Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

*Coyote is changing the subject and making Islam a wicked victim of the new Nazis who now are also Buddhists.

Actually. YOU are making the genocide of an ethnic minority about Islam. It isn't about Islam. It's about a long persecuted ethnic minority.

Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?
Oh. More justification for the atrocities being committed against the Rohinga.
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
Myanmar: Since 1947, Rohingya Muslims have been killing Buddhists
19 Sep
Source: Vedic Upasana Peeth - Translated by EuropeNews

Often there is a misconception about the clashes between the Muslim Rohingyas and the Buddhist Burmese in the Rakhina, about the many dead and injured on both sides. Therefore, it should be attempted at this point to present a fair coverage of the historical and current events, so that even those can get an idea that is not so familiar.

The Rohingyas are a Muslim minority who emigrated from Bangladesh and live in Myanmar [also called Burma or Burma]. The Muslim Rohingya multiplied in a relatively short time in large numbers, but without any family planning [1] or economic considerations because of their limited resources. As a result, the indigenous [Buddhist] population in this area became a minority, their land was taken from them, and instead it was given to the growing population of the Rohingya.

[1] In other words, the Bangladeshi Muslims robbed the Burmese of the land. What happened next is called in Germany a birth jihad, with further land grabbing. Why did the Burmese allow this? In Germany, exactly the same thing will happen in a few years. The Germans are so stupid and let millions of Muslims immigrate to Germany. One day they will also rob the Germans of the land and drive them away.

Bengal was an independent state from the 6th century. After the independence of India from British colonial rule in 1947, the Indian states West Bengal and Tripura were formed in the west of Bengal, in the eastern part was created in 1971, the state of Bangladesh.

The Rohingya call themselves indigenous to the state of Rakhine (see above), while the Burmese historians say that they immigrated from Bengal to Burma, mainly during the period of British rule in Burma and, to a lesser degree, after Burma's independence in the year 1948 and the liberation war in Bangladesh in 1971.

Under the rule of Burmese General Ne Win , the Burmese passed a national law that denied Rohingya citizenship, in line with the wishes of the vast majority of Burmese (96%). The decision was also made because the Rohingyas had rebelled against the government for several decades, with support from outside Islamist forces, mainly separatist movements and extremist groups, including al-Qaeda. The Islamic separatists wanted to transform Rakhine into an independent Islamic state.

The rebellions of the Rohingya in western Myanmar were riots in the northern part of Rakhine State (also known as Arakan), carried out by insurgents belonging to the Rohingya ethnic minority. Most of the clashes took place in Maungaw district, which borders Bangladesh.

Local Mujahideen groups rebelled against Burmese government forces from 1947 to 1961 to try to split off the majority of the Rohingya-inhabited Mayu Peninsula in the northern part of Rakhine State, Myanmar, and then connect it to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). In the late 1950s, they lost a lot of supporters and surrendered to the Burmese government forces.

Rohingya's modern uprisings in northern Rakhine began in 2001, although Roweya majority MEP Shwe Maung dismissed allegations that new Islamist rebel groups had begun to operate on the border with Bangladesh. The last incident reported was in October 2016, when clashes broke out on the Myanmar border with Bangladesh, with Rohingya rebels suspected of having links with foreign Islamists.

Although the Rohingya are located in Burma for several generations, they make up about 4% of the population of Myanmar. On the other hand, Muslim men were constantly abusing, brutally raping and killing Buddhists in Rakhine, followed by murders of Muslim Rohingyas (in retaliation), sparking uprisings between the Buddhists in Rakhine and the Rohingya Muslims. It was not a one-sided massacre, but a local uprising with victims on both sides.

The matter became more serious as the Rohingya also killed monks. Mostly they were beheaded. At least 19 such murders of monks were reported within a few months as the monks sided with the indigenous people fighting the Rohingyas. [If you have Muslims in the country, you do not need hangmen anymore.]

The question we all have to ask ourselves is, why are Muslims killing Christians? Why do Muslims kill other Muslims pretty much all over the world? None of the Buddhists we know wanted or want to kill Muslims, at least not for religious reasons.

