lamp and demand I appear. Just FYI, I'm leaving in like three minutes for the afternoon

Yeah. You didn't answer. You didn't tell me why you think he stopped shooting.

It's NOT because he was being shot at.

What reason could there be?

Actually, I answered that twice. This will be the third time.

With the school following your policy of when someone is killing people, call the police and wait for help, he shot people as long as he could, then left with students fleeing from him. Your point?
There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

Why did the shooter in Parkland stop shooting people when he did?

As I understand it, he got rid of his guns and ran out with fleeing students to try to get away. It would have worked except a cop coming to the shooting recognized him from the description of his clothing. Why do you ask?

BTW, leftists all claim to be gun owners. That's how they know guns emanate an aura of evil and only the government should be able to have them

You don't believe that I am a CC permit holder who owns a firearm? Is that what you are claiming?
You’re a progressive that wants to take firearms from other people you disagree with… Plain and simple

I am a gun owner. Plain and simple, bitch.

Every leftist is. You're a gun owner. You're rich and just want to pay more taxes (but don't). You have military experience. You're a Christian and a former Republican. Just like the rest of the leftists claim they are
Also keep in mind the types of guns have really changed. 30 years ago everyone didn't have high capacity magazines. Now we are littered with them. When I was a kid cops were still using revolvers. Flood a country with guns for mass killing and you get more mass killing. We had the sense to heavily regulate machine guns.

There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
"Where is your soul?"

Exactly. Where is the soul of the pro-gun person? Children are massacred in school and they just don't care. They are sick, soulless people.

That school was a gun-free zone. How could anyone get shot there?
That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument. Can't you do something better with your brain? You'd look more intelligent if you just sat there drooling.

Um ... you didn't grasp what he said, and you question his intelligence?
Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul?

Where's your brain?

What a stupid answer. The shooter was shooting freely because of YOUR LAWS. And you want more laws to make the shooter even more safe. And you ask where MY soul is? What a dumb ass

Again, this isn't a problem in countries with gun control. When was the last school shooting in the UK?

Again, this is a single cause fallacy. We didn't have gun control 30 years ago and didn't have the shootings. Why is that?

And brain (sic), again. Drugs are illegal and they are all over. So why would gun laws get rid of guns? The question you keep running away from
The plain works in many countries, no need to prove. It has worked here. We heavily regulated machine guns and they have pretty much disappeared from crime

Machine guns? They were never a large player in crime. Drugs are everywhere, yet they are illegal. You know where I'd go to get a gun if they were illegal? My local drug dealer. The same people who bring in the drugs can bring in guns too. So yeah, you do need to prove why making guns illegal would remove them from criminals

I've never demanded an open border.

So you support the wall?
There were far fewer shootings. All your argument boils down to is putting the genie back in the bottle. The trend at all the places that you mentioned is the same as here. You're trying to swim upstream with no indication it will work.

And in fact, shooting after shooting is showing why that is evil, it IS working to disarm honest citizens. How do you look at 17 dead and not think oh your God, maybe some people need to be armed? Where is your soul, man?

That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
"Where is your soul?"

Exactly. Where is the soul of the pro-gun person? Children are massacred in school and they just don't care. They are sick, soulless people.

That school was a gun-free zone. How could anyone get shot there?
That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument. Can't you do something better with your brain? You'd look more intelligent if you just sat there drooling.

That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument.

Isn't it your argument that banning guns can make us safe(r)?

Gawd she's dumb. How could she possibly not have grasped that question?
That doesn't respond to the types of guns at all. Weren't mass shootings when everyone had a musket. Now we have lots of guns for mass killings and we have lots of mass killings.

Countries with strong gun control don't have this problem. Where is your soul? There was an armed off duty cop at Orlando. He was outgunned and so many died. Again, we have lots of guns for mass killing. Lot of guns in Vegas, but they couldn't stop him. More mass killing guns. These guys were all armed and look how many died:
2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia

Countries with strong gun control don't have a mass shooting problem.
"Where is your soul?"

Exactly. Where is the soul of the pro-gun person? Children are massacred in school and they just don't care. They are sick, soulless people.

