Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from Indian subcontinent.

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of Islam.

There is no 'Hindu' Buddhist' race- anywhere.

For example- the Rohinga are Rohinga- whether they are Muslim or Hindu.

Meanwhile- the Hindu population is doing just fine in India, and the Buddhist population is doing just fine in Myanmar- and the Muslim population is doing just fine in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

However, in India, there has been a push for Hindu nationalism at the expense of other religions- which would make them more like Pakistan but in reverse.
I am intrigued- why can't you object to rape and murder- if the victims are Muslim?

If there are muslim victims of rape and murder, I would object. In 1971 there was a program
of rape and murder inflicted upon muslims in East Bengal. ----aka East Pakistan-----now called
BANGLA DESH by the West Pakistani army. At that time I was acquainted with several West
Pakistani doctors working in the USA.
I objected. The reports revealed that there were MANY pregnant girls----who were
being abandoned by their families in the care of the red cross. I was horrified that they were being
abandoned. The fact is that RAPE is more likely to result in conception than is normal sex. (it is
so reported in the medical literature) THE SITUATION was no secret at that time. You got some
actual evidence that people are being raped and murdered and starved other than 'some bangla deshi
person said that some Myanmar refugees said so'? or some social activist person said so? In
1971 there were pictures of dead starved kids in the news papers and in the periodical "newsweek"
You got anything? It is very clear that Bangla Desh does not WANT the refugees from Myanmar
despite the fact that they are ETHNIC BENGALIS
No one seems to want them. Myanmar does not want them -----just wants to GET RID OF THEM.
I have known people who escaped shariah shit holes------their problem was HOW TO GET OUT---
before being murdered. Their leaving was not legal in the shariah shit holes.----muslims were killing
them FOR TRYING TO LEAVE The tragedy of the muslims of Myanmar is------THEY HAVE NO PLACE
HOLE ----like Indonesia or Maldives of Malaysia or West Pakistan-----how about Turkey? I am ALL
FOR AN AIR-LIFT to Turkey-------to the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. My very own hubby is an escapee
from a shariah shit hole. His grand mother. some twenty years earlier. did not make it. She was
raped and murdered along with her two infants. There are times when groups of people SHOULD
NOT REMAIN TOGETHER. It is very frustrating that they are FORCED to do so and NO ONE
WANTS THEM------Complain to the Caliph of the Ottoman empire----Erdogan
There are over million people involved who’s history in Myanmar is both relatively recent under British rule and going back hundreds of years.

Their culture is not Arab.

What is happening is an atrocity and is unsupportable.

Should Spain drive out and slaughter its Basques?

Should Turkey be allowed to drive out and slaughter its Kurds?
Should Bangledesh be allowed to drive out and slaughter Hindu's............

Forced conversions reported at Rohingya refugee camps | Daily Mail Online

'Hindus were identified and taken to a nearby hill... Only eight women were allowed to live… mostly the young and the beautiful': Forced conversions reported at Rohingya refugee camps

Hindu Rohingyas living in Bangladesh relief camps have become a soft target for those looking to enforce religious conversions on those vulnerable and alone, fighting for survival in Cox's Bazar.

Both Hindu and Muslim Rohingya have taken shelter after fleeing from Myanmar, but with far more Muslims than Hindus seeking refuge, the women from the community - who have already lost their homes and loved ones - are now faced with the real danger of losing their identity, dignity, and way of life.

Rabia is not alone. Theoman says her husband and entire family were shot in front of her but she was left alive to live as a captive.

'They took us to the forest and said I would have to read namaz or they would release me... My sindoor was removed and my religious shakha pola bangles broken.

'I was told I would be allowed to live only if I changed my religion. I was made to wear burqa and stay with them to learn their traditions for almost three weeks.

'I was made to read namaz... I had to say Allah, but my heart was beating for Bhagwan... My family started searching for me and came to know that I was living in a Muslim camp.'

Fascinating- so not all Rohinga are Muslim- but are being driven out of Myanmar anyway.

And by the way- I think that the murder of Hindu Rohinga by Muslim Rohinga is just as wrong as what is being done to the Muslim Rohinga by Buddhist Myanmarese.

how nice of you--------it is VERY likely that lots of people in villages ENGAGED in violence are fleeing----
why do you find this "phenomenon" strange?

It is very likely that lots of people in the villages were the victims of violence- what I find strange is that you are okay with women and children being raped and murdered- if they are Muslim.
Peace will not be on this planet until either every person is a Muslim, or every Muslim is dead.
Exactly what the Koran says.

