Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

What os wrong is he never actually refuted any of Abdallah's points.

Spencer is like Stormfront. Who needs that crap?
No he is not. You find one hateful quote from Spencer or one lie about Islam, please. Should I wait.

If you want some hate from Islam I can quote it, return the favor with some of Spencer's. Should I wait, you never found anything on Geller.
Agreed. Spencer has an MA in religious studies and has been studying Islam for 40 yrs. Islam isn’t a race either, so how anyone can disgracefully attempt to link him with Stormfront is beyond me and is sickening.
Stormfront isn’t just about race. It is about hate and propagating that hate. That is what Geller and Spencer do. And again, I have as much right to my opinion as you do.

That is what Geller and Spencer do.

No, Coyote, that is what Islam does. Have you found one lie about Islam from either of them? Have you found one hateful quote from either?

Pamela Geller

Pam Geller Lies: 5 Persistent Myths About Muslims

Robert Spencer is a self proclaimed “expert” in Islam. His credentials are...what?

From Wikipedia: Robert Spencer (author) - Wikipedia

Spencer received an M.A. in 1986 in religious studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His masters thesis was on Catholic history.[12]

He did not study Islam and his degree is not in Islam or Islamic history. His expertise is all self-proclaimed not credentialed. He does not even speak Arabic.

Also from Wikipedia.
Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called Spencer and Geller American anti-Muslim writers because their writings "promote a conspiratorial anti-Muslim agenda under the pretext of fighting radical Islam. This belief system parallels the creation of an ideological—and far more deadly—form of anti-Semitism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries." He continued, "we must always be wary of those whose love for the Jewish people is born out of hatred of Muslims or Arabs."[28][29]

Dinesh D'Souza, of the Hoover Institution, wrote that Spencer [31]

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) listed Spencer as a "Smearcaster" in an article in 2008, stating that "by selectively ignoring inconvenient Islamic texts and commentaries, Spencer concludes that Islam is innately extremist and violent".[32]
Your Geller link does not work. As far as the criticism of Spencer it does not change what he says and comparing Muslims to Jews is ridiculous. Jews terrorized 0 "in the late 19th and early 20th centuries".
The Danger of Linking the Rohingya Crisis to Terrorism

The ongoing crisis, however, highlights two important developments that will negatively impact the fate of the Rohingyas. First, the ARSA, currently an outlier, will be linked to the larger Rohingya community, increasing its prominence, and potentially emboldening it. While the ARSA has links to both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, there is no evidence that the group has links to al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) or that it has been incorporated into larger transnational Islamist extremist networks. It is a small group whose main grievance — persecution of Rohingya Muslims — can be solved relatively easily by ending widespread discrimination. While meeting ARSA’s demands of citizenship and political equality will expose Myanmar’s poor governance, especially in the Rakhine province, it will likely eliminate the main root of violence in the area. But if the situation continues as is, ARSA might grow and develop real links to real terrorist groups, a claim already being made by Myanmar, India, and Bangladesh. Second, and more troubling, the Rohingyas are set to become a regional political tool that will continue to be used to justify a series of predatory and illiberal counterterrorism strategies as seen, again, in Myanmar, Bangladesh, and India.

As yet another boat full of refugees — mainly children — capsizes and survivors share stories of sexual violence, the current state of Rohingya suffering seems to have entered a new, more horrific chapter. Worldwide protests may pressure the current government in Myanmar to end the violence and accept the Rohingyas back, but it will not end the practice of linking a persecuted community to terrorism.
Sorry, Muslims over running a nation is terrorism. The Buddhists know first hand and want no part of it. I would think the subtle hints like killing them would give them that idea.

Your article is no more than an apology for an Islamic invasion.
Coming from a supporter of genocide, your statements have no credibility when it comes to terrorism.
So you going to end this conversation with something to do with your support of Islam, a killing machine, a supremacist ideology, and just plain shitty way to live, or are we going to forget about that?

