Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

Oh my...those events elsewhere in the world must surely justify the slaughter of thousands of Rohinga, the beheading of their children, burning them alive and throwing babies into fires, gang banging women and young girls as they are "allowed" to "peacefully" leave their homeland.

(sarcasm alert)
I have never seen you so upset about Nigeria, Libya, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and other countries including Thailand where this happens with regularity to Christians. Is it because they do not fight back, could be.

I have never seen people say the things they have said in this thread about other atrocities. Applauding it. Defending it. This low is a first.

Defending genocide!!!

Defending a country's RIGHT to commit GENOCIDE!

Defending a country's RIGHT to throw babies into a decapitate shoot fleeing civilians as they gang rape women and girl children. You defend their right to do that.

And it isn't the least bit abhorant to you.

I said to defend itself, not how it went about it. You just have to try an insult someone who disagrees with your lip service for Islam.


I am not defending that. I am defending the right of that country to do what it wishes to do. If it was not Muslims would anyone care?
You are the liar.

It's your words dude. I don't need to say anything further.
*Coyote is changing the subject and making Islam a wicked victim of the new Nazis who now are also Buddhists.

Actually. YOU are making the genocide of an ethnic minority about Islam. It isn't about Islam. It's about a long persecuted ethnic minority.

Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.
*Coyote is changing the subject and making Islam a wicked victim of the new Nazis who now are also Buddhists.

Actually. YOU are making the genocide of an ethnic minority about Islam. It isn't about Islam. It's about a long persecuted ethnic minority.

Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.
Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I have never seen you so upset about Nigeria, Libya, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and other countries including Thailand where this happens with regularity to Christians. Is it because they do not fight back, could be.

I have never seen people say the things they have said in this thread about other atrocities. Applauding it. Defending it. This low is a first.

Defending genocide!!!

Defending a country's RIGHT to commit GENOCIDE!

Defending a country's RIGHT to throw babies into a decapitate shoot fleeing civilians as they gang rape women and girl children. You defend their right to do that.

And it isn't the least bit abhorant to you.

I said to defend itself, not how it went about it. You just have to try an insult someone who disagrees with your lip service for Islam.


I am not defending that. I am defending the right of that country to do what it wishes to do. If it was not Muslims would anyone care?
You are the liar.

It's your words dude. I don't need to say anything further.
That worked out well for you. Just Islam, nothing to see here.
They have a chance to leave peacefully? Really? Can you describe to me the peacefullness of being burned alive in your home? Of being shot in the back as you are fleeing? Of having your baby thrown into a fire?

You and I have very different ideas of "peacefully".
Ask these people
Other Recent "Misunderstandings
of Islam" 2018.02.10 (Mali)
Five civilians are shredded by Islamist shrapnel. 2018.02.10 (Pakistan)
A Shiite trader is gunned down at his dairy shop by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. 2018.02.09 (Libya)
Islamists plant two bombs at a rival mosque, killing two. 2018.02.07 (Syria)
A woman is stoned to death for adultery. 2018.02.06 (Somalia)
Three people are shot to death by Islamists near a university. 2018.02.05 (Israel)
A 29-year-old father of four is stabbed to death by an Arab terrorist.

Oh my...those events elsewhere in the world must surely justify the slaughter of thousands of Rohinga, the beheading of their children, burning them alive and throwing babies into fires, gang banging women and young girls as they are "allowed" to "peacefully" leave their homeland.

(sarcasm alert)
I have never seen you so upset about Nigeria, Libya, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and other countries including Thailand where this happens with regularity to Christians. Is it because they do not fight back, could be.
Do you need a PhD to realize how fucked up in the head Liberals are?
Wait until they start comparing a White Man holding a gun to Islam slaughtering millions.


What's fucked up isn't liberals.

