Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

I keep my line clear on this. I draw it at genocide. No if ands or buts. And ethnic cleansing is not much better.

you have no idea as to what constitutes ETHNIC CLEANSING. Ethnic cleansing is MANDATED

I really don’t care what you think is mandated by some deity. I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

ok you do not mind that muslims

What part of

I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

do you not understand?

I also oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally- regardless of whether the persons doing so are Muslim or Christian or Buddhists.

Why don't you?
I do. But I also know opposing it will not stop it. You are dealing with human nature and it seems to be too much for you to handle. The reality is Islam brings violence where ever it goes. Deal with Islam.
Do you want it to stop?
Actually yes I can.

You approve of a country doing whatever it wants to people.

Therefore you approve of a country raping and murdering children when that is what they are doing.
I accept that evil does not take sides, you don't.

Evil absolutely takes sides.

Evil sides with the rapists and the murderers.

Like you do.
The other side also murders and rapes. I think reality has you at a disadvantage.

No- the evil side rape and murders. Doesn't matter whether the evil is Muslim or Buddhist or Christian.

And Evil sides with the rapists and murders.
It does matter because the Muslims religion says anything(rape, genocide, suicide bombings) to advance Islam is OK. The other religions say nothing like that, let alone make it an eternal obligation.
Since most Muslims dont rape and murder I suspect you are in error. Does that mean you are ok with Myanmar's actions?
So...what are you saying Rosie...does that justify what is being done to them?
When you bring up Christian atrocities when discussing Islamic ones does that justify Islam?

So...let me ask again the question you keep avoiding. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
I already answered you. If you do not like the answer it is your problem, not mine.

What was your answer? All I've seen are dodges - not a single direct answer.
You have seen the facts in a matter that you refuse to accept them. My answer is not subject to your approval.

Certainly we can express our approval or disapproval of your posts. Our posts are not subject to your approval.

You don't object to the genocide of the Rohinga, or the rape and murder of women and children by the Myanmar army- saying that countries can do what they want with their people.

When asked whether you would apply that same standard to Germany and the holocaust, Turkey and the Armenian genocide, or ISIS and its massacre of religious minorities- you run away.
So...what are you saying Rosie...does that justify what is being done to them?
When you bring up Christian atrocities when discussing Islamic ones does that justify Islam?

So...let me ask again the question you keep avoiding. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
I already answered you. If you do not like the answer it is your problem, not mine.

What was your answer? All I've seen are dodges - not a single direct answer.

you play miss goody two shoes, coyote. no perceptive person is impressed.
They are being "STARVED"?

The Rohinga are being murdered, women and children raped, their villages burned down and their possessions looted.

Is that acceptable to you because they are Muslims?
I keep my line clear on this. I draw it at genocide. No if ands or buts. And ethnic cleansing is not much better.

you have no idea as to what constitutes ETHNIC CLEANSING. Ethnic cleansing is MANDATED

I really don’t care what you think is mandated by some deity. I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

ok you do not mind that muslims

What part of

I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

do you not understand?

I also oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally- regardless of whether the persons doing so are Muslim or Christian or Buddhists.

Why don't you?
I do. But I also know opposing it will not stop it. .

When have you ever opposed genocide or ethnic cleansing of the Rohinga?

Can you point to that post?
Actually yes I can.

You approve of a country doing whatever it wants to people.

Therefore you approve of a country raping and murdering children when that is what they are doing.
I accept that evil does not take sides, you don't.

Evil absolutely takes sides.

Evil sides with the rapists and the murderers.

Like you do.
The other side also murders and rapes. I think reality has you at a disadvantage.

No- the evil side rape and murders. Doesn't matter whether the evil is Muslim or Buddhist or Christian.

And Evil sides with the rapists and murders.
It does matter because the Muslims religion says anything(rape, genocide, suicide bombings) to advance Islam is OK. The other religions say nothing like that, let alone make it an eternal obligation.

So when Christians are raping and murdering or Buddhists are raping and murdering- they are not on the side of evil?

When you bring up Christian atrocities when discussing Islamic ones does that justify Islam?

So...let me ask again the question you keep avoiding. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
I already answered you. If you do not like the answer it is your problem, not mine.

What was your answer? All I've seen are dodges - not a single direct answer.
You have seen the facts in a matter that you refuse to accept them. My answer is not subject to your approval.

Certainly we can express our approval or disapproval of your posts. Our posts are not subject to your approval.

You don't object to the genocide of the Rohinga, or the rape and murder of women and children by the Myanmar army- saying that countries can do what they want with their people.