Muslims have little tolerance for proselytism [1], which means there are no problems with other religions as long as one stays with his religion and does not try to convert others. Christians have had to learn this long ago, although they continue to do so, but without being aggressive, the Hindus never had such ambitions and the Buddhists do not, but the Muslims ... well

[1] Sura 4:89 calls Muslims to kill Muslims when they leave Islam.

On the other hand, the Rohingyas communities are very conservative regarding inter-religious marriages [marriages between Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists]. Sometimes Muslims punish and kill women when they marry Hindus or Buddhists. But the Muslim men like to marry Buddhist women and convert them to Islam. This does not appeal to some conservative groups of the Buddhist majority, for obvious reasons.

The Christians and the Hindus, the second and fourth largest community within the population of Burma integrates nicely, although many Christian ethnic groups oppose the Buddhist Banar (Kachin, Chin, Karen, etc. (Burmese ethnic groups)), so are the disputes rather historical, or territorial, or resources, but never religious. Even insulting a religion, ANY religion for whatever reason, is illegal in Myanmar and you would end up in jail within a few hours. And that will be actively implemented, probably for a good reason.

The Rohingya Muslims were welcomed in the beginning as historians say. There were few or no problems at the beginning. Problems like rebellions happened later, but an agreement was reached and they were disarmed in the 1960s. Although there were minor conflicts between the two communities, nothing serious happened until five years ago when Muslims gathered in large numbers, went out on the streets and killed the minority natives in their area [Germany's future]. Then, for their part, the Burmese Buddhists began counterattacking the Muslims who killed their brothers and sisters in the Rohingya area.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the Buddhists do not kill the Muslims, but the native Buddhists in Rakhine fought against the Muslim rebels [Islamic jihadists] who are literally out to ethnic cleansing in the state of Rakhine . If it were the guilt of the Buddhists, then they would certainly have attacked the Christians. At least they would have discriminated against Christians somehow, because Christians are after all the second largest religious community in Burma. But that never happened.

So you have to say that the riots can not be described as religious wars. It is a political war in which indigenous Buddhists seek to protect their lives from Muslim invaders belonging to an immigrant community. Not only is it trying to grow in disturbing numbers, but it is also trying to convert the natives by force to their faith through direct and indirect means.

Worse, they call on the Rohingyas' Muslim men to marry Buddhists, but they forbid the Muslim Rohingya women from marrying Buddhists. It is a rebellion that the Muslim Rohingyas started by attacking Buddhists. The opposite is simply not true, although it is believed worldwide. It is the Muslim Rohingyas who kill people and call Allahu Akhbar [as everywhere in the world]. Not a single Buddhist would normally come up with the idea of killing Muslims. But her survival is now a priority and that's what makes her fight back. [2]

[2] Not otherwise in the Philippines. No sooner did the Muslims on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao make up 20 percent of the population than Islamic terror began. Meanwhile, President Rodrigo Duterte has imposed martial law. Now he militarily fights the Muslims. 20 million Filipinos under martial law

In Indonesia, too, that for a long time was considered a liberal Islamic model state, now terror and violence prevail: Indonesia: The end of an Islamic model state And in a few years, the same thing is guaranteed to happen in Germany. Why are the Germans so stupid and do not learn from history? It seems to me that they prefer to be slaughtered.

For more than 50 years, Buddhists in Burma have been experiencing how the Muslim Rohingya apparently fight against them for no reason except that they want to create a separate Islamic region in Burma with financial support from extremist organizations and the Middle East and with additional help the neighboring Islamic states of Pakistan and Bangladesh. It's the last option they have, despite the obvious problems that come with it. For the Buddhists it is simply a question of whether they are willing to die at the hands of the Muslim separatists, or if they want to try to continue living by fighting for it. [3]

About 50 percent of six-year-olds in most German cities have a migrant background, in the majority of a Muslim. In Frankfurt / Main even 75.61% of six-year-olds have a migration background . Thanks to Angela Merkel and her CDU voters and family reunification, another 2 to 3 million Muslims will join in 2018. And that's guaranteed to continue in the next few years. In 12 years, today's six-year-olds are grown and go to vote, maybe even two years earlier, at the age of 16.

