Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

It is clear to me that the Buddhists of Myanmar and the Muslims of Myanmar---MUST BE SEPARATED----
and that's about it
Hardly. That's half the reason for this situation. These Muslims want a "place of their own". Meaning control of a sizeable portion of the country. If not outright independence. No one cedes that kind of real estate without a fight.

a place of their own in a nice receptive muslim land-----how about Malaysia?
I'm not too sure sure that Mayanmar cares where they go. Just as long as they get the fuck out.

right------they are actually-----I think----bangla deshis-----that means they are BENGALIS------of the
muslim variety
It is clear to me that the Buddhists of Myanmar and the Muslims of Myanmar---MUST BE SEPARATED----
and that's about it
Hardly. That's half the reason for this situation. These Muslims want a "place of their own". Meaning control of a sizeable portion of the country. If not outright independence. No one cedes that kind of real estate without a fight.

a place of their own in a nice receptive muslim land-----how about Malaysia?

So should all of the Christians in Muslim countries be raped and murdered until they leave for Italy?

Learn some history-------how do you imagine that so many countries came to be muslim countries-----

I know my history just fine. Most Islamic countries became Islamic countries through conquest- just like how the America's became "Christian countries"

Now- do you think that its okay to rape and murder women and children in order to drive Muslims out of Myanmar?
I don't need to make an excuse for it. It isn't me or my people doing it. No matter how many times you repeat it, or virtue signal. Its their problem. Not mine. Not yours. And if these "victims" had the power to do so... Theyd be doing the same thing right back.
This is little more than a power struggle. One Myanmar cannot afford to lose.

Yeah- I can see how you think thank Myanmar cannot afford to lose raping women and children.

Myanmar’s persecution of Rohingya Muslims in recent months, which has uprooted a half-million people and been condemned by the United Nations as ethnic cleansing, has been corroborated by many graphic accounts of killings, sexual violence and other atrocities.

But a report on the Rohingya released early Thursday by Human Rights Watch, which focused on sexual violence, said that the raping of women and girls appeared to be even more widespread and systematic than earlier suspected, and that uniformed members of Myanmar’s military were responsible for it.

The report was based on interviews with 52 Rohingya women and girls who had fled to neighboring Bangladesh, including 29 survivors of rape from 19 different villages in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.

Human Rights Watch said the report’s conclusions also drew from interviews with 17 representatives of humanitarian organizations providing health services to Rohingya women and girls in Bangladesh refugee camps, as well as Bangladeshi health officials.

It found that Myanmar security forces had “raped and sexually assaulted women and girls both during major attacks on villages but also in the weeks prior to these major attacks sometimes after repeated harassment.”

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In every case, the report said, “the perpetrators were uniformed members of security forces, almost all military personnel.”
The sexual aspect of it means nothing to me. I know you're hoping the sensational nature of the accounts will make a difference... But they won't. War is Hell. Win, die, or run...

Of course the rape of women and children mean nothing to you.

I am just pointing out that the rape of women and children means nothing to you.
No... It means something. Just means a lot less when it's thousands of miles away, and could be avoided if they left. I have little pity for the self inflicted injuries, these people seem to tolerate.

Ah- so to you 'rape' is just a self inflicted injury.

Are you a current member of the Trump administration?
Just like blunt force trauma is self inflicted; if you stand in front of a moving train. I accept reality for what it is. Makes life much easier.
Apparently Buddhist do not like Islamist militants slaughtering their villagers and the UN insisted that the government take action concerning the religious violence last year. The Rohingyas were never given citizenship rights there and in 2001 they started a religious war against the Buddhist with the promise of AL Qaeda backing. The conflict started to heat back up when the Islamist killed some more villagers and took some more young Buddhist women captive.

At Least 6 Buddhists Killed in Myanmar’s Rakhine State
Apparently Buddhist do not like Islamist militants slaughtering their villagers and the UN insisted that the government take action concerning the religious violence last year. The Rohingyas were never given citizenship rights there and in 2001 they started a religious war against the Buddhist with the promise of AL Qaeda backing. The conflict started to heat back up when the Islamist killed some more villagers and took some more young Buddhist women captive.