When asked whether you would apply that same standard to Germany and the holocaust, Turkey and the Armenian genocide, or ISIS and its massacre of religious minorities- you run away.
I dont think I have ever actually met someone who condoned genocide before...most people strongly draw a line there regardless about how they feel about the victims :( once we find it even remotely acceptable or excusable we are doomed to repeat history :(
you have no idea as to what constitutes ETHNIC CLEANSING. Ethnic cleansing is MANDATED

I really don’t care what you think is mandated by some deity. I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

ok you do not mind that muslims

What part of

I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

do you not understand?

I also oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally- regardless of whether the persons doing so are Muslim or Christian or Buddhists.

Why don't you?
I do. But I also know opposing it will not stop it. You are dealing with human nature and it seems to be too much for you to handle. The reality is Islam brings violence where ever it goes. Deal with Islam.
Do you want it to stop?

This is what puzzles me.

When I am asked about the murder and rape of women and children- I have no problem saying it is wrong and that I want it to stop.

I don't think that my objection to it will stop it, but I think it is important to object to such evil- and think that those who don't object to evil tacitly endorse it.

Why can't any of these people say- without reservation- without qualifiers- that the rape and murder of Rohinga women and children is wrong and evil?
I really don’t care what you think is mandated by some deity. I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

ok you do not mind that muslims

What part of

I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

do you not understand?

I also oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally- regardless of whether the persons doing so are Muslim or Christian or Buddhists.

Why don't you?
I do. But I also know opposing it will not stop it. You are dealing with human nature and it seems to be too much for you to handle. The reality is Islam brings violence where ever it goes. Deal with Islam.
Do you want it to stop?

This is what puzzles me.

When I am asked about the murder and rape of women and children- I have no problem saying it is wrong and that I want it to stop.

I don't think that my objection to it will stop it, but I think it is important to object to such evil- and think that those who don't object to evil tacitly endorse it.

Why can't any of these people say- without reservation- without qualifiers- that the rape and murder of Rohinga women and children is wrong and evil?

because it is not a confirmed FACT. "I WAS RAPED IN MYANMAR" ---'by a buddhist' as an
ASSERTION MADE IN BANGLADESH by a muslimah does not impress me. It is as impressive
as "someone pulled on my head rag in the New York City subway system" by a muslimah stated on
9-15-01 did not impress me either------after hearing it for the 50th time. In time there WILL be some evidence of these alleged atrocities------if they happened
There is a lot of evidence Rosie. Right now you are sounding just like the Americans who refused to believe Germany was actually killing Jews until it was too late.
There is a lot of evidence Rosie. Right now you are sounding just like the Americans who refused to believe Germany was actually killing Jews until it was too late.

nope-----I read that propaganda too. Nowhere close. You got a citation ? pictures of starved out
children dead in the mud? An interesting factoid is------RAPE is more likely to result in pregnancy than is
normal sex -------you got evidence of pregnant young muslimahs? PROVING RAPE WOULD BE EASY
----we are living in the age of EASY PICTURES AND EASY DNA. In 1971 east Pakistan was STREWN
with pregnant young TAKFIRA MUSLIMAHS (btw-----mosque party-line denies jew killing ever happened---ANYWHERE and you deny rape of dhimmis and enslavement as a muslim cultural norm)
ok you do not mind that muslims

What part of

I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

do you not understand?

I also oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally- regardless of whether the persons doing so are Muslim or Christian or Buddhists.

Why don't you?
I do. But I also know opposing it will not stop it. You are dealing with human nature and it seems to be too much for you to handle. The reality is Islam brings violence where ever it goes. Deal with Islam.
Do you want it to stop?

This is what puzzles me.

When I am asked about the murder and rape of women and children- I have no problem saying it is wrong and that I want it to stop.

I don't think that my objection to it will stop it, but I think it is important to object to such evil- and think that those who don't object to evil tacitly endorse it.

Why can't any of these people say- without reservation- without qualifiers- that the rape and murder of Rohinga women and children is wrong and evil?

because it is not a confirmed FACT. "I WAS RAPED IN MYANMAR" ---'by a buddhist' as an
ASSERTION MADE IN BANGLADESH by a muslimah does not impress me. It is as impressive
as "someone pulled on my head rag in the New York City subway system" by a muslimah stated on
9-15-01 did not impress me either------after hearing it for the 50th time. In time there WILL be some evidence of these alleged atrocities------if they happened

Really its not that hard to condemn rape and murder.

Not for most people.
There is a lot of evidence Rosie. Right now you are sounding just like the Americans who refused to believe Germany was actually killing Jews until it was too late.

She is sounding much more like the Holocaust deniers of today.
What part of

I oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally.

do you not understand?

I also oppose genocide and ethnic cleansing unequivocally- regardless of whether the persons doing so are Muslim or Christian or Buddhists.