So are you willing to kill every Muslim to accomplish that?
I am not going to answer that question because it is a leading one. Do you want to play games, or do you want to know what Islam says?
Yet she's only concerned with those Muslim girls being raped by bhuddists. Nary a word regarding the overwhelming majority of these girls being raped by Muslim men, through forced marriage, as soon as menstruation begins. More of these Muslim women are being raped by Muslims, than by Bhuddists. Its phony outrage, and attention seeking behavior. Nothing more...
49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from Indian subcontinent.

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of Islam.

There is no 'Hindu' Buddhist' race- anywhere.

For example- the Rohinga are Rohinga- whether they are Muslim or Hindu.

Meanwhile- the Hindu population is doing just fine in India, and the Buddhist population is doing just fine in Myanmar- and the Muslim population is doing just fine in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

However, in India, there has been a push for Hindu nationalism at the expense of other religions- which would make them more like Pakistan but in reverse.

you have an EXTREMELY superficial knowledge of the issues. My sense is that you never met a Hindu---
a Southeast Asian Muslim, a Sikh, a Zoroastrian -------but you have an active imagination and believe that
which you ASSUME and INVENT. Turns out that the ROHINGYA muslims are something of a fifth
column in Myanmar-----muslims allied to the ENEMIES OF HINDUS AND BUDDHISTS ---to wit Pakistan and
Bangla Desh. Remember them?-----it was the muslims of south east Asia that BOMBED the Buddhist art in
Afghanistan and destroyed ALL THE HINDU AND BUDDHIST TEMPLES (and---for that matter the
synagogues and Zoroastrian temples) Find yourself a muslim from Southeast asia-----and say
"MOGHUL EMPIRE" and you will find out what the muslims of that large hellhole really WANT
Peace will not be on this planet until either every person is a Muslim, or every Muslim is dead.
Exactly what the Koran says.

So are you willing to kill every Muslim to accomplish that?
They are willing to kill every non-Muslim to accomplish that. If you don't fight back you lose.
And the ones who aren't violent, they'll out breed you then out vote you, while collecting Welfare.

We have 3 million Muslims in America- how many of them have tried to kill you again?

And why do you think that just because you collect welfare that Muslims do?

Tell us all about how Shaquille O'Neil is either out to kill you- or collecting welfare?

You religious bigots and your lies....
49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from Indian subcontinent.

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of Islam.

There is no 'Hindu' Buddhist' race- anywhere.

For example- the Rohinga are Rohinga- whether they are Muslim or Hindu.

Meanwhile- the Hindu population is doing just fine in India, and the Buddhist population is doing just fine in Myanmar- and the Muslim population is doing just fine in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

However, in India, there has been a push for Hindu nationalism at the expense of other religions- which would make them more like Pakistan but in reverse.

you have an EXTREMELY superficial knowledge of the issues.

I have a pretty simple outlook on life.

I think murder and rape are wrong- evil- regardless of who is the victim, and who is the attacker.

You don't.
Peace will not be on this planet until either every person is a Muslim, or every Muslim is dead.
Exactly what the Koran says.

So are you willing to kill every Muslim to accomplish that?
I am not going to answer that question because it is a leading one. Do you want to play games, or do you want to know what Islam says?
Yet she's only concerned with those Muslim girls being raped by bhuddists. Nary a word regarding the overwhelming majority of these girls being raped by Muslim men, ..

I truly wonder who you are talking about- certainly not me because:
a) you would have my gender wrong and
b) unlike you Islamophobes I have consistently condemned all rape- and I have condemned murder and rape by Muslims as well as Buddhists.

Why is it just impossible for all of you to condemn rape and murder regardless of whether the attackers are Muslims, Hindu or Buddhists?

You bring up a specific example of people who are Muslim that are raping or murdering people- and I will condemn them. As I have done before.
Peace will not be on this planet until either every person is a Muslim, or every Muslim is dead.
Exactly what the Koran says.

So are you willing to kill every Muslim to accomplish that?
I am not going to answer that question because it is a leading one. Do you want to play games, or do you want to know what Islam says?
Yet she's only concerned with those Muslim girls being raped by bhuddists. Nary a word regarding the overwhelming majority of these girls being raped by Muslim men, ..

I truly wonder who you are talking about- certainly not me because:
a) you would have my gender wrong and
b) unlike you Islamophobes I have consistently condemned all rape- and I have condemned murder and rape by Muslims as well as Buddhists.

Why is it just impossible for all of you to condemn rape and murder regardless of whether the attackers are Muslims, Hindu or Buddhists?

You bring up a specific example of people who are Muslim that are raping or murdering people- and I will condemn them. As I have done before.
I don't care what you condemn. Why do you think anyone does? This isn't about you. I said I condemn those acts, that does not stop them from happening. And if it is both sides doing it apparently condemning it is doing nothing.
Peace will not be on this planet until either every person is a Muslim, or every Muslim is dead.
Exactly what the Koran says.

