myth of Native Americans

Anybody seriously think Aztecs were 'hapless victims', or any of the eastern tribes? That's hilarious idiocy. All the tribes enjoyed torture for sport and entertainment, kept slaves, beat their wives, raided and murdered farmers, stole everything they could, hired out as mercenaries to any European power who paid them the most, liked to get stinking drunk and would murder for kegs of cheap crappy rum, and worse. They genocided each other at any opportunity, especially the Plains tribes, the Sioux were particularly deadly.

So much for the myth of the peaceful Europeans.

Well, I don't think many people think Europeans were particularly peaceful.

Rightfully so, Western Europe + Russia both were pretty mad.

But, then again some of the most peaceful of nations like Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, etc. have also been European.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Do you ever answer a question?
Native Americans were much more "Black Robe" and far less "Dances with Wolves". Just sayin'.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Do you ever answer a question?

Yes, because you never just start mouthing off, without addressing the issues.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Do you ever answer a question?

Ask a serious question and I'll consider it.
Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Do you ever answer a question?

Ask a serious question and I'll consider it.

I have
LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Do you ever answer a question?

Ask a serious question and I'll consider it.

I have

*sigh* I've pointed out a million times where I stand on the issue of white displacement. You don't see me encouraging mass 3rd world immigration to Japan, do you? I'll fight to protect my right to exist and for my children to live without oppression.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

And? Lots of racists like to quote IQ scores......I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)
sure--stating facts and truth is racist--got it
"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Do you ever answer a question?

Ask a serious question and I'll consider it.

I have

*sigh* I've pointed out a million times where I stand on the issue of white displacement. You don't see me encouraging mass 3rd world immigration to Japan, do you? I'll fight to protect my right to exist and for my children to live without oppression.

"Fight" how? What "oppression"? Specifics.
Anybody seriously think Aztecs were 'hapless victims', or any of the eastern tribes? That's hilarious idiocy. All the tribes enjoyed torture for sport and entertainment, kept slaves, beat their wives, raided and murdered farmers, stole everything they could, hired out as mercenaries to any European power who paid them the most, liked to get stinking drunk and would murder for kegs of cheap crappy rum, and worse. They genocided each other at any opportunity, especially the Plains tribes, the Sioux were particularly deadly.

LOL speaking of 'myths'.

Yes- Native Americans- the original Americans- did do many of those things- not all Native Americans- they were no more monolithic than Europeans were- the Cherokee were as different from the Aztecs as the Finnish tribes were different from the Turks.

lol nonsense. Find where Finns were cutting off people's heads and playing football with them, or tossing children into volcanoes and fires. True, Cherokees didn't have any volcanoes to toss people in, but they had fires, and they tortured for sport and fun, and murdered their neighbors and stole their lands like every other tribe did.

And of course Europeans did all of those things too. So much for the myth of the peaceful Europeans.

Compared to most of the planet, Europeans were indeed more peaceful, especially after the rise of Christianity, compared to pagans and savages.

For a troll who claims to 'prefer history', you don't know hardly any of it.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Unkotare just wants white people to buy him a Cadillac and a trip to Disneyland. We owe it to him for being Japanese, or something like that, in his mind.
Anybody seriously think Aztecs were 'hapless victims', or any of the eastern tribes? That's hilarious idiocy. All the tribes enjoyed torture for sport and entertainment, kept slaves, beat their wives, raided and murdered farmers, stole everything they could, hired out as mercenaries to any European power who paid them the most, liked to get stinking drunk and would murder for kegs of cheap crappy rum, and worse. They genocided each other at any opportunity, especially the Plains tribes, the Sioux were particularly deadly.

So much for the myth of the peaceful Europeans.

Well, I don't think many people think Europeans were particularly peaceful.

Rightfully so, Western Europe + Russia both were pretty mad.

But, then again some of the most peaceful of nations like Poland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, etc. have also been European.

Europeans didn't have to be much less violent to beat out American savages in the morals and murder game. We were, and still are, just hippie snuggle bunnies in comparison. If we weren't, there wouldn't be so many of them around today running around whining.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?

Unkotare just wants white people to buy him a Cadillac and a trip to Disneyland. We owe it to him for being Japanese, or something like that, in his mind.

Here we see why troll threads like this shouldn't be in the History forum. I'm not Japanese, as I've said hundreds of times, but dummies like this really have nothing else to say if not venting racist nonsense like dim-witted children.
Here we see why troll threads like this shouldn't be in the History forum. I'm not Japanese, as I've said hundreds of times, but dummies like this really have nothing else to say if not venting racist nonsense like dim-witted children.

I think I get what your game is. You're a rat...a're trying to goad me into breaking some forum rule so you can report me to the moderators.
Here we see why troll threads like this shouldn't be in the History forum. I'm not Japanese, as I've said hundreds of times, but dummies like this really have nothing else to say if not venting racist nonsense like dim-witted children.

I think I get what your game is. You're a rat...a're trying to goad me into breaking some forum rule so you can report me to the moderators.

Save that stuff for your shrink. How about addressing the thread topic, without resorting to slurs or historical ignorance?

To that end: how 'nice' the native people were has no bearing on the actions of the European settlers and later US government, other than those of self defense.
another thing about torture....for the whites, it was more of a law and order deal...part of the ''criminal' 'system.....the families/etc did not participate and did not pass it on as tradition
whereas for the NAs it was part of the culture---for captives/etc
How about addressing the thread topic?

I already did, several times. Since you're so keen on living in the past, how about you address the first post I made in this thread instead of stirring the pot? I don't have any problem with native Americans. They're so rare, white americans fawn over them like they're gods. That's the truth. Nobody is forcing them to stay on their reservations anyway. My Canadian friends privately share with me some of the most bigoted, hateful opinions about natives I've ever heard. I never knew until I connected with them online how much they're hated up there. So go find a Canadian to harass...

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