It's anyone who defends genocide. THAT is seriously fucked up.
Nobody is defending genocide...they are explicitly pointing fingers at the group of people most likely to commit it and you Liberals are turning it around in a truly sick manner.
Another thing I find difficult to understand...why are people more willing to believe the claims of one of the worst regimes in the world for human rights abuses over the words of the victims? Many Burmese refugees have settled in the US over the past decades because of them. Why would anyone believe them??

Myanmar human rights abuses...
Child soldiers
State sanctioned rape and torture
Forced labor (including children)
Human trafficking
Sex slaves for the military
If Muslims want to attack the native populations of other countries and kill police officers they can go to Germany where they tolerate that sort.
Ask these people

Oh my...those events elsewhere in the world must surely justify the slaughter of thousands of Rohinga, the beheading of their children, burning them alive and throwing babies into fires, gang banging women and young girls as they are "allowed" to "peacefully" leave their homeland.

(sarcasm alert)
I have never seen you so upset about Nigeria, Libya, Iraq, India, Pakistan, and other countries including Thailand where this happens with regularity to Christians. Is it because they do not fight back, could be.
Do you need a PhD to realize how fucked up in the head Liberals are?
Wait until they start comparing a White Man holding a gun to Islam slaughtering millions.


What's fucked up isn't liberals.

It's anyone who defends genocide. THAT is seriously fucked up.

Nobody is defending genocide...they are explicitly pointing fingers at the group of people most likely to commit it and you Liberals are turning it around in a truly sick manner.


No. What is sick are the comments in this thread that you would not tolerate for a moment if they were directed at another religion or ethnic group. Why? Because you can't possibly bring yourself to say "this is way wrong" ? Can't condemn it because in this case the victims are Muslims and thus in some folks sick minds deserving of what is happening? d

Here - a sampling of what is being said...only...replace it with "Jews". And don't quip "but Jews didn't attack anyone". The Nazi's had all sorts of crap excuses from Jews and the Communists to economic boycotts. There is no excuse.

It isn’t genocide as long as there are places for them to go, and other Muslim populations in the world. It’s just a little house cleaning.

(mass graves, mass murder, etc is not genocide?)

They are just not native to Myanmar. They should go back to their homeland of Bangladesh. Or, they will all be killed.

I am defending the right of that country to do what it wishes to do. If it was not Muslims would anyone care?

"Yep- his exact words:
I am explicitly defending the right for that country to do what they wish

Which would of course include Germany and the Holocaust, Turkey and the Armenian Genocide, Iraq gassing the Kurds and of course the Myanmar Army raping and murdering children (if they are Muslim)"

Yep. I still support that right. What they do with that right is there business. They know what they are fighting. You have been told what Islam says and does and you ignore it, they do not.

(they have a centuries long history in Myanmar)

IMO, Fuck them Muslim motherfuckers. Fuck that! Eat bacon or die, bitch!

Seriously, them motherfuckers have zero ground to dictate to the rest of the world how it should be.

IMO, it should look like dead Muslims, motherfucker! Nothing really bad ever came out of Martin Luther whipping himself.

Muslims on the other hand, is a different story.


My goodness...dozens of Hindus murdered by members of a small extremist group obviously justifies the extermination, rape, murder, burnings and beheadings of thousands of men, women and children and children and forcing some 700,000 innocent people to flee.

Yup. That's the new morality.

My goodness...dozens of Hindus murdered by members of a small extremist group obviously justifies the extermination, rape, murder, burnings and beheadings of thousands of men, women and children and children and forcing some 700,000 innocent people to flee.

Yup. That's the new morality.
Do not muse about morality without truth behind it, because no one cares.
Myanmar: Since 1947, Rohingya Muslims have been killing Buddhists
19 Sep
Source: Vedic Upasana Peeth - Translated by EuropeNews

Often there is a misconception about the clashes between the Muslim Rohingyas and the Buddhist Burmese in the Rakhina, about the many dead and injured on both sides. Therefore, it should be attempted at this point to present a fair coverage of the historical and current events, so that even those can get an idea that is not so familiar.