Germans do not have to be surprised if ethnic cleansing also takes place in Germany. But the suicidal Germans do not want to know about it. By contrast, all the naive, unrealistic, uneducated and idiotic leftists and do-gooders dream of a peaceful multicultural state. What is the name of this mental illness? Socialism, Islamism or communism?

The comments in square brackets are from the admin.

Good propaganda piece by white supremacists.

There are some tidbits of truth there- some Rohinga have killed Buddhists in Myanmar- but the article completely ignores that Buddhists have also been killing the Rohinga since WW2.

Tell me more though how any actions by part of a minority group- justifies the rape of women and children?
Tell me what kind of idiot thinks that their wives and children won't become targets when they hide among them? Why do you try to justify the actions of your beloved terrorist?

Why do you justify genocide?
*Coyote is changing the subject and making Islam a wicked victim of the new Nazis who now are also Buddhists.

Actually. YOU are making the genocide of an ethnic minority about Islam. It isn't about Islam. It's about a long persecuted ethnic minority.

Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.

U.N. medics see evidence of rape in Myanmar army 'cleansing' campaign

COX‘S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Doctors treating some of the 429,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar in recent weeks have seen dozens of women with injuries consistent with violent sexual attacks, U.N. clinicians and other health workers said.

Doctors at a clinic run by the U.N’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) at the Leda makeshift refugee say they treated hundreds of women with injuries they said were from violent sexual assaults during the army operation in October and November.

There have been fewer rapes reported among the influx of refugees since August, said Dr. Niranta Kumar, the clinic’s health coordinator, but those they have seen have injuries suggesting “more aggressive” attacks on women.

Examinations often find injuries suggesting forced penetration, beating and even what looked like intentional cutting of the genitals, doctors said.

“We found skin marks, it showed a very forceful attack, an inhuman attack,” said IOM medical officer Dr Tasnuba Nourin.

She had seen incidents of vaginal tearing, bite marks and signs that seemed to show a firearm was used to penetrate women, she said.

Among the new influx of Rohingya she had treated at least five women who appeared to have been recently raped, she said, adding that in each case the physical injuries observed were consistent with the patient’s account of what had happened.

This is the same sort of barbarism we have seen in the Congo conflict and what was done to the Yazidi by ISIS.
Last edited:
They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?

See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?

See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
It is not up to me or you, is it? Do you want to deal with the reality that wherever Islam goes violence follows?
where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?

See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
It is not up to me or you, is it? Do you want to deal with the reality that wherever Islam goes violence follows?
Can you answer the question?
where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?

See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
It is not up to me or you, is it? Do you want to deal with the reality that wherever Islam goes violence follows?

We all have a choice- we can condemn rape and murder- or sit silently back while women and children are raped and murdered.

The difference between yourself and myself is that I am opposed to rape and murder regardless of whether the victims are Muslim- or the attackers are Muslim.
They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.

Based up;on your actual statements and your bias- you are okay with murder and rape- if it is done to the Rohinga.
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.

OF MUSLIM CHILDREN"??? I did not know
See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.

Sorry- you don't get stop me from preaching against rape and murder- no matter how much you approve of some rape and murder.
Why do you keep lying about that? I do not approve of those things. You are perpetuating an invented fact with no actual backing but your opinion. It is not working for you.

If you wish to be made a fool of more, you can continue.

You have repeatedly said you think countries can do whatever they want with the people there.

How is that not approval of the rape and murder being done in Myanmar?
No, it is approval to determine their own destiny. You just can't conflate that with the approval of the method at your convenience. Got that?

Actually yes I can.

You approve of a country doing whatever it wants to people.

