My View Of Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, for the reasons we already discussed. However, I think I may have misjudged him.

Instead of starting wars, he is withdrawing American troops from the Middle East(Syria and Afghanistan).

He fights our enemies with sanctions(Iran, N Korea, China, and Russia) instead of weapons and I like that very much.

The thing I like about him is his America First policy. I am an ardent patriot and this country always comes first with me.
He ran on building up our economy and keeping us out of stupid wars. He kept his promises and gave us the best economy we’ve ever seen, and kept us out of war when all “the experts” were saying we needed to go to war in Syria and Iran.

Then the communist unleashed the virus, and the Dems let thugs burn our major cities down. God help us if Dems win in November, we’ll be right back to starting wars and shipping our jobs to China like we have been doing for the last forty years before President Trump.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, for the reasons we already discussed. However, I think I may have misjudged him.

Instead of starting wars, he is withdrawing American troops from the Middle East(Syria and Afghanistan).

He fights our enemies with sanctions(Iran, N Korea, China, and Russia) instead of weapons and I like that very much.

The thing I like about him is his America First policy. I am an ardent patriot and this country always comes first with me.

Welcome to the party, the party of Donald John Trump. President Trump is a flawed man in many regards—an imperfect man who is perhaps the last human being on the planet one might have envisioned as the savior of its most powerful civilization. His date with destiny at this particular era in human history is, I solemnly believe, no coincidence whatsoever—even a confluence of many recent events. My initial reaction to his announcement to run for the highest office in the land was a blend of sardonic humor and extreme disdain; I saw him initially as a cruel practical joke to be played on the American People as a distraction. And then I watched a few of his campaign speeches, debates and several interviews from various earlier times in his life. From that point on, including the vote I cast for him, I have viewed DJT as something of a world leader akin to the greatest leaders in human history. He is a world leader with a conscience who acts on it. Unbelievable.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, for the reasons we already discussed. However, I think I may have misjudged him.

Instead of starting wars, he is withdrawing American troops from the Middle East(Syria and Afghanistan).

He fights our enemies with sanctions(Iran, N Korea, China, and Russia) instead of weapons and I like that very much.

The thing I like about him is his America First policy. I am an ardent patriot and this country always comes first with me.
I was for Bernie in the primaries and voted for Jill Stein in 2016, but I've been a Trump supporter ever since. This will be the first year I ever voted for a Republican.

I never even watched Fox news until 2018 when I think Jimmy Dore played a clip of Tucker Carlson railing against the MSM push for war in Syria.
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I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, for the reasons we already discussed. However, I think I may have misjudged him.

Instead of starting wars, he is withdrawing American troops from the Middle East(Syria and Afghanistan).

He fights our enemies with sanctions(Iran, N Korea, China, and Russia) instead of weapons and I like that very much.

The thing I like about him is his America First policy. I am an ardent patriot and this country always comes first with me.
I don’t know what you Trumpers are seeing. He’s awful. Clearly.

He has completely mishandled the police brutality issue. Ignoring millions of American’s demands for change. Change that is obviously needed.

I voted for him last time, but only because the crazy woman was worse. I’m done with the lesser of two evils thing. I won’t vote for a Biden either. He’s as bad as dumb Don.

BTW, sanctions are an act of war. If reports can be believed, US sanctions have caused the deaths of thousands of poor people in Iran and Venezuela.

BTW, the US has only made up enemies. Without them, whatever would the MIC do?
I'm not a partisan, so if DOJ does something good, i'll applaude him, bad & i'll condemn him

To me the position of potus is no more than a mouthpiece big $$$ uses to keep the public quiet

MAGA is no different that Hope & Change in said respect

When we can tell other countries who they can trade with its bad. China has a billion more people on land the size of the US.
Sanctions are a war, we starve people to death, and turn their countries into civil wars and create unrest.

These voters are republican and never trampers.
When we can tell other countries who they can trade with its bad. China has a billion more people on land the size of the US.
Sanctions are a war, we starve people to death, and turn their countries into civil wars and create unrest.

These voters are republican and never trampers.
Meh. The Never-Trumpers like Romney & Powell can vote democrat with the rest of the low-IQ voters.
Trump has done wonders for the future prospects of the US instead of selling us out to the Chinese like the Never-Trumpers.
Its all about Chinese cash for them, like the Bidens and the other democrats.
I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, for the reasons we already discussed. However, I think I may have misjudged him.

Instead of starting wars, he is withdrawing American troops from the Middle East(Syria and Afghanistan).

He fights our enemies with sanctions(Iran, N Korea, China, and Russia) instead of weapons and I like that very much.

The thing I like about him is his America First policy. I am an ardent patriot and this country always comes first with me.
I was for Bernie in the primaries and voted for Jill Stein in 2016, but I've been a Trump supporter ever since. This will be the first year I ever voted for a Republican.

I never even watched Fox news until 2018 when I think Jimmy Dore played a clip of Tucker Carlson railing against the MSM push for war in Syria.

Tucker is pretty much the only person on TV I listen to.
Last night he called out the pussy GOP leaders for going along with all these demands the radical left are pushing. All because they are cowards and too afraid to call out lies, and being afraid of being called a racist.
That’s why I support President Trump, he’s not afraid to call out bullshit for what it is. He doesn’t care about the feelings of leftwing radicals nor will he waste time trying to appease them because he knows they will never be satisfied.
Tucker is pretty much the only person on TV I listen to.
Last night he called out the pussy GOP leaders for going along with all these demands the radical left are pushing. All because they are cowards and too afraid to call out lies, and being afraid of being called a racist.
That’s why I support President Trump, he’s not afraid to call out bullshit for what it is. He doesn’t care about the feelings of leftwing radicals nor will he waste time trying to appease them because he knows they will never be satisfied.
I like Tucker and Maria the best.

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