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Myth of the absent black father

This is the time for all good Conservatives to put their feelings aside and lets focus on what might be done to solve the problem which everyone agrees is a bad thing for the Black race and America as a whole.
1) replace all hand-out systems with hand-up systems
2) force govco to do their job of breaking up monopolies and oligopolies
3) refocus our economy to one of production and prosperity vs. making war around the globe... war on drugs and that which we fear... really?
Last edited:
You still need to learn english. What you said is absent whites don't have the same stereotype. Where what you meant to say is that whites don't have the same stereotype as being absent. And that would be true. It would be true because blacks certainly do hold to the stereo type of being the race with the highest percentage BY FAR of absent fathers. It's just a fact. They are not absent because they are black... they have the stereotype because to many black fathers are absent. Again it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I suspect it's the culture followed by most blacks. But you are free to explain why you think black fathers are more likely to be absent, by far, than any other group.

You still need to learn how to read. No thats not what I said. What I said was white fathers do that too. If white fathers are absent in their childrens lives why do they not have the same stereotype?
You used the term "they" which refers to the prior group. You had two groups in one sentence.. the prior group was the group of absent white fathers, not the group of whites. Thus my reading of your sentence was correct.

Given your further clarification.... The reason is obvious. Whites don't carry the same stereotype because the shoe fits blacks more than it does whites. It's just a plain fact. Yes people should not stereotype, but they do. If whites were more likely than blacks to be absent fathers then whites would hold that stereotype for those that do such things.

I used "they" referring to white men. Not just absent white men. So you read incorrectly.

The shoe doesn't fit Black men more than it does white men. White men are just as absent if not more than Black men.

Your sentence had two groups, when a sentence has two groups and you say they, the they is ambiguous. You meant to refer to white men... you didn't. I understand what your intent was. Just trying to explain why I tied your they to the more recently discussed group vs. the prior group. If you like I can copy the sentence here and break it down for you in detail tying subject to verb.

Please provide a link or data showing that white men in general are more absent than black men in general with regard to being present to raise their kids or by any other measure.

I don't need you to breakdown what I was referring to when I said they. If it was too ambiguous for you then you should have simply asked instead of assuming.

Gotta go so I will be back tomorrow with the links
Fair enough... later.
BS absent white fathers most certainly do have the stereotype of being bad fathers. Being absent is not a white/black thing.

You must live under a rock.

absent father stereotypes - Google Search
You still need to learn english. What you said is absent whites don't have the same stereotype. Where what you meant to say is that whites don't have the same stereotype as being absent. And that would be true. It would be true because blacks certainly do hold to the stereo type of being the race with the highest percentage BY FAR of absent fathers. It's just a fact. They are not absent because they are black... they have the stereotype because to many black fathers are absent. Again it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I suspect it's the culture followed by most blacks. But you are free to explain why you think black fathers are more likely to be absent, by far, than any other group.

This is the necessary background to understand how the Welfare program forced the Black unemployed husbands/fathers from the home before the Mothers and Children could get the Welfare benefits.

That caused the disruption of the Black family.

That forced young mothers, often those who were lucky to have graduated HS, to manage a household as a single parent. And be the sole child raiser.

Well, that's a prescription for failure.

And for 50 years this program has only exacerbated the problem LBJ SUPPOSEDLY was trying to solve.

No wonder Black males are less than they could otherwise be!

Who would look at these dynamics and envision anything else???

Marriage and Poverty, Welfare Reform, Welfare Spending and Work and Welfare
September 23, 2014

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
By Robert Rector

"... When President Johnson launched the War on Poverty, he wanted to give the poor a "hand up, not a hand out." He stated that his war would shrink welfare rolls and turn the poor from "taxeaters" into "taxpayers." Johnson's aim was to make poor families self-sufficient - able to rise above poverty through their own earnings without dependence on welfare.

The exact opposite happened. For a decade and a half before the War on Poverty began, self-sufficiency in American improved dramatically. But for the last 45 years, there has been no improvement at all. Many groups are less capable of self-support today than when Johnson's war started.

The culprit is, in part, the welfare system itself, which discourages work and penalizes marriage. When the War on Poverty began, 7 percent of American children were born outside marriage. Today the number is 41 percent. The collapse of marriage is the main cause of child poverty today.

The welfare state is self-perpetuating. By undermining the social norms necessary for self-reliance, welfare creates a need for even greater assistance in the future. President Obama plans to spend $13 trillion over the next decade on welfare programs that will discourage work, penalize marriage and undermine self-sufficiency.

Rather than repeating the mistakes of the past we should return to Johnson's original goal. Johnson sought to help the poor help themselves. He aimed to free the poor from the need for government aid, rather than to increase their dependence. That's a vision worth recapturing.

- Robert Rector is a senior research fellow in the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation.
Originally distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The War on Poverty 50 years of failure
While the handout system put in place by the democrats is most certainly designed to keep them there. I would not say that there is also evidence that black fathers were run oft by their mothers so they could live off welfare. I suspect mothers would be happier with good bread winning fathers than a government substitute. But I do agree that welfare hand-outs have the bad effect of letting welfare bound single parents stay that way.

