Myanmar Is Starving Rohingya Muslims Out of Their Villages: Reports

It is still the most respected source of devout Muslims to administer Sharia. Sharia comes from the Koran. It puts your precious context in the parts of the Koran relating Sharia.

There is no penalty for killing your children. Some try to explain it a way by saying they( the killers) are punished in some other way. There is no other punishment mentioned.
Again, it is neither the Quran nor the Hadith. Those are THE most respected sources.

Again where does it reference honor killing and FGM?

I seem to recall there are biblical passages calling for stoning disobedient children.....
Of course you see it in the OT, what do you think Muhammad used to invent Islam? The thing is, to this day it is still condoned.
Quran nor the Hadith. and?
And their is trilogy in Islam which one are you missing, and what is it?

Again, your knowledge seems limited.
It is also what Jesus used to invent Christianity. So what?
Actually Christ was created by the prophecies in the OT. You don't really know much about Islam or religion in general do you.
It was just another invented religion.
Well an invented religion Islam is churning out terrorists like Ford does with cars.
What has been accomplished here is that your arguments are backed by lip service from Muslims and apologists.

My arguments are backed with history, Islamic literature and daily terror attacks not to mention the shape Europe is in flooded with people that never will assimilate. In short, Islam is what it says it is, or you lost. Do some research and give it another try sometime.
I have told you Spencer knows more about Islam than most Iman's( and has proven it). And what is in that statement that stops the terror that proves he is wrong?
What os wrong is he never actually refuted any of Abdallah's points.

Spencer is like Stormfront. Who needs that crap?
No he is not. You find one hateful quote from Spencer or one lie about Islam, please. Should I wait.

If you want some hate from Islam I can quote it, return the favor with some of Spencer's. Should I wait, you never found anything on Geller.

I already did that----pressed Coyote for something written by Robert Spencer that
she can CHALLENGE---------still waiting ----its been more than a year-----fret not---
I did not hold my breath
She cannot find a bit of hate in either Spencer or Geller. They speak about Islam truthfully. And the hate in Islam they reveal is projected back on them. The sad part is a child could figure that out.

You support Myanmar,s genocide of the Rohinga. When comes to hate you have no credibility. And don’t say I am distorting anything. You finally admitted it.
And that’s why you spent 40 pages rabidly trolling, stalking, harassing and ruining the thread - all the while knowing nobody can escape your shrill harpy badgering as you can’t be put on ignore. I hope you are pleased with your small alleged ‘victory’.
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Reliance of the Traveller - Umdat al-Salik wa 'Uddat al-Nasik

This is a classic manual of fiqh rulings based on Shafi'i School of jurisprudence and includes original Arabic texts and translations from classic works of prominent Muslim scholars such as al Ghazali, al Nawawi, al Qurtubi, al Dhahabi and others. It is an indispensable reference for every Muslim or student of Islam who needs to research on Islamic rulings on daily Muslim life.

Reliance of the Traveller - Umdat al-Salik wa 'Uddat al-Nasik - £26.95 : HUbooks, Islamic Book Store | English and Arabic Islamic Books

Islamic Law, or Sharia (also Shari’a or Shariah ) literally means “well-worn camel path to the watering place.” and has been termed the “Sacred Path” of Islam. It provides Muslims with religious and political guidelines for their journey on earth. It is derived from commands in the Koran (19%) and the example of Muhammad (85%).

..Certificates of authenticity attest to the translation from the governments of Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia– and the text is the first Islamic legal work in a European language to receive certification from the most important seat of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence, Cairo’s al-Azhar University.

The most serious Sharia Law capital crime is “blasphemy “– insulting Islam or Muhammad. A Muslim is considered an apostate – subject to being killed by anyone – for being sarcastic about the Quran, any part of Islam, any ruling of Sharia Law, or any of Allah’s messengers. (Para. o8.7)

Therefore what Allah has decreed through the scriptures and how Muhammad lived his life has ultimate say for Muslims. Female inequality, wife beating, the cause of Islam to become the supreme religion of the world, Jihad, zakat payments are all part of the decrees of Allah found in the Koran and so are also found in the Sharia Law Manual.

It is a set of legal codes based on scriptures from the Koran and interpretations of these scriptures by classical Islamic schools of thought. Governing public, private, social, religious and political life of Muslims, the laws are based on the principal that Koranic commands are divine and absolute and can not be questioned. To break one of the rules or even doubt their legitimacy is a sin.

Reliance of the Traveller—Sharia Law Manual | ConCit
India is also convinced of the terrorist links and the likelihood of terrorism should the ‘rohingya’ stay in India:

India trying to deport 40,000 Rohingya Muslim over 'ties to terrorism'

...But in India, the government said it had reports from security agencies and other authentic sources "indicating linkages of some of the unauthorised Rohingya immigrants with Pakistan-based terror organisations and similar organisations operating in other countries."

