My Problem With The Black Conservative Message


Proud Liberal
Jan 27, 2012
Here's what I wrote on the Hannitard Forum that got me banned, I still stick by the accurate message below.

"Quote Originally Posted by PheonixOps
Secondly, what he was saying is FAR different than the mantra I have seen some of the more public black conservative republicans make. Those statements usually run in this theme:

"Yess massa dem blacks dey be brainwashed massa because dey be on da democrat plantation massa, and I is in da house wit you massa!"

"Yesssss massa I gots off a de plantation a longs times ago massa, now i be in de house wit you."

"You know massa, i thinks all of de blacks needs to go back to the plantation massa, so they knows wat works is massa! Can i gets on the approved list of negroes now massa?"

Those are paraphrases but correct translations that come from the republican 'conservative's" list of "approved negroes", cain, west, and peterson."
Setting The Record Straight

Perhaps if black conservatives would spend more time demonstrating the "virtues" of being one, instead of hurling inaccurate, bigoted, blanket generalizations that please their white masters, they would get more respect and a better reception.
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Suggesting conservative republicans are slaves or uncle toms, makes you look like a fool.

Suggesting conservative republicans are slaves or uncle toms, makes you look like a fool.

Do you think it makes them (Black conservatives and White conservatives) look like fools when they call Blacks "brainwashed" for voting democrat? Do you think that those same people look like fools and bigots when they state that "the Blacks" are on the "democrat plantation"? Do you think that those same people look like fools and bigots when they state that ; ""One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."?

What about this? "Rush Limbaugh accused the Democratic Party on Thursday of trying “to keep blacks on the dependency plantation” — of “Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

“The Democrats of old fought to keep blacks living on the plantation, Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” Limbaugh said on his show, referring to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel. “We need to revise that. Now the Democrats fight to keep blacks on the dependency plantation. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, no. It’s now Uncle Sam’s Cabin.”

Read more: Rush Limbaugh:
John McWhorter. I am not certain what his politics are but his books are a great read. I believe he leans left. I mention him because he is a black man and offers his perspective on life and race relations, not all of which I agree with but that does not mean that all his views are not without merit imo.

I mention him because sometimes there are people the MSM gives little attention and they are the ones with the most interesting depth of thought.
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Consertives who suggest that African America's vote dem because of a slave mentality are just as foolish as you suggesting when they vote pub, they are uncle toms.
John McWhorter. I am not certain what his politics are but his books are a great read. I believe he leans left. I mention him because he is a black man and offers his perspective on life and race realtions, not all of which I agree with but that does not mean that all his views are not without merit imo.

I mention him because sometimes there are people the MSM gives little attention and they are the ones with the most interesting depth of thought.

I'll check out his work. Thanks.

I just think a better message would be a positive one instead of one that makes a wholesale, bigoted, and inaccurate generalization about a "race" of people.
Consertives who suggest that African America's vote dem because of a slave mentality are just as foolish as you suggesting when they vote pub, they are uncle toms.

That's where your misunderstanding is. I don't care how anyone votes, that's their right to vote that way. I am also intelligent and insightful enough to realize that people choose their vote for a myriad of reasons. The only ones I referred to as "Uncle Toms" are the ones who have those sentiments and hurled those insults.
John McWhorter. I am not certain what his politics are but his books are a great read. I believe he leans left. I mention him because he is a black man and offers his perspective on life and race realtions, not all of which I agree with but that does not mean that all his views are not without merit imo.

I mention him because sometimes there are people the MSM gives little attention and they are the ones with the most interesting depth of thought.

I'll check out his work. Thanks.

I just think a better message would be a positive one instead of one that makes a wholesale, bigoted, and inaccurate generalization about a "race" of people.

I don't think you will be disappointed. I would love to hear him speak in person. Oh and by the way I believe he is an Obama supporter which makes me crazy. :lol:

I agree. I think frustration and ignorance drives the negative tone sometimes.

The problem has always been when we try to lump similiar people into one group with one label.

I am not like all white people. I am not like all women. I am also not like all people in my socio-economic bracket. I am also not like all the people I work with in my company nor in my industry.

Nothing makes me bristle more than when assumptions are made about who I am, what I like or what I think. I try not to behave that way with others. It is more work but much more accurate to take people one on one. Case by case basis. I can assure you I had a stereotype that I once harbored ripped to shreds when a person of this particular group ended up being someone who supported me freely and with much kindness in my time of need.
John McWhorter. I am not certain what his politics are but his books are a great read. I believe he leans left. I mention him because he is a black man and offers his perspective on life and race realtions, not all of which I agree with but that does not mean that all his views are not without merit imo.

I mention him because sometimes there are people the MSM gives little attention and they are the ones with the most interesting depth of thought.