At Least 6 Buddhists Killed in Myanmar’s Rakhine State
Try as you might, you can't justify what is transpiring in Myanmar.

The largest Muslim group in Myanmar are the Rohingya people; the Rohingyas have been the most persecuted group under Myanmar's military regime.[6] The UN states that the Rohingyas are one of the most persecuted groups in the world.[7][8][9] Since 1948, successive governments have carried out 13 military operations against the Rohingya (including in 1975, 1978, 1989, 1991–92, 2002).[10] During the operations, Myanmar security forces have driven the Rohingyas off their land, burned down their mosques and committed widespread looting, arson and rape of Rohingya Muslims.[11][12] Outside of these military raids, Rohingya are subjected to frequent theft and extortion from the authorities and many are subjected to forced labor.[13] In some cases, land occupied by Rohingya Muslims has been confiscated and reallocated to local Buddhists.[13]
Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia
Apparently Buddhist do not like Islamist militants slaughtering their villagers and the UN insisted that the government take action concerning the religious violence last year. The Rohingyas were never given citizenship rights there and in 2001 they started a religious war against the Buddhist with the promise of AL Qaeda backing. The conflict started to heat back up when the Islamist killed some more villagers and took some more young Buddhist women captive.

At Least 6 Buddhists Killed in Myanmar’s Rakhine State
Try as you might, you can't justify what is transpiring in Myanmar.

The largest Muslim group in Myanmar are the Rohingya people; the Rohingyas have been the most persecuted group under Myanmar's military regime.[6] The UN states that the Rohingyas are one of the most persecuted groups in the world.[7][8][9] Since 1948, successive governments have carried out 13 military operations against the Rohingya (including in 1975, 1978, 1989, 1991–92, 2002).[10] During the operations, Myanmar security forces have driven the Rohingyas off their land, burned down their mosques and committed widespread looting, arson and rape of Rohingya Muslims.[11][12] Outside of these military raids, Rohingya are subjected to frequent theft and extortion from the authorities and many are subjected to forced labor.[13] In some cases, land occupied by Rohingya Muslims has been confiscated and reallocated to local Buddhists.[13]
Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia
I didn't justify anything so go accuse someone else. The facts are dumb asses call for attacks on someone else that someone else is going to cry foul and the dumb asses get people who were not a problem killed. Piss off with your crap now.
Apparently Buddhist do not like Islamist militants slaughtering their villagers and the UN insisted that the government take action concerning the religious violence last year. The Rohingyas were never given citizenship rights there and in 2001 they started a religious war against the Buddhist with the promise of AL Qaeda backing. The conflict started to heat back up when the Islamist killed some more villagers and took some more young Buddhist women captive.

At Least 6 Buddhists Killed in Myanmar’s Rakhine State
Try as you might, you can't justify what is transpiring in Myanmar.

The largest Muslim group in Myanmar are the Rohingya people; the Rohingyas have been the most persecuted group under Myanmar's military regime.[6] The UN states that the Rohingyas are one of the most persecuted groups in the world.[7][8][9] Since 1948, successive governments have carried out 13 military operations against the Rohingya (including in 1975, 1978, 1989, 1991–92, 2002).[10] During the operations, Myanmar security forces have driven the Rohingyas off their land, burned down their mosques and committed widespread looting, arson and rape of Rohingya Muslims.[11][12] Outside of these military raids, Rohingya are subjected to frequent theft and extortion from the authorities and many are subjected to forced labor.[13] In some cases, land occupied by Rohingya Muslims has been confiscated and reallocated to local Buddhists.[13]
Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia
I didn't justify anything so go accuse someone else. The facts are dumb asses call for attacks on someone else that someone else is going to cry foul and the dumb asses get people who were not a problem killed. Piss off with your crap now.
His accusation is just a tool to use in his argument. People fail to realize what you think, or me, for that matter, does not effect what is going on one way or the other. These people think their culture is worth fighting for, that they use tactics like their enemy is moot.
Rohingya Were Raped Systematically by Myanmar’s Military, Report Says