It also said there was information on Rohingya involvement in plots by Isis and other "extremist groups" to ignite communal and sectarian violence in India....

..They said the 40,000 Rohingya had arrived in India illegally four or five years ago from Bangladesh after fleeing Burma. ...

India is trying to deport 40,000 Rohingya Muslims by claiming they're terrorists
Hardly a surprise:

Rohingya crisis: Suu Kyi says 'fake news helping terrorists'

Myanmar's de-facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi has claimed that the crisis in Rakhine state is being distorted by a "huge iceberg of misinformation".

In her first comments on the latest Rohingya crisis, she said tensions were being fanned by fake news promoting the interests of terrorists....

...The statement also said there were many fake news photographs circulating which were "simply the tip of a huge iceberg of misinformation calculated to create a lot of problems between different communities and with the aim of promoting the interest of the terrorists".

Is it 'fake news'?

There has certainly been a large amount of "fake news" surrounding recent events.

By 5 September there had been 1.2 million tweets talking about the crisis since refugees began flooding over the border, and many contain pictures purportedly showing a glimpse of the violence which has engulfed the region.

The problem is, according to the BBC's south-east Asia correspondent Jonathan Head, "much of it is wrong". A closer look reveals many - but not all - of the pictures come from other crises around the world, with one tweeted by Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek dating back to the Rwandan genocide in 1994...

...As a result, all people outside the affected areas have to rely on is the conflicting accounts of the Rohingya fleeing Myanmar and the government - with the space in between ripe for "fake news".

However, we do know the latest conflict was sparked on 25 August when Rohingya militants attacked police posts, triggering a military counter-offensive.

The military says it is fighting against Rohingya militants who are attacking civilians...


The area was mined in the 1990s, during military rule, to prevent trespassing. Myanmar's government has yet to respond as to whether or not fresh mines have been laid in recent weeks, Reuters said.

Suu Kyi blasts Rohingya 'misinformation'
" Crazed From The Heat And Desert Attire "

* Not Playing Nice *

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?
An assertion that i slam is synonymous with submission to gawd is equivalent with abdicating to edicts of the qurayshism creed , which is pretentious and preposterous .

The term islam is an infinitive meaning " to submit ", while the term muslim is a noun meaning " one who submits " ; each term is generic and one may practice i slam in a bdsm dungeon by being a mu slim to a dominatrix .

The definitions are absurd , circular , reasoning , espousing those who submit to submission , abdicating to authority , in deed , espousing the prostration of ones self , under foot , before the lofted rear end of those affront guided by the pompous arrogance of a pious hats .

Why does the kabaah have the semblance of a shiny anus ?

Further , practicing idolatry while denying idolatry is ridiculous , and none loved mu ham mad more than himself and the criticism of christians who venerate isa is absolutely ridiculous , considering the veneration of mu ham mad , as flawless perfection , is even greater and certainly more vicious .

The intrinsic elements of the ideology are based in hisbah that emphasizes abdication to authority , as subjects , as demand for complicity as dhimmi - the dim wit , the protected ignoramus - to the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony .

Even now tay yip yap ear dog again is corrupting the populous of turn key as the popularity of arrogance grows among its fictional ishmaelism majority , where democracy becomes tyranny for despotism through bandwagon majority .

Kemalism - Wikipedia
Populism (Turkish: halkçılık) is defined as a social revolution aimed to transfer the political power to citizenship. ... In the Ottoman society "the people" (the correct term for the period was "subjects") side (submits) to autocracy (Ottoman dynasty), theocracy (Caliphate) and feudalism (tribal leaders). Kemalism moved the orientation of political power towards the best interest of the "general public" (general public = citizens of the country, common citizens, citizenship).

However, Kemalist nationalism aimed to shift the political legitimacy from autocracy (by the Ottoman dynasty), theocracy (based in the Ottoman Caliphate), and feudalism (tribal leaders) to the active participation of its citizenry, the Turks. Kemalist social content wanted to establish the value of Turkish citizenship.

* Autonomy Of Others *

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
The condemnation of usury is a good creed , but investigation into the banking systems run by qurayshism or fictional ishmaelism adherents simply reflects that the means of usury has been modified to fees rather than accrued interest .

Controlling ones own dietary restrictions does not have anything to do with the dietary proclivities of some other , but that does not stop fictional ishmaelism adherents from violating non aggression principles to dictate it .

