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My plan for education

Originally posted by nycflasher
I love how you can draw the wildest conclusions from simple statements of mine. Here you go again telling me to get out of the country.

RWA, you really detract from the quality of this message board.
But I'm sure that won't stop you from staying.:rolleyes:

No. I actually I'm well loved and contribute a great deal. But your limited little outlook couldn't fathom something outside your "camping naked is fun" world. Capiche, nature boy?
Originally posted by nycflasher
Everyone is entitled to an education.

That is true, but not everyone wants an education. Also, not everyone is capable of being educated in the method that we now attempt to use to education "em all".
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
No. I actually I'm well loved and contribute a great deal. But your limited little outlook couldn't fathom something outside your "camping naked is fun" world. Capiche, nature boy?

Again, you avoid issues, praise youself, and criticize something I said.

Originally posted by nycflasher
Again, you avoid issues, praise youself, and criticize something I said.


I do praise myself, and I do criticize things you say, That's two out of three, 66%, not a good grade. See you in summer school.
Anyone, and I mean anyone, who uses insults and flaming in order to further their cause only weakens their argument. Period. At least that's the way I see it.

Name-calling and insults are tools of those who are incapable of debating issues intelligently. Sorry, but a spade is a spade.

We are a diverse populus. We all have different views and opinions. We are all free to express them openly. That is what makes this country so wonderful - we're <i>free</i> to be different.
How do you feel about liberals who claim to care about education, but who just completely resort to villification tactics and nonsense when they start to see that perhaps the lies they've been told in the liberal indocitrination system were just that, lies? Anyone who dares indict their liberal view is to be dismissed. I reply in kind when it gets to that level, unapologetically.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
How do you feel about liberals who claim to care about education, but who just completely resort to villification tactics and nonsense when they start to see that perhaps the lies they've been told in the liberal indocitrination system were just that, lies. Anyone who dares indict their liberal view is to be dismissed. I reply in kind when it gets to that level, unapologetically.

An extremely vague statement that strays from the issue at hand and doesn't address your flaming tactics.
Originally posted by nycflasher
An extremely vague statement that strays from the issue at hand and doesn't address your flaming tactics.

A last ditch desperate attempt to prop up your performance in this thread with a glib, yet ineffective and pointless, comment. Have a nice day, Tabitha.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
How do you feel about liberals who claim to care about education,
I would never presume to know what anyone here cares about. You cannot know what any poster here really cares about. Just because their views differ from yours doesn't mean that they don't care, it simply means that they don't see things the same way you do. Can you try to persuade them your views are better? Absolutely. When you insult and ridicule, however, you simply convince them that you have no reason for them to change their current opinions.
but who just completely resort to villification tactics and nonsense when they start to see that perhaps the lies they've been told in the liberal indocitrination system were just that, lies?
This is so vague it cannot be addressed. Cite the villification and nonsense of which you speak and we can discuss each instance, I suppose.
Anyone who dares indict their liberal view is to be dismissed. I reply in kind when it gets to that level, unapologetically.
That is your right, and your choice. I'm simply saying that I, and I would suspect a lot of others, are less likely to agree with you when you use such tactics. Using name-calling and ridicule is no way to convince intelligent people that you have good ideas.
Originally posted by TN_Independent
I would never presume to know what anyone here cares about. You cannot know what any poster here really cares about. Just because their views differ from yours doesn't mean that they don't care, it simply means that they don't see things the same way you do. Can you try to persuade them your views are better? Absolutely. When you insult and ridicule, however, you simply convince them that you have no reason for them to change their current opinions.

This is so vague it cannot be addressed. Cite the villification and nonsense of which you speak and we can discuss each instance, I suppose.

That is your right, and your choice. I'm simply saying that I, and I would suspect a lot of others, are less likely to agree with you when you use such tactics. Using name-calling and ridicule is no way to convince intelligent people that you have good ideas.

NYCFLASHER said I avoid issues, worship myself, and cirticize something he said, I said 2/3 of that was correct. That's 66% . It's a joke. Lighten up, Francis!

I'm sorry my scathing condemnations of the liberal establishment government schools is so accurate. Don't blame the messenger. Go bitch slap your boss.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
NYCFLASHER said I avoid issues, worship myself, and cirticize something he said, I said 2/3 of that was correct. That's 66% . It's a joke. Lighten up, Francis!
Joke? After reading posts here for quite a while, that was not self-evident. You have a history of flaming and degradation as a weapon. I was not, however, addressing this particular message with my post. I was not addressing you specifically, either, although I can see where you might have taken it personally. For that, I apologize.

