My predictions for the trump impeachment

This is just a thrown dart prediction, it doesnt mean anything but I do think it has some merit.

First, trumps presidency will not survive this. I've said for a long time that people are way too confident when it comes to trump winning in 2020. I think his odds are not as good as many would think.

Most people in the u.s. are not as politically "in tune" as those you see here. By that, I mean, most dont really follow politics. They are generally armchair pundits that follow it as much as the hour of news they watch each night. I would say they would be easily influenced by other opinions as, while they call themselves republicans, that is a term they use to associate themselves with a certain set of ideals attributed to a politician in their party. Very few have the wherewithal to actually argue politics.

The left wing media machine has done an excellent job of pushing a narrative. The left, if nothing else, are persistent, and unwavering. This persistence does have an effect on those republicans I described above. Mabey not all, but many.

The left has done a very good at associating things like misogyny, racism, greed, anti immigration, and womanizing with trump. This has spillover consequence. The left is pushing the narrative that if you support trump, and/or vote for him, you support all of those attributes and that means you are all of then as well, even though none of it is true, you may just be voting for the candidate on the platform, against democrats.

But what if that isnt the only consequence? What if it is found out that you voted for trump at your place if employment? It could cause problems. Sure, they cant fire you for voting for a president, but if they are successful in labeling you a racist/womanizer/mysoginist because of your support for him, that could cause issues, especially if people look back in your years at the job and if someone starts thinking: "hmm, 2 years ago I heard him make a comment about soandso, and knowing he is a trump supporter, it makes sense now".

Especially if you are at odds with someone at work, they could leverage this against you.

People are afraid of labels, and if they think they will be labeled, it could cause some people to abstain from voting altogether.

This is also why many Republican members of congress who are in an election year may start to jump ship if it looks like things are going bad for trump, because they are afraid of being labeled, and they will be afraid of losing their seat if they see the public majority are increasing animosity against trump (remember, there are generally more democrats than republicans).

There is no way the democrats are not going to bring articles of impeachment. This will go to trial in the senate. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans on the senate to impeach him.

This will probably go down in one of two ways:

1) trump loses in 2020 because of a successful media campaign against him that sways voters due to unwanted labeling or because they become convinced the left is right.

2) a brutal impeachment inquiry and subsequent trial may mean things start looking bad for trump. If trump feels he may end up being a candidate for removal, cuts a deal to end the investigation in return for his resignation. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe trump will let himself be the first president to be removed from office.

It doesnt even matter if he is guilty or not. Is it not possible that simply being an impeached president with the aura of corruption (whether true or not) hanging around you could spell problems for his business dealings? Is he willing to risk that for a presidency?

Again, this is just an opinion, but I feel there may be some merit to it. I feel it may be imperative to have another Republican candidate on deck. I am willing to admit I'm totally wrong here, as this is just some preliminary notions.
If trump gets impeached, the 2020 election will come down to how justified America perceives the impeachment is. If Democrats impeach him lacking compelling evidence, he'll run, wearing impeachment as a badge, and win easily. But on the other hand, if Democrats can find undeniable evidence that he pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden and used that military aid to obtain it; and Republicans refuse to convict him in the Senate, he would lose <hyperbole>if I ran against him</hyperbole>.

Trump has already admitted "that he pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden and used that military aid to obtain it" - PUBLICLY.

Care to link to your quote?

Funny. Don't you have access to TV, Internet, newspapers...? Google it...

Yea I did and I can't find anything about that. All I see is that Trump said he withheld money from them (which he can do) and said it had nothing to do with the Biden thing.

So you misquoted or you are just dishonest. Which is it?

For your viewing pleasure...

Trump’s response to the scandal
On Sunday, the president admitted to discussing matters related to the Biden family in a call with the Ukrainian president, citing concerns about “corruption.”

“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, was largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place,” Trump told reporters on the White House lawn. “It was largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice-President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine.” He added that the exchange was “perfect” and involved no improper behavior.