The Rohingyas are a Muslim minority who emigrated from Bangladesh and live in Myanmar [also called Burma or Burma]. The Muslim Rohingya multiplied in a relatively short time in large numbers, but without any family planning [1] or economic considerations because of their limited resources. As a result, the indigenous [Buddhist] population in this area became a minority, their land was taken from them, and instead it was given to the growing population of the Rohingya.

[1] In other words, the Bangladeshi Muslims robbed the Burmese of the land. What happened next is called in Germany a birth jihad, with further land grabbing. Why did the Burmese allow this? In Germany, exactly the same thing will happen in a few years. The Germans are so stupid and let millions of Muslims immigrate to Germany. One day they will also rob the Germans of the land and drive them away.

Bengal was an independent state from the 6th century. After the independence of India from British colonial rule in 1947, the Indian states West Bengal and Tripura were formed in the west of Bengal, in the eastern part was created in 1971, the state of Bangladesh.

The Rohingya call themselves indigenous to the state of Rakhine (see above), while the Burmese historians say that they immigrated from Bengal to Burma, mainly during the period of British rule in Burma and, to a lesser degree, after Burma's independence in the year 1948 and the liberation war in Bangladesh in 1971.

Under the rule of Burmese General Ne Win , the Burmese passed a national law that denied Rohingya citizenship, in line with the wishes of the vast majority of Burmese (96%). The decision was also made because the Rohingyas had rebelled against the government for several decades, with support from outside Islamist forces, mainly separatist movements and extremist groups, including al-Qaeda. The Islamic separatists wanted to transform Rakhine into an independent Islamic state.

The rebellions of the Rohingya in western Myanmar were riots in the northern part of Rakhine State (also known as Arakan), carried out by insurgents belonging to the Rohingya ethnic minority. Most of the clashes took place in Maungaw district, which borders Bangladesh.

Local Mujahideen groups rebelled against Burmese government forces from 1947 to 1961 to try to split off the majority of the Rohingya-inhabited Mayu Peninsula in the northern part of Rakhine State, Myanmar, and then connect it to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). In the late 1950s, they lost a lot of supporters and surrendered to the Burmese government forces.

Rohingya's modern uprisings in northern Rakhine began in 2001, although Roweya majority MEP Shwe Maung dismissed allegations that new Islamist rebel groups had begun to operate on the border with Bangladesh. The last incident reported was in October 2016, when clashes broke out on the Myanmar border with Bangladesh, with Rohingya rebels suspected of having links with foreign Islamists.

Although the Rohingya are located in Burma for several generations, they make up about 4% of the population of Myanmar. On the other hand, Muslim men were constantly abusing, brutally raping and killing Buddhists in Rakhine, followed by murders of Muslim Rohingyas (in retaliation), sparking uprisings between the Buddhists in Rakhine and the Rohingya Muslims. It was not a one-sided massacre, but a local uprising with victims on both sides.

The matter became more serious as the Rohingya also killed monks. Mostly they were beheaded. At least 19 such murders of monks were reported within a few months as the monks sided with the indigenous people fighting the Rohingyas. [If you have Muslims in the country, you do not need hangmen anymore.]

The question we all have to ask ourselves is, why are Muslims killing Christians? Why do Muslims kill other Muslims pretty much all over the world? None of the Buddhists we know wanted or want to kill Muslims, at least not for religious reasons.

Muslims have little tolerance for proselytism [1], which means there are no problems with other religions as long as one stays with his religion and does not try to convert others. Christians have had to learn this long ago, although they continue to do so, but without being aggressive, the Hindus never had such ambitions and the Buddhists do not, but the Muslims ... well

[1] Sura 4:89 calls Muslims to kill Muslims when they leave Islam.

On the other hand, the Rohingyas communities are very conservative regarding inter-religious marriages [marriages between Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists]. Sometimes Muslims punish and kill women when they marry Hindus or Buddhists. But the Muslim men like to marry Buddhist women and convert them to Islam. This does not appeal to some conservative groups of the Buddhist majority, for obvious reasons.

