My Problem with Pro-Life and Anti-Gay People

Duly noted. No one is allowed to think or do anything that YOU don't agree with.

Let me guess - you work for OKCupid......

Oh contrare. People can think whatever they want. I am stating my opinion and my proposal as a possible solution to this mess.
And who the hell is OKCupid?

Oh, and before I forget...Show me where this "Separation of Church and state" bullshit is.....I have YET to see the STATE form ANY religion.

Are you really this thick?
Think hard about the precedent being set. The argument is being made that a religious employer should be forced to do something against their moral code, and that if they don't like it they should just get out of business.

Okay. Let's pass a law that requires employers to issue an assault weapon to every employee.

Hobby Lobby is a secular, for profit company. They should not be exempt because they believe some of the contraceptives are like abortions.
Who is stopping you from opposing abortion? I believe that you should be able to speak freely about your beliefs. You shouldn't be able to impose your religious beliefs on others.

Wanting to protect the sanctity of life is purely a religious thing?

Depends on what you mean by sanctity of life. Who's life? My life? Your life. Her life? The life of the free floating zygote trying to attach itself to a uterus? The life of a 26 week old fetus?

But for the record I was addressing Avatar who seems to be quite religious.

All innocent human life deserves protection and has the right to live.
MAN doesn't decide what marriage is, GOD does, and GOD said that marriage is the holy union between a MAN and a WOMAN.

He also said that homosexuality was an abomination, and that man should not lie with a man as a woman.

So it's not up to man to define marriage. Homos want the benefits a moral marriage like a man and a woman have, take the civil union and shut the fuck up.

Correct me if I am wrong...

But weren't the 10 commandments the only "writings" ever offered up directly from God?

Arent all other "words from God" actually the words of a messenger of God?

That being said, where in the 10 commandments does it say homosexuality is an abomination?

It doesn't. But it clearly states it in both Old and New Testaments.

Not every sinful act is listed in the Ten Commandments which provides a basic set of laws. They were not meant to be all-encompassing but simply meant to give them the top-ten basic laws that God wanted the Israelites to obey until they could get the complete law.
MAN doesn't decide what marriage is, GOD does, and GOD said that marriage is the holy union between a MAN and a WOMAN.

He also said that homosexuality was an abomination, and that man should not lie with a man as a woman.

So it's not up to man to define marriage. Homos want the benefits a moral marriage like a man and a woman have, take the civil union and shut the fuck up.

So people who do not believe in your god are not really married, eh?

If they don't believe in "my God," the why on earth would they want to be married as he says marriage should be?

There's only one real marriage on this planet, and that's between a man a woman. Two men or two women wanting to marry is nothing more than them bastardizing marriage with their disgusting, unnatural, immoral, unholy sexual perversion. What your describing is defined by man, who when strays from Gods word becomes immoral and perverted, like you.
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Separation of church and state:

Amendment 1:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Can you read the first part of the sentence? Congress (government) will not make laws respecting an establishment of religion (anti-gay marriage bigotry misguidedly based on the Bible), nor prohibit the free exercise thereof (we won't tax your silly cult into third world poverty as long as you stay out of the public government).

That is the separation of church and state. It's pretty fucking obvious even thought it doesn't specifically use the words "separation of church and state". It means keep your silly cult out of our laws and we'll keep our laws off of your silly cult.
You obviously can't comprehend what you read. It says no such thing.
So we should be free to do what we want, unless it's oppose abortion and then our first amendment rights to freedom of religion should be violated for whatever you find convenient.

Who is stopping you from opposing abortion? I believe that you should be able to speak freely about your beliefs. You shouldn't be able to impose your religious beliefs on others.

Pro life has little to do with religion.
Think hard about the precedent being set. The argument is being made that a religious employer should be forced to do something against their moral code, and that if they don't like it they should just get out of business.

Okay. Let's pass a law that requires employers to issue an assault weapon to every employee.

Hobby Lobby is a secular, for profit company. They should not be exempt because they believe some of the contraceptives are like abortions.

The government should not be dictating what fringe benefits an employer should or should not be providing, period.

The government should not be forcing anyone, employer or not, to do something against their religious beliefs, period.
Wanting to protect the sanctity of life is purely a religious thing?

Depends on what you mean by sanctity of life. Who's life? My life? Your life. Her life? The life of the free floating zygote trying to attach itself to a uterus? The life of a 26 week old fetus?

But for the record I was addressing Avatar who seems to be quite religious.

All innocent human life deserves protection and has the right to live.

Life fights for life. All the way down to the zygote. Sometimes life wins. We are the lucky ones, mostly.
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My Problem with Pro-Life and Anti-Gay People

Those opposed to privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for same-sex couples are entitled to their opinion, regardless however ignorant and wrong.

And of course we’re fortunate that the Constitution and its case law prohibit such ignorance and hate to be codified in secular law.
MAN doesn't decide what marriage is, GOD does, and GOD said that marriage is the holy union between a MAN and a WOMAN.

He also said that homosexuality was an abomination, and that man should not lie with a man as a woman.

So it's not up to man to define marriage. Homos want the benefits a moral marriage like a man and a woman have, take the civil union and shut the fuck up.

So people who do not believe in your god are not really married, eh?
. I don't believe in global warming but it's a really nice day today.
So we should be free to do what we want, unless it's oppose abortion and then our first amendment rights to freedom of religion should be violated for whatever you find convenient.

Who is stopping you from opposing abortion? I believe that you should be able to speak freely about your beliefs. You shouldn't be able to impose your religious beliefs on others.

Wanting to protect the sanctity of life is purely a religious thing?