A day later, Trump suggested it’s totally proper to withhold aide from a country because it won’t investigate your political rivals. “It’s very important to talk about corruption,” Trump said. “If you don’t talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?”

But the timing of Trump’s decision to withhold almost $400 million in aidjust days before speaking to the Ukrainian president suggests the possibility of a quid-pro-quo.

Trump continued making less-than-subtle remarks at the United Nations General Assembly:

Politico reported on Tuesday night that the White House was preparing to release the transcript of the call, the whistle-blower’s complaint, and the DNI inspector’s report by the end of the week. Prior to Pelosi’s announcement, Trump wanted to release only the transcript.

Everything We Know About Trump’s Ukraine Whistle-blower Scandal

Oh, and here are a few more for your viewing pleasure...
I have more...
This is just a thrown dart prediction, it doesnt mean anything but I do think it has some merit.

First, trumps presidency will not survive this. I've said for a long time that people are way too confident when it comes to trump winning in 2020. I think his odds are not as good as many would think.

Most people in the u.s. are not as politically "in tune" as those you see here. By that, I mean, most dont really follow politics. They are generally armchair pundits that follow it as much as the hour of news they watch each night. I would say they would be easily influenced by other opinions as, while they call themselves republicans, that is a term they use to associate themselves with a certain set of ideals attributed to a politician in their party. Very few have the wherewithal to actually argue politics.

The left wing media machine has done an excellent job of pushing a narrative. The left, if nothing else, are persistent, and unwavering. This persistence does have an effect on those republicans I described above. Mabey not all, but many.

The left has done a very good at associating things like misogyny, racism, greed, anti immigration, and womanizing with trump. This has spillover consequence. The left is pushing the narrative that if you support trump, and/or vote for him, you support all of those attributes and that means you are all of then as well, even though none of it is true, you may just be voting for the candidate on the platform, against democrats.

But what if that isnt the only consequence? What if it is found out that you voted for trump at your place if employment? It could cause problems. Sure, they cant fire you for voting for a president, but if they are successful in labeling you a racist/womanizer/mysoginist because of your support for him, that could cause issues, especially if people look back in your years at the job and if someone starts thinking: "hmm, 2 years ago I heard him make a comment about soandso, and knowing he is a trump supporter, it makes sense now".

Especially if you are at odds with someone at work, they could leverage this against you.

People are afraid of labels, and if they think they will be labeled, it could cause some people to abstain from voting altogether.

This is also why many Republican members of congress who are in an election year may start to jump ship if it looks like things are going bad for trump, because they are afraid of being labeled, and they will be afraid of losing their seat if they see the public majority are increasing animosity against trump (remember, there are generally more democrats than republicans).

There is no way the democrats are not going to bring articles of impeachment. This will go to trial in the senate. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans on the senate to impeach him.

This will probably go down in one of two ways:

1) trump loses in 2020 because of a successful media campaign against him that sways voters due to unwanted labeling or because they become convinced the left is right.

2) a brutal impeachment inquiry and subsequent trial may mean things start looking bad for trump. If trump feels he may end up being a candidate for removal, cuts a deal to end the investigation in return for his resignation. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe trump will let himself be the first president to be removed from office.

It doesnt even matter if he is guilty or not. Is it not possible that simply being an impeached president with the aura of corruption (whether true or not) hanging around you could spell problems for his business dealings? Is he willing to risk that for a presidency?

Again, this is just an opinion, but I feel there may be some merit to it. I feel it may be imperative to have another Republican candidate on deck. I am willing to admit I'm totally wrong here, as this is just some preliminary notions.

Happy to compare resumes and knowledge vs you at any time.
As I stated, I may be totally wrong. I never said this was an educated prediction, ots just my opinion based on what I'm seeing and hearing in the media, as well as just a personal hunch.

I'll yield to you on pedigree, I never claimed to be an expert on any of this.

