Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

Certainly we can express our approval or disapproval of your posts. Our posts are not subject to your approval.

You don't object to the genocide of the Rohinga, or the rape and murder of women and children by the Myanmar army- saying that countries can do what they want with their people.

When asked whether you would apply that same standard to Germany and the holocaust, Turkey and the Armenian genocide, or ISIS and its massacre of religious minorities- you run away.
I dont think I have ever actually met someone who condoned genocide before...most people strongly draw a line there regardless about how they feel about the victims :( once we find it even remotely acceptable or excusable we are doomed to repeat history :(
First of all you meet no one on the internet. You meet people in person. Secondly, the history you are seeing repeated is the slow death of a culture that Islam has decided to invade.

Well he- and I- meet people in real life. I am sorry that doesn't happen for you.

What we are seeing repeated is the genocide of a people by evil men who are raping and murdering women and children.

There are good people who object to rape and murder.

And then there are the rest of you.

I am INTRIGUED----have you met people who have been victimized in Myanmar as
muslims by Buddhists in a massive GENOCIDE program

I am intrigued- why can't you object to rape and murder- if the victims are Muslim?

If there are muslim victims of rape and murder, I would object. In 1971 there was a program
of rape and murder inflicted upon muslims in East Bengal. ----aka East Pakistan-----now called
BANGLA DESH by the West Pakistani army. At that time I was acquainted with several West
Pakistani doctors working in the USA.
I objected. The reports revealed that there were MANY pregnant girls----who were
being abandoned by their families in the care of the red cross. I was horrified that they were being
abandoned. The fact is that RAPE is more likely to result in conception than is normal sex. (it is
so reported in the medical literature) THE SITUATION was no secret at that time. You got some
actual evidence that people are being raped and murdered and starved other than 'some bangla deshi
person said that some Myanmar refugees said so'? or some social activist person said so? In
1971 there were pictures of dead starved kids in the news papers and in the periodical "newsweek"
You got anything? It is very clear that Bangla Desh does not WANT the refugees from Myanmar
despite the fact that they are ETHNIC BENGALIS
No one seems to want them. Myanmar does not want them -----just wants to GET RID OF THEM.
I have known people who escaped shariah shit holes------their problem was HOW TO GET OUT---
before being murdered. Their leaving was not legal in the shariah shit holes.----muslims were killing
them FOR TRYING TO LEAVE The tragedy of the muslims of Myanmar is------THEY HAVE NO PLACE
HOLE ----like Indonesia or Maldives of Malaysia or West Pakistan-----how about Turkey? I am ALL
FOR AN AIR-LIFT to Turkey-------to the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. My very own hubby is an escapee
from a shariah shit hole. His grand mother. some twenty years earlier. did not make it. She was
raped and murdered along with her two infants. There are times when groups of people SHOULD
NOT REMAIN TOGETHER. It is very frustrating that they are FORCED to do so and NO ONE
WANTS THEM------Complain to the Caliph of the Ottoman empire----Erdogan
Last edited:
Buddhist are being killed and systematically driven out of Bangledesh...............Many of those who kill them there moved into Myanmar to promote Muslim rights in that country............and ISLAMIC EXPANSION in the areas currently being talked about.....................................Including killing Buddist in Myanmar.........attacks on Police Stations........and etc.



Throughout the middle East and South East Asia........Muslims areas are driving out ALL NON MUSLIMS IN THOSE AREAS..............................

Some ARE TIRED OF THEIR SHIT..................and are fighting back.
You clearly have a rationalization that makes the rape and murder of women and children okay with you- if they are Muslim.

you should learn how to read------at no point have I justified the rape and murder of anyone-----nor have
I seen credible evidence of a program of rape and murder of muslims by Buddhists in Myanmar.
A "they said so....." from a "source" in Bangladesh (the country that does NOT WANT THE
MUSLIMS FROM MYANMAR) does not do it for me. Masses of people starving to death is not
an easy thing to HIDE in the 21st century Way back in the early 70s Nigeria could not hide the
starvation of the Biafrans------now people walk around with little cell phones with which they can take
pictures and little devices capable of transmitting them. Do you have anything at all?