Did you watch the Adam - 12 episode yet that I posted in post #74?

The segment with the poor family trying to game the system starts a bit after the 9:00 point, I believe.

You'll note the father is played by accomplished character actor, Harry Dean Stanton.
Can't it's not working here.. might be cause I don't have hulu.
This is the time for all good Conservatives to put their feelings aside and lets focus on what might be done to solve the problem which everyone agrees is a bad thing for the Black race and America as a whole.
1) replace all hand-out systems with hand-up systems
2) force govco to do their job of breaking up monopolies and oligopolies
3) refocus our economy to one of production and prosperity vs. making war around the globe


What are the specifics of the hand-up system you envision?

You still need to learn english. What you said is absent whites don't have the same stereotype. Where what you meant to say is that whites don't have the same stereotype as being absent. And that would be true. It would be true because blacks certainly do hold to the stereo type of being the race with the highest percentage BY FAR of absent fathers. It's just a fact. They are not absent because they are black... they have the stereotype because to many black fathers are absent. Again it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I suspect it's the culture followed by most blacks. But you are free to explain why you think black fathers are more likely to be absent, by far, than any other group.

This is the necessary background to understand how the Welfare program forced the Black unemployed husbands/fathers from the home before the Mothers and Children could get the Welfare benefits.

That caused the disruption of the Black family.

That forced young mothers, often those who were lucky to have graduated HS, to manage a household as a single parent. And be the sole child raiser.

Well, that's a prescription for failure.

And for 50 years this program has only exacerbated the problem LBJ SUPPOSEDLY was trying to solve.

No wonder Black males are less than they could otherwise be!

Who would look at these dynamics and envision anything else???

Marriage and Poverty, Welfare Reform, Welfare Spending and Work and Welfare
September 23, 2014

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
By Robert Rector

"... When President Johnson launched the War on Poverty, he wanted to give the poor a "hand up, not a hand out." He stated that his war would shrink welfare rolls and turn the poor from "taxeaters" into "taxpayers." Johnson's aim was to make poor families self-sufficient - able to rise above poverty through their own earnings without dependence on welfare.

The exact opposite happened. For a decade and a half before the War on Poverty began, self-sufficiency in American improved dramatically. But for the last 45 years, there has been no improvement at all. Many groups are less capable of self-support today than when Johnson's war started.

The culprit is, in part, the welfare system itself, which discourages work and penalizes marriage. When the War on Poverty began, 7 percent of American children were born outside marriage. Today the number is 41 percent. The collapse of marriage is the main cause of child poverty today.

The welfare state is self-perpetuating. By undermining the social norms necessary for self-reliance, welfare creates a need for even greater assistance in the future. President Obama plans to spend $13 trillion over the next decade on welfare programs that will discourage work, penalize marriage and undermine self-sufficiency.

Rather than repeating the mistakes of the past we should return to Johnson's original goal. Johnson sought to help the poor help themselves. He aimed to free the poor from the need for government aid, rather than to increase their dependence. That's a vision worth recapturing.

- Robert Rector is a senior research fellow in the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation.
Originally distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The War on Poverty 50 years of failure
While the handout system put in place by the democrats is most certainly designed to keep them there. I would not say that there is also evidence that black fathers were run oft by their mothers so they could live off welfare. I suspect mothers would be happier with good bread winning fathers than a government substitute. But I do agree that welfare hand-outs have the bad effect of letting welfare bound single parents stay that way.

Did you watch the Adam - 12 episode yet that I posted in post #74?

The segment with the poor family trying to game the system starts a bit after the 9:00 point, I believe.

You'll note the father is played by accomplished character actor, Harry Dean Stanton.
Can't it's not working here.. might be cause I don't have hulu.

Neither do I.

This is supposed to be a free episode for even non-subscribers.

About 3,590 results (0.47 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Adam-12 Log 22 - Hulu
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    Watch Adam-12 Online - Log 22 So This Little Guy Goes into This Bar and... Hulu

    Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, ... Adam-12 ...

  2. Watch Adam-12 Season 1 Episode 26 S1E26 Log 022: So ...
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    OVGuide Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videostv.../adam12-season-1-episode-26-l...

    Aired date: Apr 5, 1969. Plot: Malloy ... Adam-12 Log 022: So This Little Guy Goes Into ThisBar · Next ...
This is the time for all good Conservatives to put their feelings aside and lets focus on what might be done to solve the problem which everyone agrees is a bad thing for the Black race and America as a whole.
1) replace all hand-out systems with hand-up systems
2) force govco to do their job of breaking up monopolies and oligopolies
3) refocus our economy to one of production and prosperity vs. making war around the globe


What are the specifics of the hand-up system you envision?

Hand-up means the money is distributed locally by people who know the people who are receiving the money. Hand up means the focus is on getting people out of poverty or for very temporary help in transitions between one job to the next, not making it comfortable to be in poverty. When my kids come to me asking for money I ask them what they are going to do to earn it and what their plans are to become self sufficient. I track them to their goals. This works because I'm not some nameless politician writing them a check from DC. When my relatives ask for money I usually say no to the ones that are not self-sufficient and yes to the ones that are usually self sufficient but need a small bit of help during a transition. If non-self sufficient relatives have a plan to better themselves and become self sufficient, I won't hesitate to help them get there. But I'm not gonna make life easy for anyone. IMO making life easy for people hurts them in the long run as they won't appreciate the help and likely won't try as hard as they would otherwise to get on their own two feet.

