Myorkas wasted FEMA money helping illegals. Now there is no money for Helene catastrophy.

Shit, the right is spewing so many lies now, FEMA had to create a fact-check webpage just to expose their lies.
Imagine that. Using the misery of hurricane victims to cynically lie for partisan political gain..
Dude, are you not listening to what was being said? Mayorkas said they don't have the money to pay for another hurricane if one comes! They spent it on illegals. So if we do get another natural disaster...then whoever is involved is shit out of luck! The Biden Administration robbed Peter to pay Paul thinking nobody would notice. As usual whatever Joe Biden touches turns to shit so they got exposed!

Yes, that is because the $20 billion they got just last week isn't enough to cover this huge disaster plus another hurricane should one come.

And no, they didn't spend it on illegals. Just sad how fucked in the head righties have gotten.

Funds for this, and other hurricane assistance comes from FEMA disaster relief funds. Not a penny of that went to illegal aliens.
Imagine that. Using the misery of hurricane victims to cynically lie for partisan political gain..
They had to enflame the flocks emotions by blaming it all on migrants too. Nothing gins up the bases vitriolic hatred like blaming shit on migrants!
Yeah. Every thing bad (real or imagined) the the fault of immigrants.

We even had a MAGA nut just yesterday try to claim that the increase in the mortality of pregnant women in Texas since the inaction of draconian abortion laws was due to “illegals”.

The new boogeyman
Ah, if it isn’t Mr “I believe everything the right wing media tell me” even when it’s been shown that they lie to you relentlessly.
Do you think it doesent cost money to transport migrants around the country, frrd them, put them up in shelter, tend to their medical needs, educate children?
Individual undocumented immigrants are not eligible for FEMA cash assistance.

But NGO’s can and do give them cash

And NGO’s receive federal money

Rumor: Funding for FEMA disaster response was diverted to support international efforts or border related issues.


This is false. No money is being diverted from disaster response needs. FEMA’s disaster response efforts and individual assistance is funded through the Disaster Relief Fund, which is a dedicated fund for disaster efforts. Disaster Relief Fund money has not been diverted to other, non-disaster related efforts.

October 3, 2024

The United States has already faced 19 climate disasters this year with losses exceeding $1 billion each, according to FEMA.

What 19 "climate disasters" have occurred in the US this year?

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