Therefore you approve of a country raping and murdering children when that is what they are doing.
Actually. YOU are making the genocide of an ethnic minority about Islam. It isn't about Islam. It's about a long persecuted ethnic minority.

Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.

U.N. medics see evidence of rape in Myanmar army 'cleansing' campaign

COX‘S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Doctors treating some of the 429,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar in recent weeks have seen dozens of women with injuries consistent with violent sexual attacks, U.N. clinicians and other health workers said.

Doctors at a clinic run by the U.N’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) at the Leda makeshift refugee say they treated hundreds of women with injuries they said were from violent sexual assaults during the army operation in October and November.

There have been fewer rapes reported among the influx of refugees since August, said Dr. Niranta Kumar, the clinic’s health coordinator, but those they have seen have injuries suggesting “more aggressive” attacks on women.

Examinations often find injuries suggesting forced penetration, beating and even what looked like intentional cutting of the genitals, doctors said.

“We found skin marks, it showed a very forceful attack, an inhuman attack,” said IOM medical officer Dr Tasnuba Nourin.

She had seen incidents of vaginal tearing, bite marks and signs that seemed to show a firearm was used to penetrate women, she said.

Among the new influx of Rohingya she had treated at least five women who appeared to have been recently raped, she said, adding that in each case the physical injuries observed were consistent with the patient’s account of what had happened.

This is the same sort of barbarism we have seen in the Congo conflict and what was done to the Azidi by ISIS.

genital cutting? isn't that FMG? BTW how many pregnant? In East Pakistan-----(1971) there were something like 1/4 million rapes by the west Pakistani army-------and thousands pregnant
They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?

See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?

where do you draw it? Did you raise objection to the disenfranchisement of all NON MUSLIMs in
Maldives-----when it was INFLICTED. Did you not call me a liar when I described the fact that my very own
mother-in-law had been saved from LEGAL SEXUAL SLAVERY under the BEAUTY OF ISLAMIC law---
in the shariah shit hole in which she was born------back in the 1930s? You got anything other than
"I WAS RAPED BY KAFFIRIN" as evidence? I lived thru the post 9-11-01 months of "A KAFIR TOUCHED MY HIJAB" ----fake complaints in New York City. I support the PEACEFUL disenfranchisement of Rohyinga muslims in Myanmar and their peaceful transfer to a muslim country which is a FAR FAR
where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?

See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?

where do you draw it? Did you raise objection to the disenfranchisement of all NON MUSLIMs in
Maldives-----when it was INFLICTED. Did you not call me a liar when I described the fact that my very own
mother-in-law had been saved from LEGAL SEXUAL SLAVERY under the BEAUTY OF ISLAMIC law---
in the shariah shit hole in which she was born------back in the 1930s? You got anything other than
"I WAS RAPED BY KAFFIRIN" as evidence? I lived thru the post 9-11-01 months of "A KAFIR TOUCHED MY HIJAB" ----fake complaints in New York City. I support the PEACEFUL disenfranchisement of Rohyinga muslims in Myanmar and their peaceful transfer to a muslim country which is a FAR FAR
I keep my line clear on this. I draw it at genocide. No if ands or buts. And I don’t care what their religion or ethnicity is. And ethnic cleansing is not much better.
Actually. YOU are making the genocide of an ethnic minority about Islam. It isn't about Islam. It's about a long persecuted ethnic minority.

Timeline: A Short History of Myanmar’s Rohingya Minority
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.

U.N. medics see evidence of rape in Myanmar army 'cleansing' campaign

COX‘S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Doctors treating some of the 429,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar in recent weeks have seen dozens of women with injuries consistent with violent sexual attacks, U.N. clinicians and other health workers said.

Doctors at a clinic run by the U.N’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) at the Leda makeshift refugee say they treated hundreds of women with injuries they said were from violent sexual assaults during the army operation in October and November.

There have been fewer rapes reported among the influx of refugees since August, said Dr. Niranta Kumar, the clinic’s health coordinator, but those they have seen have injuries suggesting “more aggressive” attacks on women.