That school was a gun-free zone. How could anyone get shot there?
That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument. Can't you do something better with your brain? You'd look more intelligent if you just sat there drooling.

That's just a stupid argument: a childish, ignorant, stupid argument.

Isn't it your argument that banning guns can make us safe(r)?

Countries with strong gun control sure have lower homicide rates.

Single cause fallacy. Hey brain (sic), it only lightning's when it's overcast, so darkness causes the lightning, right?

And not all do, actually. Despotic governments all try to limit civilian gun ownership and the others have very different histories than we do.

Also, we need guns for self defense, which is all your hair brained policies restrict, allowing the criminals to be the only ones armed. And it's working, they keep going to gun free zones. You're trying to do criminals a solid by expanding gun free zones to the whole country so they can go wherever they want and know that no one is armed
Do they have drugs in those unnamed countries? Drugs are illegal here and we have lots of drugs. You want drugs and don't know where to get them? Ask a high schooler, they'll get them for you

Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

We will never remove guns from America, it is to tied into the Constitution and culture.

We need to focus on training on teachers catching behaviors, we need parent involved with their children and not coddling them but helping them to become responsible for their lives and where they are at in life.

These countries have not removed all guns. We can have guns, but do we need guns for mass killing? Do we need AR15's with 30 round magazines? Have you noticed that mass killings have increased now that high capacity magazines are everywhere?
Quit lying you pussy, it’s all about total firearm confiscation. It always has been, anybody can see right through progressives on this matter...

Leftist lies are so easy to see through

From trumploons who wouldn’t know the truth if it but them. :rofl:
Teachers are trained to teach. They are professional teachers. They are not professional gun handlers. They should not be carrying guns in schools. As well, guns in schools makes it a huge possibility that students will gain access to guns and injuries or fatalities will result.

Are you implying teachers are too stupid to learn how to use a firearm?

Bottom line....the parents of 17 dead children this past week wish someone had been armed....anyone denies it they are lying

I'll never understand the liberal mindset.
Who in their right mind wouldnt want a firearm within reach if the unthinkable happens?
I mean do they really think hiding under a desk and hoping for the best is a viable option?

I'll never understand NRA shills who think the answer to gun violence is more guns.

So you chose the desk route.

Is that supposed to have meaning?
Are you implying teachers are too stupid to learn how to use a firearm?

Bottom line....the parents of 17 dead children this past week wish someone had been armed....anyone denies it they are lying

I'll never understand the liberal mindset.
Who in their right mind wouldnt want a firearm within reach if the unthinkable happens?
I mean do they really think hiding under a desk and hoping for the best is a viable option?

I'll never understand NRA shills who think the answer to gun violence is more guns.

So you chose the desk route.

Is that supposed to have meaning?

I guess if you're a moron you might miss it's meaning.
Teachers do now want to and do not plan to be armed.

Teachers On Guns In Schools: 72 Percent Of Educators Say They ...

Feb 27, 2013 - However, the results of a national teacher survey, released Wednesday, suggests the goals of the “guns-in-schools” bills may be far from what teachers really want. According to the online poll, 72.4 percent of teachers would not likely bring a firearm to school, if allowed. Administered by the School ...

By far most teacher and school employee organizations do now want teachers packing guns. It is a deeply unpopular idea. Teachers, on the whole, do not want to take guns to school. And it is a completely,quintessentially stupid idea.

72.4 % saying they wouldn't ... Is the same as 27.6% that would.
That amounts to 1 in every 4 teachers armed ... Dumbass ... :thup:
One in every 4 teachers in a school packing is insane, Dumbass.

Why? You don't trust teachers? Then why the hell do you expect us to give them our children to care for?
Teachers are trained to teach. They are professional teachers. They are not professional gun handlers. They should not be carrying guns in schools. As well, guns in schools makes it a huge possibility that students will gain access to guns and injuries or fatalities will result.
If a teacher wants to carry and gets trained, why would you deny them their right to defend themselves and their students ? Are you a totalitarian?
Because accidents happen. And I know well that in a school environment with hundreds of kids milling around the halls, in and out of classrooms, up and down stairs, congregating in the cafeteria and so on...that it is not easy to control anything, much less make sure that a firearm is always secure. Too much of a possibility for a deadly accident.