Rosie there are endless credible accounts of what Myanmar has been doing - from the victims themselves, from the few observers allowed in, from journalists (who have subsequently been jailed), from doctors who have examined these people. What does it take Rosie? Can you not see this willful blindness is just like the way we treated the accounts of Jews being killed in Germany? What does it take to make you believe this is happening to these people? Converting them to Christianity?
That is apple orange comparison. Also Hitler planned to kill all Jews, just like Islam. These Buddhists are not out to kill all Muslims, just the ones who stay. That is just the way it is, but do not make Islam a victim.

The Rohinga shot in the back while fleeing weren't trying to stay. How do you explain that?

And...actually...ironically - Hitler's original plan wasn't to kill them though it didn't take him long to decide on that option...
The First Moments of Hitler's Final Solution | History | Smithsonian
For a brief period, the Führer and other Nazi leaders toyed with the idea of mass deportation as a method of creating a Europe without Jews (Madagascar and the Arctic Circle were two suggested relocation sites). Deportation still would’ve resulted in thousands of deaths, though perhaps in less direct ways.
They were fleeing the immediate threat. Not the country. If they were... They’d have been long gone by the time the army showed up. Don’t play stupid.

"for a while the Nazis toyed with mass deportation of jews..." BULLSHIT!!--------my grandfather was desperate to get his brothers and their families out of Austria by the mid 1930s----no go- then Germany
invaded---they died in Auschwitz. I am all for a massive air lift of the muslims of Myanmar. There is a
vast amount of uninhabited land in Libya. My childhood playmate's mother was saved-----in the 1930s
by being shipped alone ----as a child, from Germany to England---------it took the considerable wealth of her parents to accomplish the rescue. People were not getting out of Germany unless they could PAY FOR IT.
I DO NOT BELIEVE that the Buddhists of Myanmar would object to a mass migration of the muslims of
Myanmar to some friendly receptive shariah shit hole-----FREE OF CHARGE
you should learn how to read------at no point have I justified the rape and murder of anyone-----nor have
I seen credible evidence of a program of rape and murder of muslims by Buddhists in Myanmar.
A "they said so....." from a "source" in Bangladesh (the country that does NOT WANT THE
MUSLIMS FROM MYANMAR) does not do it for me. Masses of people starving to death is not
an easy thing to HIDE in the 21st century Way back in the early 70s Nigeria could not hide the
starvation of the Biafrans------now people walk around with little cell phones with which they can take
pictures and little devices capable of transmitting them. Do you have anything at all?

Rosie there are endless credible accounts of what Myanmar has been doing - from the victims themselves, from the few observers allowed in, from journalists (who have subsequently been jailed), from doctors who have examined these people. What does it take Rosie? Can you not see this willful blindness is just like the way we treated the accounts of Jews being killed in Germany? What does it take to make you believe this is happening to these people? Converting them to Christianity?
That is apple orange comparison. Also Hitler planned to kill all Jews, just like Islam. These Buddhists are not out to kill all Muslims, just the ones who stay. That is just the way it is, but do not make Islam a victim.

The Rohinga shot in the back while fleeing weren't trying to stay. How do you explain that?

And...actually...ironically - Hitler's original plan wasn't to kill them though it didn't take him long to decide on that option...
The First Moments of Hitler's Final Solution | History | Smithsonian
For a brief period, the Führer and other Nazi leaders toyed with the idea of mass deportation as a method of creating a Europe without Jews (Madagascar and the Arctic Circle were two suggested relocation sites). Deportation still would’ve resulted in thousands of deaths, though perhaps in less direct ways.
They were fleeing the immediate threat. Not the country. If they were... They’d have been long gone by the time the army showed up. Don’t play stupid.

"for a while the Nazis toyed with mass deportation of jews..." BULLSHIT!!--------my grandfather was desperate to get his brothers and their families out of Austria by the mid 1930s----no go- then Germany
invaded---they died in Auschwitz. I am all for a massive air lift of the muslims of Myanmar. There is a
vast amount of uninhabited land in Libya. My childhood playmate's mother was saved-----in the 1930s
by being shipped alone ----as a child, from Germany to England---------it took the considerable wealth of her parents to accomplish the rescue. People were not getting out of Germany unless they could PAY FOR IT.
I DO NOT BELIEVE that the Buddhists of Myanmar would object to a mass migration of the muslims of
Myanmar to some friendly receptive shariah shit hole-----FREE OF CHARGE

It is true. Hitler first thought of that. But then he whole heartedly embraced his ultimate plan. Don’t you see how that same scenario on a smaller scale is playing out in Myanmar?