That charity is a good creed , using it as a justification to redeem the egregious elements of the fictional ishmaelism institution seems to be an underlying theme .
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" Crazed From The Heat And Desert Attire "

* Not Playing Nice *

It means submission to God which, when you think about it, is the core of each of the Abrahamic faiths. Is that a bad thing?
An assertion that i slam is synonymous with submission to gawd is equivalent with abdicating to edicts of the qurayshism creed , which is pretentious and preposterous .

The term islam is an infinitive meaning " to submit ", while the term muslim is a noun meaning " one who submits " ; each term is generic and one may practice i slam in a bdsm dungeon by being a mu slim to a dominatrix .

The definitions are absurd , circular , reasoning , espousing those who submit to submission , abdicating to authority , in deed , espousing the prostration of ones self , under foot , before the lofted rear end of those affront guided by the pompous arrogance of a pious hats .

Why does the kabaah have the semblance of a shiny anus ?

Further , practicing idolatry while denying idolatry is ridiculous , and none loved mu ham mad more than himself and the criticism of christians who venerate isa is absolutely ridiculous , considering the veneration of mu ham mad , as flawless perfection , is even greater and certainly more vicious .

The intrinsic elements of the ideology are based in hisbah that emphasizes abdication to authority , as subjects , as demand for complicity as dhimmi - the dim wit , the protected ignoramus - to the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony .

Even now tay yip yap ear dog again is corrupting the populous of turn key as the popularity of arrogance grows among its fictional ishmaelism majority , where democracy becomes tyranny for despotism through bandwagon majority .

Kemalism - Wikipedia
Populism (Turkish: halkçılık) is defined as a social revolution aimed to transfer the political power to citizenship. ... In the Ottoman society "the people" (the correct term for the period was "subjects") side (submits) to autocracy (Ottoman dynasty), theocracy (Caliphate) and feudalism (tribal leaders). Kemalism moved the orientation of political power towards the best interest of the "general public" (general public = citizens of the country, common citizens, citizenship).

However, Kemalist nationalism aimed to shift the political legitimacy from autocracy (by the Ottoman dynasty), theocracy (based in the Ottoman Caliphate), and feudalism (tribal leaders) to the active participation of its citizenry, the Turks. Kemalist social content wanted to establish the value of Turkish citizenship.

* Autonomy Of Others *

On is complex. It depends on how it is interpreted and where. For many Muslims it is simply guidance on how to live a pious life, much like Jewish religious law is to Jews. The problem from a human rights perspective, is when it is part of a nation’s law, particularly its penal codes. Muslin majority nations vary in how (if at all) Sharia is used in their legal systems. For example I don’t see a problem with sharia compliant banking, dietary restrictions, charitable giving etc.

Where there are problems are in countries where Sharia is used to legitimize domestic abuse, silence rape victims or prevent a woman from excersizing her rights, persecuting homosexuals or preventing a person from leaving the religion.
The condemnation of usury is a good creed , but investigation into the banking systems run by qurayshism or fictional ishmaelism adherents simply reflects that the means of usury has been modified to fees rather than accrued interest .

Controlling ones own dietary restrictions does not have anything to do with the dietary proclivities of some other , but that does not stop fictional ishmaelism adherents from violating non aggression principles to dictate it .

That charity is a good creed , using it as a justification to redeem the egregious elements of the fictional ishmaelism institution seems to be an underlying theme .

you essay is full of truths------EXCEPT----I cannot wrap my head around the description of the Kaabah as a shiny ass. It is used as an idol by muslims
today because it had been a place of idols before muhummad came on the scene---and he VERY CORRECTLY decided that he could not take customs away from
the idiots whilst ALSO demanding that they kiss HIS ASS. How much shit could
they take?
" First Impressions "

* Prostration Drones *

you essay is full of truths------EXCEPT----I cannot wrap my head around the description of the Kaabah as a shiny ass. It is used as an idol by muslims today because it had been a place of idols before muhummad came on the scene---and he VERY CORRECTLY decided that he could not take customs away from the idiots whilst ALSO demanding that they kiss HIS ASS. How much shit could they take?
The kabaah alludes to the .
The arm-tefillin, or shel yad, is placed on the upper arm, and the strap wrapped around the arm/hand, hand and fingers; while the head-tefillin, or shel rosh, is placed above the forehead. The Torah commands that they should be worn to serve as a "sign" and "remembrance" that God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Issue is the facade " wrapping " , " protection " , around a meteorite , a black stone , which is fabled to have originated from paradise and has somehow acquired a decorum with the semblance of a shiny anus ( not ass ) .
Coyote----your essay trivializes genocide. When evaluating existing laws in
Germany in 1935-----there is no doubt that one COULD talk about the traffic
rules-----EH!!! neither here nor there. -- and leave out the specifics of the Nuremburg
laws that LEGALIZED GENOCIDE-----when evaluating SHARIAH law---you tsk
tsk at the nod toward wife abuseCONVENIENTLY leave out the laws governing
NON-MUSLIMS----the LAWS OF LEGAL GENOCIDE. For the record---the
Armenian Genocide was not a crime according to DIVINE ETERNAL SHARIAH
" First Impressions "