Rohingya Were Raped Systematically by Myanmar’s Military, Report Says

Or as Lastamender would say "if that is what Myanmar wants to do- that is perfectly okay"

Myanmar’s persecution of Rohingya Muslims in recent months, which has uprooted a half-million people and been condemned by the United Nations as ethnic cleansing, has been corroborated by many graphic accounts of killings, sexual violence and other atrocities.

But a report on the Rohingya released early Thursday by Human Rights Watch, which focused on sexual violence, said that the raping of women and girls appeared to be even more widespread and systematic than earlier suspected, and that uniformed members of Myanmar’s military were responsible for it.

The report was based on interviews with 52 Rohingya women and girls who had fled to neighboring Bangladesh, including 29 survivors of rape from 19 different villages in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.

Human Rights Watch said the report’s conclusions also drew from interviews with 17 representatives of humanitarian organizations providing health services to Rohingya women and girls in Bangladesh refugee camps, as well as Bangladeshi health officials.

It found that Myanmar security forces had “raped and sexually assaulted women and girls both during major attacks on villages but also in the weeks prior to these major attacks sometimes after repeated harassment.”

Continue reading the main story

Continue reading the main story
In every case, the report said, “the perpetrators were uniformed members of security forces, almost all military personnel.”

Wow! The larger font really has me rethinking my stance on the issue... Bold text too...
I'll have to do some soul searching before I can continue...
I would think that the stench of brimstone during your soul searching would make that unpleasant.
I think he has had enough of your moralizing, I know I have. 85% off the people in Myanmar want the Muslims out.

Why am I not surprised that you have 'had enough' with me pointing out your acceptance of the rape and murder of women and children?

Your insistence that countries like Myanmar and Germany can persecute religious minorities any way that they want.

Yeah- I can see why you would get tired of me pointing out your tacit approval for genocidal regimes.

You are repeating a lie. It only matters because they are Muslim and you are an idiot.
It is clear to me that the Buddhists of Myanmar and the Muslims of Myanmar---MUST BE SEPARATED----
and that's about it
Hardly. That's half the reason for this situation. These Muslims want a "place of their own". Meaning control of a sizeable portion of the country. If not outright independence. No one cedes that kind of real estate without a fight.

"A place of their own"- they wanted citizenship in Myanmar- which was denied them.

Instead they got rape and murder.
That would have been the first clue that it was time to leave. No DACA for these fuckers...

I am sure that some of you American 'patriots' will be proposing the same solution to the DACA recipients soon enough.
You wouldn't know what a patriot would say. Can you source one?
Apparently Buddhist do not like Islamist militants slaughtering their villagers and the UN insisted that the government take action concerning the religious violence last year. The Rohingyas were never given citizenship rights there and in 2001 they started a religious war against the Buddhist with the promise of AL Qaeda backing. The conflict started to heat back up when the Islamist killed some more villagers and took some more young Buddhist women captive.

At Least 6 Buddhists Killed in Myanmar’s Rakhine State
Try as you might, you can't justify what is transpiring in Myanmar.