And how people are acting just like Americans did when Germany stated down its road of atrocities? “It is not really happening“
Buddhist are being killed and systematically driven out of Bangledesh...............Many of those who kill them there moved into Myanmar to promote Muslim rights in that country............and ISLAMIC EXPANSION in the areas currently being talked about.....................................Including killing Buddist in Myanmar.........attacks on Police Stations........and etc.



Throughout the middle East and South East Asia........Muslims areas are driving out ALL NON MUSLIMS IN THOSE AREAS..............................

Some ARE TIRED OF THEIR SHIT..................and are fighting back.
How about reading the history of Myanmar?

Does anything justify the decapitating and burning alive of children?
I dont think I have ever actually met someone who condoned genocide before...most people strongly draw a line there regardless about how they feel about the victims :( once we find it even remotely acceptable or excusable we are doomed to repeat history :(
First of all you meet no one on the internet. You meet people in person. Secondly, the history you are seeing repeated is the slow death of a culture that Islam has decided to invade.

Well he- and I- meet people in real life. I am sorry that doesn't happen for you.

What we are seeing repeated is the genocide of a people by evil men who are raping and murdering women and children.

There are good people who object to rape and murder.

And then there are the rest of you.

I am INTRIGUED----have you met people who have been victimized in Myanmar as
muslims by Buddhists in a massive GENOCIDE program

I am intrigued- why can't you object to rape and murder- if the victims are Muslim?

If there are muslim victims of rape and murder, I would object. In 1971 there was a program
of rape and murder inflicted upon muslims in East Bengal. ----aka East Pakistan-----now called
BANGLA DESH by the West Pakistani army. At that time I was acquainted with several West
Pakistani doctors working in the USA.
I objected. The reports revealed that there were MANY pregnant girls----who were
being abandoned by their families in the care of the red cross. I was horrified that they were being
abandoned. The fact is that RAPE is more likely to result in conception than is normal sex. (it is
so reported in the medical literature) THE SITUATION was no secret at that time. You got some
actual evidence that people are being raped and murdered and starved other than 'some bangla deshi
person said that some Myanmar refugees said so'? or some social activist person said so? In
1971 there were pictures of dead starved kids in the news papers and in the periodical "newsweek"
You got anything? It is very clear that Bangla Desh does not WANT the refugees from Myanmar
despite the fact that they are ETHNIC BENGALIS
No one seems to want them. Myanmar does not want them -----just wants to GET RID OF THEM.
I have known people who escaped shariah shit holes------their problem was HOW TO GET OUT---
before being murdered. Their leaving was not legal in the shariah shit holes.----muslims were killing
them FOR TRYING TO LEAVE The tragedy of the muslims of Myanmar is------THEY HAVE NO PLACE
HOLE ----like Indonesia or Maldives of Malaysia or West Pakistan-----how about Turkey? I am ALL
FOR AN AIR-LIFT to Turkey-------to the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. My very own hubby is an escapee
from a shariah shit hole. His grand mother. some twenty years earlier. did not make it. She was
raped and murdered along with her two infants. There are times when groups of people SHOULD
NOT REMAIN TOGETHER. It is very frustrating that they are FORCED to do so and NO ONE
WANTS THEM------Complain to the Caliph of the Ottoman empire----Erdogan
There are over million people involved who’s history in Myanmar is both relatively recent under British rule and going back hundreds of years.

Their culture is not Arab.

What is happening is an atrocity and is unsupportable.

Should Spain drive out and slaughter its Basques?

Should Turkey be allowed to drive out and slaughter its Kurds?
You clearly have a rationalization that makes the rape and murder of women and children okay with you- if they are Muslim.

you should learn how to read------at no point have I justified the rape and murder of anyone-----nor have
I seen credible evidence of a program of rape and murder of muslims by Buddhists in Myanmar.
A "they said so....." from a "source" in Bangladesh (the country that does NOT WANT THE
MUSLIMS FROM MYANMAR) does not do it for me. Masses of people starving to death is not
an easy thing to HIDE in the 21st century Way back in the early 70s Nigeria could not hide the
starvation of the Biafrans------now people walk around with little cell phones with which they can take
pictures and little devices capable of transmitting them. Do you have anything at all?

