My weight loss Thread


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I make this thread to support myself loosing weight. Right now i have 155.6kg and i started a diet. I will write comments in this Thread about my weight loss when i feel like and post a picture every 10kg i loose. I start with my current picture and post the next after i lost 10kg that means with 146kg then with 136kg etc.

I hope you can support me too and give some nice comments

Well good for you! Wish I knew your first name... you can make one up if you like. I could feel like we are friends. I like your tactic about coming here and asking for us to support you in your endeavor. I have weight to lose, too. I'll be there with you!

What diet are you trying or are you just watching what you eat?
Hi Jackson. Thank you very much. My first name is svetozar, it is a serbian/slavic name. It is not made up, it is my real name. And also in you asked me about IBS it is 343Ibs. I kept my diet for a week so far, i just watch what i eat, like smaller portions and less sugar and fat. The secret is to take less calories then you burn up. Next week on thursday i will go to scale again and on weekend i will tell you how much i weight by then if i lost anything in those two weeks and every 10kg i lost i will post a picture.
Good luck in your weight loss journey. Just remember that diet is only a small part of weight loss - make sure you are doing some physical exercise each day and those pounds will start to fall off.
Good luck with the diet :smiliehug: - don't forget to drink plenty of water and eat lots of vegetables! :)
Hi Jackson. Thank you very much. My first name is svetozar, it is a serbian/slavic name. It is not made up, it is my real name. And also in you asked me about IBS it is 343Ibs. I kept my diet for a week so far, i just watch what i eat, like smaller portions and less sugar and fat. The secret is to take less calories then you burn up. Next week on thursday i will go to scale again and on weekend i will tell you how much i weight by then if i lost anything in those two weeks and every 10kg i lost i will post a picture.

Hi again, Svetozar! I will join you on you diet. I stopped smoking and gained 50 pounds! So, I too will watch what I eat and eat less sugar and fat. I will be happy to report my loss and try to be more active. Here we go! :) Good Luck to you!
Good luck to you all. You are working a plan to, most likely, live longer and in better health. One way I have always controlled my weight is by weighing on the scale every morning. If I am up one pound, even, I cut down that day on things that add the pounds. Usually no bread for a day. No foods with sugar in them. Some weight loss experts advocate daily weighing and others don't. It has worked for me for years.

One way to control cravings for sugar is to chew sugarless gum. Extra is the brand I used when being on the Atkins Diet for short periods of time. No longer than a week or two. One doesn't have to exercise on that diet. The pounds fall off, if you strictly adhere. The only craving will be sugar. I like the diet once in a while because it includes fatty foods I rarely eat ,and it sans anything with sugar.

Even though weighing oneself every day can show fluctuations in weight due to water, I still back off that day of anything that adds pounds and as always, I do keep portions small.

I do exercise but when on Atkins, I didn't and 5 lbs gone in 5 days. ( mostly water ) When resuming regular diet, 2 lbs hop right back on. But I never gained more than 3 pounds so it worked out perfectly. Now, I won't even let myself gain that much.

Will power! You have to love life and health, i.e., yourself, more than you love food. One has to go. :lol:

Loads of luck to you.
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Good luck in your weight loss journey. Just remember that diet is only a small part of weight loss - make sure you are doing some physical exercise each day and those pounds will start to fall off.

The exact opposite is true. Weight-loss is 75% diet, 25% exercise in terms of importance.

Heres a tip for the OP: If you are a morning person, do some cardio FIRST thing every day. This will change your entire outlook on life.

-your cardio being done early encourages you to eat well for the day, to hang onto the benefits of the work youve already done.

-you don t have all day to sit and ponder excuses not to work out

-you did the hardest thing already, so the rest of your day is more enjoyable and hard work is an afterthought

-the a.m. cardio eventually encourages an afternoon of weight training

If you ever need me, I am here for ya. I design diets and I design routines. No $ involved.
Eat plenty of fiber, cut out read meat for a few weeks, stay active, Also, water of course, and keep salt to a minimum. Smaller plates, and utensils will perhaps help, and remember you fill too full, tell yourself that. Best to you.
Good Luck and as it has already been said, exercise............No pain no gain.......ummmmm in exercise you see

Just pulling your chain. You can do it..........Proud of you!
thread title should read my healthy eating and exercise thread. No such thing as weight loss.

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