My paycheck was larger!

My take-home pay was larger today...thanks to the tax cuts.

Now according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $849 per week or $44,148 per year for a 40-hour work week.

In July, 102.6 million people (71% of all nonfarm payroll employees) worked in private service-providing industries, according to the most recent employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Sep 1, 2016

So if every one of the 102 million increase of just $100/month that would be over $10.2 billion a month or nearly $122.4 Billion a year increase in take home pay.

'Multiplier Effect'
Now the multiplier effect comes in to play.
"Every $1 million spent is multiplied by 1.18 or $50 billion spent by employees: $60 billion back into the GDP.
So taking that figure of 1.18 times that means the $122.4 billion in additional paychecks spent back into the economy of $144.4 Billion. That means more tax revenue for federal/state and local governments.

The "rising tide lifts all boats" works!

For some reason I read the title in Bob Dole's voice...
My take-home pay was larger today...thanks to the tax cuts.

Now according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $849 per week or $44,148 per year for a 40-hour work week.

In July, 102.6 million people (71% of all nonfarm payroll employees) worked in private service-providing industries, according to the most recent employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Sep 1, 2016

So if every one of the 102 million increase of just $100/month that would be over $10.2 billion a month or nearly $122.4 Billion a year increase in take home pay.

'Multiplier Effect'
Now the multiplier effect comes in to play.
"Every $1 million spent is multiplied by 1.18 or $50 billion spent by employees: $60 billion back into the GDP.
So taking that figure of 1.18 times that means the $122.4 billion in additional paychecks spent back into the economy of $144.4 Billion. That means more tax revenue for federal/state and local governments.

The "rising tide lifts all boats" works!

Yup. Mine was larger as well.

Sure glad Trump is POTUS. I can only imagine what my paycheck would look like if Hitlery was POTUS. LOL
You may be right. The short term i.e. 2018 mid-term is not the lock the Dems thought now!

In other words....a few bucks are enough to bribe you into submission and compliance.......???
Shitforbrains leftards hate to see Americans making more money.
/——/ Oh they don’t mind us making more as long as most of it goes to the gubmint

"Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK"
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK
You may be right. The short term i.e. 2018 mid-term is not the lock the Dems thought now!

In other words....a few bucks are enough to bribe you into submission and compliance.......???
Shitforbrains leftards hate to see Americans making more money.
/——/ Oh they don’t mind us making more as long as most of it goes to the gubmint

"Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK"
Like Father, Like Son – Obama’s Father: Government 100% Taxation of Income OK
And if people don't believe that Obama felt that way remember OBAMA TOLD US HE WAS AN ANGRY BLACK MAN! Here is the proof.
List of 303 companies and their benefits of that evil tax cut program!

Norquist:“Every two weeks from February to November Americans will be reminded that one party cut their taxes and raised their pay. And the other tried to stop it.”

At least 303 companies have announced tax reform bonuses, pay raises, or 401(k) hikes, according to a running list compiled by Americans for Tax Reform, found at

Democrats and most media outlets continue to dismiss or altogether ignore the good news about tax reform. American workers do not agree with the “crumbs” comments of Democrat Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

In their own words, here’s what Americans have to say about their tax reform bonuses and pay raises:

“I’ve got a vehicle I’m trying to get ready for my daughter. She needs transportation, so it [bonus] will help me out in that instance very much.” [Link]

"I’ve never really had anything like this happen before," said 24-year-old Brian Robertson, a mover with Broadway Express. "It’s the first job I’ve ever had to get any kind of bonus or anything." [Link]

“Anytime your paycheck increases, it’s definitely a good thing for your family," said Kristi Stoddard. "It’s nice to see they’re putting money back into the middle class." [Link]

"We’ll be able to pay more bills," said Rich Stoddard. "We might be able to go out for dinner. Do the little things we might not be able to do until this kicks in. Honestly, your paycheck, you know where it’s going even before you get it. Now we have a little extra." [Link]

“I’m very grateful for the bonus and raise I received,” said Shawn Joy, who has worked as an applicator/operator at the business for about five years. [Link]

Hair stylist Breitanya Williams spent part of her bonus fixing the taillights on her Buick Rendezvous — the only vehicle she and her husband own that will fit all four of their young children. Another portion of Williams’ extra money went toward subscribing to a workout program. “That’s like my life-changing part,” said Williams, 25. “I just had my fourth child in five years … (and I’m) trying to make my family and myself healthier.” [Link]

Williams’ colleague Laura Naven also put her bonus toward her family. She paid down hospital bills left over from when she gave birth to her 4-month-old and put some money into savings. “I have two kids, so building up the savings is key right now,” said Naven, 33, general manager at Five Senses. [Link]

List of Tax Reform Good News
Rational logical-thinking folks know that only serious spending cuts can reduce the shocking $21 Trillion Debt. Punishing Taxpayers by seizing more of their income isn't the solution. Let the folks keep more of their paychecks, and focus on cutting spending. That's the logical way forward.
Which is why I have been proposing a specific $1.4 trillion annual spending cut since coming to this forum.

All the parroting tards ever come up with is whining about food stamps for the negroes poor. As if negroes the poor are the reason for the $20 trillion debt.

Jesus H. Christ.

Try convincing your fellow Communists/Democrats. See where that gets ya. Good luck with that. Significant spending cuts are the only way out of the shocking $21 Trillion Debt. Punishment by way of taxing Citizens more, isn't the solution.

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