If you point out specific acts by specific people I will tell you what I think of them. Otherwise I don’t see what your point is.
My point is that hate is being taught to a quarter of the world's population and you want specifics? Count the bodies.
The Danger of Linking the Rohingya Crisis to Terrorism

The ongoing crisis, however, highlights two important developments that will negatively impact the fate of the Rohingyas. First, the ARSA, currently an outlier, will be linked to the larger Rohingya community, increasing its prominence, and potentially emboldening it. While the ARSA has links to both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, there is no evidence that the group has links to al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) or that it has been incorporated into larger transnational Islamist extremist networks. It is a small group whose main grievance — persecution of Rohingya Muslims — can be solved relatively easily by ending widespread discrimination. While meeting ARSA’s demands of citizenship and political equality will expose Myanmar’s poor governance, especially in the Rakhine province, it will likely eliminate the main root of violence in the area. But if the situation continues as is, ARSA might grow and develop real links to real terrorist groups, a claim already being made by Myanmar, India, and Bangladesh. Second, and more troubling, the Rohingyas are set to become a regional political tool that will continue to be used to justify a series of predatory and illiberal counterterrorism strategies as seen, again, in Myanmar, Bangladesh, and India.

As yet another boat full of refugees — mainly children — capsizes and survivors share stories of sexual violence, the current state of Rohingya suffering seems to have entered a new, more horrific chapter. Worldwide protests may pressure the current government in Myanmar to end the violence and accept the Rohingyas back, but it will not end the practice of linking a persecuted community to terrorism.
Sorry, Muslims over running a nation is terrorism. The Buddhists know first hand and want no part of it. I would think the subtle hints like killing them would give them that idea.

Your article is no more than an apology for an Islamic invasion.
Coming from a supporter of genocide, your statements have no credibility when it comes to terrorism.
So you going to end this conversation with something to do with your support of Islam, a killing machine, a supremacist ideology, and just plain shitty way to live, or are we going to forget about that?

If you point out specific acts by specific people I will tell you what I think of them. Otherwise I don’t see what your point is.
My point is that hate is being taught to a quarter of the world's population and you want specifics? Count the bodies.
You are defining the entire religion as hate based on the words of people like Spencer who completely ignore the positive and peaceful portions of their religious text and completely ignore the multiplicity of opinions from Islamic scholars. What you want me to do is condemn an entire religion regardless of its diversity in the world and I won’t do that. Not with any religion.

If you want to talk about specific acts or cultures that is different.

I absolutely condemn the many war crimes and atrocities of ISIS without reservation. But ISIS isn’t all Islam and Islam isn’t all ISIS.

And I unequivocally condemn its attempted genocide of the Yazidi, Christians, and minority Muslim sects that did not follow their view.
Sorry, Muslims over running a nation is terrorism. The Buddhists know first hand and want no part of it. I would think the subtle hints like killing them would give them that idea.

Your article is no more than an apology for an Islamic invasion.
Coming from a supporter of genocide, your statements have no credibility when it comes to terrorism.
So you going to end this conversation with something to do with your support of Islam, a killing machine, a supremacist ideology, and just plain shitty way to live, or are we going to forget about that?

If you point out specific acts by specific people I will tell you what I think of them. Otherwise I don’t see what your point is.
My point is that hate is being taught to a quarter of the world's population and you want specifics? Count the bodies.
You are defining the entire religion as hate based on the words of people like Spencer who completely ignore the positive and peaceful portions of their religious text and completely ignore the multiplicity of opinions from Islamic scholars. What you want me to do is condemn an entire religion regardless of its diversity in the world and I won’t do that. Not with any religion.

If you want to talk about specific acts or cultures that is different.

I absolutely condemn the many war crimes and atrocities of ISIS without reservation. But ISIS isn’t all Islam and Islam isn’t all ISIS.

And I unequivocally condemn its attempted genocide of the Yazidi, Christians, and minority Muslim sects that did not follow their view.
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?
Coming from a supporter of genocide, your statements have no credibility when it comes to terrorism.
So you going to end this conversation with something to do with your support of Islam, a killing machine, a supremacist ideology, and just plain shitty way to live, or are we going to forget about that?

If you point out specific acts by specific people I will tell you what I think of them. Otherwise I don’t see what your point is.
My point is that hate is being taught to a quarter of the world's population and you want specifics? Count the bodies.
You are defining the entire religion as hate based on the words of people like Spencer who completely ignore the positive and peaceful portions of their religious text and completely ignore the multiplicity of opinions from Islamic scholars. What you want me to do is condemn an entire religion regardless of its diversity in the world and I won’t do that. Not with any religion.

If you want to talk about specific acts or cultures that is different.

I absolutely condemn the many war crimes and atrocities of ISIS without reservation. But ISIS isn’t all Islam and Islam isn’t all ISIS.