Kids pull fire alarms all the time, just as a joke. They create chaos when ever they can just for fun. It is far too problematic an environment for guns to be part of the mix.

And I'll tell you something else: the vast majority of teachers and parents do not want them in schools. If I were teaching in a school that suddenly allowed teachers to carry guns, I'd quit and so would millions of others. Millions of parents would not allow the school district to implement a program that allowed teachers to carry guns. It is simply not a plausible thing to consider. Maybe in some extremely rightwing areas, but nationwide it will not fly. Schools or school districts with a program where teachers carried guns would have a hard time hiring teachers, especially experienced teachers.

Proper security is needed, with trained security personnel involved and metal detectors--not armed teachers.
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You can open a biometric safe in seconds with your eyes closed.

Even if there is total chaos and you're thinking about getting the kids to safety first? You can say all you want sitting behind your computer in the safety of your home. How many teacher's are going to completly going to freeze?

I'm all for one entrance to schools with metal detector's and a carrying cop at the door checking people.

So if 20% carry guns and half of them freeze, so what? The ones who freeze don't help but they don't hurt and you still have the shooter not knowing who is armed.

Also "freeze" is not binary. A teacher may freeze to pursue the shooter, but they may turn around and shoot when the shooter walks into their classroom. Either way, they are a risk to the shooter

So a cop walks in and sees someone with a gun without knowing a 100% who the shooter is, bang that teacher is dead. Doesn't matter the teacher is yelling I'm a teacher, how the hell is the cop suppose to know? Bang your dead teach.

OMG, you're right. An innocent shooting could turn into a bad situation!

Some people would think that the shooter shooting at unarmed people is already a bad situation.

Sure, it's possible that police could mistake someone shooting at someone shooting at other people is a bad guy. Most would recognize they are shooting at the shooter, but it could happen.

But seriously, you're picking the possibility of an accidental victim over the certainty of a guy aiming at people? Unbelievable.

That's what people are running around the halls screaming, right? OMG, I could be shot by someone shooting at the guy trying to shoot me!!!!!!!

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I'm willing to trust people who are already in a position of authority and responsibility to be able to handle further responsibility.

Call me crazy.

Sure, but you have to say something crazy first ...
.... uncharacteristically shaken after going through "shooter training" at school. She said all the female teachers were crying, a mess.

Shooter training.

"What it all boils down to, is that there's not much we can do, dad", she said. "They're going through and putting interior locks on classroom doors. Outside of that, you just have to hope the shooter doesn't find you."

I asked her about guns, and whether she supported the idea of giving teachers the option of having guns. "Hell yes," she said, and they had talked about that in training. She doesn't support it being mandatory, but definitely agreed that if some number of teachers did want to do it, it would help. She would do it.

So that was my Friday evening conversation with my daughter. They're usually a little different.
I agree with her. She shouldn’t let the libs get to her! Gun free zones invite nutjobs! God love your daughter and you
Lets name some countries Denmark, UK, Germany, France, Japan.... We have whole countries where gun control is working. We also made machine gun heavily regulated and they have pretty much disappeared from crime.

We will never remove guns from America, it is to tied into the Constitution and culture.

We need to focus on training on teachers catching behaviors, we need parent involved with their children and not coddling them but helping them to become responsible for their lives and where they are at in life.

These countries have not removed all guns. We can have guns, but do we need guns for mass killing? Do we need AR15's with 30 round magazines? Have you noticed that mass killings have increased now that high capacity magazines are everywhere?
Quit lying you pussy, it’s all about total firearm confiscation. It always has been, anybody can see right through progressives on this matter...

Leftist lies are so easy to see through

From trumploons who wouldn’t know the truth if it but them. :rofl:

So you don't want to confiscate guns? You oppose that?

And BTW, didn't vote for Trump. That's how shallow leftists are. Not leftist = Trump supporter. You're just oozing with brains out of that pretty little head of yours

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