The largest Muslim group in Myanmar are the Rohingya people; the Rohingyas have been the most persecuted group under Myanmar's military regime.[6] The UN states that the Rohingyas are one of the most persecuted groups in the world.[7][8][9] Since 1948, successive governments have carried out 13 military operations against the Rohingya (including in 1975, 1978, 1989, 1991–92, 2002).[10] During the operations, Myanmar security forces have driven the Rohingyas off their land, burned down their mosques and committed widespread looting, arson and rape of Rohingya Muslims.[11][12] Outside of these military raids, Rohingya are subjected to frequent theft and extortion from the authorities and many are subjected to forced labor.[13] In some cases, land occupied by Rohingya Muslims has been confiscated and reallocated to local Buddhists.[13]
Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia
I didn't justify anything so go accuse someone else. The facts are dumb asses call for attacks on someone else that someone else is going to cry foul and the dumb asses get people who were not a problem killed. Piss off with your crap now.
His accusation is just a tool to use in his argument. People fail to realize what you think, or me, for that matter, does not effect what is going on one way or the other. These people think their culture is worth fighting for, that they use tactics like their enemy is moot.
I did a fairly in depth study last year on the current Islamist problem in Indonesia. I can't recall offhand if I put that online or not. They have several facilities over in the Indonesian islands training faithful followers.They get these young boys and raise them up with all the perks and then send them out. It appeared from everything I found they are very possibly paying for their crap running drugs through that corridor from India through to Syria and beyond.
Apparently Buddhist do not like Islamist militants slaughtering their villagers and the UN insisted that the government take action concerning the religious violence last year. The Rohingyas were never given citizenship rights there and in 2001 they started a religious war against the Buddhist with the promise of AL Qaeda backing. The conflict started to heat back up when the Islamist killed some more villagers and took some more young Buddhist women captive.

At Least 6 Buddhists Killed in Myanmar’s Rakhine State
Try as you might, you can't justify what is transpiring in Myanmar.

The largest Muslim group in Myanmar are the Rohingya people; the Rohingyas have been the most persecuted group under Myanmar's military regime.[6] The UN states that the Rohingyas are one of the most persecuted groups in the world.[7][8][9] Since 1948, successive governments have carried out 13 military operations against the Rohingya (including in 1975, 1978, 1989, 1991–92, 2002).[10] During the operations, Myanmar security forces have driven the Rohingyas off their land, burned down their mosques and committed widespread looting, arson and rape of Rohingya Muslims.[11][12] Outside of these military raids, Rohingya are subjected to frequent theft and extortion from the authorities and many are subjected to forced labor.[13] In some cases, land occupied by Rohingya Muslims has been confiscated and reallocated to local Buddhists.[13]
Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia
I didn't justify anything so go accuse someone else. The facts are dumb asses call for attacks on someone else that someone else is going to cry foul and the dumb asses get people who were not a problem killed. Piss off with your crap now.
His accusation is just a tool to use in his argument. People fail to realize what you think, or me, for that matter, does not effect what is going on one way or the other. These people think their culture is worth fighting for, that they use tactics like their enemy is moot.
I did a fairly in depth study last year on the current Islamist problem in Indonesia. I can't recall offhand if I put that online or not. They have several facilities over in the Indonesian islands training faithful followers.They get these young boys and raise them up with all the perks and then send them out. It appeared from everything I found they are very possibly paying for their crap running drugs through that corridor from India through to Syria and beyond.
I didn't justify anything so go accuse someone else.

You are so transparent.
Apparently Buddhist do not like Islamist militants slaughtering their villagers and the UN insisted that the government take action concerning the religious violence last year. The Rohingyas were never given citizenship rights there and in 2001 they started a religious war against the Buddhist with the promise of AL Qaeda backing. The conflict started to heat back up when the Islamist killed some more villagers and took some more young Buddhist women captive.

At Least 6 Buddhists Killed in Myanmar’s Rakhine State
Try as you might, you can't justify what is transpiring in Myanmar.

