MyPillow is auctioning off equipment after retailers pull its products

Your sources are no better.

Says the fraud, pushing the Big Lie. The only sources you consider valid are those that support the grift.

My sources are the actual election results and the results of every lawsuit on the topic, every recount, every audit.

Even Powell admitted that no reasonable person would consider her stolen election claims as statements of fact.
The recounts are nothing more than recounting illegal ballots. The audits by the states of GA. and AZ. were run by Dominion. Judges are compromised or looking for a promotion. And I am not grifting anyone you tired POS.

Says you, citing your imagination. You imagine illegal ballots, but you have no proof of them.

So you make them push your Big Lie fraud.

Its been *years*, Last. You liars are still complete failures.
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Says the fraud, pushign the Big Lie. The only sources you consider valid are those that support the grift.

My sources are the actual election results and the results of every lawsuit on the topic, every recount, every audit.

Even Powell admitted that no reasonable person would consider her stolen election claims as statements of fact.

Says you, citing your imagination. You imagine illegal ballots, but you have no proof of them.

So you make them push your Big Lie fraud.

Its been *years*, Last. You liars are still complete failures.
When over half the voters think that the 2024 will involve fraud that is hardly a failure. The failure was in 2020 when are politicians abandoned 74 million Americans. That will never be forgotten. It was wrong and just confirmed that fraud happened.
Your sources are no better. The recounts are nothing more than recounting illegal ballots. The audits by the states of GA. and AZ. were run by Dominion. Judges are compromised or looking for a promotion. And I am not grifting anyone you tired POS.
No, your role is that of the griftee.

You use the term illegal ballots. Now, if these ballots were actually planted illegally..I'd out in D.C. with a sign...LOL! But it's all based on dubious interpretation of election laws.
Ballot that in some way were not 100% technically correct. The courts have held, and still do, that a voter cannot have his ballot invalidated on a technicality without the opportunity to 'cure' his ballot.

You think cured ballots are illegal..and they are not. You think a smudged signature or a late delivery means illegal ballots...and they are not. You believed the Mules..and they believed in the Krakon...they lied. You have been egregiously lied to.

Your side has tried to ride a long chain of supposition and innuendo straight to the White House. Not to mention outright lying and blatant defamation.

They failed..stop being a tool...get a better hobby~
When over half the voters think that the 2024 will involve fraud that is hardly a failure. The failure was in 2020 when are politicians abandoned 74 million Americans. That will never be forgotten. It was wrong and confirmed that fraud happened.

Half the voters don't believe your Big Lie. You know that....but you're a fraud and liar, pushing a grift.

Its been years, Last. Years of your lies, years of your fraud, years of your Big Lie. And you're still offering us imagination as evidence, ignoring anything that doesn't push your grift.

Every lawsuit, every audit, every count, every investigation....all show that you and your ilk are liars. Not mistaken, not tricked, but actively pushing a bullshit narrative that you know is untrue.
No, your role is that of the griftee.

You use the term illegal ballots. Now, if these ballots were actually planted illegally..I'd out in D.C. with a sign...LOL! But it's all based on dubious interpretation of election laws.
Ballot that in some way were not 100% technically correct. The courts have held, and still do, that a voter cannot have his ballot invalidated on a technicality without the opportunity to 'cure' his ballot.

You think cured ballots are illegal..and they are not. You think a smudged signature or a late delivery means illegal ballots...and they are not. You believed the Mules..and they believed in the Krakon...they lied. You have been egregiously lied to.

Your side has tried to ride a long chain of supposition and innuendo straight to the White House. Not to mention outright lying and blatant defamation.

They failed..stop being a tool...get a better hobby~
That is a laughable excuse. Voter rolls told them whose vote they could steal in real time. That is how it is done.
That is a laughable excuse. Voter rolls told them whose vote they could steal in real time. That is how it is done.

Again, you're lying. You're making shit up. You've imagined up millions of 'illegal ballots', to back your grift.

Its been years, Last. And still, you can't back your lies.
Half the voters don't believe your Big Lie. You know that....but you're a fraud and liar, pushing a grift.

Its been years, Last. Years of your lies, years of your fraud, years of your Big Lie. And you're still offering us imagination as evidence, ignoring anything that doesn't push your grift.

Every lawsuit, every audit, every count, every investigation....all show that you and your ilk are liars. Not mistaken, not tricked, but actively pushing a bullshit narrative that you know is untrue.
Fuck every lawsuit and every court. It is a cover up and always has been. Censorship and intimidation has gone on non-stop since the election. They could not act more guilty and you could not be more stupid.
Fuck every lawsuit and every court. It is a cover up and always has been. Censorship and intimidation has gone on non-stop since the election. They could not act more guilty and you could not be more stupid.
You hate lawsuits, because they demand evidence.....and don't accept your imagination. The court of law is the bane of fraudsters like you. Its where your grift goes to die.

So your fraud ignores EVERY lawsuit, every failure, every dismissal....and just imagines up more nonsense backed by nothing to try and reel in more rubes.

You're a fraudster and a liar. And you're pushing a grift.
Again, you're lying. You're making shit up. You've imagined up millions of 'illegal ballots', to back your grift.