The Christians and the Hindus, the second and fourth largest community within the population of Burma integrates nicely, although many Christian ethnic groups oppose the Buddhist Banar (Kachin, Chin, Karen, etc. (Burmese ethnic groups)), so are the disputes rather historical, or territorial, or resources, but never religious. Even insulting a religion, ANY religion for whatever reason, is illegal in Myanmar and you would end up in jail within a few hours. And that will be actively implemented, probably for a good reason.

The Rohingya Muslims were welcomed in the beginning as historians say. There were few or no problems at the beginning. Problems like rebellions happened later, but an agreement was reached and they were disarmed in the 1960s. Although there were minor conflicts between the two communities, nothing serious happened until five years ago when Muslims gathered in large numbers, went out on the streets and killed the minority natives in their area [Germany's future]. Then, for their part, the Burmese Buddhists began counterattacking the Muslims who killed their brothers and sisters in the Rohingya area.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the Buddhists do not kill the Muslims, but the native Buddhists in Rakhine fought against the Muslim rebels [Islamic jihadists] who are literally out to ethnic cleansing in the state of Rakhine . If it were the guilt of the Buddhists, then they would certainly have attacked the Christians. At least they would have discriminated against Christians somehow, because Christians are after all the second largest religious community in Burma. But that never happened.

So you have to say that the riots can not be described as religious wars. It is a political war in which indigenous Buddhists seek to protect their lives from Muslim invaders belonging to an immigrant community. Not only is it trying to grow in disturbing numbers, but it is also trying to convert the natives by force to their faith through direct and indirect means.

Worse, they call on the Rohingyas' Muslim men to marry Buddhists, but they forbid the Muslim Rohingya women from marrying Buddhists. It is a rebellion that the Muslim Rohingyas started by attacking Buddhists. The opposite is simply not true, although it is believed worldwide. It is the Muslim Rohingyas who kill people and call Allahu Akhbar [as everywhere in the world]. Not a single Buddhist would normally come up with the idea of killing Muslims. But her survival is now a priority and that's what makes her fight back. [2]

[2] Not otherwise in the Philippines. No sooner did the Muslims on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao make up 20 percent of the population than Islamic terror began. Meanwhile, President Rodrigo Duterte has imposed martial law. Now he militarily fights the Muslims. 20 million Filipinos under martial law

In Indonesia, too, that for a long time was considered a liberal Islamic model state, now terror and violence prevail: Indonesia: The end of an Islamic model state And in a few years, the same thing is guaranteed to happen in Germany. Why are the Germans so stupid and do not learn from history? It seems to me that they prefer to be slaughtered.

For more than 50 years, Buddhists in Burma have been experiencing how the Muslim Rohingya apparently fight against them for no reason except that they want to create a separate Islamic region in Burma with financial support from extremist organizations and the Middle East and with additional help the neighboring Islamic states of Pakistan and Bangladesh. It's the last option they have, despite the obvious problems that come with it. For the Buddhists it is simply a question of whether they are willing to die at the hands of the Muslim separatists, or if they want to try to continue living by fighting for it. [3]

About 50 percent of six-year-olds in most German cities have a migrant background, in the majority of a Muslim. In Frankfurt / Main even 75.61% of six-year-olds have a migration background . Thanks to Angela Merkel and her CDU voters and family reunification, another 2 to 3 million Muslims will join in 2018. And that's guaranteed to continue in the next few years. In 12 years, today's six-year-olds are grown and go to vote, maybe even two years earlier, at the age of 16.

Germans do not have to be surprised if ethnic cleansing also takes place in Germany. But the suicidal Germans do not want to know about it. By contrast, all the naive, unrealistic, uneducated and idiotic leftists and do-gooders dream of a peaceful multicultural state. What is the name of this mental illness? Socialism, Islamism or communism?

The comments in square brackets are from the admin.

My goodness...dozens of Hindus murdered by members of a small extremist group obviously justifies the extermination, rape, murder, burnings and beheadings of thousands of men, women and children and children and forcing some 700,000 innocent people to flee.

