myth of Native Americans

and they didn't invent machines for it because they were not intelligent enough

'not intelligent enough'?

Well thank you racist boy.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians
Typical racist snowflake- in love with Youtube.

Too much mainstream media has skewed your perception of reality, they have filled your head with propaganda about white America to soothe those deep seated and well deserved feelings of inadequacy. Make no mistake, snowflake...take it from someone who knows.

Too much White Hate propaganda has skewed your tiny little racist snowflake echo of a brain.

What about your White Hating propaganda?
You do realize that your statement that 'some races aren't as intelligent as others'- fits your definition of racist- who believes that a particular race is superior to another'

Yeah- you are a racist for believing that some races aren't as intelligent as others.

Right in there with David Duke territory.

Wow what a fucking hypocrite you are. You've been shitting all over white people for several pages, you said natives are more prone to diabetes and alcoholism but you draw the line at there being racial disparities in IQ?
You do realize that your statement that 'some races aren't as intelligent as others'- fits your definition of racist- who believes that a particular race is superior to another'

Yeah- you are a racist for believing that some races aren't as intelligent as others.

Right in there with David Duke territory.
you said natives are more prone to diabetes and alcoholism but you draw the line at there being racial disparities in IQ?

It could be largely from a lack of Histamine.

Histamine protects against Diabetes, stimulates the metabolism, and stimulates the mind.

Unfortunately, it also causes OCD.
wrong.--torture was NOT part of the white culture as it was the NAs':

Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.
wrong again--the whole ''tribe'' didn't participate ... the childrren weren't involved

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.
wrong.--torture was NOT part of the white culture as it was the NAs':

Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.

and they didn't invent machines for it because they were not intelligent enough

'not intelligent enough'?

Well thank you racist boy.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

And yeah that is racist.

Native Americans didn't 'invent' the wheel in the same way that the Europeans of 1776 had not not 'invented' the airplane or the semi-conductor.

Europeans didn't invent the wheel. Europeans didn't invent the alphabet- they learned about those- usually from their conquerors.

Just as Native Americans learned about the wheel and the alphabet from their conquerors. And after learning about them- they adopted them- which is why Seqouyah created their own alphabet and written language after exposure to the Europeans- just as Europeans adopted the alphabet(eventually) after the Greeks were exposed to the alphabet of the Phoenicians.

You claimed that native Americans are less intelligent than Europeans. Want to retract that? Want to rephrase that? This is your opportunity.

If not- either prove it- or let it stand that you are just a racist who started this thread because of your racist ideas.
are you saying some cultures/races/countries can't be less intelligent??
NAs score less on SATs
SAT scores drop and racial gaps remain large
Last edited:
You do realize that your statement that 'some races aren't as intelligent as others'- fits your definition of racist- who believes that a particular race is superior to another'

Yeah- you are a racist for believing that some races aren't as intelligent as others.

Right in there with David Duke territory.
you said natives are more prone to diabetes and alcoholism but you draw the line at there being racial disparities in IQ?

It could be largely from a lack of Histamine.

Histamine protects against Diabetes, stimulates the metabolism, and stimulates the mind.

Unfortunately, it also causes OCD.

Well it's only logical that people separated by oceans for thousands of years would develop certain biological differences.
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.
wrong again--the whole ''tribe'' didn't participate ... the childrren weren't involved

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.

and they didn't invent machines for it because they were not intelligent enough

'not intelligent enough'?

Well thank you racist boy.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

And yeah that is racist.

Native Americans didn't 'invent' the wheel in the same way that the Europeans of 1776 had not not 'invented' the airplane or the semi-conductor.

Europeans didn't invent the wheel. Europeans didn't invent the alphabet- they learned about those- usually from their conquerors.

Just as Native Americans learned about the wheel and the alphabet from their conquerors. And after learning about them- they adopted them- which is why Seqouyah created their own alphabet and written language after exposure to the Europeans- just as Europeans adopted the alphabet(eventually) after the Greeks were exposed to the alphabet of the Phoenicians.

You claimed that native Americans are less intelligent than Europeans. Want to retract that? Want to rephrase that? This is your opportunity.

If not- either prove it- or let it stand that you are just a racist who started this thread because of your racist ideas.
are you saying some cultures/races/countries can't be less intelligent??

As usual we can use Estonia, or China, as examples which prove the anti-racist egalitarian wrong, over, and over, again.

China, and Estonia's IQ, and PISA scores are very high, despite being of modest incomes, and being bullied in the 20th century.

By tired old idiotic Liberal arguments, this shouldn't be the case.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

"Our own lands"?


And, what happened to your proof of becoming "a tiny minority"?
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight.....

"A fight," hero? Who or what are you imagining yourself fighting, and how do you imagine doing it? Should be funny...

Do you ever bother to read an entire conversation before you barge in?
for the very best of contributions to mankind-----check out the origin of SYPHILIS----
aka THE FRENCH DISEASE--------alternatively the ENGLISH DISEASE
'not intelligent enough'?

Well thank you racist boy.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

And? Lots of racists like to quote IQ scores......I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)
Typical racist snowflake- in love with Youtube.

Too much mainstream media has skewed your perception of reality, they have filled your head with propaganda about white America to soothe those deep seated and well deserved feelings of inadequacy. Make no mistake, snowflake...take it from someone who knows.

Too much White Hate propaganda has skewed your tiny little racist snowflake echo of a brain.

What about your White Hating propaganda?

Sorry I don't have any. I rely on history.

Poor little racist snowflake- still trying to promote your racist trash to compensate for your 'short comings'.....
race discussion.png
Anybody seriously think Aztecs were 'hapless victims', or any of the eastern tribes? That's hilarious idiocy. All the tribes enjoyed torture for sport and entertainment, kept slaves, beat their wives, raided and murdered farmers, stole everything they could, hired out as mercenaries to any European power who paid them the most, liked to get stinking drunk and would murder for kegs of cheap crappy rum, and worse. They genocided each other at any opportunity, especially the Plains tribes, the Sioux were particularly deadly.

LOL speaking of 'myths'.

Yes- Native Americans- the original Americans- did do many of those things- not all Native Americans- they were no more monolithic than Europeans were- the Cherokee were as different from the Aztecs as the Finnish tribes were different from the Turks.

And of course Europeans did all of those things too. So much for the myth of the peaceful Europeans.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

Natives Americans don't score IQ's on par with Whites, Ashkenazi Jews, or East Asians

I heard that the Europeans with the lowest IQ scores are Estonians....

(and yes- that is me joking)

Estonia just became the #1 in Europe for PISA scores.

By Egalitarian anti-Racist logic, this shouldn't true.

Estonia was colonized for nearly 1,000 years, and that ended in 1992 when Estonia broke away from the Soviet Union proper.

Furthermore, Estonia had big death tolls in WW2.

None the less, Estonia has been since 1992, among the fastest growing economies of Europe, have produced some good tech for such a little country, including Kazaa, and Skype, and Estonia has become Europe's leader in PISA scores.

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