The old adage that it's better to teach a man to fish than to give him fish only to have him come back complaining for the next day still applies.
You still need to learn english. What you said is absent whites don't have the same stereotype. Where what you meant to say is that whites don't have the same stereotype as being absent. And that would be true. It would be true because blacks certainly do hold to the stereo type of being the race with the highest percentage BY FAR of absent fathers. It's just a fact. They are not absent because they are black... they have the stereotype because to many black fathers are absent. Again it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I suspect it's the culture followed by most blacks. But you are free to explain why you think black fathers are more likely to be absent, by far, than any other group.

This is the necessary background to understand how the Welfare program forced the Black unemployed husbands/fathers from the home before the Mothers and Children could get the Welfare benefits.

That caused the disruption of the Black family.

That forced young mothers, often those who were lucky to have graduated HS, to manage a household as a single parent. And be the sole child raiser.

Well, that's a prescription for failure.

And for 50 years this program has only exacerbated the problem LBJ SUPPOSEDLY was trying to solve.

No wonder Black males are less than they could otherwise be!

Who would look at these dynamics and envision anything else???

Marriage and Poverty, Welfare Reform, Welfare Spending and Work and Welfare
September 23, 2014

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
By Robert Rector

"... When President Johnson launched the War on Poverty, he wanted to give the poor a "hand up, not a hand out." He stated that his war would shrink welfare rolls and turn the poor from "taxeaters" into "taxpayers." Johnson's aim was to make poor families self-sufficient - able to rise above poverty through their own earnings without dependence on welfare.

The exact opposite happened. For a decade and a half before the War on Poverty began, self-sufficiency in American improved dramatically. But for the last 45 years, there has been no improvement at all. Many groups are less capable of self-support today than when Johnson's war started.

The culprit is, in part, the welfare system itself, which discourages work and penalizes marriage. When the War on Poverty began, 7 percent of American children were born outside marriage. Today the number is 41 percent. The collapse of marriage is the main cause of child poverty today.

The welfare state is self-perpetuating. By undermining the social norms necessary for self-reliance, welfare creates a need for even greater assistance in the future. President Obama plans to spend $13 trillion over the next decade on welfare programs that will discourage work, penalize marriage and undermine self-sufficiency.

Rather than repeating the mistakes of the past we should return to Johnson's original goal. Johnson sought to help the poor help themselves. He aimed to free the poor from the need for government aid, rather than to increase their dependence. That's a vision worth recapturing.

- Robert Rector is a senior research fellow in the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation.
Originally distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The War on Poverty 50 years of failure
While the handout system put in place by the democrats is most certainly designed to keep them there. I would not say that there is also evidence that black fathers were run oft by their mothers so they could live off welfare. I suspect mothers would be happier with good bread winning fathers than a government substitute. But I do agree that welfare hand-outs have the bad effect of letting welfare bound single parents stay that way.

Did you watch the Adam - 12 episode yet that I posted in post #74?

The segment with the poor family trying to game the system starts a bit after the 9:00 point, I believe.

You'll note the father is played by accomplished character actor, Harry Dean Stanton.
Can't it's not working here.. might be cause I don't have hulu.

Neither do I.

This is supposed to be a free episode for even non-subscribers.

About 3,590 results (0.47 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Adam-12 Log 22 - Hulu
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    Watch Adam-12 Online - Log 22 So This Little Guy Goes into This Bar and... Hulu

    Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, ... Adam-12 ...

  2. Watch Adam-12 Season 1 Episode 26 S1E26 Log 022: So ...
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    OVGuide Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videostv.../adam12-season-1-episode-26-l...

    Aired date: Apr 5, 1969. Plot: Malloy ... Adam-12 Log 022: So This Little Guy Goes Into ThisBar · Next ...
Gulp they want to install adware first :-O seems my ad blocking software doesen't like these guys. NVM the second link is working now after like 5min past. ugg then 1min in it switches to audio only and the video scrambles. It's like they know I'm not a member and won't stream to me. Netflix/youtube works fine. Pretty sure I saw this one as a kid used to watch all the adam 12 rereuns, right after gilligans and i love lucy reruns.
Last edited:
This is the necessary background to understand how the Welfare program forced the Black unemployed husbands/fathers from the home before the Mothers and Children could get the Welfare benefits.

That caused the disruption of the Black family.

That forced young mothers, often those who were lucky to have graduated HS, to manage a household as a single parent. And be the sole child raiser.

Well, that's a prescription for failure.

And for 50 years this program has only exacerbated the problem LBJ SUPPOSEDLY was trying to solve.

No wonder Black males are less than they could otherwise be!

Who would look at these dynamics and envision anything else???

The War on Poverty 50 years of failure
While the handout system put in place by the democrats is most certainly designed to keep them there. I would not say that there is also evidence that black fathers were run oft by their mothers so they could live off welfare. I suspect mothers would be happier with good bread winning fathers than a government substitute. But I do agree that welfare hand-outs have the bad effect of letting welfare bound single parents stay that way.