Examinations often find injuries suggesting forced penetration, beating and even what looked like intentional cutting of the genitals, doctors said.

“We found skin marks, it showed a very forceful attack, an inhuman attack,” said IOM medical officer Dr Tasnuba Nourin.

She had seen incidents of vaginal tearing, bite marks and signs that seemed to show a firearm was used to penetrate women, she said.

Among the new influx of Rohingya she had treated at least five women who appeared to have been recently raped, she said, adding that in each case the physical injuries observed were consistent with the patient’s account of what had happened.

This is the same sort of barbarism we have seen in the Congo conflict and what was done to the Azidi by ISIS.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.

Sorry- you don't get stop me from preaching against rape and murder- no matter how much you approve of some rape and murder.
Why do you keep lying about that? I do not approve of those things. You are perpetuating an invented fact with no actual backing but your opinion. It is not working for you.

If you wish to be made a fool of more, you can continue.

You have repeatedly said you think countries can do whatever they want with the people there.

How is that not approval of the rape and murder being done in Myanmar?
No, it is approval to determine their own destiny. You just can't conflate that with the approval of the method at your convenience. Got that?

Actually yes I can.

You approve of a country doing whatever it wants to people.

Therefore you approve of a country raping and murdering children when that is what they are doing.

I recall with GREAT CLARITY------the discussion a few years ago -----ON SEVERAL messageboards about the VOTE IN MALDIVES to deprive all NON MUSLIMS of citizenship as -----from schmucks like you
"WELL -----IT WAS A DEMOCRATIC DECISION BY VOTE" The Buddhists have the same right. The muslims in Myanmar have a right to peaceful transfer of its muslim population to MALDIVES.
I am convinced that the Buddhists seek nothing more than being rid of its unwelcomed muslim
Bengali population. Have you ever known any BENGALIS-----I have. both hindu and muslim------
THEY DON'T MIX ALL THAT WELL (theoretically they could----same language----they even LOOK
THE SAME-----but they don't mix well)
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.

Sorry- you don't get stop me from preaching against rape and murder- no matter how much you approve of some rape and murder.
Why do you keep lying about that? I do not approve of those things. You are perpetuating an invented fact with no actual backing but your opinion. It is not working for you.

If you wish to be made a fool of more, you can continue.

You have repeatedly said you think countries can do whatever they want with the people there.

How is that not approval of the rape and murder being done in Myanmar?
No, it is approval to determine their own destiny. You just can't conflate that with the approval of the method at your convenience. Got that?

Actually yes I can.

You approve of a country doing whatever it wants to people.

Therefore you approve of a country raping and murdering children when that is what they are doing.
I accept that evil does not take sides, you don't.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
You keep forgetting it is alright with Muhammad to rape the women and enslave or convert the children. And what is a kind of ethnic group? The kind you can prop up with lies like the Palestinians?

See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?

where do you draw it? Did you raise objection to the disenfranchisement of all NON MUSLIMs in
Maldives-----when it was INFLICTED. Did you not call me a liar when I described the fact that my very own
mother-in-law had been saved from LEGAL SEXUAL SLAVERY under the BEAUTY OF ISLAMIC law---
in the shariah shit hole in which she was born------back in the 1930s? You got anything other than
"I WAS RAPED BY KAFFIRIN" as evidence? I lived thru the post 9-11-01 months of "A KAFIR TOUCHED MY HIJAB" ----fake complaints in New York City. I support the PEACEFUL disenfranchisement of Rohyinga muslims in Myanmar and their peaceful transfer to a muslim country which is a FAR FAR
I keep my line clear on this. I draw it at genocide. No if ands or buts. And ethnic cleansing is not much better.

you have no idea as to what constitutes ETHNIC CLEANSING. Ethnic cleansing is MANDATED
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.
Based upon our actual statements and your bias. Your opinion means 0.
See the difference between yourself and myself is that I think that rape is wrong regardless of whether the person being raped is Muslim or whether the person raping is Muslim.
That is supposition on your part, I do not approve of any of those things I just accept that they happen, it is what we call reality.