As for your grading scale, I'd have to say that I would have given NYC a 100%. You do avoid issues, at least at times. You do seem to worship yourself. You did criticize something he said. Check. Check. Check.

You would probably argue, though, that my awarding a 100% grade was simply another example of the "evil liberal educational system" lowering their standards. :D
I'm sorry my scathing condemnations of the liberal establishment government schools is so accurate. Don't blame the messenger. Go bitch slap your boss.
Vague. Blaming everything on the liberals is unconvincing. Liberals are responsible for many problems in education, in my opinion, but to blame them for the total failure of the system is naive.

As for my boss, he's a great principal who is conservative, demanding, and great at promoting positive educational initiatives.:D
Originally posted by TN_Independent
Joke? After reading posts here for quite a while, that was not self-evident. You have a history of flaming and degradation as a weapon. I was not, however, addressing this particular message with my post. I was not addressing you specifically, either, although I can see where you might have taken it personally. For that, I apologize.

As for your grading scale, I'd have to say that I would have given NYC a 100%. You do avoid issues, at least at times. You do seem to worship yourself. You did criticize something he said. Check. Check. Check.

You would probably argue, though, that my awarding a 100% grade was simply another example of the "evil liberal educational system" lowering their standards. :D

Vague. Blaming everything on the liberals is unconvincing. Liberals are responsible for many problems in education, in my opinion, but to blame them for the total failure of the system is naive.

As for my boss, he's a great principal who is conservative, demanding, and great at promoting positive educational initiatives.:D

What issue have I avoided?

Degradation? Like an abu graib guard?

Liberals are to blame. Like you admitted once on this thread but are backing off of now. Denying that is naive.

Ok. I don't know your boss. I meant slap the liberal establishment.

I apologize to anyone I've degraded, but I'm not resigning.:D
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
What issue have I avoided?
You ask questions which I've answered already. I'll play along, though. Your constant placing of blame on liberals, without citing specifics of why the blame should rest with them, is vague and a form of avoidance. That's only one example.

You also avoided this earlier post that I made in resonse to one of yours:

Education is.... learning. Learning does not necessarily have to mean ABC's and 123's, at least not strictly those. Education could be, and should be in some cases, things like teaching students to build/repair things that are broken. We should not, I don't think, limit the educational system to desks and books. That's a big part of the problem with it now, as I see it.

What is your goal for education? To make folks smarter? Why? Just to make them more intellectual?

If that's the sole purpose of education, then we should stop the government funding immediately, in my opinion.

I am in favor of government funding of the educational system because I feel it will provide for a more stable, productive society with citizens who are contributors. If it doesn't do that, there is no need for it period.

Now you can claim that there is another objective, and you might even be correct. But if you feel that the purpose of the educational system is as outlined above, then any viable system must aim to train as many as can be trained, be that traditional or otherwise.

As for reengineering society from a classroom - well, if it can be reengineered, then the school system is probably the best option that we have. Teaching students life skills and giving them knowledge and training to succeed in life is as good a method as I can think of for doing that.


Degradation? Like an abu graib guard?
Degradation - changing to a lower state (a less respected state)

If your insults and name-calling is not intended to disrespect, then I've totally misread your intentions.
Liberals are to blame. Like you admitted once on this thread but are backing off of now. Denying that is naive.
Vague. I have never admitted that liberals are "solely" to blame for the problems with education. I do feel that they are responsible for a good deal of its demise, I do not see liberalism as the sole cause of the educational downfall. Therefore, I have backed away from nothing. My position on that has not changed one iota.
Ok. I don't know your boss. I meant slap the liberal establishment.?
See above.......
I apologize to anyone I've degraded, but I'm not resigning.:D
See above.....
Originally posted by TN_Independent
You ask questions which I've answered already. I'll play along, though. Your constant placing of blame on liberals, without citing specifics of why the blame should rest with them, is vague and a form of avoidance. That's only one example.

You also avoided this earlier post that I made in resonse to one of yours:

Education is.... learning. Learning does not necessarily have to mean ABC's and 123's, at least not strictly those. Education could be, and should be in some cases, things like teaching students to build/repair things that are broken. We should not, I don't think, limit the educational system to desks and books. That's a big part of the problem with it now, as I see it.

What is your goal for education? To make folks smarter? Why? Just to make them more intellectual?

If that's the sole purpose of education, then we should stop the government funding immediately, in my opinion.

I am in favor of government funding of the educational system because I feel it will provide for a more stable, productive society with citizens who are contributors. If it doesn't do that, there is no need for it period.