Did you watch the Adam - 12 episode yet that I posted in post #74?

The segment with the poor family trying to game the system starts a bit after the 9:00 point, I believe.

You'll note the father is played by accomplished character actor, Harry Dean Stanton.
Can't it's not working here.. might be cause I don't have hulu.

Neither do I.

This is supposed to be a free episode for even non-subscribers.

About 3,590 results (0.47 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Adam-12 Log 22 - Hulu
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    Watch Adam-12 Online - Log 22 So This Little Guy Goes into This Bar and... Hulu

    Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, ... Adam-12 ...

  2. Watch Adam-12 Season 1 Episode 26 S1E26 Log 022: So ...
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    OVGuide Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videostv.../adam12-season-1-episode-26-l...

    Aired date: Apr 5, 1969. Plot: Malloy ... Adam-12 Log 022: So This Little Guy Goes Into ThisBar · Next ...
Gulp they want to install adware first :-O seems my ad blocking software doesen't like these guys. NVM the second link is working now after like 5min past. ugg then 1min in it switches to audio only and the video scrambles. It's like they know I'm not a member and won't stream to me. Netflix/youtube works fine. Pretty sure I saw this one as a kid used to watch all the adam 12 rereuns, right after gilligans and i love lucy reruns.

Yeah, technical glitches are the devil's delight!

The point of the video was that women feel biological and maternal instincts to save their children above all else.

I saw it happen myself in real life.

Mothers can get a booty call whenever they want.

But the importance to them of getting that check in the mail every month, on time, no matter what???


No man is worth jeopardizing that!*

* That was the prevailing attitude in my neighborhood.
While the handout system put in place by the democrats is most certainly designed to keep them there. I would not say that there is also evidence that black fathers were run oft by their mothers so they could live off welfare. I suspect mothers would be happier with good bread winning fathers than a government substitute. But I do agree that welfare hand-outs have the bad effect of letting welfare bound single parents stay that way.

Did you watch the Adam - 12 episode yet that I posted in post #74?

The segment with the poor family trying to game the system starts a bit after the 9:00 point, I believe.

You'll note the father is played by accomplished character actor, Harry Dean Stanton.
Can't it's not working here.. might be cause I don't have hulu.

Neither do I.

This is supposed to be a free episode for even non-subscribers.

About 3,590 results (0.47 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Adam-12 Log 22 - Hulu
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    Watch Adam-12 Online - Log 22 So This Little Guy Goes into This Bar and... Hulu

    Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, ... Adam-12 ...

  2. Watch Adam-12 Season 1 Episode 26 S1E26 Log 022: So ...
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    OVGuide Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videostv.../adam12-season-1-episode-26-l...

    Aired date: Apr 5, 1969. Plot: Malloy ... Adam-12 Log 022: So This Little Guy Goes Into ThisBar · Next ...
Gulp they want to install adware first :-O seems my ad blocking software doesen't like these guys. NVM the second link is working now after like 5min past. ugg then 1min in it switches to audio only and the video scrambles. It's like they know I'm not a member and won't stream to me. Netflix/youtube works fine. Pretty sure I saw this one as a kid used to watch all the adam 12 rereuns, right after gilligans and i love lucy reruns.

Yeah, technical glitches are the devil's delight!

The point of the video was that women feel biological and maternal instincts to save their children above all else.

I saw it happen myself in real life.

Mothers can get a booty call whenever they want.

But the importance to them of getting that check in the mail every month, on time, no matter what???


No man is worth jeopardizing that!*

* That was the prevailing attitude in my neighborhood.

I've seen that before too, when the mothers start nesting the guys that were not good father birds got thrown out of the nest so to speak. So yeah I would not be surprised to hear that happening when mommas are given a choice of a deadbeat or welfare... yeah why go with the deadbeat and screw up your welfare chances? ... Handups would fix that. Someone has to be harsh and let them know being a single stay at home mom with 18 kids on the tax payer's dime .. not gonna happen. Look at Obama's Aunt. She had a rich nephew and still lived on tax payer funds... POTUS's aunt living on welfare.. WTF?
Did you watch the Adam - 12 episode yet that I posted in post #74?

The segment with the poor family trying to game the system starts a bit after the 9:00 point, I believe.

You'll note the father is played by accomplished character actor, Harry Dean Stanton.
Can't it's not working here.. might be cause I don't have hulu.

Neither do I.

This is supposed to be a free episode for even non-subscribers.

About 3,590 results (0.47 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Adam-12 Log 22 - Hulu
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    Watch Adam-12 Online - Log 22 So This Little Guy Goes into This Bar and... Hulu

    Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, ... Adam-12 ...

  2. Watch Adam-12 Season 1 Episode 26 S1E26 Log 022: So ...
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    OVGuide Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videostv.../adam12-season-1-episode-26-l...

    Aired date: Apr 5, 1969. Plot: Malloy ... Adam-12 Log 022: So This Little Guy Goes Into ThisBar · Next ...
Gulp they want to install adware first :-O seems my ad blocking software doesen't like these guys. NVM the second link is working now after like 5min past. ugg then 1min in it switches to audio only and the video scrambles. It's like they know I'm not a member and won't stream to me. Netflix/youtube works fine. Pretty sure I saw this one as a kid used to watch all the adam 12 rereuns, right after gilligans and i love lucy reruns.

