My Thoughts on Terrorism in Europe

They started the war on 9-11 and before that actually we can go to the 1993 WTC bombing or the Lebanese embassy bombings in fact we can go back to the Founding and the Barbary Wars if you want to play this fucking game.

Okay, so let's look at what we did to them.

1) We've supported Israel since 1948.
2) We Bombed Iraq all through the 1990's
3) We've bombed Libya in the 1980's
4) We've invaded or bombed a dozen countries since 1980.

There is a great movie, you should probably take time to watch, it's called "The Battle of Algiers". or in it's original Italian title, La battaglia di Algeri

There is a great scene in it where they've captured a rebel leader and the French press asks him why they put bombs in women's baskets.

And the rebel leader (who is later murdered in French Custody) replies 'Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We would gladly trade our baskets for your airplanes!"

started the war on 9-11 and before that actually we can go to the 1993 WTC bombing or the Lebanese embassy bombings in fact we can go back to the Founding and the Barbary Wars if you want to play this fucking game.

Okay, so let's look at what we did to them.

1) We've supported Israel since 1948.

Yes we support the rightful Jewish homeland and only liberal democracy in the region, I guess that means we deserve to be attacked.

2) We Bombed Iraq all through the 1990's

They invaded Kuwait and violated the armistice thousands of times, in fact every time they fired on our patrols in the no-fly zone they committed an act of war against the U.S..

3) We've bombed Libya in the 1980's

They bombed us first when they targeted US citizens in a German night club.

4) We've invaded or bombed a dozen countries since 1980.

All unprovoked right?

There is a great movie, you should probably take time to watch, it's called "The Battle of Algiers". or in it's original Italian title, La battaglia di Algeri

There is a great scene in it where they've captured a rebel leader and the French press asks him why they put bombs in women's baskets.

And the rebel leader (who is later murdered in French Custody) replies 'Why do you drop bombs from airplanes? We would gladly trade our baskets for your airplanes!"

Muslims have been attacking the US in unprovoked wars of aggression since the founding, your laughably false claim that they were retaliating against the trans Atlantic slave trade not withstanding. Are you really trying to blame fifteen hundred years of Islamic imperialist conquest on the French Algerian war?

I was blessed to spend my military service there in a more peaceful time.

I started near Bordeaux, France that had a community of Algerians who practiced Islam. They integrated with the French and welcomed outsiders into their community. The signs on the shops were in French and there was little to divide them from the rest of the city.

I returned to France after the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain went up. The disruptive members of Verdun were not from the local Muslin community but French Foreign Legionnaires ousted from North Africa.

I will admit that I found most French people haughty and less than friendly to we American GIs. But, they lived in peace amongst themselves.

I next spent time in Germany. A little stiff-necked and frosty to outsiders, but tolerant and peaceful.

My final tour was in Austria. I honestly don’t remember there being an isolated community of non-Austrians. Assimilation was the key and no particular groups set themselves aside from the rest.

So, I have been paying attention to what has gone on in Europe for many years. I read of the Muslim youths in France going on rampages and torching cars. The official claims said it was because of high unemployment among their population. It never dawned upon me that perhaps that was caused by their refusal to become French as had their parents.

I was also aware of a movement to let immigrants from Middle Eastern and African countries in to perform menial jobs that Europeans would not. Left to secondary status, was it a surprise that they did not assimilate and set themselves aside in their Muslim enclaves?

I find it so sad to see what has happened there. I spent many enjoyable hours in beautiful, historical places soaking up things that we savor and enjoy here in America. I cannot image returning there now. Not when just taking an evening stroll can find you ending up in a hospital – or grave.

But, here’s the bottom line to me. Our politicians and government bureaucrats have to see what has gone on in Europe. But, they appear to be ignoring it! How many Muslim enclaves are we now finding here in the USA? How many locales and groups are calling for Sharia Law that is completely opposite from our constitutional freedoms/ How soon until we too find it perilous to take an evening stroll or attend a concert?

I wrote a novel about terrorism in Las Vegas. My research came up with things that frightened me when I wrote it nearly ten years ago. Those perils are still here and I wake up every morning wondering when it can happen here. A bomb left in an unobtrusive spot where large crowds gather. It doesn’t need to be a suicide bomber but one of those on the crowded Strip or Downtown could raise havoc.