Now you can claim that there is another objective, and you might even be correct. But if you feel that the purpose of the educational system is as outlined above, then any viable system must aim to train as many as can be trained, be that traditional or otherwise.

As for reengineering society from a classroom - well, if it can be reengineered, then the school system is probably the best option that we have. Teaching students life skills and giving them knowledge and training to succeed in life is as good a method as I can think of for doing that.


Degradation - changing to a lower state (a less respected state)

If your insults and name-calling is not intended to disrespect, then I've totally misread your intentions.

Vague. I have never admitted that liberals are "solely" to blame for the problems with education. I do feel that they are responsible for a good deal of its demise, I do not see liberalism as the sole cause of the educational downfall. Therefore, I have backed away from nothing. My position on that has not changed one iota.

See above.......

See above.....

I do value learning for learning's sake. Study of the old masters, study of their quests for understanding of the human condition.
But I'm for more than that too.
I'm for vocational training. I'm for recognizing that fully functioning society takes all types, and the best the system can do is train all individuals to the best of their abilities, in critical thinking skills and practical application as well as vocational. I would also like to add basic personal economic awareness. What credit cards are for, what compounding interest means. Signing a lease. Getting a mortgage. These are all woefully absent.

As for my degradations of others, I just don't see it. I only give out what I take from others.

I'm not sure what your problem is with me. Sorry I will not give you credit for your sideways wink at the truth which you will abandon at the next conversation with a lib, probably your wife. If your looking for justifications for your apathy, I'm not your guy.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I do value learning for learning's sake. Study of the old masters, study of their quests for understanding of the human condition.
But I'm for more than that too.
I'm for vocational training. I'm for recognizing that fully functioning society takes all types, and the best the system can do is train all individuals to the best of their abilities, in critical thinking skills and practical application as well as vocational. I would also like to add basic personal economic awareness. What credit cards are for, what compounding interest means. Signing a lease. Getting a mortgage. These are all woefully absent.

I like it when you stick to the issues, as you do here.
I won't hold my breath, though, til the next time you can do so without lashing out with nonsensical comments and insults...
Originally posted by nycflasher
I like it when you stick to the issues, as you do here.
I won't hold my breath, though, til the next time you can do so without lashing out with nonsensical comments and insults...

"Water burn baby"

"Wapner, definitely in 30 minutes, definitely wapner in 30 minutes"

"I get my underwear from kmart"
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I do value learning for learning's sake. Study of the old masters, study of their quests for understanding of the human condition.
But I'm for more than that too.
I'm for vocational training. I'm for recognizing that fully functioning society takes all types, and the best the system can do is train all individuals to the best of their abilities, in critical thinking skills and practical application as well as vocational. I would also like to add basic personal economic awareness. What credit cards are for, what compounding interest means. Signing a lease. Getting a mortgage. These are all woefully absent.
Now this is an answer that I can respect. Well said.
I'm not sure what your problem is with me. Sorry I will not give you credit for your sideways wink at the truth which you will abandon at the next conversation with a lib, probably your wife. If your looking for justifications for your apathy, I'm not your guy.
rtwng, I have no problem with you. In fact, I enjoy the banter, if that's what you wish to call it. As for the "sideways wink at the truth" statement - that's degrading! LOL.... Seriously, if you can point to a post where I've indicated anything other than what I said above, I'll admit to hypocricy. Otherwise, you've no right to indicate that I'm a hypocrite. Of course, its OK that you did.

Lastly, I do not need, nor do I seek, justification from you. I simply choose to call spades by their appropriate name - regardless of to whom I am speaking (my wife included, btw).
Originally posted by TN_Independent
Now this is an answer that I can respect. Well said.

rtwng, I have no problem with you. In fact, I enjoy the banter, if that's what you wish to call it. As for the "sideways wink at the truth" statement - that's degrading! LOL.... Seriously, if you can point to a post where I've indicated anything other than what I said above, I'll admit to hypocricy. Otherwise, you've no right to indicate that I'm a hypocrite. Of course, its OK that you did.

Lastly, I do not need, nor do I seek, justification from you. I simply choose to call spades by their appropriate name - regardless of to whom I am speaking (my wife included, btw).

Well you start to agree with a lot of what I say, but because I don't have a solution for what to do with the ineducable, you're willing to go right back to the status quo of a system in denial. That's a "sideways wink at the truth".

And yes, this has been a good thread, Sheila!:D
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
"Water burn baby"

"Wapner, definitely in 30 minutes, definitely wapner in 30 minutes"

"I get my underwear from kmart"

I rest my case, your honor.
Send him to the gallows....:p:

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