It’s a personal and subjective thing, where the courts have wisely and appropriately left the determination as to when life begins to each individual to decide for himself in accordance with his own beliefs and good conscience, free from interference by the state; where the Constitution prohibits the state from interfering with the choice individuals make (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).

If one believes ‘personhood’ begins at conception, then he is at liberty to act upon his belief in the context of his personal life; he may not, however, seek to compel others to abide by that subjective, personal belief using the power and authority of the state.

Privacy rights jurisprudence in the context of substantive due process is a doctrine vital to maintaining restrictions on the power of the state and safeguarding the individual liberty of each American.
Who is stopping you from opposing abortion? I believe that you should be able to speak freely about your beliefs. You shouldn't be able to impose your religious beliefs on others.

Wanting to protect the sanctity of life is purely a religious thing?

It’s a personal and subjective thing, where the courts have wisely and appropriately left the determination as to when life begins to each individual to decide for himself in accordance with his own beliefs and good conscience, free from interference by the state; where the Constitution prohibits the state from interfering with the choice individuals make (Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992)).

If one believes ‘personhood’ begins at conception, then he is at liberty to act upon his belief in the context of his personal life; he may not, however, seek to compel others to abide by that subjective, personal belief using the power and authority of the state.

Privacy rights jurisprudence in the context of substantive due process is a doctrine vital to maintaining restrictions on the power of the state and safeguarding the individual liberty of each American.

And yet the State can draw an arbitrary line at 20 weeks and stop you from getting an abortion even if you believe life begins well after that point.

The State has most definitely decided for you when life begins.
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My Problem with Pro-Life ...People

Make no mistake - Anti-abortion creeps are most certainly NOT pro-life. Just the opposite is true.

They're just pro-big government and anti-basic human rights.
As it states in the title, I have a serious problem with people who are against gays and are pro-life. Personally, I believe that gays should be able to marry because this is America, land of the free, where people are allowed to love and marry and not submit to the authority of one faith (Christianity *cough* *cough*), as guaranteed by separation of church and state and the 1st amendment. As such, gays are Constitutionally guaranteed the right to marry. Just as long as churches are permitted to deny them service (religious freedom) I am okay with it. If gays have problems finding pastors/priests, they could find other solutions and hold it in a park or something with a friend giving vows.
Same follows for abortion. While I believe abortion itself is wrong, actually, I see no problem with contraceptives and believe Christians lack the right to invoke the 1st amendment on their behalf in regards to that. I say that if Christians want that, then they have to legalize abortion to balance things. You know, for a religion that seems to invoke the 1st at every step of the way, they seem awfully keen to impose their faith on others and take their freedom away. My justification for contraceptives? Catholicism defines life as starting from conception till death. Their is no life, therefore, to destroy by using contraceptives. Plus, this takes away the need for abortions because contraceptives are now even easier to have access to, so one could feel entirely justified in telling someone they can't have an abortion. Just tell them, "Well. Sorry 'bout your luck. Shoulda been prepared."
As I have stated, people who hate gays and oppose contraceptives are hypocrites. Same goes for people on the opposite side who plead the exact same but mirrored in reverse against Christians.

Your headline says pro life...but you complain about rubbers. Confusing.
My Problem with Pro-Life and Anti-Gay People

Those opposed to privacy rights for women and equal protection rights for same-sex couples are entitled to their opinion, regardless however ignorant and wrong.

And of course we’re fortunate that the Constitution and its case law prohibit such ignorance and hate to be codified in secular law.

If they can get more laws passed and bigger government, they'll do it. We can never be complacent about our Constitution or our freedom.
Separation of church and state:

Amendment 1:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Can you read the first part of the sentence? Congress (government) will not make laws respecting an establishment of religion (anti-gay marriage bigotry misguidedly based on the Bible), nor prohibit the free exercise thereof (we won't tax your silly cult into third world poverty as long as you stay out of the public government).

That is the separation of church and state. It's pretty fucking obvious even thought it doesn't specifically use the words "separation of church and state". It means keep your silly cult out of our laws and we'll keep our laws off of your silly cult.

Now, dumbass, tell me EXACTLY how this has one thing to do with "separation of "Church and State"? It CLEARLY states that the government can NOT ESTABLISH ANY religion. NEVER does it say that the government CAN NOT participate in any religious activity.

This is not England. We CAN NOT have a "STATE RELIGION". That's all it says.


I guess you are incapable of reading THAT part, aren't you?

Typical left wing marxists. It only says what YOU want it to say - sort of like the 2nd amendment, huh?
Someone needs to teach you a thing or two about RESPECT. Go to school.

I have ZERO respect for this clown - and you, as well.
Now, dumbass, tell me EXACTLY how this has one thing to do with "separation of "Church and State"? It CLEARLY states that the government can NOT ESTABLISH ANY religion. NEVER does it say that the government CAN NOT participate in any religious activity.

This is not England. We CAN NOT have a "STATE RELIGION". That's all it says.


I guess you are incapable of reading THAT part, aren't you?

Typical left wing marxists. It only says what YOU want it to say - sort of like the 2nd amendment, huh?
Someone needs to teach you a thing or two about RESPECT. Go to school.

As if school teaches respect.

Respect is earned.

MAN doesn't decide what marriage is, GOD does...


Given the fact there is no evidence a ‘god’ exists, religious doctrine and dogma are legally and Constitutionally irrelevant when making a determination as to whether the state has violated the equal protection rights of same-sex couples.

Marriage is contract law, written by the states and administered by state courts; the states may not deny gay Americans access to their laws (Romer v. Evans (1996), and as Federal courts have determined consistent with 14th Amendment jurisprudence, when the states deny gay Americans access to marriage law they are in violation of the Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.

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