Rosie there are endless credible accounts of what Myanmar has been doing - from the victims themselves, from the few observers allowed in, from journalists (who have subsequently been jailed), from doctors who have examined these people. What does it take Rosie? Can you not see this willful blindness is just like the way we treated the accounts of Jews being killed in Germany? What does it take to make you believe this is happening to these people? Converting them to Christianity?
That is apple orange comparison. Also Hitler planned to kill all Jews, just like Islam. These Buddhists are not out to kill all Muslims, just the ones who stay. That is just the way it is, but do not make Islam a victim.

The Rohinga shot in the back while fleeing weren't trying to stay. How do you explain that?

And...actually...ironically - Hitler's original plan wasn't to kill them though it didn't take him long to decide on that option...
The First Moments of Hitler's Final Solution | History | Smithsonian
For a brief period, the Führer and other Nazi leaders toyed with the idea of mass deportation as a method of creating a Europe without Jews (Madagascar and the Arctic Circle were two suggested relocation sites). Deportation still would’ve resulted in thousands of deaths, though perhaps in less direct ways.
They were fleeing the immediate threat. Not the country. If they were... They’d have been long gone by the time the army showed up. Don’t play stupid.
Is this some sort of perverse justification for shooting them in the back? Wtf!
you should learn how to read------at no point have I justified the rape and murder of anyone-----nor have
I seen credible evidence of a program of rape and murder of muslims by Buddhists in Myanmar.
A "they said so....." from a "source" in Bangladesh (the country that does NOT WANT THE
MUSLIMS FROM MYANMAR) does not do it for me. Masses of people starving to death is not
an easy thing to HIDE in the 21st century Way back in the early 70s Nigeria could not hide the
starvation of the Biafrans------now people walk around with little cell phones with which they can take
pictures and little devices capable of transmitting them. Do you have anything at all?

Rosie there are endless credible accounts of what Myanmar has been doing - from the victims themselves, from the few observers allowed in, from journalists (who have subsequently been jailed), from doctors who have examined these people. What does it take Rosie? Can you not see this willful blindness is just like the way we treated the accounts of Jews being killed in Germany? What does it take to make you believe this is happening to these people? Converting them to Christianity?
That is apple orange comparison. Also Hitler planned to kill all Jews, just like Islam. These Buddhists are not out to kill all Muslims, just the ones who stay. That is just the way it is, but do not make Islam a victim.

The Rohinga shot in the back while fleeing weren't trying to stay. How do you explain that?

And...actually...ironically - Hitler's original plan wasn't to kill them though it didn't take him long to decide on that option...
The First Moments of Hitler's Final Solution | History | Smithsonian
For a brief period, the Führer and other Nazi leaders toyed with the idea of mass deportation as a method of creating a Europe without Jews (Madagascar and the Arctic Circle were two suggested relocation sites). Deportation still would’ve resulted in thousands of deaths, though perhaps in less direct ways.
They were fleeing the immediate threat. Not the country. If they were... They’d have been long gone by the time the army showed up. Don’t play stupid.
Is this some sort of perverse justification for shooting them in the back? Wtf!
No. It’s reality. Do you think this is a game? They were told to get the fuck out. Do you know what that means? They weren’t told to run short distances, and play “keep away”. This isn’t “hide and seek”. They’ve been told; “get the fuck out, or die”. Myanmar isn’t playing any games. And if you haven’t noticed... They are deadly serious.
Rosie there are endless credible accounts of what Myanmar has been doing - from the victims themselves, from the few observers allowed in, from journalists (who have subsequently been jailed), from doctors who have examined these people. What does it take Rosie? Can you not see this willful blindness is just like the way we treated the accounts of Jews being killed in Germany? What does it take to make you believe this is happening to these people? Converting them to Christianity?
That is apple orange comparison. Also Hitler planned to kill all Jews, just like Islam. These Buddhists are not out to kill all Muslims, just the ones who stay. That is just the way it is, but do not make Islam a victim.

The Rohinga shot in the back while fleeing weren't trying to stay. How do you explain that?

And...actually...ironically - Hitler's original plan wasn't to kill them though it didn't take him long to decide on that option...
The First Moments of Hitler's Final Solution | History | Smithsonian
For a brief period, the Führer and other Nazi leaders toyed with the idea of mass deportation as a method of creating a Europe without Jews (Madagascar and the Arctic Circle were two suggested relocation sites). Deportation still would’ve resulted in thousands of deaths, though perhaps in less direct ways.
They were fleeing the immediate threat. Not the country. If they were... They’d have been long gone by the time the army showed up. Don’t play stupid.

