myth of Native Americans come it's always the whites tricked/stole/etc ???:laugh::laugh: !!!!!!!!!
...they didn't have to trick anyone....they had the better technology--the more advanced technology-culture come we don't hear the NAs were not intelligent enough to be advanced to defeat the whites?'s like some of the Africans, they didn't even have an alphabet....they weren't advanced....they were in the ''stone age''....they didn't even have the wheel.....
.....this makes the whites evil ????????!!!!!!!!!!!

Africans hadn't even invented the wheel before the white man came along.

The English didn't 'invent' the wheel- until someone brought the idea of the wheel to the English.

There's evidence of wheels going way back in Europe.

Ljubljana Marshes Wheel - Wikipedia

Bronocice pot - Wikipedia come it's always the whites tricked/stole/etc ???:laugh::laugh: !!!!!!!!!
...they didn't have to trick anyone....they had the better technology--the more advanced technology-culture come we don't hear the NAs were not intelligent enough to be advanced to defeat the whites?'s like some of the Africans, they didn't even have an alphabet....they weren't advanced....they were in the ''stone age''....they didn't even have the wheel.....
.....this makes the whites evil ????????!!!!!!!!!!!

Africans hadn't even invented the wheel before the white man came along.

The English didn't 'invent' the wheel- until someone brought the idea of the wheel to the English.

There's evidence of wheels going way back in Europe.

Ljubljana Marshes Wheel - Wikipedia

Bronocice pot - Wikipedia

Yep- but not being invented there.

Technology crossed back and forth across Euroasia. Technology didn't cross to Australia, or the New World until Europeans went global.
Show no quarter taken, none given, is the code and strategy by which ALL the native tribes lived.

If you went to war (and they were always at war) you could expect to be wantonly raped, killed, tortured. And victory was engaging in those acts against your enemies.

Odd isn't it?

Both of our first English colonies- Jamestown and Plymouth- were saved by Native Americans- and would have perished without their assistance.

Of course the English later killed them all......
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.
wrong again--the whole ''tribe'' didn't participate ... the childrren weren't involved

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.

and they didn't invent machines for it because they were not intelligent enough

'not intelligent enough'?

Well thank you racist boy.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

You were the one who claimed that an entire race was not an 'intelligent' as another race (Native Americans versus Europeans).

And yeah that is racist.

Native Americans didn't 'invent' the wheel in the same way that the Europeans of 1776 had not not 'invented' the airplane or the semi-conductor.

Europeans didn't invent the wheel. Europeans didn't invent the alphabet- they learned about those- usually from their conquerors.

Just as Native Americans learned about the wheel and the alphabet from their conquerors. And after learning about them- they adopted them- which is why Seqouyah created their own alphabet and written language after exposure to the Europeans- just as Europeans adopted the alphabet(eventually) after the Greeks were exposed to the alphabet of the Phoenicians.

You claimed that native Americans are less intelligent than Europeans. Want to retract that? Want to rephrase that? This is your opportunity.

If not- either prove it- or let it stand that you are just a racist who started this thread because of your racist ideas.
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.
wrong again--the whole ''tribe'' didn't participate ... the childrren weren't involved

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.
Actually torture was quite a part of European culture.

The funny part is that this thread is about supposed myths of native Americans- and yet here you are promoting myths about our European culture.

Torture was routine in Europe.
Elizabethan Era Torture,death,punishment,crime,methods,prisoner,Crossbar
The Medieval Tortures of the Roman Catholic Church
No doubt many native American tribes(but not all) had elaborate torture rituals- but they didn't invent entire machines designed just for torture like our European ancestors did.

But more on point- Europeans in America commonly tortured each other- and of course native Americans.

I just read an account in "Don't Know Much About History"- of our glorious ancestors ordering a native American castrated- and then flayed alive- and being forced to eat his own skin.

and they didn't invent machines for it because they were not intelligent enough

'not intelligent enough'?

Well thank you racist boy.
they didn't have the wheel, alphabet, etc....were obviously they were not as advanced/intelligent/etc as the whites......racism has nothing to do with this

just as Europeans adopted the alphabet(eventually) after the Greeks were exposed to the alphabet of the Phoenicians.

You claimed that native Americans are less intelligent than Europeans. Want to retract that? Want to rephrase that? This is your opportunity.

If not- either prove it- or let it stand that you are just a racist who started this thread because of your racist ideas.

I think it's more than likely that the Greek, and Phoenician alphabets come from Greek Dispillio Tablet / Linear A / Linear B Tablets.

I don't claim that we know the absolute truth about the origin of the first alphabet- but the Phoenicians are generally credited with the invention of the concept of- and the first alphabet.
Indians didn't scalp until they found soldiers scalping indians. Surprised you didn't know that.

Scalping was introduced to Europe with the LBK Culture who were a band of Neolithic Near Eastern immigrants..

Perhaps- but we are talking of the introduction of scalping in the New World- started by Europeans who paid for scalps of Native Americans just as we used to pay hunters for coyote skins.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.
let's stop the myth of NAs being peaceful, corn growing people
..they murdered/raped/tortured/dislocated/decimated/etc other tribes long before the evil whites came fact, torture was part of some tribes' culture we don't need to hear that all Americans are immigrants--because we are not
Who claimed they were peaceful? Almost all tribes had a warrior class....hardly peaceful.

the Vikings were really nasty-------as were the Romans

I think the really, really nasty ones are the Semites (Arabs, and Jews)

You forgot to have the Indians thank Europeans for alcoholism, and small pox, and influenza, and measles, and diabetes........and introducing scalping.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I didn't know that Whitey invented Diabetes.