You need to stop preaching, you haven't a leg to stand on.
Ok. Let’s go back to the beginning and start all over. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?

where do you draw it? Did you raise objection to the disenfranchisement of all NON MUSLIMs in
Maldives-----when it was INFLICTED. Did you not call me a liar when I described the fact that my very own
mother-in-law had been saved from LEGAL SEXUAL SLAVERY under the BEAUTY OF ISLAMIC law---
in the shariah shit hole in which she was born------back in the 1930s? You got anything other than
"I WAS RAPED BY KAFFIRIN" as evidence? I lived thru the post 9-11-01 months of "A KAFIR TOUCHED MY HIJAB" ----fake complaints in New York City. I support the PEACEFUL disenfranchisement of Rohyinga muslims in Myanmar and their peaceful transfer to a muslim country which is a FAR FAR
I keep my line clear on this. I draw it at genocide. No if ands or buts. And ethnic cleansing is not much better.

you have no idea as to what constitutes ETHNIC CLEANSING. Ethnic cleansing is MANDATED

I really don’t care what you think is mandated by some deity. I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.
I guess you did not read my post, they are not an ethnic group the name is a political creation for propaganda purposes.

They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.

U.N. medics see evidence of rape in Myanmar army 'cleansing' campaign

COX‘S BAZAR, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Doctors treating some of the 429,000 Rohingya Muslims who have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar in recent weeks have seen dozens of women with injuries consistent with violent sexual attacks, U.N. clinicians and other health workers said.

Doctors at a clinic run by the U.N’s International Organization for Migration (IOM) at the Leda makeshift refugee say they treated hundreds of women with injuries they said were from violent sexual assaults during the army operation in October and November.

There have been fewer rapes reported among the influx of refugees since August, said Dr. Niranta Kumar, the clinic’s health coordinator, but those they have seen have injuries suggesting “more aggressive” attacks on women.

Examinations often find injuries suggesting forced penetration, beating and even what looked like intentional cutting of the genitals, doctors said.

“We found skin marks, it showed a very forceful attack, an inhuman attack,” said IOM medical officer Dr Tasnuba Nourin.

She had seen incidents of vaginal tearing, bite marks and signs that seemed to show a firearm was used to penetrate women, she said.

Among the new influx of Rohingya she had treated at least five women who appeared to have been recently raped, she said, adding that in each case the physical injuries observed were consistent with the patient’s account of what had happened.

This is the same sort of barbarism we have seen in the Congo conflict and what was done to the Yazidi by ISIS.

genital cutting? isn't that FMG? BTW how many pregnant? In East Pakistan-----(1971) there were something like 1/4 million rapes by the west Pakistani army-------and thousands pregnant
And? What is your point in bringing up a 50 year old event about which we can do nothing?
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They are a kind of ethnic group------they tend to be Bengali muslims (ie-----belong in Bangladesh)
they have the language of the BENGALIS

They are a kind of ethnic group.

So why does that make the rape of women and children okie dokie to you?

where did I endorse the rape of women and children------I am NOT AT ALL convinced that
the muslims of Burma are being raped.
They originally accused Vastator of that and have gotten around to accusing everyone else who disagrees with them of the same. Do you see a pattern? I do.
Nope just you and Vas based on your actual statements here. Myanmar has refused access to observers. However Myanmar already has an established reputation for their soldiers raping, sexual slavery, human trafficking etc preceding the current situation with the Rohinga. When you have evidence of trauma and eye witness accounts from not dozens but thousands, it reaches the point of compelling.

I seriously doubt ISIS allowed independent observers in yet I heard no one express doubt that they had been raped as IRosie has.

It is easier to be skeptical when it is just a few claims and it comes down to he said she said...but not in these numbers and not with Myanmar’s own history of brutality.

OF MUSLIM CHILDREN"??? I did not know

Of Muslim children? I have no idea what religion the people being trafficked are nor is it relevant. Myanmar has a well established record of abuses against their own people.

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