Yeah, technical glitches are the devil's delight!

The point of the video was that women feel biological and maternal instincts to save their children above all else.

I saw it happen myself in real life.

Mothers can get a booty call whenever they want.

But the importance to them of getting that check in the mail every month, on time, no matter what???


No man is worth jeopardizing that!*

* That was the prevailing attitude in my neighborhood.

I've seen that before too, when the mothers start nesting the guys that were not good father birds got thrown out of the nest so to speak. So yeah I would not be surprised to hear that happening when mommas are given a choice of a deadbeat or welfare... yeah why go with the deadbeat and screw up your welfare chances? ... Handups would fix that. Someone has to be harsh and let them know being a single stay at home mom with 18 kids on the tax payer's dime .. not gonna happen. Look at Obama's Aunt. She had a rich nephew and still lived on tax payer funds... POTUS's aunt living on welfare.. WTF?

The thing in the back of my mind is that it is easy for us here to conclude we need a good, dependable, reliable and responsible Hand-Up welfare plan.

But merely calling for it here isn't the same as having Conservative AND Liberal lawmakers and their staffs, supported by meaningful research findings and stats, craft a workable plan.

We can ALL agree that such a plan would be good.

However, it's easier said than done.
The Myth Of The Absent Black Father ThinkProgress
But the latest data finds that the stereotypical gender imbalance in this area doesn’t hold true, and dads are just as hands-on when it comes to raising their kids.
That includes African-American fathers.

In fact, in its coverage of the study, the Los Angeles Times noted that the results “defy stereotypes about black fatherhood” because the CDC found that black dads are more involved with their kids on a daily basis than dads from other racial groups:


Where did they find these Black Dads to survey them, at the local bars? Was the data taken from some Child welfare form the fathers were required to fill out in order to get assistance?
Can't it's not working here.. might be cause I don't have hulu.

Neither do I.

This is supposed to be a free episode for even non-subscribers.

About 3,590 results (0.47 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Adam-12 Log 22 - Hulu
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    Watch Adam-12 Online - Log 22 So This Little Guy Goes into This Bar and... Hulu

    Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, ... Adam-12 ...

  2. Watch Adam-12 Season 1 Episode 26 S1E26 Log 022: So ...
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    OVGuide Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videostv.../adam12-season-1-episode-26-l...

    Aired date: Apr 5, 1969. Plot: Malloy ... Adam-12 Log 022: So This Little Guy Goes Into ThisBar · Next ...
Gulp they want to install adware first :-O seems my ad blocking software doesen't like these guys. NVM the second link is working now after like 5min past. ugg then 1min in it switches to audio only and the video scrambles. It's like they know I'm not a member and won't stream to me. Netflix/youtube works fine. Pretty sure I saw this one as a kid used to watch all the adam 12 rereuns, right after gilligans and i love lucy reruns.

Yeah, technical glitches are the devil's delight!

The point of the video was that women feel biological and maternal instincts to save their children above all else.

I saw it happen myself in real life.

Mothers can get a booty call whenever they want.

But the importance to them of getting that check in the mail every month, on time, no matter what???


No man is worth jeopardizing that!*

* That was the prevailing attitude in my neighborhood.

I've seen that before too, when the mothers start nesting the guys that were not good father birds got thrown out of the nest so to speak. So yeah I would not be surprised to hear that happening when mommas are given a choice of a deadbeat or welfare... yeah why go with the deadbeat and screw up your welfare chances? ... Handups would fix that. Someone has to be harsh and let them know being a single stay at home mom with 18 kids on the tax payer's dime .. not gonna happen. Look at Obama's Aunt. She had a rich nephew and still lived on tax payer funds... POTUS's aunt living on welfare.. WTF?

The thing in the back of my mind is that it is easy for us here to conclude we need a good, dependable, reliable and responsible Hand-Up welfare plan.

But merely calling for it here isn't the same as having Conservative AND Liberal lawmakers and their staffs, supported by meaningful research findings and stats, craft a workable plan.

We can ALL agree that such a plan would be good.

However, it's easier said than done.
Yet good hand-up programs abound all about us. Look at habitat for humanity for example. Look at the thousands of scholarship programs.

The problem isn't putting together hand up programs... oh no that's easy. The problem is competing with the federal government's never ending appetite for solving the problem of welfare with hand outs drawn from the tax payer's back pocket.
Neither do I.

This is supposed to be a free episode for even non-subscribers.

About 3,590 results (0.47 seconds)

Search Results
  1. Adam-12 Log 22 - Hulu
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    Watch Adam-12 Online - Log 22 So This Little Guy Goes into This Bar and... Hulu

    Watch TV shows and movies free online. Stream episodes of Family Guy, Grey's Anatomy, SNL, ... Adam-12 ...

  2. Watch Adam-12 Season 1 Episode 26 S1E26 Log 022: So ...
    ► 24:37► 24:37
    OVGuide Online Video Guide - Watch Free Videostv.../adam12-season-1-episode-26-l...

