Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

It is not fiction when people die because the Koran says to kill them. It is a fact.
No. It isn’t. Because peop,e get killed for many reasons most of which have little to do with Islam once you move beyond extremists.
I am not talking about those not killed by Islam, I am talking about the ones that are. Do you think honor killing is terror?
Honor killing is not Islam. It is cultural.
It is still practiced and condoned by the religion. FGM is not, but Muslims like that too.
Neither FGM nor honor killing are Part of the religion. Where is it in the Koran?
It is in "Reliance of the Traveler" A go to source for Sharia law, in essence another holy text. Again, you do not seem to know all that much.

I suggest research.
No. It isn’t. Because peop,e get killed for many reasons most of which have little to do with Islam once you move beyond extremists.
I am not talking about those not killed by Islam, I am talking about the ones that are. Do you think honor killing is terror?
Honor killing is not Islam. It is cultural.
It is still practiced and condoned by the religion. FGM is not, but Muslims like that too.
Neither FGM nor honor killing are Part of the religion. Where is it in the Koran?
It is in "Reliance of the Traveler" A go to source for Sharia law, in essence another holy text. Again, you do not seem to know all that much.

I suggest research.
It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Changing anything in Islam is a no no, and of course it comes with the death penalty for trying.
And the reformer Jassar cannot get one single mosque to sign on in this country. Good luck anywhere else.
Who is Jassar and what is he asking American Mosques to do?
What is he asking mosques to sign on to?
Abolishing political Islam, about three quarters of the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Changing anything in Islam is a no no, and of course it comes with the death penalty for trying.
And the reformer Jassar cannot get one single mosque to sign on in this country. Good luck anywhere else.
Who is Jassar and what is he asking American Mosques to do?
What is he asking mosques to sign on to?
Abolishing political Islam, about three quarters of the religion.
I am not talking about those not killed by Islam, I am talking about the ones that are. Do you think honor killing is terror?
Honor killing is not Islam. It is cultural.
It is still practiced and condoned by the religion. FGM is not, but Muslims like that too.
Neither FGM nor honor killing are Part of the religion. Where is it in the Koran?
It is in "Reliance of the Traveler" A go to source for Sharia law, in essence another holy text. Again, you do not seem to know all that much.

I suggest research.
Reliance of the Traveller (Umdat al-Salik)

A translation of the classical manual of Islamic Sacred Law (Shari'ah) 'Umdat as-Salik by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 769/1386), in Arabic with facing English text, commentary and appendices edited and translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. It is based mainly on the fiqh conclusions of Imam al-Nawawi, the great Hadith master (hafiz) and Shafi'i scholar of jurisprudence (mujtahid). The appendices form an integral part of the book and present original texts and translations from classic works by al-Ghazali, al-Nawawi, al-Qurtubi, al-Dhahabi, Ibn Hajar and others, on topics of Islamic Law, faith, spirituality, Qur'an exegesis and Hadith sciences, making the work a living reflection of Islam as understood by some of its greatest scholars. It has also biographical notes about every person mentioned (391 biographies), bibliography of each work cited (136 works), and a detailed subject Index (95 pages). Of the 136 works drawn upon in its commentary and appendices, 134 are in the original Arabic. The sections and paragraphs have been numbered to facilitate cross-reference.
Honor killing is not Islam. It is cultural.
It is still practiced and condoned by the religion. FGM is not, but Muslims like that too.
Neither FGM nor honor killing are Part of the religion. Where is it in the Koran?
It is in "Reliance of the Traveler" A go to source for Sharia law, in essence another holy text. Again, you do not seem to know all that much.

I suggest research.
Reliance of the Traveller (Umdat al-Salik)

A translation of the classical manual of Islamic Sacred Law (Shari'ah) 'Umdat as-Salik by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri (d. 769/1386), in Arabic with facing English text, commentary and appendices edited and translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller. It is based mainly on the fiqh conclusions of Imam al-Nawawi, the great Hadith master (hafiz) and Shafi'i scholar of jurisprudence (mujtahid). The appendices form an integral part of the book and present original texts and translations from classic works by al-Ghazali, al-Nawawi, al-Qurtubi, al-Dhahabi, Ibn Hajar and others, on topics of Islamic Law, faith, spirituality, Qur'an exegesis and Hadith sciences, making the work a living reflection of Islam as understood by some of its greatest scholars. It has also biographical notes about every person mentioned (391 biographies), bibliography of each work cited (136 works), and a detailed subject Index (95 pages). Of the 136 works drawn upon in its commentary and appendices, 134 are in the original Arabic. The sections and paragraphs have been numbered to facilitate cross-reference.
Where does it reference FGM or honor killing?

How does it relate to the Quran?
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
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That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
There is no trilogy.
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
It is also what Jesus used to invent Christianity. So what?
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
There is no trilogy.
Oh yes there is, The Koran, Hadith, Sira. Do you know the difference between the Sira and the Hadith? Since you say there is no a trinity I guess you would not know.
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
It is also what Jesus used to invent Christianity. So what?
Actually Christ was created by the prophecies in the OT. You don't really know much about Islam or religion in general do you.
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
There is no trilogy.
Oh yes there is, The Koran, Hadith, Sira. Do you know the difference between the Sira and the Hadith? Since you say there is no a trinity I guess you would not know.
There is no trinity as you define it. The Sira aren’t religious doctrine and are considered lesser than Quran or Hadith. Did you know that? I guess not.
That does not answer my question. Where is FGM or honor killing mentioned? It is not in the Quran. Nor is this one of the Hadith.

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
It is also what Jesus used to invent Christianity. So what?
Actually Christ was created by the prophecies in the OT. You don't really know much about Islam or religion in general do you.
It was just another invented religion.

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