Why don't you?
I do. But I also know opposing it will not stop it. You are dealing with human nature and it seems to be too much for you to handle. The reality is Islam brings violence where ever it goes. Deal with Islam.
Do you want it to stop?

This is what puzzles me.

When I am asked about the murder and rape of women and children- I have no problem saying it is wrong and that I want it to stop.

I don't think that my objection to it will stop it, but I think it is important to object to such evil- and think that those who don't object to evil tacitly endorse it.

Why can't any of these people say- without reservation- without qualifiers- that the rape and murder of Rohinga women and children is wrong and evil?

because it is not a confirmed FACT. "I WAS RAPED IN MYANMAR" ---'by a buddhist' as an
ASSERTION MADE IN BANGLADESH by a muslimah does not impress me. It is as impressive
as "someone pulled on my head rag in the New York City subway system" by a muslimah stated on
9-15-01 did not impress me either------after hearing it for the 50th time. In time there WILL be some evidence of these alleged atrocities------if they happened

Really its not that hard to condemn rape and murder.

Not for most people.

It is for some people-----muslims continue to deny it. Of the RED CROSS (an organization I trust
in matters PRO-MUSLIM) estimates of 1/4 million rapes enacted by the West Pakistani army----
in 1971-----NOT ONE CASE WAS PROSECUTED -------the rapes were LEGAL according to SHARIAH
LAW-----because the Islamic scholars of West Pakistan had issued a HOLY EDICT OF TAKFIR upon
the muslims of east Pakistan----(of course the fleeing hindus were free for the taking already)

Of the thousands of "SOMEONE PULLED MY HEAD SCARF" complaints brought to the
Police precincts of New York City in the weeks following 9-11-01-----NONE could be
confirmed------on the crowded streets of New York City and the subway stations ----NO ONE
SAW IT---NO CAMERA CAUGHT IT -----not so much as a torn head rag.

can you find me a prosecution for rape committed by a muslim upon a non muslim in ANY SHARIAH SHIT HOLE court?
PS-----I learned all about the actions of the west Pakistani army in east Pakistan in 1971 from publications AND
the many many Pakistanis I knew well at that time. I did not learn it from ZIONIST SOURCES. I
learned all about Islamic jurisprudence in reference to rape by muslims of non muslims from SURVIVORS
OF SHARIAH SHIT HOLES-----including but not limited to relatives by marriage---REMOTELY related and
with absolutely no reason to dissemble
I learned about that which is taught in mosques in the USA be being in mosques in the USA----a few times.
A good AVAILABLE source for the actions of the West Pakistani army in 1971 would be------
an intelligent BANGLADESHI (if you are a jew----do not admit it) I read the islamo Nazi literature
in my chiidhood and heard it PARROTED out of the mouths of muslim west Pakistanis----as a young
adult, VERBATIM----in fact even as a child of 14---from a kid who claimed to be the son of a Pakistani
diplomat to the UN. I have a very real basis for skepticism.
I accept that evil does not take sides, you don't.

Evil absolutely takes sides.

Evil sides with the rapists and the murderers.

Like you do.
The other side also murders and rapes. I think reality has you at a disadvantage.

No- the evil side rape and murders. Doesn't matter whether the evil is Muslim or Buddhist or Christian.

And Evil sides with the rapists and murders.
It does matter because the Muslims religion says anything(rape, genocide, suicide bombings) to advance Islam is OK. The other religions say nothing like that, let alone make it an eternal obligation.
Since most Muslims dont rape and murder I suspect you are in error. Does that mean you are ok with Myanmar's actions?
Since some Muslims do I suggest you get used to what happens because of those beliefs and behavior.
So...let me ask again the question you keep avoiding. In the current conflict, where do you draw the line at what a state has a right to do?
I already answered you. If you do not like the answer it is your problem, not mine.

What was your answer? All I've seen are dodges - not a single direct answer.
You have seen the facts in a matter that you refuse to accept them. My answer is not subject to your approval.

Certainly we can express our approval or disapproval of your posts. Our posts are not subject to your approval.

You don't object to the genocide of the Rohinga, or the rape and murder of women and children by the Myanmar army- saying that countries can do what they want with their people.

When asked whether you would apply that same standard to Germany and the holocaust, Turkey and the Armenian genocide, or ISIS and its massacre of religious minorities- you run away.
I dont think I have ever actually met someone who condoned genocide before...most people strongly draw a line there regardless about how they feel about the victims :( once we find it even remotely acceptable or excusable we are doomed to repeat history :(
First of all you meet no one on the internet. You meet people in person. Secondly, the history you are seeing repeated is the slow death of a culture that Islam has decided to invade.
Evil absolutely takes sides.

Evil sides with the rapists and the murderers.