    Aired date: Apr 5, 1969. Plot: Malloy ... Adam-12 Log 022: So This Little Guy Goes Into ThisBar · Next ...
Gulp they want to install adware first :-O seems my ad blocking software doesen't like these guys. NVM the second link is working now after like 5min past. ugg then 1min in it switches to audio only and the video scrambles. It's like they know I'm not a member and won't stream to me. Netflix/youtube works fine. Pretty sure I saw this one as a kid used to watch all the adam 12 rereuns, right after gilligans and i love lucy reruns.

Yeah, technical glitches are the devil's delight!

The point of the video was that women feel biological and maternal instincts to save their children above all else.

I saw it happen myself in real life.

Mothers can get a booty call whenever they want.

But the importance to them of getting that check in the mail every month, on time, no matter what???


No man is worth jeopardizing that!*

* That was the prevailing attitude in my neighborhood.

I've seen that before too, when the mothers start nesting the guys that were not good father birds got thrown out of the nest so to speak. So yeah I would not be surprised to hear that happening when mommas are given a choice of a deadbeat or welfare... yeah why go with the deadbeat and screw up your welfare chances? ... Handups would fix that. Someone has to be harsh and let them know being a single stay at home mom with 18 kids on the tax payer's dime .. not gonna happen. Look at Obama's Aunt. She had a rich nephew and still lived on tax payer funds... POTUS's aunt living on welfare.. WTF?

The thing in the back of my mind is that it is easy for us here to conclude we need a good, dependable, reliable and responsible Hand-Up welfare plan.

But merely calling for it here isn't the same as having Conservative AND Liberal lawmakers and their staffs, supported by meaningful research findings and stats, craft a workable plan.

We can ALL agree that such a plan would be good.

However, it's easier said than done.
Yet good hand-up programs abound all about us. Look at habitat for humanity for example. Look at the thousands of scholarship programs.

The problem isn't putting together hand up programs... oh no that's easy. The problem is competing with the federal government's never ending appetite for solving the problem of welfare with hand outs drawn from the tax payer's back pocket.

Well, as Paul Harvey used to say...

And now for the REST of the story...

There is a theorem known as the Hall - Coblentz theorem. It says that anytime a Government program (especially during Democrat Administrations) is unveiled which is supposedly designed to help the people is, in reality, designed with two sets of beneficiaries.

#1. The American people.

#2. The Party in power.

And the benefits for #1 will be immediately apparent and the program will be touted as a success. However, after it has been universally accepted by the people that program will eventually become problematic and will remain so for years and years and years.

However, the benefits to the political party advancing these programs are much better conceived and designed and have no problem remaining fruitful and operational without much need for change and are planned to last and perform trouble-free for centuries!

It reminds me of this scene from Mars Attacks!

Martin Short got much less out of what looked like a good deal that he expected!

The Martian got everything it wanted in terms of reconnoitering and invading the WH.

The Martian would represent the Democrat Party. Martin Short would represent the American people.

If I haven't been clear, the Democrats who designed the welfare system didn't really put as much thought and care into its design as the people who figured out that it would benefit the Dems for 200 years to give poor Blacks a little money and keep them voting Democrat forever!

White folks ain't all alike.

There were some special devils who designed this.

BTW, how many of you know that upon passage of his Great Society package of social programs that President Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) would brag to a fellow Southerner, "...this should keep those N---ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years..."?
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BS absent white fathers most certainly do have the stereotype of being bad fathers. Being absent is not a white/black thing.

You must live under a rock.

absent father stereotypes - Google Search
You still need to learn english. What you said is absent whites don't have the same stereotype. Where what you meant to say is that whites don't have the same stereotype as being absent. And that would be true. It would be true because blacks certainly do hold to the stereo type of being the race with the highest percentage BY FAR of absent fathers. It's just a fact. They are not absent because they are black... they have the stereotype because to many black fathers are absent. Again it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I suspect it's the culture followed by most blacks. But you are free to explain why you think black fathers are more likely to be absent, by far, than any other group.

This is the necessary background to understand how the Welfare program forced the Black unemployed husbands/fathers from the home before the Mothers and Children could get the Welfare benefits.

That caused the disruption of the Black family.

That forced young mothers, often those who were lucky to have graduated HS, to manage a household as a single parent. And be the sole child raiser.

Well, that's a prescription for failure.

And for 50 years this program has only exacerbated the problem LBJ SUPPOSEDLY was trying to solve.

No wonder Black males are less than they could otherwise be!

Who would look at these dynamics and envision anything else???

Marriage and Poverty, Welfare Reform, Welfare Spending and Work and Welfare
September 23, 2014

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
By Robert Rector

"... When President Johnson launched the War on Poverty, he wanted to give the poor a "hand up, not a hand out." He stated that his war would shrink welfare rolls and turn the poor from "taxeaters" into "taxpayers." Johnson's aim was to make poor families self-sufficient - able to rise above poverty through their own earnings without dependence on welfare.

The exact opposite happened. For a decade and a half before the War on Poverty began, self-sufficiency in American improved dramatically. But for the last 45 years, there has been no improvement at all. Many groups are less capable of self-support today than when Johnson's war started.