I'll check out his work. Thanks.

I just think a better message would be a positive one instead of one that makes a wholesale, bigoted, and inaccurate generalization about a "race" of people.

I don't think you will be disappointed. I would love to hear him speak in person. Oh and by the way I believe he is an Obama supporter which makes me crazy. :lol:

I agree. I think frustration and ignorance drives the negative tone sometimes.

The problem has always been when we try to lump similiar people into one group with one label.

I am not like all white people. I am not like all women. I am also not like all people in my socio-economic bracket. I am also not like all the people I work with in my company nor in my industry.

Nothing makes me bristle more than when assumptions are made about who I am, what I like or what I think. I try not to behave that way with others. It is more work but much more accurate to take people one on one. Case by case basis. I can assure you I had a stereotype that I once harbored ripped to shreds when a person of this particular group ended up being someone who supported me freely and with much kindness in my time of need.

I agree, that's why i have always felt more comfortable with Liberals and Libertarians. Instead of telling a group of people that the reason they vote democrat is that they are deadbeats, who are on a plantation, want handouts, and a re brainwashed. The better course of action would be to have a positive attitude and plan.

any one that is black and does not agree with you is a Tom and any one that is white and does not agree with you is a racist.

Is that you Al Sharpton?
Here's what I wrote on the Hannitard Forum that got me banned, I still stick by the accurate message below.

"Quote Originally Posted by PheonixOps
Secondly, what he was saying is FAR different than the mantra I have seen some of the more public black conservative republicans make. Those statements usually run in this theme:

"Yess massa dem blacks dey be brainwashed massa because dey be on da democrat plantation massa, and I is in da house wit you massa!"

"Yesssss massa I gots off a de plantation a longs times ago massa, now i be in de house wit you."

"You know massa, i thinks all of de blacks needs to go back to the plantation massa, so they knows wat works is massa! Can i gets on the approved list of negroes now massa?"

Those are paraphrases but correct translations that come from the republican 'conservative's" list of "approved negroes", cain, west, and peterson."
Setting The Record Straight

Perhaps if black conservatives would spend more time demonstrating the "virtues" of being one, instead of hurling inaccurate, bigoted, blanket generalizations that please their white masters, they would get more respect and a better reception.

Pot calling the kettle black, and how apropos for your thread.
Here's what I wrote on the Hannitard Forum that got me banned, I still stick by the accurate message below.

"Quote Originally Posted by PheonixOps
Secondly, what he was saying is FAR different than the mantra I have seen some of the more public black conservative republicans make. Those statements usually run in this theme:

"Yess massa dem blacks dey be brainwashed massa because dey be on da democrat plantation massa, and I is in da house wit you massa!"

"Yesssss massa I gots off a de plantation a longs times ago massa, now i be in de house wit you."

"You know massa, i thinks all of de blacks needs to go back to the plantation massa, so they knows wat works is massa! Can i gets on the approved list of negroes now massa?"

Those are paraphrases but correct translations that come from the republican 'conservative's" list of "approved negroes", cain, west, and peterson."
Perhaps if black conservatives would spend more time demonstrating the "virtues" of being one, instead of hurling inaccurate, bigoted, blanket generalizations that please their white masters, they would get more respect and a better reception.

You more or less hit the nail right on the head....:clap2:
Big Head Hannity, like alot of other conservatives are used to dissing it out....but can't take what they dish out themselves.

They certainly can't. The head bigot moderator over there stated that I: "You historically make race an issue and frequently attack, inclusive of other members, with a racial activist tenor. " The asshole left the fact out that I was responding to threads and posts that had racist overtones. I called them on it and they got pissed.

any one that is black and does not agree with you is a Tom and any one that is white and does not agree with you is a racist.

Is that you Al Sharpton?

That's pretty stupid, I never said that "genius". :lol: In fact my grandfather and grand uncle were so-called "Black conservatives" and they NEVER said that type of tomfoolery like:"blacks are on the democrat plantation" "Blacks are brainwashed because they vote democrat", or Jesse Lee Peterson's favorite on about "putting all blacks back on the plantation so they can learn the value of working" , that cain, west, jesse lee peterson, and the rest of those clowns spurt out so they can get a pat on the head from their white conservative handlers.

any one that is black and does not agree with you is a Tom and any one that is white and does not agree with you is a racist.

Is that you Al Sharpton?