"for a while the Nazis toyed with mass deportation of jews..." BULLSHIT!!--------my grandfather was desperate to get his brothers and their families out of Austria by the mid 1930s----no go- then Germany
invaded---they died in Auschwitz. I am all for a massive air lift of the muslims of Myanmar. There is a
vast amount of uninhabited land in Libya. My childhood playmate's mother was saved-----in the 1930s
by being shipped alone ----as a child, from Germany to England---------it took the considerable wealth of her parents to accomplish the rescue. People were not getting out of Germany unless they could PAY FOR IT.
I DO NOT BELIEVE that the Buddhists of Myanmar would object to a mass migration of the muslims of
Myanmar to some friendly receptive shariah shit hole-----FREE OF CHARGE

It is true. Hitler first thought of that. But then he whole heartedly embraced his ultimate plan. Don’t you see how that same scenario on a smaller scale is playing out in Myanmar?

And how people are acting just like Americans did when Germany stated down its road of atrocities? “It is not really happening“

no----not even close. I have mentioned that I read the islamo Nazi propaganda in childhood----in
the form of old beat up pamphlets that lay around in dusty yellow heaps or fluttered in the wind
in my hometown in the USA-------AND I have relatives that managed to survive both Europe and
shariah shit holes and I have known lots of Buddhists in the USA (and hindus) The stuff I read was
not generated ONLY during the world war II or even Hitler era-----some of it was much older. Genocide
upon jews as a goal in the "Christian world" dates back to the inception of christianty-----and in the
"Islamic world"---to the inception of islam. Genocide upon muslims as a goal or holy endeavor
does not exist in Hinduism or Buddhism. DENIAL? (and tacit support) -----yup----that was AND
IS very prevalent in the USA. Muslims I have known well DENY even the rift between Sunnis and
Shiites (it's a Zionist lie) Turks DENY----the Armenian genocide of 1915 (another Zionist lie)
Genocide against Hindus and Buddhists and Zoroastrians in southeast asia dates back to the friggen'
MOGHUL EMPIRE (the inception of Islamic rule in southeast asia) and to the earlier arab forays into
Iran. You actually imagine that Buddhists are out to render the world "islam-frei"??
Still waiting for one of our brave Islamophobes to condemn the rape and murder of women and children.

I am fairly confident that my waiting will never end.
Still waiting for one of our brave Islamophobes to condemn the rape and murder of women and children.

I am fairly confident that my waiting will never end.
Youre waiting around for an empty gesture, and a useless post...? You need a hobby. Thinking people don’t waste time on ineffective virtue signaling. Only people who want attention do. Now I’ve given you some... Better?
First of all you meet no one on the internet. You meet people in person. Secondly, the history you are seeing repeated is the slow death of a culture that Islam has decided to invade.

Well he- and I- meet people in real life. I am sorry that doesn't happen for you.

What we are seeing repeated is the genocide of a people by evil men who are raping and murdering women and children.

There are good people who object to rape and murder.

And then there are the rest of you.

I am INTRIGUED----have you met people who have been victimized in Myanmar as
muslims by Buddhists in a massive GENOCIDE program

I am intrigued- why can't you object to rape and murder- if the victims are Muslim?

