My Second "GAY" Experience- A Humorus review of "Meet the Fockers"


Oct 5, 2004
I was fortunate to have to have opportunity to write a movie review for the movie "Meet the Fockers". A friend was sick, he needed my help, why not? Who can refuse a free opportunity to be in a dark theater, with your girlfriend watching you ANALyze a "Gay Focker" for two hours?

The cast was well assembled; Ben Stiller reviving his role of "Gay Focker"; made sense to me. But it was the casting of the other two "Fockers" that captivated me. Dustin Hoffman was very good at being the "Focker" who steals everyone's attention. As for Barbara Streisand, she was a natural; who cannot look at her without the thought of "MOTHER FOCKER" crossing their minds. Robert De Niro returns as the conservative former CIA agent who feels as if he's getting screwed by the "Fockers" again.

It was surprisingly entertaining because it remined me of the "Fockers" in my family. We all have at least one "Gay Focker" in our family. You know; the one who tries to be someone they're not, whose actions are a PAIN in the ASS; and when something explodes in their face, they're left with nothing but a bad taste in their mouths. We don't like the way these "Fockers" live their lives, but they're family; despite it all, we still love them.

I can tolerate all of the "Fockers" in my family, except for the children. Think about it; do you really want a "Child-Focker", running around the house, playing with your children?

Meeting the Fockers is a good movie; I give it a thumbs up. if you don't like it, it's probably because you're a "Focker" yourself and the movie offended your kind.
I really want to see this movie. I loved the first one and I though Stiller and DeNiro were great in it.
I saw it last night - it's a riot, and well worth purchasing.. :)
Sorry, I have to disagree with all of you. I find the movie crass and vulgar. It is symptomatic of an entertainment industry which has been in decline for decades and continues to confuse vulgarity with humor and stupidity with plot.
Merlin1047 said:
Sorry, I have to disagree with all of you. I find the movie crass and vulgar. It is symptomatic of an entertainment industry which has been in decline for decades and continues to confuse vulgarity with humor and stupidity with plot.

Oh, c'mon Merlin.. Lighten up. The dog getting flushed down the toilet by the cat was a freakin *riot*. :poke: :poke: :poke:
Shattered said:
Oh, c'mon Merlin.. Lighten up. The dog getting flushed down the toilet by the cat was a freakin *riot*. :poke: :poke: :poke:

Yeah, okay - it had its moments. Guess us old folks have spent a few more years being sensitized to this kind of crap than you whipper snappers.

Merlin1047 said:
Yeah, okay - it had its moments. Guess us old folks have spent a few more years being sensitized to this kind of crap than you whipper snappers.


Boy.. I haven't been called a whippersnapper in a good 20 years...but I'll take what I can get. :D

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