My wife's a babysitter and her Jewish clients are going to go to Israel

So, next time be clear. And stop supporting things just because they are.

Israel has a right to exist and will do so, for hundreds of years after you're gone. Deal with it, Achmed. You can face reality or continue masturbating to it's destruction like half the Muslim world does on a regular basis.
Israel has less than 20 years to exist, and never should have, again.

Hee hee hee. Really? And who's going to destroy it, your brethern? Ain't gonna happen Achmed, Israel's been dealing with Islamic coward animals for almost a century now, with a very successful track record. They aren't amateurs to this game. They will continue to kick Islamic ass. Get used to it.
Six million Israeli Jews, 300 million Arabs, 75 million Persians, and when the choice becomes Israel or oil, no US backing or military aid. There's a reason why we have to keep putting Israel back on the map, it's not built to survive on its own.

There are 300 million Arabs and 6 million Israelis...but the number that matters is not population, but kilotons. Yes...if being overrun, the Israelis WILL go nuclear.
What also matters is brains. While the Israelis are leaders in modern technology and medicine rushing forward into the 21st century, Muslim nations are backwards ass cesspools of barbarism and intolerance rushing backwards to the 7th century.

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