The culprit is, in part, the welfare system itself, which discourages work and penalizes marriage. When the War on Poverty began, 7 percent of American children were born outside marriage. Today the number is 41 percent. The collapse of marriage is the main cause of child poverty today.

The welfare state is self-perpetuating. By undermining the social norms necessary for self-reliance, welfare creates a need for even greater assistance in the future. President Obama plans to spend $13 trillion over the next decade on welfare programs that will discourage work, penalize marriage and undermine self-sufficiency.

Rather than repeating the mistakes of the past we should return to Johnson's original goal. Johnson sought to help the poor help themselves. He aimed to free the poor from the need for government aid, rather than to increase their dependence. That's a vision worth recapturing.

- Robert Rector is a senior research fellow in the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation.
Originally distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The War on Poverty 50 years of failure

They are going to accuse you of blaming "whitey" here in a couple of minutes. This doesnt fit their narrative.

This is the time for all good Conservatives to put their feelings aside and lets focus on what might be done to solve the problem which everyone agrees is a bad thing for the Black race and America as a whole.

Just what "feelings" are you referring to?
You still need to learn english. What you said is absent whites don't have the same stereotype. Where what you meant to say is that whites don't have the same stereotype as being absent. And that would be true. It would be true because blacks certainly do hold to the stereo type of being the race with the highest percentage BY FAR of absent fathers. It's just a fact. They are not absent because they are black... they have the stereotype because to many black fathers are absent. Again it has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I suspect it's the culture followed by most blacks. But you are free to explain why you think black fathers are more likely to be absent, by far, than any other group.

This is the necessary background to understand how the Welfare program forced the Black unemployed husbands/fathers from the home before the Mothers and Children could get the Welfare benefits.

That caused the disruption of the Black family.

That forced young mothers, often those who were lucky to have graduated HS, to manage a household as a single parent. And be the sole child raiser.

Well, that's a prescription for failure.

And for 50 years this program has only exacerbated the problem LBJ SUPPOSEDLY was trying to solve.

No wonder Black males are less than they could otherwise be!

Who would look at these dynamics and envision anything else???

Marriage and Poverty, Welfare Reform, Welfare Spending and Work and Welfare
September 23, 2014

The War on Poverty: 50 years of failure
By Robert Rector

"... When President Johnson launched the War on Poverty, he wanted to give the poor a "hand up, not a hand out." He stated that his war would shrink welfare rolls and turn the poor from "taxeaters" into "taxpayers." Johnson's aim was to make poor families self-sufficient - able to rise above poverty through their own earnings without dependence on welfare.

The exact opposite happened. For a decade and a half before the War on Poverty began, self-sufficiency in American improved dramatically. But for the last 45 years, there has been no improvement at all. Many groups are less capable of self-support today than when Johnson's war started.

The culprit is, in part, the welfare system itself, which discourages work and penalizes marriage. When the War on Poverty began, 7 percent of American children were born outside marriage. Today the number is 41 percent. The collapse of marriage is the main cause of child poverty today.

The welfare state is self-perpetuating. By undermining the social norms necessary for self-reliance, welfare creates a need for even greater assistance in the future. President Obama plans to spend $13 trillion over the next decade on welfare programs that will discourage work, penalize marriage and undermine self-sufficiency.

Rather than repeating the mistakes of the past we should return to Johnson's original goal. Johnson sought to help the poor help themselves. He aimed to free the poor from the need for government aid, rather than to increase their dependence. That's a vision worth recapturing.

- Robert Rector is a senior research fellow in the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation.
Originally distributed by McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The War on Poverty 50 years of failure

They are going to accuse you of blaming "whitey" here in a couple of minutes. This doesnt fit their narrative.

This is the time for all good Conservatives to put their feelings aside and lets focus on what might be done to solve the problem which everyone agrees is a bad thing for the Black race and America as a whole.

Just what "feelings" are you referring to?

Whatever feelings might threaten to prevent their doing what they can to help the Black community and also whatever feeling they have which might prevent their understanding they'd also be helping themselves.

Lower crime.

Less tax money needed for Law Enforcement and detention.

Lower cost of insurance.

And on and on...
You still need to learn how to read. No thats not what I said. What I said was white fathers do that too. If white fathers are absent in their childrens lives why do they not have the same stereotype?
You used the term "they" which refers to the prior group. You had two groups in one sentence.. the prior group was the group of absent white fathers, not the group of whites. Thus my reading of your sentence was correct.

Given your further clarification.... The reason is obvious. Whites don't carry the same stereotype because the shoe fits blacks more than it does whites. It's just a plain fact. Yes people should not stereotype, but they do. If whites were more likely than blacks to be absent fathers then whites would hold that stereotype for those that do such things.

I used "they" referring to white men. Not just absent white men. So you read incorrectly.

The shoe doesn't fit Black men more than it does white men. White men are just as absent if not more than Black men.

Your sentence had two groups, when a sentence has two groups and you say they, the they is ambiguous. You meant to refer to white men... you didn't. I understand what your intent was. Just trying to explain why I tied your they to the more recently discussed group vs. the prior group. If you like I can copy the sentence here and break it down for you in detail tying subject to verb.