The fact is Trump hit a home run with his speech at the UN this morning and the commies came up with this crap to bury the story of Trumps success. You note that all the commie media aren't even mentioning his speech. The commies have been talking about impeachment since election day.

This is just a thrown dart prediction, it doesnt mean anything but I do think it has some merit.

First, trumps presidency will not survive this. I've said for a long time that people are way too confident when it comes to trump winning in 2020. I think his odds are not as good as many would think.

Most people in the u.s. are not as politically "in tune" as those you see here. By that, I mean, most dont really follow politics. They are generally armchair pundits that follow it as much as the hour of news they watch each night. I would say they would be easily influenced by other opinions as, while they call themselves republicans, that is a term they use to associate themselves with a certain set of ideals attributed to a politician in their party. Very few have the wherewithal to actually argue politics.

The left wing media machine has done an excellent job of pushing a narrative. The left, if nothing else, are persistent, and unwavering. This persistence does have an effect on those republicans I described above. Mabey not all, but many.

The left has done a very good at associating things like misogyny, racism, greed, anti immigration, and womanizing with trump. This has spillover consequence. The left is pushing the narrative that if you support trump, and/or vote for him, you support all of those attributes and that means you are all of then as well, even though none of it is true, you may just be voting for the candidate on the platform, against democrats.

But what if that isnt the only consequence? What if it is found out that you voted for trump at your place if employment? It could cause problems. Sure, they cant fire you for voting for a president, but if they are successful in labeling you a racist/womanizer/mysoginist because of your support for him, that could cause issues, especially if people look back in your years at the job and if someone starts thinking: "hmm, 2 years ago I heard him make a comment about soandso, and knowing he is a trump supporter, it makes sense now".

Especially if you are at odds with someone at work, they could leverage this against you.

People are afraid of labels, and if they think they will be labeled, it could cause some people to abstain from voting altogether.

This is also why many Republican members of congress who are in an election year may start to jump ship if it looks like things are going bad for trump, because they are afraid of being labeled, and they will be afraid of losing their seat if they see the public majority are increasing animosity against trump (remember, there are generally more democrats than republicans).

There is no way the democrats are not going to bring articles of impeachment. This will go to trial in the senate. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans on the senate to impeach him.

This will probably go down in one of two ways:

1) trump loses in 2020 because of a successful media campaign against him that sways voters due to unwanted labeling or because they become convinced the left is right.

2) a brutal impeachment inquiry and subsequent trial may mean things start looking bad for trump. If trump feels he may end up being a candidate for removal, cuts a deal to end the investigation in return for his resignation. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe trump will let himself be the first president to be removed from office.

It doesnt even matter if he is guilty or not. Is it not possible that simply being an impeached president with the aura of corruption (whether true or not) hanging around you could spell problems for his business dealings? Is he willing to risk that for a presidency?

Again, this is just an opinion, but I feel there may be some merit to it. I feel it may be imperative to have another Republican candidate on deck. I am willing to admit I'm totally wrong here, as this is just some preliminary notions.

Frankly speaking (you should try it sometime), your OP is way to long. Clearly I couldn’t force myself to read it all, but what I did read might do well in a high school level political science course, but I doubt it will play well here at all.
This is just a thrown dart prediction, it doesnt mean anything but I do think it has some merit.

First, trumps presidency will not survive this. I've said for a long time that people are way too confident when it comes to trump winning in 2020. I think his odds are not as good as many would think.

Most people in the u.s. are not as politically "in tune" as those you see here. By that, I mean, most dont really follow politics. They are generally armchair pundits that follow it as much as the hour of news they watch each night. I would say they would be easily influenced by other opinions as, while they call themselves republicans, that is a term they use to associate themselves with a certain set of ideals attributed to a politician in their party. Very few have the wherewithal to actually argue politics.