I just hope we wake up and take steps to defend ourselves and not become terrorist targets like in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Terrorism is everywhere. Just please keep it away from America.

The problems are mainly that you have politicians who will use divide to conquer, a way of getting votes from some while alienating others, or just go warmongering without thinking about the consequences.

The UK situation has seen many kids of immigrants go killing, and for the most part its due to anger of foreign policy in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, etc etc.

It has nothing to do with US foreign policy but the Islamic doctrine of conquest through force of arms in order to kill, convert, or subjugate the infidel and to fight the people until they say there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet.
You forgot this prophecy:

Ishmael (father of the bastard Arab race) "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."

He is a wild man, and he lives among his brothers (the Lost Tribes of Israel)

Naw, I didn't forget it, I just put fairy tales down as fairy tales.
Yes we support the rightful Jewish homeland and only liberal democracy in the region, I guess that means we deserve to be attacked.

It's not a "democracy" if you disenfranchise half the population, and I don't believe in giving away other people's land because an imaginary Sky pixie said so.

They invaded Kuwait and violated the armistice thousands of times, in fact every time they fired on our patrols in the no-fly zone they committed an act of war against the U.S..

Again, why is any of this OUR problem? Seriously, fuck the Kuwaitis. They are the ones who bankrolled Saddam when he was attacking Iran, then tried to cheat him on oil revenues.

They bombed us first when they targeted US citizens in a German night club.

But that was after we shot down a bunch of their planes in their airspace. Again, you guys want to whine about getting stung but never want to talk about how you shook up the hornet's nest to start with.

Muslims have been attacking the US in unprovoked wars of aggression since the founding, your laughably false claim that they were retaliating against the trans Atlantic slave trade not withstanding. Are you really trying to blame fifteen hundred years of Islamic imperialist conquest on the French Algerian war?

I can only make so many points that keep going over your head.

Now, try this out for size. Let's say an advanced race of aliens came to earth, routinely attacked the United States, blew up our cities, shot down our planes, interferred in our politics and propped up really bad leaders.

Do you really think you wouldn't want to retaliate against them?
7 dead in Chicago. 28 wounded.

It's white America's fault. Damn Christians!

Naw, I blame the NRA for flooding our streets with guns. but never mind.
Yep. the NRA is giving FELON black gangs their guns. Obama had NOTHING to do with this, and blacks are not responsible for the murders in da hood.
You lie. The NRA pushed for a mandatory 5 year prison term for crimes committed with a gun. Liberal crime lovers killed it.
Yes yes, the same tired liberal bullshit. Let's get obama to kiss their ass, how about that?

Obama did the same stupid things Republicans did.

He bombed Libya
He bombed Yemen
He bombed Syria

Again, keep sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest, complain about getting stung, have absolutely no sense of irony.

you forgot to mention that he gave them a billion dollars worth of arms
Yes yes, the same tired liberal bullshit. Let's get obama to kiss their ass, how about that?

Obama did the same stupid things Republicans did.

He bombed Libya
He bombed Yemen
He bombed Syria

Again, keep sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest, complain about getting stung, have absolutely no sense of irony.

you forgot to mention that he gave them a billion dollars worth of arms
How conveniently they forget that stuff, huh?
Yes yes, the same tired liberal bullshit. Let's get obama to kiss their ass, how about that?

Obama did the same stupid things Republicans did.

He bombed Libya
He bombed Yemen
He bombed Syria

Again, keep sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest, complain about getting stung, have absolutely no sense of irony.

you forgot to mention that he gave them a billion dollars worth of arms
How conveniently they forget that stuff, huh?

indeed it is
You forgot this prophecy:

Ishmael (father of the bastard Arab race) "And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."

He is a wild man, and he lives among his brothers (the Lost Tribes of Israel)

Naw, I didn't forget it, I just put fairy tales down as fairy tales.
Yet you pick and choose scripture you don't understand but believe it makes some sort of point.

It's not a "democracy" if you disenfranchise half the population, and I don't believe in giving away other people's land because an imaginary Sky pixie said so.