Yup. That's the new morality.
Do not muse about morality without truth behind it, because no one cares.

It is clear to me that the Buddhists of Myanmar and the Muslims of Myanmar---MUST BE SEPARATED----
and that's about it
Hardly. That's half the reason for this situation. These Muslims want a "place of their own". Meaning control of a sizeable portion of the country. If not outright independence. No one cedes that kind of real estate without a fight.

a place of their own in a nice receptive muslim land-----how about Malaysia?

So should all of the Christians in Muslim countries be raped and murdered until they leave for Italy?

Learn some history-------how do you imagine that so many countries came to be muslim countries-----

I know my history just fine. Most Islamic countries became Islamic countries through conquest- just like how the America's became "Christian countries"

Now- do you think that its okay to rape and murder women and children in order to drive Muslims out of Myanmar?

no ----they should get rid of them the way the MALDIVES and INDONESIA got rid of people------
DECLARE ISLAM AN ILLEGAL RELIGION-------in fact, the BEAUTIFUL Islamic way is also an option---
declare all non BUDDHISTS to be tributary DHIMMIS. My dhimmi is right here watching TV------
feel free to ask questions about DHIMMIA. An interesting anecdote----my little dhimmi is alive today because his grandfather -----rescued his own son (my dhimmi's father) and a little girl (my dhimmi's mother)
from a land that rendered his little mother a sex slave to the local IMAM (the system YOU ENDORSE)
I should say THE STINK AND FILTH THAT YOU ENDORSE. There are ways to get rid of "others"-----
You are the third moderator who has dodged the real question this situation demands
I am supporting their right as a sovereign country, not approving of what they do, it actually has nothing to do with that right.


You see, this is where we disagree.

I don't believe that "sovereign countries" have the right to do whatever they want. I don't think the Nazis had the "right" to massacre the Jews, I don't think that the Hutu had the "right" to massacre the Tutsi, and I don't think that Myanmar has the "right" to massacre the Rohingya.

That's because I'm not a sociopath.

You might not be a sociopath and if you are implying I am just shows you have no argument. It also shows you do not understand certain things are done for self preservation and they are not pretty. That is the reality that you will never change with words, or name calling.
You are supporting genocide...hell you just did right there. Just like the Nazis. They called self preservation as well. You sre unreal dude.

You are simply projecting the blame on me. It is old and tired. Islam says those horrible things are tactics of war and have an eternal war against anything non Islamic. Deal with it, and stop with the specious whining.

No civilized person will ever just "deal" with folks like you who support exterminating entire groups of people.

We fought wars to stop what people like you considered "right".

wrong!!! we fought wars to stop what Muslims and Nazis consider RIGHT (the crap you worship)
Shame on you for not facing the reality of Islam. Wonder baby.

Shame on you for supporting genocide.
Shame on you for supporting the rape and murder of children.

Just another asshole religious bigot who thinks its okay for countries to kill their unwanted peoples- Jews, Armenians, Christians, Muslims.

That is a lie you keep pushing to avoid the subject. That subject is that Myanmar wants them out. They have a chance to leave peacefully. If they stay they are responsible for whatever happens. I know that makes you cry, but reality can do that to the emasculated idiots.

That is what Hitler said about the Jews.
Germany did not let Jews leave.

They did in the beginning. But no country would take them.

And like the Jews...Myanmar has been keeping many of the Rohinga in concentration camps.