The left wing media machine has done an excellent job of pushing a narrative. The left, if nothing else, are persistent, and unwavering. This persistence does have an effect on those republicans I described above. Mabey not all, but many.

The left has done a very good at associating things like misogyny, racism, greed, anti immigration, and womanizing with trump. This has spillover consequence. The left is pushing the narrative that if you support trump, and/or vote for him, you support all of those attributes and that means you are all of then as well, even though none of it is true, you may just be voting for the candidate on the platform, against democrats.

But what if that isnt the only consequence? What if it is found out that you voted for trump at your place if employment? It could cause problems. Sure, they cant fire you for voting for a president, but if they are successful in labeling you a racist/womanizer/mysoginist because of your support for him, that could cause issues, especially if people look back in your years at the job and if someone starts thinking: "hmm, 2 years ago I heard him make a comment about soandso, and knowing he is a trump supporter, it makes sense now".

Especially if you are at odds with someone at work, they could leverage this against you.

People are afraid of labels, and if they think they will be labeled, it could cause some people to abstain from voting altogether.

This is also why many Republican members of congress who are in an election year may start to jump ship if it looks like things are going bad for trump, because they are afraid of being labeled, and they will be afraid of losing their seat if they see the public majority are increasing animosity against trump (remember, there are generally more democrats than republicans).

There is no way the democrats are not going to bring articles of impeachment. This will go to trial in the senate. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans on the senate to impeach him.

This will probably go down in one of two ways:

1) trump loses in 2020 because of a successful media campaign against him that sways voters due to unwanted labeling or because they become convinced the left is right.

2) a brutal impeachment inquiry and subsequent trial may mean things start looking bad for trump. If trump feels he may end up being a candidate for removal, cuts a deal to end the investigation in return for his resignation. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe trump will let himself be the first president to be removed from office.

It doesnt even matter if he is guilty or not. Is it not possible that simply being an impeached president with the aura of corruption (whether true or not) hanging around you could spell problems for his business dealings? Is he willing to risk that for a presidency?

Again, this is just an opinion, but I feel there may be some merit to it. I feel it may be imperative to have another Republican candidate on deck. I am willing to admit I'm totally wrong here, as this is just some preliminary notions.
Or maybe the Impeachment inquiry gets terminated quickly because everyone agrees it's just more bullshit from the Democrats.

Especially if the focus shifts onto Biden's drug addict son who was apparently awarded a sweet 6 figure job sitting on the BOARD Ukranian energy company with ZERO experience. Splain that one to me.
This is just a thrown dart prediction, it doesnt mean anything but I do think it has some merit.

First, trumps presidency will not survive this. I've said for a long time that people are way too confident when it comes to trump winning in 2020. I think his odds are not as good as many would think.

Most people in the u.s. are not as politically "in tune" as those you see here. By that, I mean, most dont really follow politics. They are generally armchair pundits that follow it as much as the hour of news they watch each night. I would say they would be easily influenced by other opinions as, while they call themselves republicans, that is a term they use to associate themselves with a certain set of ideals attributed to a politician in their party. Very few have the wherewithal to actually argue politics.

The left wing media machine has done an excellent job of pushing a narrative. The left, if nothing else, are persistent, and unwavering. This persistence does have an effect on those republicans I described above. Mabey not all, but many.

The left has done a very good at associating things like misogyny, racism, greed, anti immigration, and womanizing with trump. This has spillover consequence. The left is pushing the narrative that if you support trump, and/or vote for him, you support all of those attributes and that means you are all of then as well, even though none of it is true, you may just be voting for the candidate on the platform, against democrats.

But what if that isnt the only consequence? What if it is found out that you voted for trump at your place if employment? It could cause problems. Sure, they cant fire you for voting for a president, but if they are successful in labeling you a racist/womanizer/mysoginist because of your support for him, that could cause issues, especially if people look back in your years at the job and if someone starts thinking: "hmm, 2 years ago I heard him make a comment about soandso, and knowing he is a trump supporter, it makes sense now".