* Prostration Drones *

you essay is full of truths------EXCEPT----I cannot wrap my head around the description of the Kaabah as a shiny ass. It is used as an idol by muslims today because it had been a place of idols before muhummad came on the scene---and he VERY CORRECTLY decided that he could not take customs away from the idiots whilst ALSO demanding that they kiss HIS ASS. How much shit could they take?
The kabaah alludes to the .
The arm-tefillin, or shel yad, is placed on the upper arm, and the strap wrapped around the arm/hand, hand and fingers; while the head-tefillin, or shel rosh, is placed above the forehead. The Torah commands that they should be worn to serve as a "sign" and "remembrance" that God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Issue is that it is a facade " wrapped " around a meteorite , a black stone fabled to have originated from paradise , that has somehow been acquired a decorum with the semblance of a shiny anus ( not ass ) .

sheeeeesh----you're right----that aperture does look like an anus----where is
that ass-hole located?
I wonder who got that picture in mecca of the kaaba ass hole-------was that legal?
Even at the level of Deputy PM, dishonesty and al taqiyya for Islam prevails.
Wonder how much murder his lies inspired?

Myanmar conflict: Fake photos inflame tension
By Jonathan HeadSouth East Asia correspondent

On 29 August, the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, Mehmet Simsek, tweeted four photographs, urging the international community to stop the ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas.

His post was retweeted more than 1,600 times, and liked by more than 1,200 readers.

But he was quickly criticised about the authenticity of the photographs.

Three days after his tweet, with many people challenging the images, Mr Simsek deleted it.


The first photograph, showing a number of bloated corpses, has been the hardest to track down.

A number of Burmese who have challenged Mr Simsek for the tweet have suggested they are victims of the devastating Cyclone Nargis in May 2008.

Others suggested they are victims of river boat accidents in Myanmar.

No similar photographs can be found related to those events.

But the image does appear on a several websites dated last year (we have not linked to these sites due to the graphic content).

This suggests the image is not from the recent violence in Rakhine state.

The BBC has ascertained that the second photograph, of a woman mourning a dead man tied to a tree, was taken in Aceh, Indonesia, in June 2003, by a photographer working for Reuters.

The third photograph, of two infants crying over the body of their mother, is from Rwanda in July 1994.

It was taken by Albert Facelly for Sipa, and was one of series of photos that won a World Press Award.

It has also been difficult to track down the fourth image, of people immersed in a canal, but it can be found on a website appealing for funds to help victims of recent flooding in Nepal.

Reality Check: Fake photos of Myanmar violence

There have also been a few pics of rohingya training with guns that actually appear to be from ? Bangladesh 1971, so supporters of both sides are indulging in deception to one degree or another.

Still, no actual evidence of genocide, but rather of a serious conflict with large-scale casualties. I guess that’s what happens in such conflicts and in wars, especially when you decide you want to appropriate land and when you attack and hack to pieces the police and military.
since I first became exposed to islamo Nazi propaganda ---as a child---circa 1960--
I am not at all surprised--------lots of it is gore------with a caption
" Imagery Of What The Heck "

* Disturbing Anxiety *

I wonder who got that picture in mecca of the kaaba ass hole-------was that legal?
Originally , mu ham mad had his followers prostrate themselves towards israel , but later changed the direction to mecca , towards the kabaah , which abraham built with ishmael in the Desert of Paran - Wikipedia .

My mind is geared towards interpretation of form and function , of meaning behind the meaning , of which symbolism is a big part ; and , unfortunately , associating a uniform fetish of blind obedience with assholery is really tough to shake .

* Visitations And Syncretism *

Although the mythology of apologue is entertaining and can be useful , an insistence on the acceptance of celestial religions Sin (mythology) - Wikipedia combined with Luciferianism - Wikipedia has caused a conflagration of reason .

The symbolism adopted for fictional ishmaelism , that of the morning star ( venus ) - luciferianism , passing through and appearing on the edge of a crescent moon - sin mythology , is a celestial event .

There is no doubt that peoples traveling under night sky were astute at astronomy and there is a lengthy history of extraterrestrial references .

Surah 70:4 The angels and the Spirit [i.e., Gabriel] will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.

NASA - Cosmic Explosion Among the Brightest in Recorded History
NASA's newly launched Swift satellite and the NSF-funded Very Large Array (VLA) were two of many observatories that observed the event, arising from neutron star SGR 1806-20, about 50,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius.

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