The largest Muslim group in Myanmar are the Rohingya people; the Rohingyas have been the most persecuted group under Myanmar's military regime.[6] The UN states that the Rohingyas are one of the most persecuted groups in the world.[7][8][9] Since 1948, successive governments have carried out 13 military operations against the Rohingya (including in 1975, 1978, 1989, 1991–92, 2002).[10] During the operations, Myanmar security forces have driven the Rohingyas off their land, burned down their mosques and committed widespread looting, arson and rape of Rohingya Muslims.[11][12] Outside of these military raids, Rohingya are subjected to frequent theft and extortion from the authorities and many are subjected to forced labor.[13] In some cases, land occupied by Rohingya Muslims has been confiscated and reallocated to local Buddhists.[13]
Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia
I didn't justify anything so go accuse someone else. The facts are dumb asses call for attacks on someone else that someone else is going to cry foul and the dumb asses get people who were not a problem killed. Piss off with your crap now.
His accusation is just a tool to use in his argument. People fail to realize what you think, or me, for that matter, does not effect what is going on one way or the other. These people think their culture is worth fighting for, that they use tactics like their enemy is moot.
I did a fairly in depth study last year on the current Islamist problem in Indonesia. I can't recall offhand if I put that online or not. They have several facilities over in the Indonesian islands training faithful followers.They get these young boys and raise them up with all the perks and then send them out. It appeared from everything I found they are very possibly paying for their crap running drugs through that corridor from India through to Syria and beyond.
I didn't justify anything so go accuse someone else.

You are so transparent.
And you feign ignorance, what can I say. You probably think the poor Islamist in China are being abused too and no one did anything to get that ball of shit rolling either.
You are the third moderator who has dodged the real question this situation demands
You are supporting the country as they perpetrate a genocide.

You have explicitly stated that you believe they have a "right" to massacre their own citizens.
I am supporting their right as a sovereign country, not approving of what they do, it actually has nothing to do with that right.


You see, this is where we disagree.

I don't believe that "sovereign countries" have the right to do whatever they want. I don't think the Nazis had the "right" to massacre the Jews, I don't think that the Hutu had the "right" to massacre the Tutsi, and I don't think that Myanmar has the "right" to massacre the Rohingya.

That's because I'm not a sociopath.

You might not be a sociopath and if you are implying I am just shows you have no argument. It also shows you do not understand certain things are done for self preservation and they are not pretty. That is the reality that you will never change with words, or name calling.
You are supporting genocide...hell you just did right there. Just like the Nazis. They called self preservation as well. You sre unreal dude.

You are simply projecting the blame on me. It is old and tired. Islam says those horrible things are tactics of war and have an eternal war against anything non Islamic. Deal with it, and stop with the specious whining.

No civilized person will ever just "deal" with folks like you who support exterminating entire groups of people.

We fought wars to stop what people like you considered "right".
So you didn't support the Holocaust- you just supported the right of Germany to 'act on the matter'........

You all seem to have a problem with man's inhumanity to man. Grow the fuck up and look at what Islam says.

I do have a problem with man's inhumanity to man.

Shame you don't have a problem with the rape and murder of children.

And want to blame Islam for your indifference.
Shame on you for not facing the reality of Islam. Wonder baby.

Shame on you for supporting genocide.
Shame on you for supporting the rape and murder of children.

Just another asshole religious bigot who thinks its okay for countries to kill their unwanted peoples- Jews, Armenians, Christians, Muslims.

That is a lie you keep pushing to avoid the subject. That subject is that Myanmar wants them out. They have a chance to leave peacefully. If they stay they are responsible for whatever happens. I know that makes you cry, but reality can do that to the emasculated idiots.

They have a chance to leave peacefully? Really? Can you describe to me the peacefullness of being burned alive in your home? Of being shot in the back as you are fleeing? Of having your baby thrown into a fire?

You and I have very different ideas of "peacefully".
You are the third moderator who has dodged the real question this situation demands
I am supporting their right as a sovereign country, not approving of what they do, it actually has nothing to do with that right.


You see, this is where we disagree.

I don't believe that "sovereign countries" have the right to do whatever they want. I don't think the Nazis had the "right" to massacre the Jews, I don't think that the Hutu had the "right" to massacre the Tutsi, and I don't think that Myanmar has the "right" to massacre the Rohingya.

That's because I'm not a sociopath.

You might not be a sociopath and if you are implying I am just shows you have no argument. It also shows you do not understand certain things are done for self preservation and they are not pretty. That is the reality that you will never change with words, or name calling.
You are supporting genocide...hell you just did right there. Just like the Nazis. They called self preservation as well. You sre unreal dude.