Especially if you are at odds with someone at work, they could leverage this against you.

People are afraid of labels, and if they think they will be labeled, it could cause some people to abstain from voting altogether.

This is also why many Republican members of congress who are in an election year may start to jump ship if it looks like things are going bad for trump, because they are afraid of being labeled, and they will be afraid of losing their seat if they see the public majority are increasing animosity against trump (remember, there are generally more democrats than republicans).

There is no way the democrats are not going to bring articles of impeachment. This will go to trial in the senate. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans on the senate to impeach him.

This will probably go down in one of two ways:

1) trump loses in 2020 because of a successful media campaign against him that sways voters due to unwanted labeling or because they become convinced the left is right.

2) a brutal impeachment inquiry and subsequent trial may mean things start looking bad for trump. If trump feels he may end up being a candidate for removal, cuts a deal to end the investigation in return for his resignation. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe trump will let himself be the first president to be removed from office.

It doesnt even matter if he is guilty or not. Is it not possible that simply being an impeached president with the aura of corruption (whether true or not) hanging around you could spell problems for his business dealings? Is he willing to risk that for a presidency?

Again, this is just an opinion, but I feel there may be some merit to it. I feel it may be imperative to have another Republican candidate on deck. I am willing to admit I'm totally wrong here, as this is just some preliminary notions.
You do understand Democrats are running on infanticide , open borders, free health care and college for illegals, grown men in the little girls room, meanwhile towns they run are shitholes lol

No chance democrats win anything
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
I dont think they will convict him. I think Trump will come up with some spun up narrative and they will stand behind that. Look how spineless they are on issues now. I hear them talking about gun legislation and nobody will do anything until Trump gives them their marching orders. It’s pathetic.
The Senate won't have to do anything because Articles of impeachment will not make through the House. Keep in mind neither Pelosi's claim of "formal impeachment inquiry" nor Nadler's August claim of "official impeachment proceedings" have any authority unless the House votes to approve them (which they haven't). You've been duped again. :lol:
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
I dont think they will convict him. I think Trump will come up with some spun up narrative and they will stand behind that. Look how spineless they are on issues now. I hear them talking about gun legislation and nobody will do anything until Trump gives them their marching orders. It’s pathetic.
The Senate won't have to do anything because Articles of impeachment will not make through the House. Keep in mind neither Pelosi's claim of "formal impeachment inquiry" nor Nadler's August claim of "official impeachment proceedings" have any authority unless the House votes to approve them (which they haven't). You've been duped again. :lol:
What do you mean I’ve been duped? What did you think I believed
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
I dont think they will convict him. I think Trump will come up with some spun up narrative and they will stand behind that. Look how spineless they are on issues now. I hear them talking about gun legislation and nobody will do anything until Trump gives them their marching orders. It’s pathetic.
The Senate won't have to do anything because Articles of impeachment will not make through the House. Keep in mind neither Pelosi's claim of "formal impeachment inquiry" nor Nadler's August claim of "official impeachment proceedings" have any authority unless the House votes to approve them (which they haven't). You've been duped again. :lol:

Funny. Speaker Pelosi would not have launched an Official Impeachment Inquiry if she thought she didn't have the votes to impeach. She is famous for accurately counting her votes. I have no doubt that Trump will be impeached in the House. The Senate is a different matter.
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
I dont think they will convict him. I think Trump will come up with some spun up narrative and they will stand behind that. Look how spineless they are on issues now. I hear them talking about gun legislation and nobody will do anything until Trump gives them their marching orders. It’s pathetic.
The Senate won't have to do anything because Articles of impeachment will not make through the House. Keep in mind neither Pelosi's claim of "formal impeachment inquiry" nor Nadler's August claim of "official impeachment proceedings" have any authority unless the House votes to approve them (which they haven't). You've been duped again. :lol:

Funny. Speaker Pelosi would not have launched an Official Impeachment Inquiry if she thought she didn't have the votes to impeach. She is famous for accurately counting her votes. I have no doubt that Trump will be impeached in the House. The Senate is a different matter.
It's not about having the votes to impeach you STUPID, STUPID child but rather about her having a House Resolution to institute the "formal impeachment inquiry" - which she doesn't - she announced with great fanfare today. You also have been duped again because you are STUPID.
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
Wait a minute. If they find what Biden did applies to Trump? Is that what you mean?
Biden didn't do what trump allegedly did. Biden served the U.S.. Trump, if this story is true, served Trump.
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
I dont think they will convict him. I think Trump will come up with some spun up narrative and they will stand behind that. Look how spineless they are on issues now. I hear them talking about gun legislation and nobody will do anything until Trump gives them their marching orders. It’s pathetic.
The Senate won't have to do anything because Articles of impeachment will not make through the House. Keep in mind neither Pelosi's claim of "formal impeachment inquiry" nor Nadler's August claim of "official impeachment proceedings" have any authority unless the House votes to approve them (which they haven't). You've been duped again. :lol:

Funny. Speaker Pelosi would not have launched an Official Impeachment Inquiry if she thought she didn't have the votes to impeach. She is famous for accurately counting her votes. I have no doubt that Trump will be impeached in the House. The Senate is a different matter.
It's not about having the votes to impeach you STUPID, STUPID child but rather about her having a House Resolution to institute the "formal impeachment inquiry" - which she doesn't - she announced with great fanfare today. You also have been duped again because you are STUPID.
She made no such announcement.
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?

They have no proof. Its hearsay. You're talking about hypotheticals and wishful musings.
I understand they have no proof, that's why I said, "for argument's sake."

I'll accept your non-answer as you're too embarrassed to admit they won't.
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
I dont think they will convict him. I think Trump will come up with some spun up narrative and they will stand behind that. Look how spineless they are on issues now. I hear them talking about gun legislation and nobody will do anything until Trump gives them their marching orders. It’s pathetic.
The Senate won't have to do anything because Articles of impeachment will not make through the House. Keep in mind neither Pelosi's claim of "formal impeachment inquiry" nor Nadler's August claim of "official impeachment proceedings" have any authority unless the House votes to approve them (which they haven't). You've been duped again. :lol:

Funny. Speaker Pelosi would not have launched an Official Impeachment Inquiry if she thought she didn't have the votes to impeach. She is famous for accurately counting her votes. I have no doubt that Trump will be impeached in the House. The Senate is a different matter.
It's not about having the votes to impeach you STUPID, STUPID child but rather about her having a House Resolution to institute the "formal impeachment inquiry" - which she doesn't - she announced with great fanfare today. You also have been duped again because you are STUPID.
A House resolution is not needed. :eusa_doh:

Here, knock yourself out....

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
Wait a minute. If they find what Biden did applies to Trump? Is that what you mean?
Biden didn't do what trump allegedly did. Biden served the U.S.. Trump, if this story is true, served Trump.

Biden did worse you fucking retard. He demanded a foreign prosecutor be removed to protect his son.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
I dont think they will convict him. I think Trump will come up with some spun up narrative and they will stand behind that. Look how spineless they are on issues now. I hear them talking about gun legislation and nobody will do anything until Trump gives them their marching orders. It’s pathetic.
The Senate won't have to do anything because Articles of impeachment will not make through the House. Keep in mind neither Pelosi's claim of "formal impeachment inquiry" nor Nadler's August claim of "official impeachment proceedings" have any authority unless the House votes to approve them (which they haven't). You've been duped again. :lol:

Funny. Speaker Pelosi would not have launched an Official Impeachment Inquiry if she thought she didn't have the votes to impeach. She is famous for accurately counting her votes. I have no doubt that Trump will be impeached in the House. The Senate is a different matter.
It's not about having the votes to impeach you STUPID, STUPID child but rather about her having a House Resolution to institute the "formal impeachment inquiry" - which she doesn't - she announced with great fanfare today. You also have been duped again because you are STUPID.
A House resolution is not needed. :eusa_doh:

Here, knock yourself out....