And I unequivocally condemn its attempted genocide of the Yazidi, Christians, and minority Muslim sects that did not follow their view.
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
Coyote has been waiting for that, she is going to be as happy as a chicken in a cornfield. Now your support will eclipse any possibility of getting to the truth. You will be condemned for your gut feelings, no actions necessary, and Islam will skate.
No. Not happy. Just sad. There is nothing to cheer about when some one supports genocide. It is the worst atrocity man can do to his fellow man, and history is full of examples.
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
You don't condemn the fact that their Koran demands they kill all infidels and heretics? Shame on you.
No. Not happy. Just sad. There is nothing to cheer about when some one supports genocide. It is the worst atrocity man can do to his fellow man, and history is full of examples.
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
You don't condemn the fact that their Koran demands they kill all infidels and heretics? Shame on you.
I can’t condemn fiction.
So you going to end this conversation with something to do with your support of Islam, a killing machine, a supremacist ideology, and just plain shitty way to live, or are we going to forget about that?

If you point out specific acts by specific people I will tell you what I think of them. Otherwise I don’t see what your point is.
My point is that hate is being taught to a quarter of the world's population and you want specifics? Count the bodies.
You are defining the entire religion as hate based on the words of people like Spencer who completely ignore the positive and peaceful portions of their religious text and completely ignore the multiplicity of opinions from Islamic scholars. What you want me to do is condemn an entire religion regardless of its diversity in the world and I won’t do that. Not with any religion.

If you want to talk about specific acts or cultures that is different.

I absolutely condemn the many war crimes and atrocities of ISIS without reservation. But ISIS isn’t all Islam and Islam isn’t all ISIS.

And I unequivocally condemn its attempted genocide of the Yazidi, Christians, and minority Muslim sects that did not follow their view.
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
And those examples show Islam is responsible for multiple genocides and still obligates the complete extermination of the Jews. That is what is sad. Sadder, people who think Islam is not planning to do exactly that.

Do you condemn Islam for its hate of the Jews and the need to exterminate Jews? Do you condemn Islam for inspiring people to kill to please their God? And do you condemn Islam for paying terrorists families because they blew themselves up killing children and civilians?

And when so much of the holy literature( over half) of Islam is how to treat the non-Muslims how can you consider it a religion as opposed to a political ideology?
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
You don't condemn the fact that their Koran demands they kill all infidels and heretics? Shame on you.
I can’t condemn fiction.
It is not fiction when people die because the Koran says to kill them. It is a fact. You deny reality and expect to be credible?
If you point out specific acts by specific people I will tell you what I think of them. Otherwise I don’t see what your point is.
My point is that hate is being taught to a quarter of the world's population and you want specifics? Count the bodies.
You are defining the entire religion as hate based on the words of people like Spencer who completely ignore the positive and peaceful portions of their religious text and completely ignore the multiplicity of opinions from Islamic scholars. What you want me to do is condemn an entire religion regardless of its diversity in the world and I won’t do that. Not with any religion.

If you want to talk about specific acts or cultures that is different.

I absolutely condemn the many war crimes and atrocities of ISIS without reservation. But ISIS isn’t all Islam and Islam isn’t all ISIS.

And I unequivocally condemn its attempted genocide of the Yazidi, Christians, and minority Muslim sects that did not follow their view.
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Icondemn genocide. If you want to talk about specific examples, bring them up.

Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
You don't condemn the fact that their Koran demands they kill all infidels and heretics? Shame on you.
I can’t condemn fiction.
It is not fiction when people die because the Koran says to kill them. It is a fact.
No. It isn’t. Because peop,e get killed for many reasons most of which have little to do with Islam once you move beyond extremists.
My point is that hate is being taught to a quarter of the world's population and you want specifics? Count the bodies.
You are defining the entire religion as hate based on the words of people like Spencer who completely ignore the positive and peaceful portions of their religious text and completely ignore the multiplicity of opinions from Islamic scholars. What you want me to do is condemn an entire religion regardless of its diversity in the world and I won’t do that. Not with any religion.

If you want to talk about specific acts or cultures that is different.

I absolutely condemn the many war crimes and atrocities of ISIS without reservation. But ISIS isn’t all Islam and Islam isn’t all ISIS.