All Israeli citizens have full and equal rights under Israeli law, liar.

Again, why is any of this OUR problem? Seriously, fuck the Kuwaitis.

You would have beem saying fuck Poland and blaming Hitlers expanionism on British imperialism.

They are the ones who bankrolled Saddam when he was attacking Iran, then tried to cheat him on oil revenues.

No they didn't that is baathist propaganda.

But that was after we shot down a bunch of their planes in their airspace. Again, you guys want to whine about getting stung but never want to talk about how you shook up the hornet's nest to start with.
That's just a bold faced lie, you got a source to back that up you lying piece of shit?
I can only make so many points that keep going over your head.

Now, try this out for size. Let's say an advanced race of aliens came to earth, routinely attacked the United States, blew up our cities, shot down our planes, interferred in our politics and propped up really bad leaders.

Do you really think you wouldn't want to retaliate against them?

Muslims have been attacking the west since Mohammad you stupid fuck.
You lie. The NRA pushed for a mandatory 5 year prison term for crimes committed with a gun. Liberal crime lovers killed it.

They did no such thing.

In fact, they actually lobbied to KILL a law here in IL to stiffen gun penalties.

IN fact, we used to have some of the toughest gun laws in the country here in IL, and the NRA fought them tooth and nail. Then they feign ignorance when the murder rate goes up.

NRA pushes back against Illinois proposal to increase gun penalties

The bill, sponsored by Democratic state Rep. Mike Zalewski, calls for more time behind bars for possessing illegal weapons. It increases penalties for unlawful use of weapons, including by felons or gang members. It would make probation less likely, imposing minimum prison sentences of three years in many cases. It would also require that offenders serve at least 85 percent of their sentences, up from 50 percent.

The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action wrote in a website post that the bill will jeopardize concealed carry in Illinois by imposing tough penalties for individuals who carry a firearm without a concealed-carry permit or firearm owner's identification card.
All Israeli citizens have full and equal rights under Israeli law, liar.

Okay, someone needs to tell that to the 5 million palestinians who are second class citizens in their own land...

You would have beem saying fuck Poland and blaming Hitlers expanionism on British imperialism.

actually, um, yeah. The British never should have written a blank check to the Polish Colonels. They refused to negotiate on Danzig because they thought the British had their back.

Muslims have been attacking the west since Mohammad you stupid fuck.

Yawn... repeating a tired talking point doesn't make it true.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you don't know any Muslims personally.
Okay, someone needs to tell that to the 5 million palestinians who are second class citizens in their own land...

Provide the Israeli statute which discriminates based on race, religion, or gender. I'll wait, all Arab citizens have full and equal rights and protections under Israeli law you lying prick.

actually, um, yeah. The British never should have written a blank check to the Polish Colonels. They refused to negotiate on Danzig because they thought the British had their back.

Lol yep I knew Hitler was the victim now, god you are laughable. Hitler wanted war, Danzig was a convenient excuse, Hitler didn't want a negotiated settlement and was angry when negotiations were successful in Czechoslovakia.

Yawn... repeating a tired talking point doesn't make it true.

Yes yes they were retaliatory strikes for the trans Atlantic slave trade, according to no historian ever. They attacked US ships in international trade routes unprovoked, that is historical reality.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you don't know any Muslims personally.

90%+ of the global Muslim population are homphobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, theocrats.
22 killed in England....that`s a typical day in the U.S. Our toddlers kill one a week.
Provide the Israeli statute which discriminates based on race, religion, or gender. I'll wait, all Arab citizens have full and equal rights and protections under Israeli law you lying prick.

Wow, seriously... this is the best you got, pretending THIS isn't a thing.


Tell you what, let's have you live in a Palestinian Slum for a few weeks.. you'll probably be ready to strap on a bomb vest, too.

Lol yep I knew Hitler was the victim now, god you are laughable. Hitler wanted war, Danzig was a convenient excuse, Hitler didn't want a negotiated settlement and was angry when negotiations were successful in Czechoslovakia.

No, he wasn't. He got everything he wanted without firing a shot. The problem with writing the Polish Colonel's a blank check is that the British had no way of making good on it. Giving up Danzig might have prevented a war, it might not have, but backing their foolish play gave us a war.