The Impeachment Process in the House of Representatives

Thank you. Their stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
Wait a minute. If they find what Biden did applies to Trump? Is that what you mean?
Biden didn't do what trump allegedly did. Biden served the U.S.. Trump, if this story is true, served Trump.

Biden did worse you fucking retard. He demanded a foreign prosecutor be removed to protect his son.
Dumbfuck, nothing Biden did protected his son. His son didn't need protection. His son wasn't in trouble. His son wasn't facing charges. His son wasn't being investigated. The company his son worked for wasn't being investigated.
I don't think the Senate will impeach him under any circumstances.

He could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and they still wouldn't impeach him.
This is just a thrown dart prediction, it doesnt mean anything but I do think it has some merit.

First, trumps presidency will not survive this. I've said for a long time that people are way too confident when it comes to trump winning in 2020. I think his odds are not as good as many would think.

Most people in the u.s. are not as politically "in tune" as those you see here. By that, I mean, most dont really follow politics. They are generally armchair pundits that follow it as much as the hour of news they watch each night. I would say they would be easily influenced by other opinions as, while they call themselves republicans, that is a term they use to associate themselves with a certain set of ideals attributed to a politician in their party. Very few have the wherewithal to actually argue politics.

The left wing media machine has done an excellent job of pushing a narrative. The left, if nothing else, are persistent, and unwavering. This persistence does have an effect on those republicans I described above. Mabey not all, but many.

The left has done a very good at associating things like misogyny, racism, greed, anti immigration, and womanizing with trump. This has spillover consequence. The left is pushing the narrative that if you support trump, and/or vote for him, you support all of those attributes and that means you are all of then as well, even though none of it is true, you may just be voting for the candidate on the platform, against democrats.

But what if that isnt the only consequence? What if it is found out that you voted for trump at your place if employment? It could cause problems. Sure, they cant fire you for voting for a president, but if they are successful in labeling you a racist/womanizer/mysoginist because of your support for him, that could cause issues, especially if people look back in your years at the job and if someone starts thinking: "hmm, 2 years ago I heard him make a comment about soandso, and knowing he is a trump supporter, it makes sense now".

Especially if you are at odds with someone at work, they could leverage this against you.

People are afraid of labels, and if they think they will be labeled, it could cause some people to abstain from voting altogether.

This is also why many Republican members of congress who are in an election year may start to jump ship if it looks like things are going bad for trump, because they are afraid of being labeled, and they will be afraid of losing their seat if they see the public majority are increasing animosity against trump (remember, there are generally more democrats than republicans).

There is no way the democrats are not going to bring articles of impeachment. This will go to trial in the senate. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans on the senate to impeach him.

This will probably go down in one of two ways:

1) trump loses in 2020 because of a successful media campaign against him that sways voters due to unwanted labeling or because they become convinced the left is right.

2) a brutal impeachment inquiry and subsequent trial may mean things start looking bad for trump. If trump feels he may end up being a candidate for removal, cuts a deal to end the investigation in return for his resignation. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe trump will let himself be the first president to be removed from office.

It doesnt even matter if he is guilty or not. Is it not possible that simply being an impeached president with the aura of corruption (whether true or not) hanging around you could spell problems for his business dealings? Is he willing to risk that for a presidency?

Again, this is just an opinion, but I feel there may be some merit to it. I feel it may be imperative to have another Republican candidate on deck. I am willing to admit I'm totally wrong here, as this is just some preliminary notions.
If trump gets impeached, the 2020 election will come down to how justified America perceives the impeachment is. If Democrats impeach him lacking compelling evidence, he'll run, wearing impeachment as a badge, and win easily. But on the other hand, if Democrats can find undeniable evidence that he pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden and used that military aid to obtain it; and Republicans refuse to convict him in the Senate, he would lose <hyperbole>if I ran against him</hyperbole>.
There is no law that says the president cannot pressure Ukraine to investigate corruption.