You are simply projecting the blame on me. It is old and tired. Islam says those horrible things are tactics of war and have an eternal war against anything non Islamic. Deal with it, and stop with the specious whining.

No civilized person will ever just "deal" with folks like you who support exterminating entire groups of people.

We fought wars to stop what people like you considered "right".
I never said I supported it I just said why it was happening. Stop lying about what I said.
So you didn't support the Holocaust- you just supported the right of Germany to 'act on the matter'........

You all seem to have a problem with man's inhumanity to man. Grow the fuck up and look at what Islam says.

I do have a problem with man's inhumanity to man.

Shame you don't have a problem with the rape and murder of children.

And want to blame Islam for your indifference.
Shame on you for not facing the reality of Islam. Wonder baby.

Shame on you for supporting genocide.
Shame on you for supporting the rape and murder of children.

Just another asshole religious bigot who thinks its okay for countries to kill their unwanted peoples- Jews, Armenians, Christians, Muslims.

That is a lie you keep pushing to avoid the subject. That subject is that Myanmar wants them out. They have a chance to leave peacefully. If they stay they are responsible for whatever happens. I know that makes you cry, but reality can do that to the emasculated idiots.

That is what Hitler said about the Jews.
You all seem to have a problem with man's inhumanity to man. Grow the fuck up and look at what Islam says.

I do have a problem with man's inhumanity to man.

Shame you don't have a problem with the rape and murder of children.

And want to blame Islam for your indifference.
Shame on you for not facing the reality of Islam. Wonder baby.

Shame on you for supporting genocide.
Shame on you for supporting the rape and murder of children.

Just another asshole religious bigot who thinks its okay for countries to kill their unwanted peoples- Jews, Armenians, Christians, Muslims.

That is a lie you keep pushing to avoid the subject. That subject is that Myanmar wants them out. They have a chance to leave peacefully. If they stay they are responsible for whatever happens. I know that makes you cry, but reality can do that to the emasculated idiots.

They have a chance to leave peacefully? Really? Can you describe to me the peacefullness of being burned alive in your home? Of being shot in the back as you are fleeing? Of having your baby thrown into a fire?

You and I have very different ideas of "peacefully".
Ask these people
Other Recent "Misunderstandings
of Islam" 2018.02.10 (Mali)
Five civilians are shredded by Islamist shrapnel. 2018.02.10 (Pakistan)
A Shiite trader is gunned down at his dairy shop by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. 2018.02.09 (Libya)
Islamists plant two bombs at a rival mosque, killing two. 2018.02.07 (Syria)
A woman is stoned to death for adultery. 2018.02.06 (Somalia)
Three people are shot to death by Islamists near a university. 2018.02.05 (Israel)
A 29-year-old father of four is stabbed to death by an Arab terrorist.

And yes,they can leave.

You see, this is where we disagree.

I don't believe that "sovereign countries" have the right to do whatever they want. I don't think the Nazis had the "right" to massacre the Jews, I don't think that the Hutu had the "right" to massacre the Tutsi, and I don't think that Myanmar has the "right" to massacre the Rohingya.

That's because I'm not a sociopath.

You might not be a sociopath and if you are implying I am just shows you have no argument. It also shows you do not understand certain things are done for self preservation and they are not pretty. That is the reality that you will never change with words, or name calling.
You are supporting genocide...hell you just did right there. Just like the Nazis. They called self preservation as well. You sre unreal dude.

You are simply projecting the blame on me. It is old and tired. Islam says those horrible things are tactics of war and have an eternal war against anything non Islamic. Deal with it, and stop with the specious whining.

No civilized person will ever just "deal" with folks like you who support exterminating entire groups of people.

We fought wars to stop what people like you considered "right".
I never said I supported it I just said why it was happening. Stop lying about what I said.

Quit weaseling. You said you supported Myanmar's right to do what it was doing. What it is doing is genocide. Connect the dots you pathetic piece of crap.

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