Like you do.
The other side also murders and rapes. I think reality has you at a disadvantage.

No- the evil side rape and murders. Doesn't matter whether the evil is Muslim or Buddhist or Christian.

And Evil sides with the rapists and murders.
It does matter because the Muslims religion says anything(rape, genocide, suicide bombings) to advance Islam is OK. The other religions say nothing like that, let alone make it an eternal obligation.
Since most Muslims dont rape and murder I suspect you are in error. Does that mean you are ok with Myanmar's actions?
Since some Muslims do I suggest you get used to what happens because of that beliefs and behavior.

Sorry Last-------your logical statement has not reached Coyote. She truly believes that which
the fact that doing so is legal in Islamic law is FINE WITH HER. Very few sharks have eaten humans---
so barring people from swimming in shark infested waters is IDIOTIC. When I was a baby----the area
in which I lived was sprayed regularly with DDT----to avoid the spread of MALARIA by insect bite. Since
only a tiny fraction of the mosquitos ever bit a human baby ------and a much TINIER fraction ever transmitted
malaria or encephalitis--------killing millions of innocent mosquitos was an ATROCITY. Another
BORING personal anecdote>>> about 50 years ago I attended--by invitation , a MOSQUE----the
IMAM was a VISITING genius----the "sermon" was all about the FRAUDULENT
CHRISTIAN BIBLE----written by THE ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM -----walking distance from the
site where the World Trade Center would LATER BE BUILT--------the little boys listened as if
ALLAH was talking and their fathers NODDED IN AGREEMENT ------I managed not to vomit.
Nothing wrong with CANNONIZING as national heroines muslimahs whose ONLY contribution
has been tying a bomb to her ass and murdering children-----because only a very few muslimahs
have done so
I already answered you. If you do not like the answer it is your problem, not mine.

What was your answer? All I've seen are dodges - not a single direct answer.
You have seen the facts in a matter that you refuse to accept them. My answer is not subject to your approval.

Certainly we can express our approval or disapproval of your posts. Our posts are not subject to your approval.

You don't object to the genocide of the Rohinga, or the rape and murder of women and children by the Myanmar army- saying that countries can do what they want with their people.

When asked whether you would apply that same standard to Germany and the holocaust, Turkey and the Armenian genocide, or ISIS and its massacre of religious minorities- you run away.
I dont think I have ever actually met someone who condoned genocide before...most people strongly draw a line there regardless about how they feel about the victims :( once we find it even remotely acceptable or excusable we are doomed to repeat history :(
First of all you meet no one on the internet. You meet people in person. Secondly, the history you are seeing repeated is the slow death of a culture that Islam has decided to invade.

Well he- and I- meet people in real life. I am sorry that doesn't happen for you.

What we are seeing repeated is the genocide of a people by evil men who are raping and murdering women and children.

There are good people who object to rape and murder.

And then there are the rest of you.
The other side also murders and rapes. I think reality has you at a disadvantage.

No- the evil side rape and murders. Doesn't matter whether the evil is Muslim or Buddhist or Christian.

And Evil sides with the rapists and murders.
It does matter because the Muslims religion says anything(rape, genocide, suicide bombings) to advance Islam is OK. The other religions say nothing like that, let alone make it an eternal obligation.
Since most Muslims dont rape and murder I suspect you are in error. Does that mean you are ok with Myanmar's actions?
Since some Muslims do I suggest you get used to what happens because of that beliefs and behavior.

Sorry Last-------your logical statement has not reached Coyote. She truly believes that which
the fact that doing so is legal in Islamic law is FINE WITH HER. Very few sharks have eaten humans---
so barring people from swimming in shark infested waters is IDIOTIC. When I was a baby----the area
in which I lived was sprayed regularly with DDT----to avoid the spread of MALARIA by insect bite. Since
only a tiny fraction of the mosquitos ever bit a human baby ------and a much TINIER fraction ever transmitted
malaria or encephalitis--------killing millions of innocent mosquitos was an ATROCITY. Another
BORING personal anecdote>>> about 50 years ago I attended--by invitation , a MOSQUE----the
IMAM was a VISITING genius----the "sermon" was all about the FRAUDULENT
CHRISTIAN BIBLE----written by THE ENEMEEEES OF ISLAAAAAM -----walking distance from the
site where the World Trade Center would LATER BE BUILT--------the little boys listened as if
ALLAH was talking and their fathers NODDED IN AGREEMENT ------I managed not to vomit.
Nothing wrong with CANNONIZING as national heroines muslimahs whose ONLY contribution
has been tying a bomb to her ass and murdering children-----because only a very few muslimahs
have done so

Tell us more about how any of this justifies the murder and rape of women and children because they are Muslim....

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