So many similarities...including you.

wrong again-----Neither Germany nor SHARIAH SHIT holes allowed jews to leave. You are engaging in
---"-I SHIT ON REALITY" again, coyote dear. How do I know? -----my family legacy and that of Hubby's-
I support the RIGHT of the muslims of Myanmar to leave with ALL OF THEIR MOVABLE possessions and to
sell their non movables------and NOT TO HAVE TO PAY FOR EVERY STEP THEY TAKE OUT OF MYANMAR into the arms of their own bretheren. I would recount the story of Hubby's escape from SHARIAH SHIT---and the story of my childhood playmate's escape from THE GLORIOUS BELOVED NAZI rule that Coyote lauds-------but COYOTE HAS ALREADY CALLED ME A """ LIAR """" For interest and a bit more contemporary shariah shit hole policy------talk to BENGALI HINDU ESCAPEES from East Pakistan (aka
Bangladesh) Jewish Iranian escapes from shariah shit Iran. Yemenite jews escapes from the stink of
shariah shit in Yemen Iraqi jews who escape from shariah shit in Iraq---------TRY IT COYOTE -----take a look at the FILTH YOU SO LOVE
That is a lie you keep pushing to avoid the subject. That subject is that Myanmar wants them out. They have a chance to leave peacefully. If they stay they are responsible for whatever happens. I know that makes you cry, but reality can do that to the emasculated idiots.

That is what Hitler said about the Jews.
Germany did not let Jews leave.

They did in the beginning. But no country would take them.

And like the Jews...Myanmar has been keeping many of the Rohinga in concentration camps.

So many similarities...including you.
No matter what you make of the messenger Muslims have worn out their welcome.

So did Hitler

Hitler did what?-----the MUSLIMS OF MYANMAR end up in concentration camps when they flee
to the arms of the BRETHEREN------the MUSLIM BENGALIS of BANGLA DESH just as the
so called "palestnians" end up in concentration camps when they flee to the arms of their
brtheren in Jordan, Syria and Lebanon
*Coyote is changing the subject and making Islam a wicked victim of the new Nazis who now are also Buddhists.

Actually. YOU are making the genocide of an ethnic minority about Islam. It isn't about Islam. It's about a long persecuted ethnic minority.

Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS
The historical situation is complex...but nothing in any way even remotely justifies what is being done to these people. If you start to accept that the state has these rights to do what it may to its people then does that justify what the Nazis did? What ISIS did in attempting to create their “state”? What is being done to Egypt’s Coptic community? Stalin’s treatment of the Ukrainians and other minorities? Does Spain have the right to exterminate the Bask minority for the violence of some of their separatists? Does Turkey, Iran and Iraq have the right to slaughter their Kurdish minorities because of the violence of some of its separatists?

I am also curious about this constant refrain...but if they had left peacefully...where are 800,000 people, mostly very poor agricultural people going to go? What is peaceful about being shot in the back while fleeing? Can anyone tell me without resorting to some violent action some Muslim somewhere else in the world has engaged in?

Tracing history: Tension between Rohingya Muslims, Buddhists date back to British rule

Tracing history: Tension between Rohingya Muslims, Buddhists date back to British rule
As part of their divide-and-rule policy, British colonists favoured Muslims at the expense of other groups. They recruited them as soldiers during World War II, pitting them against Buddhists.

When did they first arrive in Myanmar?

By some accounts, they are descendants of Arab, Turkish or Mongol traders and soldiers who in the 15th Century migrated to Rakhine state, previously called the Kingdom of Arakan.

Other historians say they emigrated from Bangladesh in several waves, a widely held view among most Burmese.

For centuries the small Muslim minority lived peacefully alongside Buddhists in the independent kingdom, some were even advisors to Buddhist royals, according to historians.

Upheaval ensued from the late 18th century.

In 1784 the kingdom was conquered by the Burmese and later by the British following the first Anglo-Burmese war of 1824-1826.

Under British rule, a large number arrived to work as farmers and later as military recruits.

“In the 1830s there was a massive influx of Muslim peasants from neighbouring Bengal, mostly to work in the agriculture sector,” said Sophie Boisseau du Rocher, Southeast Asia expert at the French Institute for International Relations.

By 1912, more than 30 percent of the population of Arakan state were Muslim, up from five percent in 1869, according to British census data cited by historian Jacques Leider.

If they weren’t Muslim...would you believe them or the authoritarian brutal regime that is doing this?

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