So are you willing to kill every Muslim to accomplish that?
They are willing to kill every non-Muslim to accomplish that. If you don't fight back you lose.
And the ones who aren't violent, they'll out breed you then out vote you, while collecting Welfare.

We have 3 million Muslims in America- how many of them have tried to kill you again?

And why do you think that just because you collect welfare that Muslims do?

Tell us all about how Shaquille O'Neil is either out to kill you- or collecting welfare?

You religious bigots and your lies....
I don't collect welfare.
News show man with 14 wives and 37 children collecting welfare. I believe the news.
Wow 1 in a billion not collecting welfare and not out to kill me, I think I'll pass out now.
49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from Indian subcontinent.

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of Islam.

There is no 'Hindu' Buddhist' race- anywhere.

For example- the Rohinga are Rohinga- whether they are Muslim or Hindu.

Meanwhile- the Hindu population is doing just fine in India, and the Buddhist population is doing just fine in Myanmar- and the Muslim population is doing just fine in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

However, in India, there has been a push for Hindu nationalism at the expense of other religions- which would make them more like Pakistan but in reverse.
Really......................Do you just ignore the evidence contrary to your

Widespread genocide and forced conversions are going on all over the middle east..................I posted some evidence...................

You just simply ignore it because you have an agenda.
49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from Indian subcontinent.

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of Islam.

There is no 'Hindu' Buddhist' race- anywhere.

For example- the Rohinga are Rohinga- whether they are Muslim or Hindu.

Meanwhile- the Hindu population is doing just fine in India, and the Buddhist population is doing just fine in Myanmar- and the Muslim population is doing just fine in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

However, in India, there has been a push for Hindu nationalism at the expense of other religions- which would make them more like Pakistan but in reverse.

you have an EXTREMELY superficial knowledge of the issues.

I have a pretty simple outlook on life.

I think murder and rape are wrong- evil- regardless of who is the victim, and who is the attacker.

You don't.
Yet you were so in the knowledge that you were unaware of the killing, rape, and forced conversion of the other side of the equation.

Then you try to plant that we accept murder and rape coming from the other side..........which is UTTER BS........

Finally, conflicting reports out of the region of the Black Masked Groups of attackers don't CONFIRM WHO THE HELL are doing it........

My evidence already submitted show it.....................

Keep your blinders you deny a systematic slaughter of any NON ISLAMIC people is happening in the middle east....

You cited INDIA as an example.............LOL...........If it wasn't for India in the War against Russian and East Pakistan.........Bangledesh wouldn't even exist today.

Peace will not be on this planet until either every person is a Muslim, or every Muslim is dead.
Exactly what the Koran says.

So are you willing to kill every Muslim to accomplish that?
They are willing to kill every non-Muslim to accomplish that. If you don't fight back you lose.
And the ones who aren't violent, they'll out breed you then out vote you, while collecting Welfare.

We have 3 million Muslims in America- how many of them have tried to kill you again?

And why do you think that just because you collect welfare that Muslims do?

Tell us all about how Shaquille O'Neil is either out to kill you- or collecting welfare?

You religious bigots and your lies....

Syriusly, are you trying to PROVE that you are stupid?. When was the first time you KNEW a muslim
well enough to understand what that person BELIEVES based on his religion? When was the first time you
attended a mosque? How old were you when you first read the Koran. Have you even known, well,
a survivor of a shariah shit hole?. Try talking to a Zoroastrian living in the USA-----or even a Sikh----ONE
THAT TRUSTS YOU. There is lots you do not know because you have never encountered IT
49 Million Hindus Missing From Bangladesh Census due to Islamic atrocities :: Vanishing Hindu and other India root minorities from Indian subcontinent.

This is an unfinished story to finish the Hindu race by Islamist Jihasdists in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Hindu-Buddhist race in the Indian sub-continent is decaying after facing the barbaric onslaught of Islam.

There is no 'Hindu' Buddhist' race- anywhere.

For example- the Rohinga are Rohinga- whether they are Muslim or Hindu.

Meanwhile- the Hindu population is doing just fine in India, and the Buddhist population is doing just fine in Myanmar- and the Muslim population is doing just fine in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

However, in India, there has been a push for Hindu nationalism at the expense of other religions- which would make them more like Pakistan but in reverse.

you have an EXTREMELY superficial knowledge of the issues.

I have a pretty simple outlook on life.

I think murder and rape are wrong- evil- regardless of who is the victim, and who is the attacker.

You don't.

If that were true (ie that you repudiate ALL MURDER AND RAPE-----you would have a HUGE PROBLEM
with Islamic jurisprudence

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