What about Tobacco introduced from Natives, to Whites?[/QUOTE]

You think that Native Americans went to Europe and introduced Europeans to tobacco? LOL

Europeans didn't 'invent' diabetes' but if Native Americans are supposed to thank Europeans for the changes brought about by the defeat of the Native cultures- diabetes is as much a part of that as modern dentistry(along with of course most cavities)
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight like those pussy liberals who gave you that swelled head you also are in for a rude awakening.
Europeans didn't invent the alphabet- they learned about those- usually from their conquerors.

Vinca script says otherwise

Thanks- while I knew about some discoveries in that region- I wasn't familiar with these symbols.

There is no indication that these symbols are an alphabet.

You forgot to have the Indians thank Europeans for alcoholism, and small pox, and influenza, and measles, and diabetes........and introducing scalping.

Oh, I didn't know that Whitey invented Diabetes.

What about Tobacco introduced from Natives, to Whites?

You think that Native Americans went to Europe and introduced Europeans to tobacco? LOL

Europeans didn't 'invent' diabetes' but if Native Americans are supposed to thank Europeans for the changes brought about by the defeat of the Native cultures- diabetes is as much a part of that as modern dentistry(along with of course most cavities)[/QUOTE]
That is such a sad diatribe.

Europeans created diabetes. But only in the Indian population!.[/QUOTE]

Wow- shame you took your kids out of public school- I hope they are not stuck with your reading comprehension problems- or your ignorance.

Europeans didn't 'invent' diabetes' but if Native Americans are supposed to thank Europeans for the changes brought about by the defeat of the Native cultures- diabetes is as much a part of that as modern dentistry(along with of course most cavities)

I made it larger for you this time. Maybe that will help- and I typed slower for you too.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight like those pussy liberals who gave you that swelled head you also are in for a rude awakening.

You are going to piss and moan and whine like the typical racist snowflake you are.
Indians didn't scalp until they found soldiers scalping indians. Surprised you didn't know that.

Scalping was introduced to Europe with the LBK Culture who were a band of Neolithic Near Eastern immigrants..

Perhaps- but we are talking of the introduction of scalping in the New World- started by Europeans who paid for scalps of Native Americans just as we used to pay hunters for coyote skins.

Not all Europeans are really European in the first place.

Southern Europeans for example are very Arab like in their DNA.

The Estonians, Finns, Latvians, and Lithuanians are the most WHG (Indigenous European by genetics) the least Mediterranean.

Germans, and the English the most barbaric of Northern Europe, look, and act more like Spaniards, than like Estonians.
The genes say it all.

The Mediterranean race is the center of Evil in the World, not Whites.
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight like those pussy liberals who gave you that swelled head you also are in for a rude awakening.

You are going to piss and moan and whine like the typical racist snowflake you are.

fair warning sweetheart
Indians didn't scalp until they found soldiers scalping indians. Surprised you didn't know that.

Scalping was introduced to Europe with the LBK Culture who were a band of Neolithic Near Eastern immigrants..

Perhaps- but we are talking of the introduction of scalping in the New World- started by Europeans who paid for scalps of Native Americans just as we used to pay hunters for coyote skins.

Not all Europeans are really European in the first place.

Southern Europeans for example are very Arab like in their DNA.

The Estonians, Finns, Latvians, and Lithuanians are the most WHG (Indigenous European by genetics) the least Mediterranean.

Germans, and the English the most barbaric of Northern Europe, look, and act more like Spaniards, than like Estonians.
The genes say it all.

The Mediterranean race is the center of Evil in the World, not Whites.

LOL- you white supremacists and your bizarre racial ideas crack me up.

Yep- those Estonians- they are the only 'true' whites......
Non whites are the most racist motherfuckers on this planet and if guilty white liberals who think they're gonna be treated decently when we finally become a minority in our own lands are in for a rude awakening.

Poor threatened little racist snowflake.

LOL and if you think I'm gonna go down without a fight like those pussy liberals who gave you that swelled head you also are in for a rude awakening.

You are going to piss and moan and whine like the typical racist snowflake you are.

fair warning sweetheartA]

Typical racist snowflake- in love with Youtube.
It's settled science that most of the natives at least in the North are of Mongol descent.

They invaded north America, and killed off the mastadon and native horses.
Indians didn't scalp until they found soldiers scalping indians. Surprised you didn't know that.

Scalping was introduced to Europe with the LBK Culture who were a band of Neolithic Near Eastern immigrants..

Perhaps- but we are talking of the introduction of scalping in the New World- started by Europeans who paid for scalps of Native Americans just as we used to pay hunters for coyote skins.

Not all Europeans are really European in the first place.

Southern Europeans for example are very Arab like in their DNA.

The Estonians, Finns, Latvians, and Lithuanians are the most WHG (Indigenous European by genetics) the least Mediterranean.

Germans, and the English the most barbaric of Northern Europe, look, and act more like Spaniards, than like Estonians.
The genes say it all.

The Mediterranean race is the center of Evil in the World, not Whites.

LOL- you white supremacists and your bizarre racial ideas crack me up.

Yep- those Estonians- they are the only 'true' whites......

Well, Just look at these Estonian crowds below.

Indeed, even the English look like Jews in comparison.

We know most Jewish genes are Mediterranean.

You forgot to have the Indians thank Europeans for alcoholism, and small pox, and influenza, and measles, and diabetes........and introducing scalping.

Oh, I didn't know that Whitey invented Diabetes.

What about Tobacco introduced from Natives, to Whites?[/QUOTE]

You think that Native Americans went to Europe and introduced Europeans to tobacco? LOL

Europeans didn't 'invent' diabetes' but if Native Americans are supposed to thank Europeans for the changes brought about by the defeat of the Native cultures- diabetes is as much a part of that as modern dentistry(along with of course most cavities)[/QUOTE]

So, it must be Whitey's fault, that Whitey's food is so addictive.

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