Please provide a link or data showing that white men in general are more absent than black men in general with regard to being present to raise their kids or by any other measure.

I don't need you to breakdown what I was referring to when I said they. If it was too ambiguous for you then you should have simply asked instead of assuming.

Gotta go so I will be back tomorrow with the links
Fair enough... later.

Gotta eat some crow. I read the source wrong but luckily in doing so I learned something that should have been obvious. Far more important than race in determining absent fathers is economics. The majority of absent fathers have economic difficulties. When the employment rate was identical, the rate of absent fathers was identical between the races.
You used the term "they" which refers to the prior group. You had two groups in one sentence.. the prior group was the group of absent white fathers, not the group of whites. Thus my reading of your sentence was correct.

Given your further clarification.... The reason is obvious. Whites don't carry the same stereotype because the shoe fits blacks more than it does whites. It's just a plain fact. Yes people should not stereotype, but they do. If whites were more likely than blacks to be absent fathers then whites would hold that stereotype for those that do such things.

I used "they" referring to white men. Not just absent white men. So you read incorrectly.

The shoe doesn't fit Black men more than it does white men. White men are just as absent if not more than Black men.

Your sentence had two groups, when a sentence has two groups and you say they, the they is ambiguous. You meant to refer to white men... you didn't. I understand what your intent was. Just trying to explain why I tied your they to the more recently discussed group vs. the prior group. If you like I can copy the sentence here and break it down for you in detail tying subject to verb.

Please provide a link or data showing that white men in general are more absent than black men in general with regard to being present to raise their kids or by any other measure.

I don't need you to breakdown what I was referring to when I said they. If it was too ambiguous for you then you should have simply asked instead of assuming.

Gotta go so I will be back tomorrow with the links
Fair enough... later.

Gotta eat some crow. I read the source wrong but luckily in doing so I learned something that should have been obvious. Far more important than race in determining absent fathers is economics. The majority of absent fathers have economic difficulties. When the employment rate was identical, the rate of absent fathers was identical between the races.

Yes. Absent fathers is a cultural / economic issue, skin color has nothing to do with it. For example, gangsta rap culture while primarily a culture in the black community, is not black culture. Blacks making up a disproportionate percentage of American poor communities, leads to a great many incorrect assumptions about causality.

These types of incorrect assumptions are made by most people. It's natural for humans to try to make sense of things by assuming relationships. If you see a group of 20 black men walking in a group, your gonna make assumptions. When they split 20 different ways never talking to each other, your assumptions may change.
You used the term "they" which refers to the prior group. You had two groups in one sentence.. the prior group was the group of absent white fathers, not the group of whites. Thus my reading of your sentence was correct.

Given your further clarification.... The reason is obvious. Whites don't carry the same stereotype because the shoe fits blacks more than it does whites. It's just a plain fact. Yes people should not stereotype, but they do. If whites were more likely than blacks to be absent fathers then whites would hold that stereotype for those that do such things.

I used "they" referring to white men. Not just absent white men. So you read incorrectly.

The shoe doesn't fit Black men more than it does white men. White men are just as absent if not more than Black men.

Your sentence had two groups, when a sentence has two groups and you say they, the they is ambiguous. You meant to refer to white men... you didn't. I understand what your intent was. Just trying to explain why I tied your they to the more recently discussed group vs. the prior group. If you like I can copy the sentence here and break it down for you in detail tying subject to verb.

Please provide a link or data showing that white men in general are more absent than black men in general with regard to being present to raise their kids or by any other measure.

I don't need you to breakdown what I was referring to when I said they. If it was too ambiguous for you then you should have simply asked instead of assuming.

Gotta go so I will be back tomorrow with the links
Fair enough... later.

Gotta eat some crow. I read the source wrong but luckily in doing so I learned something that should have been obvious. Far more important than race in determining absent fathers is economics. The majority of absent fathers have economic difficulties. When the employment rate was identical, the rate of absent fathers was identical between the races.

The whole world respects reasonable men.
I used "they" referring to white men. Not just absent white men. So you read incorrectly.

The shoe doesn't fit Black men more than it does white men. White men are just as absent if not more than Black men.

Your sentence had two groups, when a sentence has two groups and you say they, the they is ambiguous. You meant to refer to white men... you didn't. I understand what your intent was. Just trying to explain why I tied your they to the more recently discussed group vs. the prior group. If you like I can copy the sentence here and break it down for you in detail tying subject to verb.

Please provide a link or data showing that white men in general are more absent than black men in general with regard to being present to raise their kids or by any other measure.

I don't need you to breakdown what I was referring to when I said they. If it was too ambiguous for you then you should have simply asked instead of assuming.

Gotta go so I will be back tomorrow with the links
Fair enough... later.

Gotta eat some crow. I read the source wrong but luckily in doing so I learned something that should have been obvious. Far more important than race in determining absent fathers is economics. The majority of absent fathers have economic difficulties. When the employment rate was identical, the rate of absent fathers was identical between the races.

Yes. Absent fathers is a cultural / economic issue, skin color has nothing to do with it. For example, gangsta rap culture while primarily a culture in the black community, is not black culture. Blacks making up a disproportionate percentage of American poor communities

There it is. Why is this the case?

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