If there are muslim victims of rape and murder, I would object. In 1971 there was a program
of rape and murder inflicted upon muslims in East Bengal. ----aka East Pakistan-----now called
BANGLA DESH by the West Pakistani army. At that time I was acquainted with several West
Pakistani doctors working in the USA.
I objected. The reports revealed that there were MANY pregnant girls----who were
being abandoned by their families in the care of the red cross. I was horrified that they were being
abandoned. The fact is that RAPE is more likely to result in conception than is normal sex. (it is
so reported in the medical literature) THE SITUATION was no secret at that time. You got some
actual evidence that people are being raped and murdered and starved other than 'some bangla deshi
person said that some Myanmar refugees said so'? or some social activist person said so? In
1971 there were pictures of dead starved kids in the news papers and in the periodical "newsweek"
You got anything? It is very clear that Bangla Desh does not WANT the refugees from Myanmar
despite the fact that they are ETHNIC BENGALIS
No one seems to want them. Myanmar does not want them -----just wants to GET RID OF THEM.
I have known people who escaped shariah shit holes------their problem was HOW TO GET OUT---
before being murdered. Their leaving was not legal in the shariah shit holes.----muslims were killing
them FOR TRYING TO LEAVE The tragedy of the muslims of Myanmar is------THEY HAVE NO PLACE
HOLE ----like Indonesia or Maldives of Malaysia or West Pakistan-----how about Turkey? I am ALL
FOR AN AIR-LIFT to Turkey-------to the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. My very own hubby is an escapee
from a shariah shit hole. His grand mother. some twenty years earlier. did not make it. She was
raped and murdered along with her two infants. There are times when groups of people SHOULD
NOT REMAIN TOGETHER. It is very frustrating that they are FORCED to do so and NO ONE
WANTS THEM------Complain to the Caliph of the Ottoman empire----Erdogan
There are over million people involved who’s history in Myanmar is both relatively recent under British rule and going back hundreds of years.

Their culture is not Arab.

What is happening is an atrocity and is unsupportable.

Should Spain drive out and slaughter its Basques?

Should Turkey be allowed to drive out and slaughter its Kurds?

Turkey already did that with slaughtering the Armenians- something Turkey still denies.

Somehow I suspect that if this was being done by Muslim Turkey to Christian Armenians today- all of these same people would be condemning the actions of those 'ebil Muslims'- not explaining that it was the Armenians fault.
Still waiting for one of our brave Islamophobes to condemn the rape and murder of women and children.

I am fairly confident that my waiting will never end.
Youre waiting around for an empty gesture, and a useless post...? You need a hobby. Thinking people don’t waste time on ineffective virtue signaling. Only people who want attention do. Now I’ve given you some... Better?

I have been waiting for some sign of humanity from the contard Islamophobes.

Pretty clear I will never see one.
Still waiting for one of our brave Islamophobes to condemn the rape and murder of women and children.

I am fairly confident that my waiting will never end.

Your fantasy world where people have to think and feel like you changes nothing, saves 0 lives, and is totally meaningless to anyone who looks at facts and the history of Islam.
Last edited:
Still waiting for one of our brave Islamophobes to condemn the rape and murder of women and children.

I am fairly confident that my waiting will never end.
Youre waiting around for an empty gesture, and a useless post...? You need a hobby. Thinking people don’t waste time on ineffective virtue signaling. Only people who want attention do. Now I’ve given you some... Better?

I have been waiting for some sign of humanity from the contard Islamophobes.

Pretty clear I will never see one.
You are seeing it. You just don’t like what you see...
Buddhist are being killed and systematically driven out of Bangledesh...............Many of those who kill them there moved into Myanmar to promote Muslim rights in that country............and ISLAMIC EXPANSION in the areas currently being talked about.....................................Including killing Buddist in Myanmar.........attacks on Police Stations........and etc.



Throughout the middle East and South East Asia........Muslims areas are driving out ALL NON MUSLIMS IN THOSE AREAS..............................

Some ARE TIRED OF THEIR SHIT..................and are fighting back.
How about reading the history of Myanmar?

Does anything justify the decapitating and burning alive of children?
How about you look at both sides of the story............ Nothing justifies the violence of keep your blinders on so you don't see the abuse of the other side................
First of all you meet no one on the internet. You meet people in person. Secondly, the history you are seeing repeated is the slow death of a culture that Islam has decided to invade.

Well he- and I- meet people in real life. I am sorry that doesn't happen for you.

What we are seeing repeated is the genocide of a people by evil men who are raping and murdering women and children.

There are good people who object to rape and murder.

And then there are the rest of you.

I am INTRIGUED----have you met people who have been victimized in Myanmar as
muslims by Buddhists in a massive GENOCIDE program

I am intrigued- why can't you object to rape and murder- if the victims are Muslim?