And I unequivocally condemn its attempted genocide of the Yazidi, Christians, and minority Muslim sects that did not follow their view.
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Changing anything in Islam is a no no, and of course it comes with the death penalty for trying.
And the reformer Jassar cannot get one single mosque to sign on in this country. Good luck anywhere else.
Do you condemn Islam? The Koran fits the definition of hate speech. Surely you can condemn hate speech, sand in turn condemn the religion that teaches that hate.
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
You don't condemn the fact that their Koran demands they kill all infidels and heretics? Shame on you.
I can’t condemn fiction.
It is not fiction when people die because the Koran says to kill them. It is a fact.
No. It isn’t. Because peop,e get killed for many reasons most of which have little to do with Islam once you move beyond extremists.
I am not talking about those not killed by Islam, I am talking about the ones that are. Do you think honor killing is terror?
You are defining the entire religion as hate based on the words of people like Spencer who completely ignore the positive and peaceful portions of their religious text and completely ignore the multiplicity of opinions from Islamic scholars. What you want me to do is condemn an entire religion regardless of its diversity in the world and I won’t do that. Not with any religion.

If you want to talk about specific acts or cultures that is different.

I absolutely condemn the many war crimes and atrocities of ISIS without reservation. But ISIS isn’t all Islam and Islam isn’t all ISIS.

And I unequivocally condemn its attempted genocide of the Yazidi, Christians, and minority Muslim sects that did not follow their view.
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Changing anything in Islam is a no no, and of course it comes with the death penalty for trying.
And the reformer Jassar cannot get one single mosque to sign on in this country. Good luck anywhere else.
Who is Jassar and what is he asking American Mosques to do?
No. I dont condemn Islam. Just like I dont condemn Buddhism for the acts of Myanmar. I condemn those who commit thes deeds.
You don't condemn the fact that their Koran demands they kill all infidels and heretics? Shame on you.
I can’t condemn fiction.
It is not fiction when people die because the Koran says to kill them. It is a fact.
No. It isn’t. Because peop,e get killed for many reasons most of which have little to do with Islam once you move beyond extremists.
I am not talking about those not killed by Islam, I am talking about the ones that are. Do you think honor killing is terror?
Honor killing is not Islam. It is cultural.
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Changing anything in Islam is a no no, and of course it comes with the death penalty for trying.
And the reformer Jassar cannot get one single mosque to sign on in this country. Good luck anywhere else.
Who is Jassar and what is he asking American Mosques to do?
And you consider yourself informed?
The American Islamic Forum for Democracy | American Islamic Forum for Democracy
You don't condemn the fact that their Koran demands they kill all infidels and heretics? Shame on you.
I can’t condemn fiction.
It is not fiction when people die because the Koran says to kill them. It is a fact.
No. It isn’t. Because peop,e get killed for many reasons most of which have little to do with Islam once you move beyond extremists.
I am not talking about those not killed by Islam, I am talking about the ones that are. Do you think honor killing is terror?
Honor killing is not Islam. It is cultural.
It is still practiced and condoned by the religion. FGM is not, but Muslims like that too.
It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Changing anything in Islam is a no no, and of course it comes with the death penalty for trying.
And the reformer Jassar cannot get one single mosque to sign on in this country. Good luck anywhere else.
Who is Jassar and what is he asking American Mosques to do?
And you consider yourself informed?
The American Islamic Forum for Democracy | American Islamic Forum for Democracy
I am more informed then you. I don’t rely on hate sites for information.
I can’t condemn fiction.
It is not fiction when people die because the Koran says to kill them. It is a fact.
No. It isn’t. Because peop,e get killed for many reasons most of which have little to do with Islam once you move beyond extremists.
I am not talking about those not killed by Islam, I am talking about the ones that are. Do you think honor killing is terror?
Honor killing is not Islam. It is cultural.
It is still practiced and condoned by the religion. FGM is not, but Muslims like that too.
Neither FGM nor honor killing are Part of the religion. Where is it in the Koran?
Tell me something positive about submission. Islam means submission. Is Sharia a positive?

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
More excuses. And nobody enforces religious laws more than Islam does in such violent ways. Remember Sharia says you can be killed for leaving Islam. That might be what kept this cancer alive so long.

And Sharia comes from Islam
I would say that enforcement of sharia’s most strict dictates is highly variable around the world. Religious law, for Jews and some Christians is harsh if followed literally. Most don’t though.

There is room for reformation in Islam for sure.
Changing anything in Islam is a no no, and of course it comes with the death penalty for trying.
And the reformer Jassar cannot get one single mosque to sign on in this country. Good luck anywhere else.
Who is Jassar and what is he asking American Mosques to do?
What is he asking mosques to sign on to?

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