Yes yes they were retaliatory strikes for the trans Atlantic slave trade, according to no historian ever. They attacked US ships in international trade routes unprovoked, that is historical reality.

So what? Again, not seeing how our slave trade was okay and their slave trade wasn't. Here's a crazy idea. Don't send ship over there.

Again, stick your dick in a hornet's nest, don't come bitching to me when you get stung.
We will come to a time in America where a multiculturalist will be considered a domestic terrorist by tens of millions of the population......just not sure if it will be sooner or later. But you support Sharia laws/towns etc........might as well walk around with a big old target on your back. You wont see it coming s0ns............:bye1::bye1:
Maybe if we stopped sticking our hands in the Middle East Hornet's Nest, we'd stop getting stung.

I just think it's a little silly to say that Omar Mateen is a "terrorist" and Dylan Roof is "mentally ill".
It just never stops with you guys, does it.

At least he didn't post.."But...what about the Crusades....."
Maybe if we stopped sticking our hands in the Middle East Hornet's Nest, we'd stop getting stung.

I just think it's a little silly to say that Omar Mateen is a "terrorist" and Dylan Roof is "mentally ill".
It just never stops with you guys, does it.

At least he didn't post.."But...what about the Crusades....."

Dude.....tuned in the BBC this morning for shits and giggles. These meatheads were bending over back wards all morning making the point of how Islam is the religion of peace. Its still resonating with too many of the clueless. Watch what happens with that shithole country Great Britain in the coming years. Gonna be having some great vids coming out of there........
Wow, seriously... this is the best you got, pretending THIS isn't a thing.


Tell you what, let's have you live in a Palestinian Slum for a few weeks.. you'll probably be ready to strap on a bomb vest, too.

Provide the statute that discriminates against Arab citizens of Israel, I'll wait.

No, he wasn't. He got everything he wanted without firing a shot. The problem with writing the Polish Colonel's a blank check is that the British had no way of making good on it. Giving up Danzig might have prevented a war, it might not have, but backing their foolish play gave us a war.

Hitler and Stalin had already divided Europe in the secret protocol of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact you ignorant moron:

Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia

Hitler wanted war and lands to the East for lebensraum it's all in Mein Kampf, get fucking educated:

Therefore we National Socialists have purposely drawn a line through the line of conduct followed by pre-War Germany in foreign policy. We put an end to the perpetual Germanic march towards the South and West of Europe and turn our eyes towards the lands of the East. We finally put a stop to the colonial and trade policy of pre-War times and pass over to the territorial policy of the future.

But when we speak of new territory in Europe to-day we must principally think of Russia and the border States subject to her.

This colossal Empire in the East is ripe for dissolution. And the end of the Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a State. We are chosen by Destiny to be the witnesses of a catastrophe which will afford the strongest confirmation of the nationalist theory of race.

But it is our task, and it is the mission of the National Socialist Movement, to develop in our people that political mentality which will enable them to realize that the aim which they must set to themselves for the fulfilment of their future must not be some wildly enthusiastic adventure in the footsteps of Alexander the Great but industrious labour with the German plough, for which the German sword will provide the soil.

[QUOTE="Call Sign Chaos, post: 17428315,
Therefore we National Socialists have purposely drawn a line through the line of conduct followed by pre-War Germany in foreign policy. We put an end to the perpetual Germanic march towards the South and West of Europe and turn our eyes towards the lands of the East. We finally put a stop to the colonial and trade policy of pre-War times and pass over to the territorial policy of the future.

But when we speak of new territory in Europe to-day we must principally think of Russia and the border States subject to her.

This colossal Empire in the East is ripe for dissolution. And the end of the Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a State. We are chosen by Destiny to be the witnesses of a catastrophe which will afford the strongest confirmation of the nationalist theory of race.

But it is our task, and it is the mission of the National Socialist Movement, to develop in our people that political mentality which will enable them to realize that the aim which they must set to themselves for the fulfilment of their future must not be some wildly enthusiastic adventure in the footsteps of Alexander the Great but industrious labour with the German plough, for which the German sword will provide the soil.

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