If there are muslim victims of rape and murder, I would object. In 1971 there was a program
of rape and murder inflicted upon muslims in East Bengal. ----aka East Pakistan-----now called
BANGLA DESH by the West Pakistani army. At that time I was acquainted with several West
Pakistani doctors working in the USA.
I objected. The reports revealed that there were MANY pregnant girls----who were
being abandoned by their families in the care of the red cross. I was horrified that they were being
abandoned. The fact is that RAPE is more likely to result in conception than is normal sex. (it is
so reported in the medical literature) THE SITUATION was no secret at that time. You got some
actual evidence that people are being raped and murdered and starved other than 'some bangla deshi
person said that some Myanmar refugees said so'? or some social activist person said so? In
1971 there were pictures of dead starved kids in the news papers and in the periodical "newsweek"
You got anything? It is very clear that Bangla Desh does not WANT the refugees from Myanmar
despite the fact that they are ETHNIC BENGALIS
No one seems to want them. Myanmar does not want them -----just wants to GET RID OF THEM.
I have known people who escaped shariah shit holes------their problem was HOW TO GET OUT---
before being murdered. Their leaving was not legal in the shariah shit holes.----muslims were killing
them FOR TRYING TO LEAVE The tragedy of the muslims of Myanmar is------THEY HAVE NO PLACE
HOLE ----like Indonesia or Maldives of Malaysia or West Pakistan-----how about Turkey? I am ALL
FOR AN AIR-LIFT to Turkey-------to the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. My very own hubby is an escapee
from a shariah shit hole. His grand mother. some twenty years earlier. did not make it. She was
raped and murdered along with her two infants. There are times when groups of people SHOULD
NOT REMAIN TOGETHER. It is very frustrating that they are FORCED to do so and NO ONE
WANTS THEM------Complain to the Caliph of the Ottoman empire----Erdogan
There are over million people involved who’s history in Myanmar is both relatively recent under British rule and going back hundreds of years.

Their culture is not Arab.

What is happening is an atrocity and is unsupportable.

Should Spain drive out and slaughter its Basques?

Should Turkey be allowed to drive out and slaughter its Kurds?
Should Bangledesh be allowed to drive out and slaughter Hindu's............

Forced conversions reported at Rohingya refugee camps | Daily Mail Online

'Hindus were identified and taken to a nearby hill... Only eight women were allowed to live… mostly the young and the beautiful': Forced conversions reported at Rohingya refugee camps

Hindu Rohingyas living in Bangladesh relief camps have become a soft target for those looking to enforce religious conversions on those vulnerable and alone, fighting for survival in Cox's Bazar.

Both Hindu and Muslim Rohingya have taken shelter after fleeing from Myanmar, but with far more Muslims than Hindus seeking refuge, the women from the community - who have already lost their homes and loved ones - are now faced with the real danger of losing their identity, dignity, and way of life.

Rabia is not alone. Theoman says her husband and entire family were shot in front of her but she was left alive to live as a captive.

'They took us to the forest and said I would have to read namaz or they would release me... My sindoor was removed and my religious shakha pola bangles broken.

'I was told I would be allowed to live only if I changed my religion. I was made to wear burqa and stay with them to learn their traditions for almost three weeks.

'I was made to read namaz... I had to say Allah, but my heart was beating for Bhagwan... My family started searching for me and came to know that I was living in a Muslim camp.'
Still waiting for one of our brave Islamophobes to condemn the rape and murder of women and children.

I am fairly confident that my waiting will never end.
Youre waiting around for an empty gesture, and a useless post...? You need a hobby. Thinking people don’t waste time on ineffective virtue signaling. Only people who want attention do. Now I’ve given you some... Better?

I have been waiting for some sign of humanity from the contard Islamophobes.

Pretty clear I will never see one.
No one cares what you see. What makes you think you can shame someone just because he does not agree with you? You can't.
Bangladesh: Runaway Muslim Persecution of Hindus

Within 30 years, there will be no Hindus left in Bangladesh, based on "the rate of exodus over the past 49 years." — Dr. Abul Barkat, Dhaka University.

This was also not the first time that Muslims used social media pots as an excuse to attack Hindus in Bangladesh. According to the U.S. State Department's International Religious Freedom report for 2016:

"There were a significant number of attacks against religious minorities [in Bangladesh], particularly Hindus. In October hundreds of villagers in the eastern part of the country vandalized more than 50 Hindu family homes and 15 Hindu temples, following a Facebook post believed by some to be offensive to Islam. High levels of election-related violence in June resulted in the death of 126 individuals and injuries to 9,000 others. In one attack in a suburb of Dhaka, the media reported hundreds of attackers used sticks and bamboo poles to beat a group of Catholics and vandalize their homes and shops, injuring an estimated 60 people."


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