My paycheck was larger!

I'm not joking. Save every penny of that few extra dollars in your paycheck.

You're going to need it to pay for the skyrocketing TrumpCare.

Not kidding. I'm dead serious.

You sound very irrational, kid. I think your hate is consuming you at this point. Only cutting spending can reduce the Debt. And i have a feeling your fellow Communists/Democrats aren't too keen on doing that. The US Government already rakes in record Tax Revenue every year. So the money is there. Punishing Taxpayers isn't the solution to the Debt madness.
Well, you've stepped in it now, retard.

You are obviously unaware the GOP has INCREASED spending and INCREASED our deficits since taking over Congress.

And Trump is an even bigger spender than they are!

Lookee here at last year's deficit, retard:


Get back to us when you convince your fellow Communists/Democrats to agree to serious spending cuts. Good luck with that. Citizens are sending in record tax revenue to the Government. So seizing more of their paychecks isn't the answer. Cut the spending. Period, end of story.
Like most drug addicts (and Trump cultists) ....a quick "fix" and shot in the arm, makes the world seem rosier.........Fuck the consequences that come later....the brief high is worth it......

hypocrisy much?

But we CAN pay hundreds of billions for all your little dreamers huh?
(While American children suffer)
You Leftists import all these Leftist voters as a quick fix to help you steal power from the American people....and you have the nerve to point fingers? Really?

Anyone else see the utter stupidly of the comment he just made here?
The money was borrowed so consider it a subsidy. And you people cry about food stamps & welfare.
The US debt rocketed past $20 trillion on Trump's watch, and not one single parroting tard commented on it.

Because their Tard News Feed didn't tell them to.

Fucking mushrooms.
If you tards stopped listening to your hack partisan propaganda outlets, maybe you'd have a fighting chance of reality impinging on your massively ignorant delusions.

Start thinking for yourselves. Parroting other people's bullshit just makes you look weak-minded, credulous, and easily manipulated.
What do you listen too? You continue to project the faults of your narrow minded ilk onto others. If any side suffers from group think it is most certainly the Left.
You can't blame Democrats for Republicans INCREASING the deficit every year since they took over.

Don't even try it.

But you will. You're trying to figure out how to spread that bullshit right now. I know it. :lol:
If you tards stopped listening to your hack partisan propaganda outlets, maybe you'd have a fighting chance of reality impinging on your massively ignorant delusions.

Start thinking for yourselves. Parroting other people's bullshit just makes you look weak-minded, credulous, and easily manipulated.
What do you listen too? You continue to project the faults of your narrow minded ilk onto others. If any side suffers from group think it is most certainly the Left.
I look at facts and figures. Instead of listening to some pseudocon wacko, I actually go and see for myself what the deficit is each year, and what the total debt is.

Rather than read some piss outlet or watch some propaganda fake news channel and parrot what I am told to parrot about this or that legislation, I read bills for myself.

The silence of the tards on Trump's spending is deafening. They totally clammed up because they don't think for themselves.
Rational logical-thinking folks know that only serious spending cuts can reduce the shocking $21 Trillion Debt. Punishing Taxpayers by seizing more of their income isn't the solution. Let the folks keep more of their paychecks, and focus on cutting spending. That's the logical way forward.
If you tards stopped listening to your hack partisan propaganda outlets, maybe you'd have a fighting chance of reality impinging on your massively ignorant delusions.

Start thinking for yourselves. Parroting other people's bullshit just makes you look weak-minded, credulous, and easily manipulated.
What do you listen too? You continue to project the faults of your narrow minded ilk onto others. If any side suffers from group think it is most certainly the Left.
Oh, by the way.

I'm not of the Left.

I am old school conservative. Of the Bill Buckley variety. The kind that thinks and thinks critically.

Since before most of these pseudocon tards were born. They don't know conservative principles when they are smacked in the face with them.

They are actually very similar to the hippy comsymps of the 60s and 70s.
If you tards stopped listening to your hack partisan propaganda outlets, maybe you'd have a fighting chance of reality impinging on your massively ignorant delusions.

Start thinking for yourselves. Parroting other people's bullshit just makes you look weak-minded, credulous, and easily manipulated.
What do you listen too? You continue to project the faults of your narrow minded ilk onto others. If any side suffers from group think it is most certainly the Left.
I look at facts and figures. Instead of listening to some pseudocon wacko, I actually go and see for myself what the deficit is each year, and what the total debt is.

Rather than read some piss outlet or watch some propaganda fake news channel and parrot what I am told to parrot about this or that legislation, I read bills for myself.

The silence of the tards on Trump's spending is deafening. They totally clammed up because they don't think for themselves.
You have been told before the Democrats never cared about spending, why now? More desperation ?
Rational logical-thinking folks know that only serious spending cuts can reduce the shocking $21 Trillion Debt. Punishing Taxpayers by seizing more of their income isn't the solution. Let the folks keep more of their paychecks, and focus on cutting spending. That's the logical way forward.
Which is why I have been proposing a specific $1.4 trillion annual spending cut since coming to this forum.