Its been years, Last. And still, you can't back your lies.
There are a few cases still open that can prove fraud. I guess we will have to wait. BTW calling me names has 0 affect on me.
You're a fraudster and a liar. And you're pushing a grift.

There are a few cases still open that can prove fraud. I guess we will have to wait. BTW calling me names has 0 affect on me. Pinhead.

Every single case has lost, without exception. 27 of 27 lawsuits in Arizona have ended in failure for you fraudsters.

And when your 'last few cases' end in your failure, you'll ignore them too.

You're a fraud pushing a grift. You're a liar, who knows that Biden won.
Mike Pillow Guy's Fire Sale Fizzles.

The auction of more than 800 pieces of "surplus industrial equipment" by MyPillow appears to have got off to a slow start, with more than 100 items having no bids at all whilst many others are currently going for well below the market price.

MyPillow is owned by Mike Lindell, a Donald Trump supporter who said he "lost $100 million" after major retailers stopped stocking his products after he became a vocal proponent of the conspiracy theory that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against the Republican candidate.

Lindell is the latest conservative figure to be facing consequences for backing Trump's claims that the election was stolen. An ethics committee in Washington D.C. has recommended Rudy Giuliani should have his law license revoked in the capital, in response to having "claimed massive election fraud" whilst having "no evidence." Special Counsel Jack Smith is currently investigating whether Trump himself broke the law, including what role he played in the January 6 U.S. Capitol attack which saw Congress stormed by hundreds of his supporters.

Mikey better just admit defeat. No one what his for shit pillows and now it appears no one wants his for shit equipment either.
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Fuck every lawsuit and every court. It is a cover up and always has been. Censorship and intimidation has gone on non-stop since the election. They could not act more guilty and you could not be more stupid.
Perhaps Med adjustment?

"It's all a cover-up" is always a red flag.
"Acting guilty" is all in your head.

Stupid? I imagine that's thinking everyone is wrong..and you're right..even though you've been proved wrong for years now.

Real-time ballot harvesting?? On-the-fly vote manipulation?

I bet you think they have this screen-covered room, all darkened, with men huddled over their computers, "2345 up here" and Hold that curve, it's winner", echoing softly~
Biden did not win. There was massive organized, and obvious, fraud.

Says you, pushing your Big of the largest grifts in political history. Your ilk lied about a 'stolen election' to get PAC the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Its been *years*, Last. And all we've seen from your ilk are more imagination to try and buttress the lies that have already failed.

Guilliani is looking at disbarment for his lies. Powell has admitted in court docs that no reasonable person would consider her election fraud claims statements of fact. Lin has 'retired' before he could be stripped of his law license. Mark Andrews lawsuits proceeds against Dinesh D'Souza. Wandrea and Ruby Moss' lawsuit against Gulliani is pushing forward. John Eastman is looking at disbarment.

And Jack Smith has flipped your fraudulent electors who tried to lie their way into the Electoral College.

Every day your fraud unravels even more, Grifter.
Says you, pushing your Big of the largest grifts in political history. Your ilk lied about a 'stolen election' to get PAC the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Its been *years*, Last. And all we've seen from your ilk are more imagination to try and buttress the lies that have already failed.

Guilliani is looking at disbarment for his lies. Powell has admitted in court docs that no reasonable person would consider her election fraud claims statements of fact. Lin has 'retired' before he could be stripped of his law license. Mark Andrews lawsuits proceeds against Dinesh D'Souza. Wandrea and Ruby Moss' lawsuit against Gulliani is pushing forward. John Eastman is looking at disbarment.

And Jack Smith has flipped your fraudulent electors who tried to lie their way into the Electoral College.

Every day your fraud unravels even more, Grifter.
You are pushing the Big Lie, not me.
Perhaps Med adjustment?

"It's all a cover-up" is always a red flag.
"Acting guilty" is all in your head.

Stupid? I imagine that's thinking everyone is wrong..and you're right..even though you've been proved wrong for years now.

Real-time ballot harvesting?? On-the-fly vote manipulation?

I bet you think they have this screen-covered room, all darkened, with men huddled over their computers, "2345 up here" and Hold that curve, it's winner", echoing softly~

"Cover up" is grifter code for "we've got jackshit for evidence".
You are pushing the Big Lie, not me.

The election results, criminal investigations, and the result of every election lawsuit to ever be heard on the topic says otherwise.

You're a fraud who knows they are a fraud......pushing lies as part of one of the biggest grifts in US political history.
That is a laughable excuse. Voter rolls told them whose vote they could steal in real time. That is how it is done.

The one thing you and your MAGA MAGGOT buddies need is the one thing you do not have....proof. You have no proof in any form of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud.

Over 60+Lawsuits were filed alleging "Election Fraud/Voter Fraud".

Over 60+ Lawsuits alleging "Election Fraud/Voter Fraud" were tossed for lack of evidence.

Ghouli Admitted, "We just don't have the evidence" of voter fraud.

Sidney "The Kraken" Powell admitted, "no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact"

There no physical evidence of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. You continue to push empty lies.
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