That's pretty stupid, I never said that "genius". :lol: In fact my grandfather and grand uncle were so-called "Black conservatives" and they NEVER said that type of tomfoolery like:"blacks are on the democrat plantation" "Blacks are brainwashed because they vote democrat", or Jesse Lee Peterson's favorite on about "putting all blacks back on the plantation so they can learn the value of working" , that cain, west, jesse lee peterson, and the rest of those clowns spurt out so they can get a pat on the head from their white conservative handlers.

and sharpton speaks for you I take it

any one that is black and does not agree with you is a Tom and any one that is white and does not agree with you is a racist.

Is that you Al Sharpton?

That's pretty stupid, I never said that "genius". :lol: In fact my grandfather and grand uncle were so-called "Black conservatives" and they NEVER said that type of tomfoolery like:"blacks are on the democrat plantation" "Blacks are brainwashed because they vote democrat", or Jesse Lee Peterson's favorite on about "putting all blacks back on the plantation so they can learn the value of working" , that cain, west, jesse lee peterson, and the rest of those clowns spurt out so they can get a pat on the head from their white conservative handlers.

and sharpton speaks for you I take it

Why do you ASSume that Sharpton speaks for me? I'm not part of his group. I'm a free thinking Liberal, I respect and agree with the advice my grandfather and granduncles, as well as the rest of my relatives gave me. Their main points were:
Respect yourself and others.
Educate yourself.
Work harder than other people.
Exercise (sound mind/sound body)
Save money.
Spend money on the things that will help you and your family.
Moderation with vices.
Know your Constitutional rights, etc.
Food for thought, ideas, and discussion for people who want to discuss and debate it.

"The Negro race, like all races, is going to be saved by its exceptional men. The problem of education, then, among Negroes must first of all deal with the Talented Tenth; it is the problem of developing the Best of this race that they may guide the Mass away from the contamination and death of the Worst, in their own and other races. Now the training of men is a difficult and intricate task. Its technique is a matter for educational experts, but its object is for the vision of seers. If we make money the object of man-training, we shall develop money-makers but not necessarily men; if we make technical skill the object of education, we may possess artisans but not, in nature, men. Men we shall have only as we make manhood the object of the work of the schools—intelligence, broad sympathy, knowledge of the world that was and is, and of the relation of men to it—this is the curriculum of that Higher Education which must underlie true life. On this foundation we may build bread winning, skill of hand and quickness of brain, with never a fear lest the child and man mistake the means of living for the object of life. . . "
W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Talented Tenth"
You should be banned from the Internet that was so stupid..

that was digusting

my gawd
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Food for thought, ideas, and discussion for people who want to discuss and debate it.

"The Negro race, like all races, is going to be saved by its exceptional men. The problem of education, then, among Negroes must first of all deal with the Talented Tenth; it is the problem of developing the Best of this race that they may guide the Mass away from the contamination and death of the Worst, in their own and other races. Now the training of men is a difficult and intricate task. Its technique is a matter for educational experts, but its object is for the vision of seers. If we make money the object of man-training, we shall develop money-makers but not necessarily men; if we make technical skill the object of education, we may possess artisans but not, in nature, men. Men we shall have only as we make manhood the object of the work of the schools—intelligence, broad sympathy, knowledge of the world that was and is, and of the relation of men to it—this is the curriculum of that Higher Education which must underlie true life. On this foundation we may build bread winning, skill of hand and quickness of brain, with never a fear lest the child and man mistake the means of living for the object of life. . . "
W.E.B. Du Bois, "The Talented Tenth"

Why must anyone make their race their identity? You are not tied to your race. You are an individual.

I never think" Wow, how can I survive and succeed as a white woman." I just live. Work, Play, Live, Learn and Love.
Some quotes from Booker T. Washington I like. I think some people may refer to him as the "father of Black conservatism". Notice there's no: "Yes massa, dem blacks de be on the demcrat plantation massa." crap in those quotes from him, like the shit that comes out of today's huckster "Black conservatives".

At the bottom of education, at the bottom of politics, even at the bottom of religion, there must be for our race economic independence.
Booker T. Washington
Read more at Booker T. Washington Quotes - BrainyQuote

No race can prosper till it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem.
Booker T. Washington (My point exactly, it's a balance like yin and yang.)
Read more at Booker T. Washington Quotes - BrainyQuote

The individual who can do something that the world wants done will, in the end, make his way regardless of his race.
Booker T. Washington
Read more at Booker T. Washington Quotes - BrainyQuote

Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him.
Booker T. Washington
Read more at Booker T. Washington Quotes - BrainyQuote

If you can't read, it's going to be hard to realize dreams.
Booker T. Washington
Read more at Booker T. Washington Quotes - BrainyQuote

There is no power on earth that can neutralize the influence of a high, simple and useful life.
Booker T. Washington
Read more at Booker T. Washington Quotes - BrainyQuote

More information on Booker T. Washington.

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Jim Crow Stories . Booker T. Washington | PBS

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