All the parroting tards ever come up with is whining about food stamps for the negroes poor. As if negroes the poor are the reason for the $20 trillion debt.

Jesus H. Christ.
If you tards stopped listening to your hack partisan propaganda outlets, maybe you'd have a fighting chance of reality impinging on your massively ignorant delusions.

Start thinking for yourselves. Parroting other people's bullshit just makes you look weak-minded, credulous, and easily manipulated.
What do you listen too? You continue to project the faults of your narrow minded ilk onto others. If any side suffers from group think it is most certainly the Left.
Oh, by the way.

I'm not of the Left.

I am old school conservative. Of the Bill Buckley variety. The kind that thinks and thinks critically.

Since before most of these pseudocon tards were born. They don't know conservative principles when they are smacked in the face with them.

They are actually very similar to the hippy comsymps of the 60s and 70s.
You are an old school idiot.
My take-home pay was larger today...thanks to the tax cuts.

Now according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2016 was $849 per week or $44,148 per year for a 40-hour work week.

In July, 102.6 million people (71% of all nonfarm payroll employees) worked in private service-providing industries, according to the most recent employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Sep 1, 2016

So if every one of the 102 million increase of just $100/month that would be over $10.2 billion a month or nearly $122.4 Billion a year increase in take home pay.

'Multiplier Effect'
Now the multiplier effect comes in to play.
"Every $1 million spent is multiplied by 1.18 or $50 billion spent by employees: $60 billion back into the GDP.
So taking that figure of 1.18 times that means the $122.4 billion in additional paychecks spent back into the economy of $144.4 Billion. That means more tax revenue for federal/state and local governments.

The "rising tide lifts all boats" works!
The GOP has added over a trillion dollars to the national credit card since taking control of the purse strings, and you think we should be making lower payments on it.

Is it any wonder I call you people retards?

All Trump has done is transfer an additional $1.5 trillion of debt to our unborn descendants.

By the way, you better save as much of that extra couple dollars in your paychecks as you can. You are going to need to it to pay for the explosive growth in TrumpCare costs.


Hey don't bitch about debt when Obama had NO major events, no disasters AND TARP was repaid with a profit!
View attachment 174433
Trump ran up the largest deficit of any President in American history last year, second only to Obama.


And you never ONCE have mentioned that. Ever.

You know why? Because you are nothing more than a brainless parroting rube who only posts what you are told by your hack propagandists.

You didn't even know Trump spent that much, did you.

And this tax "reform" you are drooling like a mongoloid over will add another $1.5 trillion onto the backs of our descendants.

AND you are a LIAR..."Trump ran up the largest deficit of any President in American history last year,"

U.S. ends fiscal 2017 with $666 billion budget deficit
The numbers: The federal government finished fiscal 2017 with a budget deficit of $666 billion, an increase of $80 billion over the previous year.
It was the biggest shortfall since 2013 and the sixth-highest on record.
Again... Why do you have problems with the FACTS??? Answer because you are a racist! "Mongoloid"???? Racist comment!
LOOK!!! Trump DID NOT run up the largest DEFICIT! YOU are a liar!
It's funny, really.

When Obama spent a trillion dollars on a stimulus package, the pseudocons whined and wailed about how that was bad for the economy and would not work.

Part of that stimulus resulted in bigger paychecks due to lowering payroll taxes. Did the pseudocons thank Obama and start topics praising him?


Trump spends a trillion and a half dollars on stimulus, and he's a hero to the very same pseudocon tards.

I guess that extra half a trillion dollars of debt makes all the difference!
View attachment 174434
Do you even know how big Trump's deficit was last year, retard?

Of course not. Unless I already told you in another topic.
AND idiot did you READ THIS CHART?????? FISCAL years end at 9/30..... Dummy!
I hear you and totally agree. I got my first Trump-tax-cut paycheck today, and my net monthly pay is now $220 higher than before. My wife and I are so excited and grateful.

It has been fascinating to watch the liberals at work slowly but surely acknowledge that yes, they have gotten a nice bump in net pay, and that, yes, they think it's very nice. A couple of them have even said things like, "This is one thing Trump has done that I really like."

But you'll probably never see any of the rude juvenile liberal robots on this board say any such thing.
Oh, haven't you heard? According to our wingnut liberals here, the supposed champions of the middle class, if you make more than $60K per year, you're not really an average working person but belong to a newly coined class called the "well off." Therefore, you should not have received a tax cut in the first place, and your happiness and gratitude for a net-pay hike of no more than $300 per month mean nothing and prove nothing.

According to these Marxists, the middle class ends at $60K or $70K per year! After that, you're some kind of rich: "well off," "wealthy," "affluent," "rich," "very rich," "uber rich," etc.
The US debt rocketed past $20 trillion on Trump's watch, and not one single parroting tard commented on it.

Because their Tard News Feed didn't tell them to.

Fucking mushrooms.

Because with growth and cuts we can pay it down.

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