There also is no law that says running for president makes your son immune from being investigated by Ukraine.
Senate aint going to convict if trump were to be impeached in the house. That would be the republican death knell and good riddance to those weak spineless rubes if they did.
So let's say, for arguments sake, Democrats prove conclusively that he used that military aid to coerce Zelensky to dig for dirt on Biden -- you still think Republicans won't convict him?
Convict him of what?
This is just a thrown dart prediction, it doesnt mean anything but I do think it has some merit.

First, trumps presidency will not survive this. I've said for a long time that people are way too confident when it comes to trump winning in 2020. I think his odds are not as good as many would think.

Most people in the u.s. are not as politically "in tune" as those you see here. By that, I mean, most dont really follow politics. They are generally armchair pundits that follow it as much as the hour of news they watch each night. I would say they would be easily influenced by other opinions as, while they call themselves republicans, that is a term they use to associate themselves with a certain set of ideals attributed to a politician in their party. Very few have the wherewithal to actually argue politics.

The left wing media machine has done an excellent job of pushing a narrative. The left, if nothing else, are persistent, and unwavering. This persistence does have an effect on those republicans I described above. Mabey not all, but many.

The left has done a very good at associating things like misogyny, racism, greed, anti immigration, and womanizing with trump. This has spillover consequence. The left is pushing the narrative that if you support trump, and/or vote for him, you support all of those attributes and that means you are all of then as well, even though none of it is true, you may just be voting for the candidate on the platform, against democrats.

But what if that isnt the only consequence? What if it is found out that you voted for trump at your place if employment? It could cause problems. Sure, they cant fire you for voting for a president, but if they are successful in labeling you a racist/womanizer/mysoginist because of your support for him, that could cause issues, especially if people look back in your years at the job and if someone starts thinking: "hmm, 2 years ago I heard him make a comment about soandso, and knowing he is a trump supporter, it makes sense now".

Especially if you are at odds with someone at work, they could leverage this against you.

People are afraid of labels, and if they think they will be labeled, it could cause some people to abstain from voting altogether.

This is also why many Republican members of congress who are in an election year may start to jump ship if it looks like things are going bad for trump, because they are afraid of being labeled, and they will be afraid of losing their seat if they see the public majority are increasing animosity against trump (remember, there are generally more democrats than republicans).

There is no way the democrats are not going to bring articles of impeachment. This will go to trial in the senate. There will be a lot of pressure on republicans on the senate to impeach him.

This will probably go down in one of two ways:

1) trump loses in 2020 because of a successful media campaign against him that sways voters due to unwanted labeling or because they become convinced the left is right.

2) a brutal impeachment inquiry and subsequent trial may mean things start looking bad for trump. If trump feels he may end up being a candidate for removal, cuts a deal to end the investigation in return for his resignation. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't believe trump will let himself be the first president to be removed from office.

It doesnt even matter if he is guilty or not. Is it not possible that simply being an impeached president with the aura of corruption (whether true or not) hanging around you could spell problems for his business dealings? Is he willing to risk that for a presidency?

Again, this is just an opinion, but I feel there may be some merit to it. I feel it may be imperative to have another Republican candidate on deck. I am willing to admit I'm totally wrong here, as this is just some preliminary notions.
If trump gets impeached, the 2020 election will come down to how justified America perceives the impeachment is. If Democrats impeach him lacking compelling evidence, he'll run, wearing impeachment as a badge, and win easily. But on the other hand, if Democrats can find undeniable evidence that he pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden and used that military aid to obtain it; and Republicans refuse to convict him in the Senate, he would lose <hyperbole>if I ran against him</hyperbole>.
There is no law that says the president cannot pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden's corruption.
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